Heat (Parker Reed Book 1)

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Heat (Parker Reed Book 1) Page 26

by J. M. Walker

“You’ll have to fight me off of you.”

  “I’ve dreamt about this moment for the past three months.” He laid me gently back on the bed. His lips brushed down my jaw, his tongue sliding over the shell of my ear. “I’m not a good man, Keely, but you, my sweet angel, make me want to be one. We will share our darkness and learn to control it.” He pushed the strands off of my forehead, his eyes greener than emerald cut stones.

  “Help me,” I whispered.

  “I will, pet, but I need your help as well.”

  “What do you need, Sir?” I asked, reaching between us for his belt.

  “I need you to trust me.”

  I didn’t get to ask any more questions as his mouth crashed to mine. His tongue slowly slid between my lips as his body inched into me.

  I whimpered, arching under him, taking him to the hilt of my soul.

  Parker pushed his hips between my legs, thrusting forward and stopped. “Remember me, Keely. I am yours. My body, mind, soul…they belong to you.”

  “Make love to me, Sir.” I ran my hands down his back, cupping his rear and pulled him as deep inside of me as possible.

  He gripped the sheets tight in his hands, his neck cording from the strength of his powerful thrusts. “Keely,” he groaned.

  My thigh muscles burned from the forced stretch, my core swelling under his touch.

  His normal rough, fast movements were slow, deliberate as he tugged the pleasure from both of us.

  I cried out, wrapping my arms around him and sunk my teeth into the thick muscle of his shoulder.

  His warmth spurted into me, coating me, marking me from within. “I love you,” he breathed hard against my neck.

  “I love you. So much.” My eyes welled. “So damn much.”

  He covered me completely, spreading me out beneath him, still staying connected to my body. “I want…no. I need to tell you everything but I don’t know where to begin.”

  I brushed my hand down his face. “Who are you?”

  “I’m…” He hesitated. “I’m a trained assassin.”

  “You have a glow. You’re smiling. Why are you smiling? What’s going on?”

  I laughed at Troy’s incessant questioning and sighed, curling my feet under me. Every time I moved around the cottage, I kept the tube of hearts with me and when I gathered the needed courage, I would open one.

  “Girl, talk to me.”

  I smiled up at him. “I saw Parker.”

  His eyes widened. “What? When?” He looked around the back yard. “Where is he?”

  Troy didn’t need to know every detail. It hurt not to tell him but I had to do what was right. I had to protect Parker as much as I could. I was still getting over his confession and who he really was. An assassin. One of the best apparently that the CIA had ever hired. I learned that Collin Vain was with the CIA as well and he was the one that had recruited Parker. He was more than just his mentor; he was the father figure that Parker never had.

  I didn’t know when I would see him again. Although I only had a couple hearts left, I wasn’t sure that Parker would be back when they were all opened.

  When I didn’t respond, Troy huffed. “You’re not going to tell me, are you?”

  “Some things are better left unknown for the moment,” I answered, repeating Parker’s words.

  Troy grabbed my hand. “I understand your need to protect him. Just, please…be careful.”

  “I’m careful,” was all I said.

  We sat there in silence, drowning in our own thoughts.

  It had been almost six months since I had first stepped into Parker Reed’s office. I remembered the damp smell of the rain, the lemon cleaner as I walked into the large building. The white walls and floor were no match for the blackness that lay deep within him.

  Whatever happened, whenever he was able to come back to me, I would be waiting.

  Parker Reed, aged 27, found dead in his local home at 4am Tuesday morning.

  Police say it was a forced entry. No suspects as of yet.

  Next of kin, Keely Price, is officially the sole owner of Reed Industries and will take full control in a month’s time.

  Sources say she was not with him at the time of death.

  No funeral arrangements have been made as of yet.

  It had been a week since I found out that Parker had died. Six months since I had last felt his touch. Weeks since I had heard his voice. The screams and agony tore through me like a hot knife. I could feel my soul being ripped in half as the news forced its way into my mind while I thought over and over how things could have been different. How I could have helped stop the madness. I grieved over my loss. I didn’t eat or sleep. Or that’s what I wanted people to think anyways.

  There is a darkness in all of us. At one point in time every criminal, every murderer, every rapist was innocent. Even just for a split second. Give that person a trigger, trauma, and they could very well become the monster of your worst nightmare. The demon that invades your thoughts. The icy cold fingers of fear that grip your spine.

  It was an act. Everything was all an act. Questions, answers, hints at little stories played out over and over. It was a game. The pieces of life being moved until someone won.

  We all had choices. Simple decisions to make to get through every single day. Some more than others.

  It was that choice, my decision to help Parker, to be who he wanted me to be, that got me through my days. Weeks. Months. Without him.

  Allowing the world to think that he no longer existed gave us the control. The power. The freedom to sneak up on the monster that started it all. The epitome of pure evil. What Devin Tate did to me, what he took, I gave willingly to Parker. The submission. The control. The part of myself that I promised no man would ever get again. My all.

  The day that Devin saw me again would be the day that I stared down at his broken body. I would watch the life leave his eyes. I would pull the strength from the darkness inside of me.

  Until then, I would revel in the fact that Parker Reed was very much alive.

  ***THE END***

  When J.M. isn’t working her Monday-Friday 9-5 job, she’s spending her time reading, writing and with the love of her life.

  She’s an all-around Canadian girl. Born and raised in a small city.

  If you don’t see J.M. writing, you’ll find her with her nose in a book. Whether it’s her words or someone else’s, she’s drawn to it.

  J.M. loves stories with Alpha broken males and that need to be ripped apart and put back together again. Men that fall to their knees over a wink or a giggle from their females.

  Two things you will never find J.M. without; her cell phone and lip gloss. If she has both of those items, you have a happy girl.

  Since starting her writing adventure in 2013, J.M. has met many people, real life, online, in her head and she loves every single one of them. Without the support from others, none of this would be possible and she’s grateful for all that has been given to her.

  Republished with Beau Coup Publishing:

  Shattered Series (Erotic Romance with Suspense Elements):

  Break Me

  Always Me (coming soon)

  Co-Authoring with Dawn Robertson

  A Vegas Girls Tale (Erotic Romance):


  Pursuit (coming soon)



  Torn Trilogy (Erotic Romance):

  Possessed by You

  Revealed by You

  Perfected by You

  Parker Reed (Erotic Romance with Suspense Elements):


  Edge (coming soon)

  A Heart Story (Contemporary Romance):

  In the Heart of Forever

  Please don’t hesitate in contacting me. I love to hear from everyone.

  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jm.walker.author

  Twitter: https://twitter.com/jmwlkr

  Blog: http://jmwalkerauthor.blogspot.ca/

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