The Book of the Magi

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The Book of the Magi Page 13

by Billy Spencer

  “Guess your kind do fear one thing, you fear death.” Lucuris said to Amethyst and before they hit the ground Lucuris loosen his grip on her. He then flung her in front of him with one of his arms and saw her land face first into the ground smashing her body into the cement. Seeing nothing but a husk of a human, this doll with no soul, he felt nothing but disgust for her kind.

  Lucuris stood in the sky for a few moments surveying the city, seeing that the lights were starting to come on, and that set off alarms in his head. “Crap, they’re going to figure out what happened, they’re going to see this body and all their wildest nightmares will come true,” Lucuris said to himself as he was lowering to the ground.

  Lucuris rushed to Joey, seeing the damage that was caused by him. “Joey, people are going to see what happened, they will know everything,” Lucuris said to Joey as he was examining the remains of Amethyst.

  “I’m a bit surprised really, not seeing a single person out to see what happened. I guess people really are not concerned what goes on around them,” Joey said to Lucuris, as he let out a small chuckle. He was thankful that Amethyst wasn’t able to plague this town, or the people that inhabited it. He knew that if she was able to succeed there would be a dark day for everyone on this plane.

  Lucuris was concerned if anybody saw him fighting. He was in the moment when he was fighting her. The thought of anyone else seeing or potentially being around him, frightened Lucuris. He didn’t want anyone to see them fighting or seeing such a nightmare that was Amethyst. “Her body is cold. I don’t get why she wanted to attack us, why now?” Lucuris said to Joey as he started to ponder the reasons she would come after them out of nowhere.

  “A vampire doesn’t need any reason for attacking. Their bloodlust is reason enough, but this attack did seem odd. Why would she even risk being noticed, why not stick to the shadows, so arrogant,” Joey said to Lucuris examining his crystal on his staff.

  Then Joey just stared into his crystal on his staff, and just seeing how it kept pulsing. The pulsing was it recharging itself, regaining its energy. “No way, this can’t be it...This can’t be the reason she came to us, or demons,” Joey said to Lucuris pointing to his staff.

  With exhaustion on his face, Lucuris looked at Joey and wondered what he was talking about. “So, they attacked us because we are Mages? I mean how would they even know I was one, you had to come save me,” Lucuris said to Joey rubbing his back, trying to alleviate the claw marks Amethyst left.

  “No Lucuris, not quite that. Sure, we are Mages and Amethyst was probably able to tell you were one, but I don’t think that is the main reason,” Joey said to Lucuris examining his own staff. “The reason is this crystal, our crystals. The black and white crystals. The energy, and magical properties that they have inside them,” Joey said to Lucuris.

  “We have to get to my sister and the others. We have to see if Oracle has any more information. I know you know all about our crystals, but Oracle and my friends can help us,” Lucuris said to Joey as he put his arm around Joey’s shoulder.

  Joey didn’t want to admit it, but he knew that was the best course of action. He didn’t know why the demons, Amethyst, or what evil being wanted with their magical abilities, but he had to know why. “You’re right Lucuris. I... We can’t do this by ourselves. There is no room for weakness in the battle that may be forming. There is no honor, no pride, if I can’t protect the people I have in my life. We must go to your sister, and stop whatever is happening,” Joey said to Lucuris as they both started to walk down the road.

  Chapter 18

  Abigail was at the house with Nick, Jessica, and Oracle. She really did not want to be alone and she felt like stuff was falling apart. Seeing Lucuris her own brother throw Nick to the ground and harming his own friend. She never thought any of that would happen. “Nick… I’m sorry for what Luc did to you,” Abigail said to Nick as she held a bag of ice on the back of his neck.

  “You don’t have to be sorry...Your brother is just a fuckin asshole. Whenever I see him, I’m gonna beat the shit out of him,” Nick said to Abigail as anger was still steaming out his body.

  “No Nick please don’t hurt him; something is going on with him. I don’t want you guys fighting,” Abigail said to Nick as she was trying to hold tears from flowing out of her.

  Oracle and Jessica were both looking up information on the internet for what could cause Lucuris this anger all of a sudden, but they didn’t know what it could be. “I feel really sorry for Lucuris. He probably feels alone right now,” Jessica said to Oracle.

  “This isn’t like him Jessica, not at all,” Oracle said while looking at the computer screen.

  At that moment though it felt like time had stopped all of a sudden to everyone. It started with a soft knock, then grew louder and louder. “Expecting someone?” Nick asked Abigail as he started to get up from the couch, rubbing his neck from all the pain.

  Abigail motioned him to sit back down as she rose up and headed towards the door. “No... Not that I know of,” Abigail said to Nick as she started to unlock the door, and opened it slowly.

  As soon as she opened the door, Lucuris and Joey ran inside huffing, and trying to catch their breath. “Awesome, glad you are all here,” Lucuris said still trying to not throw up his lunch. He could feel eyes staring at him, not the friendly kind either.

  “Oh, look what we have here. Surprised you were brave enough to show your face so soon, little shit,” Nick said to Lucuris as he started to get up from the couch and just stood there taunting Abigail’s brother.

  “This isn’t the time to fight Nick. Looks like Lucuris and Joey were in a fight just look at them,” Jessica said as she was holding Nick back from doing anything he would probably regret.

  Abigail didn’t notice but Jessica was right, their shirts were a bit torn and had claw like marks showing up around their arms and legs. “What happened bro?” Abigail said to Lucuris as she was walking him towards the couch to sit down.

  “We were attacked, not by demons but a vampire...Blood sucker...Whatever,” Joey said out loud as he sat on the floor.

  Oracle could see they were in immense pain from whatever happened to them, he kind of thought the possibility of vampires was silly. But what they have been going through lately was anything but silly. “So, what your saying is not only do we have to deal with demons, but people who can turn us into mindless slaves of the night, great,” Oracle said out loud not taking his eyes off his computer.

  Lucuris got up from the couch and looked around at everyone, none of them were looking at him the same, as if he was a stranger. “Look...I get it. I fucked up royally, but I’m better now,” Lucuris said out loud staring Nick down.

  “Oh, yea what makes you better now? Prove it,” Nick said to Lucuris urging him to show evidence.

  “You have to be kidding me...Don’t you see what me and Joey have been thru? We fought this being alone to protect this plane, and our friends,” Lucuris said to Nick feeling almost hurt by the words his teammate was spouting out.

  He knew there was no other way to start with a clean slate, he looked at Joey. Lucuris saw his brother in arms head bobbing up and down in agreement giving him the ok, and at that moment Lucuris brought out his crystal. Lucuris’s crystal started to release black gas, and then started to form around him, everyone except Joey was surprised by what was happening.

  “Whoa whoa, Shit what’s going on,” Abigail said out loud backing away from her brother.

  “Oh, calm down, just sit back and relax, and enjoy the show. Did I say that right?” Joey said to Abigail making sure his statement was correct.

  The mist stopped forming around Lucuris and stood around him for a few minutes. Lucuris then reached his hand out, with the crystal in hand and started to motion one hand up and down, like he was grasping an invisible stick, or a piece of a metal bar. The mist started to form around this invisible shape and then formed into his staff, and at that moment the blackness started to disappear and reveal Lucuris
again. But this time it was revealing him in his Black Mage outfit just like Joeys.

  “Lucuris?” Jessica said out loud as she started to approach Lucuris slowly and looking him over.

  To Lucuris he could feel his power growing when he had his outfit on, he felt confident, and felt like he could do anything. He looked at Jessica seeing her approaching him slowly, he knew she was scared. Lucuris motioned to Jessica with his hand held out and waited for her.

  Jessica slowly tiptoed her way to Lucuris, passing her friends. She felt warm on the inside, and a bit confused. She didn’t know how Lucuris got this type of power. She couldn’t even see him in his outfit. All she knew was maybe this was him. Maybe the geeky kid, who was afraid, or not sure of anything was his disguise. Maybe who he is now is the person Lucuris was meant to be. Jessica grabbed onto Lucuris’s hand and held it tightly. “Guess you’re going to be the one saving me now huh?” Jessica said to Lucuris as a smile cracked across her face.

  “I guess so...but it’s ok, without you, or my friends...there would be nothing for me. For all of you saved me from myself and the darkness I held all my life,” Lucuris said to Jessica as he was grasping her hand.

  “Let me see you Luc.Let me see face,” Jessica said to Lucuris as she grabbed onto the veil that was covering his face and lifting it down. She saw Lucuris behind the veil, with the smile he always held whenever he saw anybody. She saw the will in his eyes, and the purity they held too. His touch was warm against her skin, she knew it was crazy. She knew it would be a mistake, but what’s wrong with making decisions if you can’t at least go thru with them. With that final thought in her mind, Jessica grabbed onto Lucuris’s shoulder to try and hold herself up, and brushed her lips against his. “Some hero’s hate bringing in the people they love into their world. My thought? Why do it alone, when we can be stronger together,” Jessica said to Lucuris as she just stared into his eyes, both of them with the biggest smiles, brightening the room.

  Joey didn’t want to interrupt this moment, but they kind of had something big. “Well now that we got two problems solved, how about we start with our third,” Joey said to Lucuris as he tapped his fingers on his legs waiting for them to be done.

  Lucuris totally forgot about it, everything just slipped his mind at that moment. He was holding Jessica close to him and took his eyes off her and directed them to Joey. “Right...sorry. Look these crystals we have, we think the demons, and that Amethyst chick are after them. Like some sort of power is drawing them to us, with these crystals, and we wanted to know if you guys knew anything about the two.” Lucuris said out loud as he was holding his staff in one hand and pointing it out for everyone to see.

  “Can I take a look at those crystals?” Oracle said to Lucuris and Joey staring at them, being more interested in them than the computer screen.

  “We don’t really know what the attacks have to do with our crystals, but we do think the demons want them. Could be the reason they have been attacking so much it seems,” Joey said as he handed the staffs to oracle.

  Oracle began to examine both crystals, and could sense that energy was coming out of them, but he didn’t know why, was the reason. “Is there a reason why energy keeps pulsing out of these crystals?” Oracle said to Joey looking more curious with every passing minute.

  “No... I mean no one ever told me the reason. The Order, our council just gave us these crystals for our protection and using them to harness our abilities,” Joey said to Oracle. He didn’t know what the energy came from and never gave much thought to it. All he thought was that it was some mystic power that was inside of it.

  Oracle looked at every side of the crystal and could see nothing but blackness. Out of sheer frustration he took Lucuris’s crystal and slammed it into the table in front of him. At that moment though Lucuris fell to the floor in pain, and oracle could sense something odd.

  “Wh-What the hell was’s like someone kicked my heart or something,” Lucuris said out loud as Jessica was trying to help him up.

  “I guess the Order told you to always keep your crystal safe?” Oracle said to Joey.

  “They always said if you have your staff out, keep it at your side, and hidden away...sometimes we are foolish though and kinda charge in headfirst,” Joey said to Oracle with a bit of shock in his face. He never knew their crystals could do that to them, he saw that as a huge weakness.

  Oracle was still staring deep into the crystal and thinking to himself what could be the reason, and he felt it hit him. “What if the crystals are connected to you in some way? What if these crystals are like a second heart?” Oracle said to Joey holding Lucuris’s crystal to the ceiling staring into it.

  “Our second heart? Really Oracle even you have to think that’s silly,” Lucuris said to Oracle leaning himself on Jessica using her body as support.

  “No... I mean yes, in normal circumstances I would feel that way. But this is not normal at all. Just think about it, these crystals have great power in them and when I injured it, you felt it Luc. I just think the reason why they hold mystic abilities or unknown properties, is to hold something important. What if these crystals, hold some sort of Old God? What if they harbor another being, or soul?” Oracle said out loud looking at everyone with excitement in his face.

  Joey then took his staff from where Oracle was and held it tightly in his hand just staring at it.The thoughts that were racing in his mind, how could he be so gullible? Why would The Order keep this from him? To give their Mages this incredible power, but have it carry a weakness so great. It made no sense to him. “What do we do about this Oracle?” Joey said to Oracle putting his staff to his side and hiding it from view.

  “We got to go out and do some research, at the library and just look online. The thing is there are stories, myths that could hold the truth. The thing is whatever those demons want, is in that crystal. The problem is those crystal are attached to you. Whatever happens to them, happens to you,” Oracle said out loud as he gave Lucuris his staff back.

  Lucuris was still lost and hoped they would find the answer out soon, but at least he knew somewhat more about his crystal. “Ok tomorrow after school me and Jessica will check out the library, and a couple of y'all split up and check the books in the cave,” Lucuris said out loud as he was holding Jessica tight.

  “We gotta keep these demons away, we can’t keep lucking out and keeping them hidden. We have to be smarter about fighting them...just wished I knew how,” Jessica said to Lucuris looking down at the floor.

  “Look no demon, no vampires, no werewolf, or even zombie is going to take anyone down. Not while I’m around,” Nick said out loud as he came up to Lucuris and Jessica and put one hand on each of their shoulders. “We got this Luc.Whatever it is, we will figure it out and fight it together, no more going solo man. We fight together in this madness, and fall together, but if we fall, we go kicking and screaming,” Nick said to Lucuris as he started to smile at him.

  Lucuris was surprised Nick was ok with him now especially after everything. He hasn't seen his friends smile at him, or look at him with ease, in a good while. He could feel that they had his back no matter what. “We start tomorrow guys, remember the plan. No demons will come thru us again, I promise,” Lucuris said out loud as he started to smile at each and every one of his friends. To him these friends were his family, and in his world, no one messes with family.

  Chapter 19

  Lucuris and Jessica arrived at their local library. As soon as Lucuris entered the library he saw tons of bookshelves surrounded them, many of them were old and dusty, with different categories for kids, young adults, and all sorts of genres. “Funny seeing this...when I was a kid this use to be a maze to me, so big and huge, but now not so much,” Lucuris said to himself as he walked farther into the library with Jessica by his side.

  “So, what are we looking for? Like witchcraft books? Mythology seems to be up this section a bit,” Jessica said to Lucuris as she was browsing a shelf.

curis didn’t quite understand what to look for. He knew that they were going against demons, but there also beings like vampires. The thought just seemed so weird to him. “Uhh well fantasy maybe? We should get into those urban legends you know the coo coo stories nutjobs tell people. They have to be here somewhere,” Lucuris said to Jessica as he kept looking at the book titles and reading their summaries.

  “You know what Lucuris...This is kind of a waste we should just hit the internet,” Jessica said to Lucuris as she was heading towards where the computers were.

  Lucuris followed behind her and thought that maybe she was right about this. I mean going online you have more of a chance since you have more resources to pull from. “Ok how about you search for demons, black crystal, and vampires,” Lucuris said to Jessica as he was standing behind her shoulder looking at the computer screen.

  Jessica typed in any kind of supernatural word, or phrase that came to her mind. Whether it be vampires or just magic in general. Most of the time though they were led into dead ends. “Really? Like really...people write a lot of weird stories on these forums. Most of this stuff is made up,” Jessica said whispering to herself as she was checking this Vampire forum site.


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