Buried Obsession: Book 1 of the Obsession Trilogy

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Buried Obsession: Book 1 of the Obsession Trilogy Page 7

by Sinclaire, Roxy

  After the sandwiches and the chocolate and nuts, they took turns feeding each other strawberries drenched in cream. Adrien had been the one to start it, even smearing some cream on her lips and wiping it away with his thumb, then licking it. Camila watched, mesmerized, getting into the mood herself.

  It was only teasing, though. They finished eating and washed the dishes they ended up using.

  “Why don’t we walk around the deck?” Adrien suggested next. “The view outside should be spectacular.”

  Now that he’d reminded her, she realized she’d forgotten one of the reasons she was excited for this little trip. If only she could have brought her camera, but she didn’t feel it was right to without asking permission, and doing that felt too weird, so in the end, she didn’t bring it.

  “Let’s go,” she said with an eagerness that made Adrien chuckle.

  Once more, he took her hand and led the way. She’d been on the deck not too long ago, but she hadn't paid much attention to the view, still feeling exhilarated from the ride. Being on a yacht was pleasant, but the view made it so much better. Well, that and the company. This thought swirled in her mind when she felt Adrien move close behind her back and circle an arm around her waist. They’d touched plenty when they went to dance in clubs, so she leaned back against him, placing an arm over his around her midsection, sighing as she enjoyed the moment.

  It couldn’t be more perfect.

  A few seconds later, though, she was proven wrong. Adrien nudged her body, and she moved the way he wanted her to. He spun her, then circled both arms around her, their eyes meeting as her head tilted up. At the intensity of his eyes, Camila gasped, feeling her breath hitch in her throat as her breathing spiked.

  This. This was another of the reasons she was excited for this trip. Aside from that first erotic dream, Camila had of course had more of them. Only in the subsequent dreams, she couldn’t see the face of the man. To say she was pent up was putting it lightly. It was soon, but she was attracted to Adrien and he seemed to like her, too, so why should she hold back?

  Adrien leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. This wasn’t the first time they’d kissed. Sometimes, when they were on the dance floor and things got heated, surrounded by bodies grinding against each other that they ended up doing the same themselves, they’d done some groping over clothes here and there. Camila had wanted more a while ago, but before, Adrien had been the one holding back. Now, he seemed like he was ready to take the initiative.

  And take it he did, licking her lips almost immediately, and deepening the kiss when she opened her mouth for him. She could only moan and grab onto his arms as his arms around her tightened, pulling them so close she didn’t think there was air left between them.

  She did jump a little in surprise when a hand landed on her ass cheek, squeezing. He’d touched her thighs before, but he’d never been this bold, and she could feel the growing heat in her body instantly double as she returned his kiss with equal fervor. His other hand snuck around her waist, up over her ribs. She was prepared for it so there was no surprise, she even arched her back so her breast would land in his palm.

  “Let’s go to the bedroom,” Adrien murmured against her lips, groping her ass and her breast.

  Camila whined a little in her throat as she nodded in agreement, then added in a murmur, “Please.”

  He didn’t make her wait, releasing her and taking her hand as he led her to the bedroom door lower on the deck. He pushed it open, tugging her inside after him. He didn’t give her the time to look at the room, whirling around, wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her up. Camila yelped in surprise, as she was carried, arms automatically circling Adrien’s neck, then she let out a giggle as he laid her on the bed, following her down as he pressed his body above hers.

  Adrien kissed her again, with even more ferocity this time, and she moaned as she returned the kiss, tugging at his clothes. He seemed to get the idea, and they tore their clothes off each other piece by piece, moving up on the bed as they did so, so they were both comfortable.

  Once he’d tossed his pants and briefs aside, Adrien crawled back over the bed and on top of Camila, looking down at her hungrily.

  “Spread your legs for me,” he said roughly.

  Camila did so, her legs parting naturally, and she bit down on her lip in anticipation as he moved in between them. This was her first time seeing him naked, and he was absolutely stunning. His erection was…he wasn’t small at all, she would go so far as to say he was well beyond average, and she was both apprehensive and excited to have him inside her body.

  He had his upper body raised above her on the bed, and she reached her arms to surround his neck and pull him down for a kiss. Camila liked intimacy with her sex. Her hands landed on his shoulders, and she felt the tremble that went through his body, at the same time as one went through her own. The head of his cock had touched her sex, nudging her clit, and she gasped as she tightened her walls, even though there wasn’t anything inside yet.

  Adrien shifted his hips, and with a roll of her own, she felt the tip of him press at her entrance. She clenched again, the excitement getting the better of her.

  She didn’t know whose fault it was, her for clenching or him for not waiting for her to adjust. With his head poised at her entrance, Adrien unexpectedly pushed forward. With her clenching her walls, and him practically slamming his hips against hers, it wasn’t smooth. He went in, but he’d surprised her, in a bad way, and she cried out as pain flared out between her thighs.

  “H-hold on,” she said, her expression twisting.

  Adrien wasn’t even looking at her face, though, his eyes closed as his head tilted back, a rough growl rumbling through his wide chest.

  “Adrien,” she tried again, pressing her hands to his chest, hoping he would move. “Wait a bit…”

  He was being too hasty. They hadn't done nearly enough foreplay, especially since it had been such a long time for her, and she rarely ever touched herself that way, and she’d expected him to be more careful. Everything had been going just fine, so how could it change so quickly?

  Even worse, Adrien just dropped his body on top of hers, pressing his lips onto hers, his tongue sliding into her mouth, as he started thrusting into her at a hard and fast pace.

  Camila could only keep holding on, crying out with every slide of his cock in and out of her. Her hands still pushed against his chest, her breathing coming out in gasps so she didn’t think she could manage more words. Adrien made a rough, almost annoyed sound. He slowed down, but only long enough to catch her hands and press them down to the mattress on either side of the bed, then he picked up his furious pace again.

  At first, Camila couldn’t even say it felt good. But slowly, the pain was fading, and she was starting to feel some of the pleasure. Her breath hitched as she squirmed and writhed underneath him, rocking her hips against his. Her movements only seemed to annoy him more, because he pressed her down with more of his weight, to the point that she couldn’t even move other than a bit of squirming. His hips pounded even faster and harder against hers.

  Her cries had been muffled by his kiss, but he suddenly stopped kissing her and pressed his face to her shoulder. His hips jerked erratically against hers as she felt his body grow taut, then he groaned, shuddered, and came in her, his come coating her insides. As his body shuddered through the last wave of his orgasm, he rolled off her and onto his back beside her.

  Camila was left stunned, for a minute, she could only stare up at the ceiling. That was it? Seriously? She got hurt…and she didn’t even get to come?

  Fluid was leaking out between her thighs, and Camila scrunched her nose. She lifted her hand and brought it between her thighs, it was trembling. Adrien, seeming to notice her movement, turned his head toward her, watching that trembling hand. Whatever he was thinking, she wasn’t trying to finish herself off.

  She touched the fluid between her thighs, then raised her hand, and she was shocked and revolted to
find blood mixed in with Adrien’s semen.

  “Oh,” Adrien murmured next to her, his voice sounding languid. “Sorry.”

  She turned her head to him in disbelief. He clearly knew this was his fault, and even though he apologized, it sounded so flippant she couldn’t even take it seriously. Maybe her dreams made her expect too much, but dammit, she’d never met someone so selfish in bed. Sexually demanding wasn’t something new to her, considering her stupid ex, but Adrien was just completely insensitive, and didn’t even seem to realize he could have really hurt her.

  And fuck, he didn’t even use a condom! She’d brought some herself, just in case, and now she would need to have herself checked because of the bleeding.

  She wanted to get showered and out of there, but a shower would take too long. Feeling horrified and disgusted, she rolled over until her feet hit the ground, curling in on herself. She wasn’t even entirely faking the pain, maybe exaggerating a little. In that moment, she felt so used, more than when it had been Jordan doing the same to her for such a long time. He might have been a bastard, but at least he’d never hurt her physically in such a careless display.

  Thankfully, the door she walked through did lead to a bathroom, she wasn’t sure since there was another through the living room, but that one only had a toilet and sink. This bathroom had a large tub that looked like it could fit about five people. Everything was pretty, but she couldn’t even take enjoyment from looking at it now. She grabbed a bunch of tissues. Not really the best, but she didn’t see towels. She got them wet under the tap, then wiped herself free of blood and semen.

  When she got back to the bedroom, she felt a little less dirty. Adrien was still lounging on the bed, an arm behind his head, one of his knees cocked to the side, so the first thing she saw out of the bathroom was his flaccid cock, laying on his thigh. He didn’t even bother to clean up. Didn’t the blood even bother him? It wasn’t as if they had known each other that long, or knew that much about each other. What if she happened to have an STD? Or he did?

  Fuck. I need to get to a hospital, quickly, she thought frantically.

  “Adrien,” she called, keeping her voice low. “I don’t think I’m feeling too good.”

  She was still curled over herself when he looked up and saw her. She made her way over to where she’d dropped her clothes with careful steps.

  “What’s wrong?” Adrien asked with a frown.

  Camila wanted to scoff. You really have no idea? But she controlled herself, made herself appear weak. She didn’t want to start an argument out here when she was in a hurry.

  “I’m just feeling a bit ill,” she said insistently, pulling on her clothes and making it seem as difficult for her as possible. “I think I should head back to land. I couldn’t have stayed out here through the night, anyway. My mom is expecting me at home.”

  “I have a medical kit,” Adrien said. “We can just see if there’s something you can use, it’ll take too much time to head back.”

  “Please?” she said, seeing it as a last resort. “I probably need to stop by the hospital then go home.”

  Adrien’s expression looked sulky, but he finally stopped looking so relaxed. He slipped off the bed, pulled on his clothes roughly, and left her alone in the room. He even slammed the door on his way out, and Camila didn’t know how to react, so she didn’t react at all.

  Not long later, the boat moved, and she could feel it sway as he turned it around toward the docks so he could drop her off. She had been excited for this, but now she couldn’t wait to get off the damn yacht.

  Chapter Eight

  After the incident on the yacht, if she never got to see Adrien again, Camila would have counted herself lucky. She’d hoped the trip would turn out well, but she had been mistaken. She might have wanted to give him another chance to show her a softer side, but the only thing that trip had shown her was how wrong they were for each other. His behavior had been appalling and she knew now that he’d never change. The attempts at placating her, making excuses, saying he was working on his behavior and his temper, they’d all been lies.

  She could have put up with being sexually frustrated. If he had just been bad in bed, she could have handled it. They could have talked and experimented later, because it was all part of building up a relationship. She could not, however, put up with a partner who showed absolute disregard for her on several occasions and most especially not in bed. She had ended up going to the hospital after he dropped her off, and while she’d turned out to be fine in the end, her annoyance and disappointment in him did not die away.

  Camila could only avoid him from then on. It wasn’t as if she didn’t have her own life to live, anyway, she just needed to keep busy. Besides, compared to previous breakups, this one was actually quite smooth. The relationship hadn't lasted long to begin with so it wasn’t a big deal to cut ties.

  It’s better this way. I don’t belong in that kind of world anyway. It’s the one thing being with him has taught me. From now on, no more guys out of my league.

  A couple days later, Camila actually had to go into the office to pick up her new assignment, and hand in the work she’d done for the last one. So, she got up early and left without telling her mom goodbye, since she wasn’t awake yet.

  Let’s get this part over with so I can hurry up and get home.

  Because there was no longer anyone to impress, Camila was back to how she usually dressed. Inside the house, she dressed for comfort, so it was mostly track pants or shorts, depending on the temperature. To go outside, she’d dressed in a pair of cargo pants, a t-shirt, and a hoodie. Lucky for her, she was one of the people at the office that worked outside, so it didn’t faze anybody when she eventually walked into the office like that. Besides, it was early enough that half the staff hadn't even come in yet, and they weren’t that many to begin with.

  “Camila!” her boss, called out. “Good, you’re here. I need what you’ve got, right now.”

  She sighed. “I could have just emailed it to you.”

  “For something this important, let’s not. We don’t want it leaking out to the outside, after all.”

  Camila just rolled her eyes. “How is this so important it garners this much trouble? We won’t be the only ones covering this, you know.”

  This time, her job had been a generic piece. She’d had the document long before so she just stayed at home to finish working, and she’d actually managed to get it done on time. Her boss liked being the earliest to get out posts with tantalizing news to increase their blog’s readership by as much as possible. It wasn’t that she didn’t agree with his method, but if they were first, then they could just as easily be drowned out by the other articles that came after theirs.

  It was hard to tell when would be the best time, though, unless they knew the posting schedules of all their competitors, so they didn’t think too much about this.

  The boss looked very confident this time, though, smiling up at Camila. “Don’t worry. This time, we’ve got some info I can guarantee no one else has. We’ll definitely be ahead of the game on this assignment.”

  Camila didn’t really care, so she just handed over what the boss wanted, received her next piece, and left.

  “Hey,” he called after her. “You’ve only got a week on that, all right? Try not to be late!”

  She waved a hand over her head without turning around. Camila never turned her work in late. She was actually good at her job, after all, even for the parts that she didn’t like.

  Camila wasn’t looking out for it. When she stepped out to the curb, she still had the papers in hand, shuffling them around and trying to look at them as she walked. She wanted to gauge the job she had this time, and see how difficult it was going to be. There were times when she could be a bit clumsy, though, and she accidentally dropped some of the documents.

  “Crap,” she hissed to herself as she bent to pick them up before the wind blew away with them.

  Lucky for her, it was still pretty ea
rly for New York to have so many people walking on this street. The guys at her office were pretty free with their hours, but some of them went in as early as six in the morning, and that was around when she’d left home, so it was only eight a.m., and the street wouldn’t truly be busy for another hour.

  Camila glanced up as she stood, only to freeze when she thought she saw someone familiar.

  Actually, no…scratch that. He’s definitely familiar.

  He was a bit of a distance away, on the other side of the street standing next to a pole. He stood still, dressed in sneakers, jeans and a jacket that was zipped up, with his hands shoved into the jacket pockets. His hair was dark and trimmed, and he was tall, his build big.

  No way… Camila thought, her eyes widening as she slowly rose up. No way it could be him. He isn’t even trying to hide his presence!

  Still, Camila could swear that it was Adrien, standing there. He was even looking right in her direction, and while they were too far apart for her to clearly tell, she was sure he was looking right at her.

  Is he going to try and approach me?

  It was the last thing she wanted. Camila wanted a clean break from this guy. She didn’t know what kind of coincidence this was, but she wanted no part of it, so she turned to walk off in a hurry. She glanced over her shoulder once, and her heart calmed when she realized he wasn’t following her.

  Coincidence…just a coincidence. What else could it be? she thought and let herself be at ease.

  She had no idea that within the next few days her argument was going to be blown to bits. Because once could be called a coincidence, but several times? No way.

  Camila got back home and had breakfast with her mom who was finally awake, then she holed up in her room to work. It wasn’t until a couple days later that she left the house to go buy groceries. They were almost out and her mom was off somewhere doing who knew what. On her way out of the store, she glanced casually up and down the street and paused.


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