Heat (Parker Reed Book 1)

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Heat (Parker Reed Book 1) Page 12

by J. M. Walker

  “And?” one older man asked, a slight smirk tugging at his mouth.

  Parker grinned. “We’ll leave it at that for now.”

  “Smart man,” the same guy responded, winking at me. My cheeks heated.

  While Parker continued chatting with the men about business, stocks, anything and everything having to do with their businesses, I glanced around the room.

  Keeping close to Parker, I felt at ease but I swore Devin was still around. Maybe I was imagining things but it didn’t make any sense. If I wasn’t hallucinating, how the hell did he know that I was in New York? Parker wouldn’t have told... “Parker?” I asked, when there was a break in the conversation.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Did you tell Devin that you were coming to New York?”

  His brows furrowed in the middle. “Shit.” He turned back to the men. “Excuse us, gentlemen.”

  “Parker,” I said as he continued pulling me along until we reached a dark corner in a more private area of the room.

  “Keely, I’m a fucking fool.” He paced in front of me.

  “You’re friends—”

  “Were friends. Listen.” He pinched my chin and tilted my head. “I told him that I was coming here. I had no idea...”

  “It’s not your fault.”

  “It is. I—”

  “Parker,” I snapped.

  He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms under his chest. “Careful.”

  I ignored the shiver that traveled through me at the warning in his voice and continued. “What happened between Devin and me was before you. You were friends with him before me. Before finding out anything about me. None of this is your fault. So please, I’m begging you, stop blaming yourself.”

  Parker leaned an arm against the wall above my head and trailed a finger down my arm. “I don’t give in to begging, pet.”

  I stood my ground and stared at him defiantly. It was not his fault. None of it.

  Parker’s phone rang at that moment. He cursed and answered it. “Yeah.” His eyes widened. “Yes, I am actually surprised to hear from you.” He looked around the room, pushing me further into the corner. “Keely? Who...” His back stiffened. “You fucking stay away from her.”

  “Now why would I want to do a stupid thing like that?”

  A gasp escaped my lips at the deep smooth voice. My heart raced. I gripped the back of Parker’s jacket, my knuckles going white. “Parker,” I pleaded, my legs going week. If it wasn’t for him, I probably would have fallen to my knees. Bile rose to my throat and I had to take deep breaths to keep from making a mess of myself.

  “Shhh, angel. I’m here. I promise you.” Parker’s words calmed me, but not enough.

  Devin Tate came around the corner, revealing himself. He sneered. “Hello Parker.”

  “Devin.” Parker gave a curt nod.

  At that point I saw Collin and Charlie coming up from behind Devin, their hands in their jackets.

  Parker shook his head slightly.

  Devin looked behind him. “Aww. Poor little Parker is paranoid?” He chuckled.

  “What do you want, Devin?” Parker growled, pushing back against me. Hiding me. Shielding me from the man I once loved. The man I called my life. The man that destroyed a piece of me that I would never get back.

  I squeezed my eyes shut, leaning into Parker for security. His back was rigid. He kept his hand behind him, holding me. Giving me the strength I so desperately needed.

  “You seem to have taken something that’s mine,” Devin said casually.

  Oh God. I whimpered.

  “Something I haven’t seen in almost five years.” His voice got closer but I refused to look. I couldn’t.

  Tears rolled down my cheeks. I tried to be strong. I tried to play it cool. But Devin was the only one that could shatter that hard exterior I had spent so long building. He broke me as a young girl, a teenager. His incessant need to own me was downright cruel and violent.

  “Keely, breathe. Breathe for me, angel.”

  I followed Parker’s instructions, inhaling slow and deep before exhaling in one long, drawn-out breath.

  “I want her back.”

  “She is not yours,” Parker snarled. “Never has been,”

  Devin laughed. A cold maniacal laugh that made me sick to my stomach. “You really don’t know, do you? The little slut never told you? Well, this is good. Real good.”

  “Devin. Leave. Now,” Parker demanded through gritted teeth.

  “Or else what? I seem to remember a time where you wouldn’t let any woman bring you to your knees.”

  Parker shifted on his feet. “That was a long time ago.”

  “Was it? Have you brought her to your cottage yet?”

  I frowned.

  When Parker didn’t respond, Devin tsked.

  “Didn’t think so.” Devin laughed louder.

  Parker stepped back until I was up against the wall with nowhere else to go. “You need to—”

  “Take her to your cottage and see if she stays with you. I know how you roll, Reed. That little whore will not spread her legs for you any more once you show her the true error of your ways.”

  “Get him the fuck out of here,” Parker bellowed.

  I peeked around him, my gaze landing on Devin. He caught my eye, his gaze darkening. He blew me a kiss and chuckled, leaving the convention hall.

  “Are you alright?” Parker asked, spinning on me. He cupped my cheeks, staring intently into my eyes.

  I nodded but Devin’s words nagged at me. “What was he talking about?”

  “Nothing. Forget it.”

  “Parker. You make me talk. You need to talk to me too.”

  “Keely.” His face was passive, no emotion showing at all.

  “Please. I’ve been in a relationship already where I had no idea what the other person was doing, thinking, or even what their favorite food was. Don’t shut me out.” I couldn’t stop the word vomit from pouring out of my mouth. “You want to break my walls, then talk to me.”

  Parker brushed his fingers through his hair. “We’re flying home tomorrow.”

  “What?” My head jerked up. “Why?”

  “I need to take you somewhere.”

  “To your cottage?”


  “Okay.” I looked away.

  He pinched my chin. “Don’t fucking listen to him.” He grabbed my shoulders, his fingers squeezing me. “Whatever I do, whatever we do, it will be under your full consent. I won’t rape you. Or beat you. Everything I give you, you will want. You will need it. Crave it. I will break down these walls that Devin forced you to build,” he said, his eyes darting back and forth over my face.

  A lump formed in my throat at the desperation in Parker’s voice.

  He pulled me in for an embrace. “Do not fucking believe anything he says.”

  I nodded and wiped the tears from under my eyes.

  He kissed me fully on the mouth. “Now let’s get this dinner over with.”

  “I now have the honor of introducing you to one of the youngest, richest men in North America...at the moment, anyway...Parker Reed.”

  The room erupted into a sea of clapping hands, laughter, shouts, and whistles.

  Parker gave my hand a squeeze before making his way up to the podium.

  My heart swelled and all I could do was stare. I couldn’t help but feel honored that I was with him. The star. The youngest man to make it to the top so quickly. The tabloids had eaten that up. Saying that his earnings weren’t legal. He had his hand in everyone’s pocket. Blah. Blah. Blah.

  But as I looked at him, really looked at him, he was beautiful. He had that air of authority that screamed power. Domination. I knew just physically that he needed to be in control but while he waited for the crowd to simmer down a notch, a slightly smug smile spread across his face. He owned it. Controlled it. Possessed the need to be in control completely.

  His green eyes shone, dancing through the crowd before locking
with mine. He shook hands with the man who had introduced him before gripping the wooden pulpit. “I appreciate everything that I have, but this? Standing in front of all of you, makes me sick to my stomach. You’d think after all these years, I’d be used to public speaking, but alas, that is not the case.”

  Laughter sounded around the room and I couldn’t help but smile.

  Parker went on to talk about Reed Industries. Goals for the future. Giving the powerful people, not just men, within his company more. He would help the little people make it to the top. They were equals in the sense of the word but I knew Parker Reed really ruled all. He was the King that sat on the throne of the company and I knew he wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Whoever was trying to bring him down would not even know that we were aware of it. We may not have any names yet but the virus and software that I created for Parker would make it so we were at least one step ahead in the game.


  I looked up as Liz sat beside me. “Hey. How are you feeling?” I whispered.

  She blushed, a small smile creeping on her lips. “Good. I’m sorry about earlier. We should talk.”

  I nodded. “I would like that.” I didn’t have many friends in the city. I loved Troy but you could only talk about so much with a man; didn’t matter if they were gay or not.

  “Aidan’s taking me back to the hotel.”

  “Get some rest.”

  She squeezed my shoulder and followed Aidan out of the room.

  Parker paused. I smiled at him, encouraging him to continue.

  “Well, this wouldn’t be a typical dinner if we didn’t acknowledge at least one of my favorite people in this business.” Parker stepped back when a young girl of about fifteen walked up onto the stage.

  She smiled up at him, fidgeting with her dress before she took his outstretched hand. Her mouth parted and I bet that if I was closer to her, I would have heard a sigh leave her lips. I held back a giggle as the young pretty thing practically swayed on her feet towards Parker. Looked like I wasn’t the only one that was affected by him.

  “Melissa Adams is the youngest winner for the Reed Industries Business Guild, which brings budding entrepreneurs of all shapes, sizes, and clearly, ages, together, and helps them grow. I am proud and honored to have met this budding business superstar and when she turns eighteen, she has been guaranteed a job at Reed Industries.”

  Applause erupted around the room. Melissa accepted the award and gave a small thank you speech.

  Parker advised everyone to enjoy dinner and that the boring business stuff was now over. I laughed when he told people not to drink because he was paying for it. Seeing the playful side to him made seeing Devin earlier easier to deal with. I knew I’d see him again. I was naive at times but I wasn’t stupid.


  I smiled as the deep voice caressed my ear. “Yes?”

  “How are you doing?” Parker asked me, taking my hand in his as he sat beside me.

  “I think I need a drink,” I mumbled.

  “Mr. Reed, are you going to introduce me to this pretty lady?”

  Parker’s jaw clenched but he rose to his feet, standing behind me. He kept his hand at the base of my throat. “Don’t stand, Keely,” he said softly. “Trubeck,” he greeted the older man that had interrupted us.

  I folded my hands in my lap and waited. I knew the meeting had gone badly but I didn’t know the gory details. Not that I ever had a chance to ask since the remnants of my dream took over.

  “That’s how it’s going be, is it?”

  I clutched the hand that was around my throat, bouncing my foot.

  “What are you doing here?” Parker asked, his voice deepening.

  “I was invited.”

  “You lost that invite when you called me a controlling, power-hungry bastard.” His grip on me tightened.

  “You know it’s true, Parker.” The man’s deep voice held an underlying tone of contempt. His voice was harsh as he accused Parker.

  I kissed Parker’s hand and rose to my feet. Parker watched me, warning darkening his eyes.

  I swallowed hard, ignoring it. “Dance with me.”

  “I don’t dance,” he bit out, his voice even.

  “Please.” I kept my stare locked with his, not backing down. “Now.”

  He searched my face.

  “If you don’t dance with me, I’ll find someone else that will.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Trubeck, we’ll finish this discussion in my office on Wednesday.” And in a quick move, he pulled me to the dance floor. Parker grabbed my hands, holding them roughly between us. He kept me tight against his body, our hips swaying as one to the soft sensual music. “You trying to make me jealous?”

  I bit my bottom lip. “No, but I knew that eventually your fist would be through that guy’s face. I was trying to save you the embarrassment.”

  He leaned down to my ear, his fingers digging into my wrists. “You think you know me, pet?”

  I whimpered. “I’m…I’m trying to.”

  “I see these men looking at you. Fucking you with their eyes. They have their women with them but really, they want you.” His hand gripped my hip. “And then Devin shows up. That sadistic fuck who ripped his way through your body. He gave me details, Keely. He told me what state he would leave you in from time to time.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head. “I never wanted it. These men. Looking at me.” I met Parker’s cold stare. “Devin would get furious. He blamed me for them giving me a second glance.”

  “I’m not Devin but it does make me jealous when other men look at you. The way they devour you with their hungry stares. Do you know how that makes me feel?”


  Something soft, warm, and velvety moved along my ear lobe sending a jolt of electricity to my groin. “It makes me want to fuck you right here,” he growled. “Mark you. Claim you as mine. These men thinking they have a chance with you makes me want to fucking destroy them all.”

  “They’re men.”

  “And that’s an excuse?” he snapped.

  My eyes widened and I leaned back. “Well it sure as hell isn’t my fault!”

  Parker grabbed my hand and pulled me off the dance floor, practically dragging me behind him.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, hurrying along beside him. “Parker.”

  We walked up to a security guard. Parker said something to him softly and the bouncer nodded, handing him a key card.

  At that moment when Parker looked down at me, I lost my breath.

  His eyes were cold. Black. The hint of beautiful emerald green was no longer visible in his gorgeous gaze. He was pissed. Mad. At what I wasn’t exactly sure but I knew I would find out.

  I knew he wouldn’t hurt me. I just didn’t know how far he would take it before I broke and had to use my safe word.

  Parker continued to drag me down a vast hall lined with rooms until we stopped at one near the end. He swiped the key card and pushed open the door, pulling me in front of him. I stepped into the room when the lights flicked on and the door clicked shut, locking into place.

  My eyes widened as I took in my surroundings.

  A large four poster bed with black satin sheets and pillows sat in the middle of the room. A dim glow from a lamp on the end table cascaded around the room. The scent of vanilla and lavender wafted into my nostrils until a warm body pressed up against me. That was when leather and man sent my senses into overdrive.

  Parker stepped in front of me and pushed me up against the door.

  I gasped as his mouth came down hard on mine. He forced his way between my lips, pushing his tongue against mine. It was so fast and deep it took my breath away.

  I inhaled the scent of him, taking it all the way to my lungs. It tasted sweet, powerful and I knew this kiss was only the beginning.

  As many times that I had been with him already, this controlling animal reared its head like never before. He was feral in the
way he took my mouth, claiming it as his own. I was nervous but excited, the anticipation coursing through my veins enough to drive me mad.

  His hands roamed over my body, cupping my breasts, pushing them up to meet his mouth.

  I moaned, whimpering when his teeth sunk into the flesh of the full mounds.

  He bit down hard, bringing tears to my eyes but the unexpected pleasure that mixed with the delicious pain had my head reeling.

  More. Please more. God, do to me what you want. I need it. Make me forget. Everything.

  My head fell back against the door, my lungs struggling for air they so desperately needed. My skin was on fire, tight as the thick tension flowed through my blood.

  “I know you had a shitty start to your night.” He spun me in his arms and placed his hands on my shoulders, slowly guiding me with each step towards the bed. “And I know as much as I want you right now, I shouldn’t. I should leave you alone and let you enjoy the party.” His fingers wrapped in the straps of my dress, pulling them off my shoulders. “But what I know and what I want are two very different things, Miss Price.”

  Blood pounded in my ears at the deep vibrato of Parker’s voice. Never in all the time knowing him, had he ever sounded so...controlling. Carnal with the need to mate. To get inside of my body, taking from me what he wanted.

  We stood before the large bed frame, Parker’s fingers traveling up the base of my neck. He wrapped both his hands around my throat, titling my head back to meet his mouth.

  His tongue licked between my lips, pushing deep. Taking control. He kissed me hard and slow, leaving me a trembling, aching mess.

  He released me and slid his hands to the back of my neck before inching down my spine, lowering the zipper of my dress along with it. The cool air brushed over my skin, sending a shiver along with it while I waited for his next move.

  Not exactly sure what had come over him in the last twenty minutes or so, all I could do was wait. I was held captive by his touch. Frozen by his stare. And hungry for his possessive passion.

  The dress slid down my body, leaving me in just my black lacy bra, panties and red heels.


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