The Book of the Magi

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The Book of the Magi Page 15

by Billy Spencer

  Lucuris went to Abigail and started to grab her shoulders. He started to shake her violently, to try and snap her out of it, to get her back. “Sis, please snap out of it. Remember it’s me Luc? Come back to us…please just come back,” Lucuris said out loud as he kept shaking her and started to sound more desperate by the second.

  “no, no, no that will not do. Not at all my young boy,” A voice said out loud close to Lucuris and everyone else.

  “What, who is there? What do you want?” Lucuris said out loud turning himself around trying to find where that voice was coming from.

  Out of the shadows stepped an old man in a black top hat, wearing an outfit that was familiar to Lucuris. His hands covered in black gloves, and holding a cane to his side. The man laughed maniacally out loud at what was going on.

  “Matius? Is that you?” Lucuris said out loud as he let go of Abigail’s shoulders and began walking towards the old man.

  “I go by many names boy. Matius is one of them, but yes, it is me. It is the old man from the mall, the shadow lingering behind you in every corner,” Matius said to Lucuris as he started to dance in place laughing out loud.

  “Why would you do this, who are you really? You let me believe you were some innocent old man, someone I could look up to,” Lucuris said to Matius as he started walking closer to the old man.

  Matius just stood there dancing and laughing thinking how funny it was to see a person suffer. To see the ones they love under attack, under the influence it brings an animal out. “Do you see your sister. Do you like what I did to her? Oh, how she screamed, and pleaded. Lucuris save me! Luc please come help us! What a little bitch,” Matius said to Lucuris as he began laughing even louder now.

  “What do we do...should we go help him?” Azabel said to Jessica as trying to find some sort of answer. But he didn’t get an answer. All he saw was terror on her face seeing her friends imprisoned in their own bodies.

  “Oracle...Wake up oracle. You’re too smart for this,” Jessica said out loud as she started shaking her friend, seeing his glasses foggy, and glass eyes as white mist just filled them. She saw that he was there, but no one was home inside.

  “You see my master loves to see your growth Lucuris Peterson. But you know he never really sees me as a viable asset. Instead he just uses me to spy on you to gain information. So, I decided why not prove to him that I can be more than a servant,” Matius said to Lucuris as he started to take off his black gloves revealing his boney hand, and the flesh that was rotting on top of them.

  Lucuris then took out his black crystal and transformed into a Black Mage. He knew that this might be a hard fight, but was determined to free his loved ones. “I won’t let you get away with this Matius,” Lucuris said to Matius while gripping his staff.

  “Ah...A Black Mage. My master has talked about your kind. Mystical beings, learning a dark art. Protecting their kind, but not able to fully wield their powers. You are weak, and soon my master will show you,” Matius said to Lucuris as the skin on his face started to peel off, chunk by chunk as flesh hit the floor.

  “You are no human, no mere demon. What are you hell beast?” Lucuris said to Matius demanding an answer as he pointed his staff at his newfound enemy. Lucuris was determined to defeat this being, but he was hesitant and didn’t want to rush into action, but first see what he was up against.

  “Oh my, you seem a bit confused. Yes, I do work for the demons, but people always seem to confuse me as them. Makes me a bit angry knowing my hard work just always being connected in some sort of fiction,” Matius said to Lucuris as he started to spin in a circle faster, and faster until all that was shown was a dark purple cloud that was surrounding the old man.

  Lucuris stood there trying to shield his eyes from the dirt that was being thrown into the air, by the aggressiveness of Matius. He could see nothing within the dark cloud, and only saw darkness. But what he felt was more terrifying, to feel fear, and doubt within himself. Lucuris thought that Matius had some sort of ability to influence others emotions and mind. “Guys get out of here now!” Lucuris said to Jessica and Azabel, still shielding his face.

  Jessica didn’t get why Lucuris wanted them to leave. All she could think of was her friends. “No, I am staying Lucuris, you are not doing this by yourself. You’re not alone anymore,” Jessica said to Lucuris yelling at him almost. She was trying to keep her balance from the intense energy that was coming from the dark purple cloud holding Matius.

  Before Lucuris could reply to Jessica the cloud stopped moving, and slowly began revealing Matius.

  The old man who wore a suit and top hat, now wore a black robe covering his body, torn at several places. The old man’s face now revealing part of his bones and the skin was torn in different areas of his body. Making him seem like some sort of zombie. Matius held a book that was made out of human flesh and held many souls within itself, as the screams of his victims were basking Matius in their eternal terror, and punishment.

  “What are you Matius?” Lucuris said to Matius as he gripped his staff even tighter and going into a defensive stance. He could feel the energy flowing out of Matius, the intense dark magic that was oozing off of him.

  Chapter 22

  “Your kind were the best at what they did Lucuris. Oh, you fought demons and mythical beasts. You were always looked upon as the way of the light. The Black Mage’s working with the White Mage’s, it was a time of great happiness. How sick you make me, you took what we gave your kind, the power of your origins and defiled what the Warlocks were all about,” Matius said to Lucuris as his voice began to darken as anger was beaming off his face.

  Lucuris looked confused and looked down at his staff. He didn’t understand what Matius was saying, he felt kind of lost. “You created The Black Mages? There’s no way that is possible, The Order,” Lucuris said to himself in a small whisper.

  “I can still hear you boy. We made Black Mages. To use the dark arts of magic and wield them. But no, your Order, your leaders limited you. They wouldn’t allow you to fully transform into great magical beings,” Matius said to Lucuris with each and every word sounding more disgusted.

  Jessica couldn’t quite hear what they were saying but she could see something was bothering Lucuris. “We have to go help him, do something,” Jessica said to Azabel as she started to walk towards Lucuris.

  Azabel grabbed Jessica’s shoulder and kept her from moving any further. “You’re crazy Jess. You’re only going to get in his way,” Azabel said to Jessica seeing her try to brush him off but then saw how serious his face looked, and just stood there looking on.

  “I don’t know why you made us. I don’t need to know why. But you trapped my friends Matius, and that is more than enough reason for me to take you down,” Lucuris said to Matius as he grabbed his staff with both hands and began casting a spell.

  Matius just stood there and held his arms out wanting for Lucuris to attack him. “Black Mages...Always foolish. You think you can stop me; you have no idea what is about to unfold,” Matius said to Lucuris as he began to laugh.

  “You think this is some sort of joke? You laugh now, let’s see what you say with a blast up your ass,” Lucuris said to Matius as his staff roared out a cone of fire that went for Matius and surrounded his body in flame and began turning into a tornado of fire. The fire began to turn in circles rapidly as Lucuris pushed more and more energy into the attack.

  The fire kept spinning, but soon something was off about the color. The color of the flames went from orange and started to turn a dark red. The flames stopped turning so fast around Matius and stood calmly. Matius then stepped out from inside the fire attack Lucuris launched at him. “That was amusing at best. I see you like to play with fire. Well, has anyone ever told you what happens when you do?” Matius said to Lucuris holding his hand under his ear, waiting for Lucuris’s response.

  Matius smiled at Lucuris as he held his spell book out, and began chanting in an unknown language. “I think you know what’s about to
happen...Mr. Peterson,” Matius said to Lucuris as he finished talking and then the dark red cone of fire shot out back at Lucuris. The flames were raging fast towards him, but went past Lucuris, and went for his friends.

  “Oh no, Azabel get down now,” Jessica said as she began to try and summon Odin but was not able to move. The fear had set in her strongly and all she could do was look on as the flames were about to take down her and her friends.

  The flames roared towards Abigail and everyone else in just a few seconds. But they never reached them, not even close. Before the flames could hit her and the rest, Lucuris went in front of them and shielded them with a Magical Aura, as he stood between the flames and his loved ones. “You will not hurt my friends. You want to play dirty, but you will not win. Not now, not ever,” Lucuris said to Matius as he was holding his staff out trying to push the flames away from everybody.

  “That was your attack, boy. But you do know how to show a guy your true weakness. It’s those people, the ones you call friends, and your whore,” Matius said to Lucuris as he snapped his fingers and then the attack her threw to Lucuris’s friends just disappeared.

  “Leave my friends out of this,” Lucuris said to Matius as his eyes narrowed behind his veil, and was nothing but pure hatred at this Warlock. Lucuris then looked back and saw Jessica just standing there in shock. “Jessica, everything is going to be alright. I won’t let anything happen to any of you,” Lucuris said to Jessica looking concern for her wellbeing. He didn’t want her to get hurt, or to be afraid. He wanted them to leave but they stayed to try and help him. They wanted to support Lucuris, but he only saw them suffering.

  “Make him pay...make him regret ever messing with us. Show him that we are not afraid and remember that you have us always,” Jessica said out loud trying to sound confident and just shake the fear she felt off her. She looked at Azabel and then to Lucuris .She gave Lucuris a smile, and a thumbs up to let him know everything was ok.

  “Oh how sweet. Getting some pep talks from your girlfriend. Do you want a room? Or better yet how about a grave for the both of you to share, “Matius said to Lucuris mocking him and just laughing at the idea.

  Lucuris didn’t know who this person was, why he was here. But he knew that he had to stop him at all cost, that maybe he wasn’t as strong as him. But he had to try something. “Arrogance will always be your downfall scum. I will find your master whoever they are, and stop them,” Lucuris said to Matius as he placed his staff to the side of him and just began walking towards The Warlock.

  “Giving up so soon? Putting your staff away, how foolish. A Mage without their staff is nothing boy,” Matius said to Lucuris as he started to chant a spell.

  “A staff is nothing but a tool. An instrument to help us in times of battle. But it is the Mage themselves who is the real weapon,” Lucuris said to Matius as he looked the Dark Warlock in the eyes. As determination drove him, and guided him. Lucuris could feel an unknown power surge through him. He then put out his hand and started casting. With all his might Lucuris threw lighting sparks towards Matius and gripped the warlock’s body with it. “You think you have us all figured out. That we are all the same,” Lucuris said to Matius as he continued to walk towards the warlock gripping his fist tighter and tighter.

  The sparks were something Matius had not seen. Their color was different and odd. He couldn’t move his body at all, and could not reach his spell book. Because as soon as Lucuris trapped him, the book dropped to the floor, and he couldn’t reach it. Matius could feel his body being shocked by this lightning attack. Burning the inside of his tissues and muscles, shocking his body and electrifying him. “I’m only trapped momentary Lucuris! I will kill you and feast upon your flesh,” Matius said to Lucuris as he stood mid-air arms and legs spread out not able to move anything.

  “You have nothing left Matius. The Black Mages changed over the centuries. They are different than warlocks, and more powerful too,” Lucuris said to Matius as he just stood there egging the Warlock on. He knew he had won, but wanted to see the pain Matius had made so many people go through.

  Matius looked at Lucuris and smiled. He enjoyed the feeling he was getting, and loved what he was seeing. “It’s an awesome feeling isn't it? Do you love seeing me suffer? I bet you do,” Matius said to Lucuris as he blew a kiss to him.

  “This isn’t a game Matius. I will kill you, now bring my friends back,” Lucuris said to Matius as he began to order the Warlock around.

  “Oh, so that’s why I’m still alive. You want your friends back; don’t you like them better this way? Don’t have to deal with your sisters’ shit, you don’t have to deal with her boyfriend locking lips with her, and you don’t have to deal with your stupid smart friend,” Matius said to Lucuris as a smile spread across his face.

  Jessica could hear what Matius was saying and she didn’t want Lucuris to do anything stupid. “Lucuris don’t listen to this deceiver! Don’t let him run your emotions. You know how much your sister loves you, and how everyone else was there for you no matter what!” Jessica said to Lucuris as she started to rush to his side.

  “You know nothing about me…nothing of what my friends and family are to me,” Lucuris said to Matius as he kept his focus on keeping the Warlock trapped with his lighting cast.

  Matius looked at Lucuris and smirked at him, thinking how wonderful this situation was for him. “I know so much about you. I know you doubt yourself, as a person and a man. You feel ugly compared to everyone else, you feel like you are nothing but a little boy. You can’t even protect the ones you love. Answer me this, how do you expect to protect these humans of your dimension?” Matius said to Lucuris as he began laughing.

  Lucuris looked around him and saw that the houses around them all had their lights off. He didn’t think about it, but then wondered why no one came out of their home. “What the hell did you do monster?” Lucuris said to Matius as his grip on the warlock became tighter and tighter.

  “Why what any sensible person would do in a time of battle. I have taken these people of earth, and well let’s just say in a few weeks the shadows will consume them,” Matius said to Lucuris as he was eyeing his spell book.

  “Even Diana..., No bring them back you monster. I’ll kill you, I mean it,” Lucuris said to Matius as anger began to control his actions. He couldn’t believe that this person or being would go so far to try and get to him.

  Jessica and Azabel saw that Lucuris was about to try and kill Matius. “Don’t do it Lucuris, you’ll regret it. You’re not a killer,” Azabel said to Lucuris trying to knock some sense into him.

  “You don’t understand he has Diana; he took them all. He deserves to die, he must suffer. I can’t let him go and destroy other people’s lives,” Lucuris said to Azabel as he looked Matius in the eyes. Thinking of how many ways he could electrocute his body, and destroy this Warlock.

  “But you’re not a beast Luc. There is always a better way, just please don’t do this,” Jessica said to Lucuris. Jessica came behind Lucuris and threw her arms around him, holding him tightly. She didn’t want him to feel alone, or to do something stupid. She wanted him to listen to her for once, to just stop thinking like a mad man, and just be the man she knew. The man that she fell in love with, the silly person who she knows.

  Lucuris could feel the warmth of her body on him, at first, he tried to resist it, but eventually the feeling of her love broke thru him. He knew that what they were saying was right, that even if he did kill Matius he would have his justice, but there would still be a void. “Bring my friends back Matius,” Lucuris said to Matius as he began to lower the warlock to the ground releasing his grip on him.

  “Wow you are no fun. I guess I could bring them back, but first I want to say something. Do you really trust your friends? How do you know they won’t fail you Lucuris? Because my master, he doesn’t rely on friendship. He is as cold blooded as they come, then again he has his own issues,” Matius said to Lucuris grabbing his spell book from the floor and then d
usting it off.

  Lucuris looked around him, seeing his friends stand still not noticing him, but then seeing Jessica and Azabel. “Friendships make you stronger, not weaker. We build these relationships always, but know time I see you, you will die,” Lucuris said to Matius not taking his eye off the Warlock.

  “My, what a mouth you have boy. I guess my fun is over, master would hate me if I killed you. Until next time young lad,” Matius said to Lucuris as he snapped his fingers and disappeared in an instant, leaving nothing but red mist behind.

  At that moment Lucuris, Jessica, and Azabel heard low groans from behind them. Lucuris turned around and sprinted to his sister to make sure she was okay. “Abby, are you ok?” Lucuris said to Abigail grabbing her and holding her tightly.

  “Wha-what happened? I was having this awesome dream, that I was at a rock show,” Abigail said to Lucuris as she was trying to wake up and looked confused seeing her brother in his Black Mage Outfit.


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