A Chorus of Cats: A Reverse Harem Siren Romance (Spellsinger Book 10)

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A Chorus of Cats: A Reverse Harem Siren Romance (Spellsinger Book 10) Page 5

by Amy Sumida

  “You could have mentioned that you'd met,” Torin said dryly to Rath.

  “It was far more fun to let you describe him to me.” Rath smirked.

  “Oh?” Lucifer lifted a pale brow at my husbands. “Why do I have the feeling that the description was less than glowing?”

  “To the contrary, it was absolutely glowing,” Rath gleefully protested.

  “Maybe we should get started?” I interrupted before things got out of hand.

  “Let's see where you're at and then go from there,” Rath suggested. “First, with the Light. Lucifer, what would be a good test of aptitude for light magic?”

  “I usually have her form an orb.” Lucifer shaped a ball of light within his palm as an example. “Elaria, form an orb in your palms and then attempt to levitate it.”

  I concentrated on the Light as my husbands took a seat on a stone bench along the edge of the courtyard. I felt their eyes on me but tried to ignore them. The magic came instantly to my call, rising from my chest to flow down my arms and fill my palms with its glow. I focused on creating an orb and when it was about the size of a tennis ball, I levitated it into the air. When it was at the level of my face, Lucifer held up his hand for me to stop.

  “Good. That's enough, Elaria.” Lucifer turned to Rath. “I'm satisfied with her basic control of Light. What she doesn't have yet is a mastery; an ability to wield it defensively without her fire rising unbidden.”

  “I used it when we rescued Darc,” I protested.

  “What's that?” Lucifer swiveled to me in surprise.

  “That's right,” Torin confirmed. “When Eva used Darcraxis' darkness against us, Elaria fought it back with the Light. She shielded us within a dome of it.”

  “And your fire didn't threaten you?” Lucifer asked.

  “No, I was bolstering the Light with a song,” I explained. “And I was focused on saving Darcraxis.” I glanced at my husband in epiphany. “I think my need to free him kept the Fire under control.”

  “So, it's not only about finding a balance between your magics, it's also finding balance in your emotions,” Rath mused. “Perhaps even using your emotions to fuel or suppress your magic.”

  I gaped at Rath as memories mentally slapped me. When I'd been escaping Dr. Daniels' lab, my fire had risen out of control in response to my fury. Lucifer had mentioned it before too; that I had to keep a cool head to control Fire. But he had thought that the key to doing that lay within my light magic. That I could use Light in its cooling aspect to tone down my heat. But that wasn't what my magic needed at all. It needed to be united equally through my will. It needed respect and balance but also a sharp focus and a calm head.

  “I think I have an idea,” I declared. “Kyanite?”

  I've got you, my love, Kyanite said in my head. Kings and Queens and Vagabonds?


  The enchanting melody of Ellem's song gathered around me. A touch of the medieval merged with modern electricity. It lifted the hairs on my arms and the magic up my throat. Before I began to sing, I focused on the relationships between the men around me and myself. Love, respect, and friendship. They were amazing people. Gods and Kings and Immortals. When my voice flowed over my lips, it was filled with admiration for who they were and awe over what they had become to me. I sang about that; about what we were. How the ties of family drove some of us. How others had been called from a restless wasteland. And how we all wanted to be something great, possibly even together.

  As I sang, the men eased into a circle around me, drawn by my music, their eyes widening as my body slowly started to glow. I reached out to them but not to touch them with my hands, to connect with them through my magic. I sang of Fire and Light, of Darkness and Jewels, and my words responded to my emotions as much as they reacted to my will.

  Fire lifted with the lyrics and spread down my arm to lash out toward Rathlin. He reached for it with his own flames, and they met in the middle, sending an enjoyable sizzle up my arm. I sang about Angels, and Light filled my left hand to stream out toward Lucifer. He mimicked Rath and met my light with his. I felt the strike shiver through my entire body.

  Then I looked at my husbands—my dark kings—standing behind and before me. I saw the Darkness spread down Darc's arm and creep toward me like a restless phantom. It connected with my heart, blending our magics inside me. Then came Torin's Onyx, invisible but solid. I felt his grounding magic press against my back and slide into my heart, meeting Darc's there. With us all united, some outside my body and some within, the magic intensified and my voice rose with it.

  Then we all rose.

  We lifted off the ground and hovered in the air, streams of power holding us together and aloft. My Fire, Light, and Spellsong blended with Primal Darkness, Shining One Onyx, Phoenix Fire, and Angelic Light. Blending, but not exchanging.

  That's what it means to be Gods, Darc's voice echoed in my memory. Creation is an act of love, of sharing.

  The magic collected above my head, swirling with heat, light, darkness, and stability. It sparked and sizzled. It rumbled like a storm. It came roaring to life. As soon as it lived, my song died. The streams of magic flowed back to their sources, and we all floated down to our feet gently. A second later, a stone the size of my fist fell through the air before me. I automatically reached out and caught it.

  I sucked in an amazed breath as the stone warmed in my palm. The men gathered closer around me to stare down at our creation in amazement. Sin-black, it nonetheless glowed while shadows drifted across the orange embers within its depths.

  “What is it?” Rathlin asked in a hushed tone.

  “Onyx,” Torin said immediately. “I can feel it; it's onyx and yet it's not.”

  “It's onyx and more.” Darc stroked a fingertip over the stone and the shadows within it lifted to stroke him back. “Its foundation is onyx but it holds Darkness within it.”

  “And Fire,” Rath added with wonder.

  “And Light,” Lucifer said with a soft smile.

  “All united by music,” I held the jewel aloft. “Each one of us should have a piece of this.”

  “Allow me,” Lucifer held his hand out.

  I laid our creation in his palm and a soft, white light rose up to surround it. A few moments later, the light faded and five pendants laid where the stone had been. With flat backs but rough fronts, they looked as if they'd been sliced off the original chunk but then left in that condition. No polishing or faceting had been done. Nothing to remove even the smallest piece of the stone. Gold molded around the jagged perimeter of each piece and bails perched at the tops, attaching them to gold chains.

  “I left them as natural as possible,” Lucifer said as he held his palm out to us. “I thought that would be best.”

  “They're beautiful,” I whispered as I chose one for myself.

  After I'd taken the first pick, each man chose a necklace and fastened it around his throat.

  Torin helped me with my clasp then kissed my cheek. “I think you're ready to fly, little bird.”

  “Really?” I looked at him in surprise.

  “You just united all of us and directed our magic into creation,” Darc pointed out. “I believe that shows a fair amount of control.”

  “I think you should continue training,” Rathlin said, surprising us all. But then he went on, “You have the potential to do amazing things, Elaria, and I'd like to help you explore that potential.”

  “So, you don't think I have control of it yet?” I asked in disappointment.

  “Of course, you have control,” Rath exclaimed as he waved a hand at his new necklace. “You're absolutely ready to handle your magic on your own. I'm just saying that this is only the beginning. You created a magical amulet on your first try, Spellsinger. Imagine what you'll do next.”

  “Miracles,” Lucifer declared firmly. “Elaria will accomplish the miraculous.”

  Chapter Five

  “You promised to not distance yourself from me,” Lucifer reminded me a

  Rathlin had already used his feather to go home, but Luci was being more difficult. I wanted to get to the Bazaar and see how things were going, but I couldn't leave until Lucifer did. And Lucifer didn't want to leave. Correction; he wanted to go with me.

  “And you said that our understanding is broken,” I countered.

  “I will reinstate it if you wish to try again,” he offered.

  “It's fine, little bird,” Torin said wearily. “I don't have a problem with Lucifer helping. Do you, Darc?”

  “The more help, the better,” Darc announced.

  “He's not exactly undercover material,” I protested.

  “Undercover?” Lucifer asked gleefully. “Will I be participating in espionage?”

  “In a way. And you draw too much attention to yourself simply by existing.” I waved a hand at his shiny self.

  “I can take any appearance you wish for me to have, my vicious.” Lucifer shifted into a much shorter, stockier, blander man.

  “God magic is helpful,” Darc agreed. “It's a shame that ours hasn't grown back to such a level yet, my fire. It would come in handy for this.”

  “Can you change us as well?” Torin asked Lucifer with a speculative gleam in his eyes.

  “Unfortunately, no,” Lucifer admitted as he shifted back to his normal self. “That ability seems to have gone with the Devil. I believe it has something to do with free will. I can alter inanimate objects and myself but not other living beings.”

  Duh. If he could do that, Delilah wouldn't have had to go through all those surgeries to look like you, RS pointed out in my mind.

  That poor woman, Kyanite added. Slicing herself up just to please a lover and then discovering that it's because he wanted her to look like someone he loves but can't have.

  It's fucking pathetic, RS scoffed. Who goes through facial reconstruction just because a man asks them to? A man who flat out says that your relationship is only about sex. That woman was an idiot.

  Can you two please shut up about the Elaria-substitute Lucifer was sleeping with? I grumbled.

  Sorry, they said together.

  “Well, even without the ability to change others, his shifting skill will come in handy,” Darc pointed out.

  “So will the Host,” Torin added. “Your help does include your angels, right?”

  “Of course,” Lucifer said and looked at me for an answer.

  All of them looked at me.

  I sighed, knowing I'd already lost this battle. “All right; you're in, Luci.”

  Lucifer beamed at me, his shining glory brightening until it was blinding. As I squinted, my stomach clenched. I just knew I was going to regret this.

  Chapter Six

  I led the way through the narrow streets of the Grand Beneather Bazaar. Torin, Darc, and Lucifer trailed behind me, Lucifer already sporting his new face. Gone were the sparkles and starlight; Lucifer was no longer the Morning Star. Now, he was a loup; a werewolf. His shaggy hair hung in drab brown hanks to match his feral eyes and a shadow of a beard roughened his cheeks. He'd thickened his body and lost a little height, bringing him down into the average range. Lucifer's usual Bohemian tunic, loose pants, and soft slippers were transformed into jeans, a T-shirt, and boots. Not only had he altered his looks, but he'd also adopted a predator prowl and deeper voice. It was so stark a change that I had to keep reminding myself that I wasn't being stalked.

  Then I was.

  I slowed my stride, my eyes sliding side to side, and waited. I caught a flash of pale skin and struck, hand shooting out to the left to grab a fistful of fabric. I yanked my stalker out into the street as she squawked in protest.

  “Grace,” I huffed as I let her go. “I should have known.”

  The swan-shifter gave me an embarrassed smile; she'd been trying to sneak up on me for years. With a duck of her head, she brushed back an errant lock of ebony hair. I don't know why she bothered, it just sprung out again. Despite her hair's rebelliousness, the pixie cut looked good on her, emphasizing the length of her elegant neck. It also went with her huge eyes, as dark as her hair. Those eyes seemed to have been made extra-large just so Grace could pick up every detail of everything that happened around her.

  “Hey, Elaria,” Grace said softly.

  Grace always spoke softly; it was another trait that made her such a good gatherer of information. Her primary job was a runner for the Bazaar. Grace made deliveries and carried messages for shop owners. But her observation skills and her knack for going unnoticed had earned her a second job; as an informant for Cerberus Security. Grace listened and watched and then reported everything to Cer.

  “You speak to Cerberus today?” I asked her.

  “Yeah.” Her stare slid over the men. “Who are your friends?”

  “My husbands, Torin and Darcraxis.” I waved at them. “And he's...” I trailed off as I realized that we'd need a name to go with Lucifer's new look.

  “Luke,” Lucifer supplied the obvious choice and grinned at the girl. “I'm Luke.”

  “I'm Grace,” she whispered then looked back at me. “Cerberus is in his office. He's got a lot of handsome men with him. He didn't introduce me to them.” The last bit sounded hurt.

  “He's got a lot on his mind.” I gave her shoulder a pat. “Be careful, Grace. Now, more than ever, it's imperative that no one learns of your connection to Cerberus. Things are about to get dangerous.”

  “Got it.” She nodded and eased away from me. “You need anything else, Elaria?” She asked in a louder voice—loud for her at least.

  “No. Thanks for the message, Grace,” I played into the ruse. “See ya.”

  “Later, Spellsinger.” Grace faded into the crowd.

  “A swan-shifter,” Luke murmured. “How lovely.”

  “Leave Grace alone,” I said firmly.

  “Elaria, I'm not a monster,” Luke protested. “You don't have to warn me away from the fair maidens. Besides, she's hardly my type.”

  There's always surgery, RS snickered inside my head.

  He'll never be satisfied with a substitute, Kyanite argued.

  Yep. I can still smell his ballsacks clenching.

  Can you please never mention Lucifer's ballsacks again? I begged her. Out loud, I said, “You've totally misunderstood me, Luke.” I started weaving us through the throng again. “It's not Grace who I'm worried about. That fair maiden is a dragon in disguise. She'd eat you up and spit you out.”

  “Really?” Luke's tone turned interested. “Perhaps she is my type. We both wear feathers after all.”

  “Yeah and you could use a good burn,” Torin noted. “Something to get your mind off the last one.”

  I ignored the men as I nodded to the Bazaar residents and patrons, most of them old acquaintances of mine. This place had once been my home, and I knew it as well as I knew the island I'd been raised on. I knew to keep one eye on the ground and one on the sky where bridges connected the looming buildings. I knew to keep a hand on my wallet and the other ready for grabbing or punching as the situation demanded. I knew to avoid the meat skewers sold along the Harpy Stretch and to stay out of the Troll Stretch altogether; though, I've broken both of those rules with Cerberus. And in addition to the survival skills necessary to survive the Bazaar, I also had the insider scoop on how to enjoy the good things it had to offer.

  The best drinks were poured in the Witch Stretch, but the best dance clubs were down the Loup Stretch. Stretches are lengths of street where communities of specific races live and run their businesses in solidarity. Not all the streets are designated stretches, there are quite a few neutral areas where all sorts of beneathers congregate and the shops are an eccentric mix. That's where things get more specific. For solid furniture, you want to find a shop owned by a riksha; the bear-shifters know how to make furniture that even a hellhound can't wreck. For elegant clothes, you go to a kitsune, for leathergoods you need an adlet, for mattresses and pillow you find a swan-shifter, and for weapons you see a dwarf. Oh, and for the be
st security around, you go to Cerberus Skylos.

  Cerberus Security is in neutral territory, just one street to the right of the main entrance of the Bazaar and two streets to the left of the Public Portals where Beneathers could travel to Earth from other realms. The office is on the third floor so we had to take a set of stone steps up to the walkways. Up there, the air was fresher, wafting in through the intricate designs carved in the massive dome that covered the Beneather Bazaar like a pot lid. The walkways and bridges collected the scent of spices, roasting meat, and syrupy desserts beneath them, confining them to the lower levels but above them, the viscous aromas were watered down and the pedestrian traffic was condensed.


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