When the Night Comes

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When the Night Comes Page 5

by Teegan Loy

  Skye rubbed his stomach. “Sounds good. I’ll swing by and pick you ladies up around seven,” he said to Lindy, then turned to me. “We better go. Coach will make us run laps in full gear if we’re late.”

  “See ya, Lindy,” I said and shrugged my shoulders in an apologetic gesture. I couldn’t believe Skye had butted his way into my date with her. Not only would I have to put up with his presence but also his bitchy girlfriend. I had no idea if Lindy even liked Brooke. This evening could be a major disaster, but I didn’t see any way out of it.

  Gavin was already dressed and ready to go when we came rushing into the locker room.

  “Where the fuck have you two been?” Gavin barked.

  “Talking to Lindy,” I said and then added, “Skye was annoying me, so he has no excuse.”

  Skye wrinkled his nose and threw his shoe at my head. Gavin batted it out of the air and ignored him.

  “Surprised Lindy’s still putting up with you,” Gavin said. “See you two girls on the field. Wouldn’t want to be forced to run laps in full gear. It’s way too fucking hot. So move it.”

  Skye and I made it to the field with two minutes to spare. I flipped off Gavin when he tried to convince the coach that he had the wrong time and we were actually late.

  Thank god the coach didn’t fall for Gavin’s shit.

  About two hours later, I was starving, sweating, and a bit beat up. Thomas Crow had nailed me when the offensive line broke down. Coach had bitched him out, but the damage was already done.

  The muscles in my lower back were already starting to stiffen. I showered and dressed before Skye had taken his cleats off.

  “Can you hurry up,” I said. “I’m starving, and Lindy and Brooke will be waiting for us.”

  Skye flashed his phone at me. “I just got a text from Brooke. They’re already on their way to the restaurant. In her words, we were too damn slow.”

  “Just move it. I’m hungry.”

  I sat down on the bench to wait. By the time Skye finished with his shower, the entire team had cleared out, leaving us alone. I shifted uncomfortably on the bench. The stiffness in my back was getting worse.

  “So help me, Skye, if you’re jerking off while I’m starving to death, I’m going to kill you,” I yelled.

  “Hold your fucking pants on.” Skye strolled around the corner, wearing only a towel that was hanging dangerously low on his hips. He smirked and rolled his eyes. I was having a hard time keeping my head from exploding. I couldn’t resist following every line of muscle on his back.

  “Christ,” I mumbled and forced myself to retie my shoes, ignoring the twinge in my lower back. It was best to focus on something else before I had to acknowledge the stirring in my pants. With my shoes tied, I went over the new plays we’d worked on at practice.

  “You ready?” Skye kicked my foot.

  I made the mistake of looking at him and his stupid damp, messed-up hair. His gaze drilled a hole in my head, and once again, heat flashed through my entire body.

  “I’ve been ready for twenty minutes,” I said. “Pretty sure it’s just me, you, and the janitor.”

  When I stood, I groaned and immediately rubbed my lower back. The punishment from today’s practice was obviously worse than I’d originally thought. My back ached.

  “Hey, you okay?” Skye asked.

  “I’m fine.” Crow nailed me pretty good. I leaned against the locker to catch my breath. “Just give me a second.”

  “Where does it hurt?”

  Skye was so close to me I could feel his breath tickle my ear, and the heat from his body burned through my clothes. I jerked away, yelping when a sharp spasm shot pain in all directions. It almost drove me to my knees.


  “What the hell, Ty?”

  He snaked his arm around my waist and I leaned against him, allowing him to hold me up. Besides the pain clouding my mind, the freshly showered scent flooding my nose was driving me insane. I wanted to run my tongue over his jaw and taste him.

  I immediately forced some separation between us.

  “I’ll be fine. Let’s not keep the ladies waiting.” I limped toward the door.

  “Tell me if it gets to be too much. We can always go see my dad. He could fix you up.”

  I snorted. “Is your dad a drug dealer or something?”

  Skye chuckled. “Nah, much better. He’s a doctor.”

  I grunted when I tried to heave my backpack over my shoulder.

  “Give me that,” Skye said as I stumbled into the lockers. He reached for the strap and his fingers brushed against my neck, making me sigh.

  “C’mon, you asshole. Lindy and Brooke will be waiting for us,” I said rather loudly as I squirmed away from him again. Being this close to him made me crazy.

  Skye sent Brooke a text, telling her we were on our way. As we walked across the parking lot, he kept bumping against me. If my back didn’t hurt so bad, my dick might have taken interest. The pain totally wilted everything.

  I made it to his car without doing anything stupid. He unlocked the passenger door, and I couldn’t help the moan that came out of my mouth as I bent to climb inside.

  Once situated, I couldn’t reach back to get my seatbelt without wincing. Skye leaned across to help, but I stopped him. He froze with his face so close to mine I could almost taste his lips.

  The moment shattered when his phone buzzed. He moved away and left me in a state of total craziness. Maybe I was so hungry my blood sugar was low, causing me to lose my shit.

  On the way to The Kegs, Skye talked about the pizza burgers and the rest of the menu. My gaze shifted to his lips, and the little voice inside my head told me I liked his attentions, making me wonder if I wanted more from him. The idea unnerved me, so I kept quiet and tried to squish that fucking voice.

  The restaurant was hopping, filled with people from children to gray hairs. I spotted Lindy in a corner booth, talking and smiling with Brooke. I decided to focus my attentions on her.

  “Move your ass,” Skye said rudely to Brooke as he shoved her over to make room.

  “Hi, Lindy,” I said and slowly slid into the booth. My back ached so much I was beginning to lose my appetite.

  Lindy touched my arm and leaned close. She smelled like a windswept beach, sweet and lovely. “Are you okay?”

  “Just a tough practice,” I said.

  The waitress arrived and took our orders. While we waited for the food, Brooke gossiped about some major breakup at Middleton Lake while Lindy rolled her eyes a lot. I was in and out of the conversation. The pain in my back was spreading, and I really wanted to go home, take some painkillers, and pass out.

  The food arrived and everyone dug in. I was thankful for the silence until I felt Skye’s foot touch my ankle. At first I wrote it off as accidental bumping in a confined space.

  Lindy smiled at me and offered me a taste of her food. I took a bite and chanced a glance at Skye. Brooke whispered in his ear as he sat stiffly, staring straight ahead. But he kept rubbing his foot against my calf. I pulled my leg away and shuddered.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I said to Lindy.

  “Good idea.”

  She gave me a tiny shove, and I gasped as pain radiated from my back. Skye immediately asked me if I was okay. I lowered my head and took several deep breaths before pushing myself to my feet.

  Skye whipped out his phone. “I’m calling my dad. Your back is getting worse.”

  “Is there anything I can do? You’re standing crooked.” Lindy snaked her arm around my waist and allowed me to lean against her. I kissed the top of her head.

  “I’m sorry for fucking up our date, darling,” I said to her.

  “I wouldn’t want to be the cause of sidelining our new quarterback.” She stood on her toes and kissed my cheek. I didn’t want to settle, so I laid a real kiss on her. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Skye usher Brooke outside.

  “What’s his problem?” I asked.

  “Who knows? He seems a
little high strung and full of himself. But being with Brooke would stress me out too.” Lindy giggled and kissed me again.

  “She’s not the nicest person I’ve met. I’m sorry about tonight and them cutting in on our date. I’d like to make it up to you.”

  “I’d like that too. I’ll talk to you later,” she said and smiled brightly.

  She really was a pretty girl. Her golden-brown eyes and chestnut hair set off her skin and red lips. She squeezed my waist and I laced my fingers with hers as I limped to Skye’s car.

  “Bye, Lindy,” I said.

  She blushed and skipped to her car where Brooke was leaning against the trunk, frowning.

  “My dad is waiting for us,” Skye said impatiently.

  By the time we arrived at the hospital, I didn’t know if I was going to be able to get out of the car. Skye had to put his arms around me so he could haul me up. We hadn’t even played one game, and I was hobbled by an injury caused by a teammate.

  Skye insisted I lean on him until a nurse rushed out with a wheelchair. I gladly plopped down and let him wheel me into the hospital. Skye told the nurse where we were going and took over control of the chair.

  On the way up to Dr. Olsen’s office, several people greeted us. Skye was all smiles.

  When he pushed me into a room, a man, who looked like an older version of Skye, met us at the door. They had the same bright eyes, high cheekbones, and chiseled jaw. Skye was slightly taller, but both men looked like they’d stepped off a movie set.

  “Hello, I’m Dr. Paul Olsen,” he said. “You must be Tyler Rask. The whole town has been in an uproar since you came to our fair city. Everyone is pinning their hopes for a state championship on that arm of yours.” He held out his hand for me to shake.

  “My arm is fine. It’s my back that’s killing me.”

  “Let’s see what we can do for you, Tyler.”

  I hobbled into the exam room and leaned against the table. Dr. Olsen motioned for Skye to get out.

  “Tell me what happened.”

  “Must’ve been the hit by Thomas Crow. I wasn’t expecting it, so I didn’t have time to brace myself. I’m having some minor lower back spasms.”

  The exam only took a few minutes and after a shot to ease the pain, we were back in his office, discussing the possibilities of the team making it to the playoffs. Dr. Olsen handed me a prescription.

  “Take it easy tomorrow. If your back doesn’t improve in a couple of days, call me and we’ll get you back here. I can’t have the star quarterback out before the season begins. My son speaks highly of your skills. And like I said before, the whole town is buzzing about the new kid in town.”

  “Thanks, Dr. Olsen,” I said and shook his hand.

  I shuffled to the hall, leaving Skye talking to his dad. He caught up with me as the elevator doors opened.

  “Let’s get your prescription filled, and then I’ll take you home.” He paused. “Unless you want to spend the night at my place? I could wait on you.”

  I shifted uncomfortably. I couldn’t decide if it was because my back ached or because Skye asked me to spend the night. “I’ll be fine. Mama’s waiting for me.”

  His face fell but he shook it off.

  After we filled my prescription, he drove me home. I was able to get out of the car and walk unassisted to my front porch. Skye followed closely behind. I almost made it to the door when a surge of pain radiated out from my back. It knocked me to my knees.

  “Ty.” Skye knelt next to me and put his arms around my shoulders. Now on top of the pain, I had to deal with little shots of pleasure running through my body.

  He helped me stand, and we were able to get into the house without making too much noise.

  “Is that you, baby?” Mama called out from the kitchen.

  “Uh, yeah,” I answered. I really didn’t want her to see me hunched over like an old man, but she’d seen me injured before. “Mama, Skye’s with me. We had to stop and visit his dad.”

  “Why did you need to see —⁠” I heard the chair scrape against the kitchen floor. “What happened?”

  “Nothing to worry about, Mrs. Rask. Tyler had a lower back spasm. My dad gave him a shot and prescribed some painkillers. I figured I’d help him down to his room.”

  Mama eyed me. “You’re sure it’s nothing serious?”

  “No, Mama, I’ll be fine.” I grinned at her. The shot was really kicking in, and I felt like I was floating.

  “Okay, I’m off to bed. You holler if you need me.” She patted my cheek.

  She headed down the hall and slipped into her bedroom, quietly closing the door.

  “Thanks,” I said, thinking Skye would leave, but he insisted on helping me down the stairs.

  He dumped me on the bed and disappeared into my bathroom, returning with a glass of water and the bottle of pills Dr. Olsen had prescribed. He nabbed my phone and fiddled with it for a few minutes.

  “I set your alarm so you remember to take your next dosage.”

  “Yes, doc,” I said and just to be a dick, I lifted my foot, encouraging Skye to take off my shoes and socks. “Now help me stand.”

  We wobbled to the bathroom where I slammed the door in his face. I didn’t need help taking a piss or getting my pants off. My cell phone rang, and I was thankful for the distraction.

  “Lindy,” I said.

  “What did the doctor say?”

  “He said I’ll be fine and gave me some pain killers.”

  “I’m glad,” she whispered. “The entire school would freak out if you couldn’t play.”

  “Thanks for checking on me, but I need to pass out. I’ll talk to you in the morning.”

  I hung up, finished in the bathroom, and slowly shuffled toward my bed, which was currently occupied by Skye. He jumped up and tried to help me.

  “I can make it across the room. I’m not a fucking invalid, ya know.”

  A flash of pain shot down my leg, and Skye was next to me before I exhaled. The heat from his touch rushed to my crotch, but I was too tired to fight. He eased me onto my bed and lay down next to me.

  We were face-to-face, noses almost touching as his hot breath washed over my face. I tried to scoot back, but I couldn’t move.

  Skye closed his eyes. “What are you doing to me, Tyler Rask?”

  I wanted to yell that I wasn’t doing anything. This was all on him.

  He rested his hand on my side. It was like having a heating pad pressed against my skin. He opened his eyes, and instead of the normal hazel, I was met with a set of darkened, lust-filled eyes.

  He whispered my name and my dick went hard. When he touched my lips, I almost fainted. I managed to stay in control until he tilted my chin and kissed me.

  This time he couldn’t blame it on the booze unless the waitress had spiked his drink. I thought about shoving him off me. Instead, I grabbed his head and our lips crashed together. He moaned and opened his mouth, touching his tongue against mine.

  There was no way to categorize this as a mistake. This was a real kiss, not some accident.

  He groaned again, and I lost my shit, opening my mouth wide. I was lost in his taste. It wasn’t much different than kissing a girl, except my entire body was drowning in sensations. I was kissing Skye fucking Olsen and enjoying it way too much.

  My life as I’d known it was about to blow up in my face. I was going under way too fast and I couldn’t breathe anymore.

  Chapter Six

  When I woke in the morning, Skye was gone. Leave it to him to be a jerk and disappear, forcing me to try to make heads or tails out of this gigantic mess that he created. I couldn’t decide if I felt relief or if I was angry.

  I did know I wasn’t looking forward to school today. What the fuck was I going to say to him? What was he going to say to me, if anything? Neither of us had been drunk last night so we couldn’t blame it on the alcohol. If he tried playing the blame game, I could say I’d been on painkillers and they made me loopy.

  Drugs or not, I real
ly liked kissing him. Unfortunately, it made me feel weird and a little uncomfortable admitting that to myself.

  I moved gingerly, stretching slowly to test my back. It was still stiff, but it wasn’t as bad as it had been last night. Dr. Olsen ordered me to lie low today and get a massage. I figured I’d ask Lindy or Gavin about who to go see.

  A hot shower eased the pain even more. I groaned as the water rained down my body. I filled my palm with body wash, rubbing my hands together to make a rich lather. As I touched my chest, I tried to clear my head of everything, but thoughts of messy hair and hazel eyes invaded my brain. Before I realized it, I had my hand wrapped around my dick, tugging and twisting until I was writhing with pleasure. I tried to change the images to Lindy’s soft body, but it kept morphing into Skye’s muscular body.

  Remembering last night put me on sensory overload again. It was no use trying to force images of Lindy into my head; my body wanted Skye. And even though I didn’t have much real reference, my imagination was healthy. I gripped my dick harder and traced my thumb around the swollen ridge of the head a few times before sliding my thumb through my slit on the way back down my shaft.

  The intense pleasure made my back hurt more, but I was too close to the edge and I wasn’t going back. Remembering the feeling of Skye sliding his hand down my neck, fingers slipping into my hair and tugging on my curls. Heat flashed down my spine with thoughts of the weight of his body, pushing me down into the sand before his rosy lips brushed over mine.

  “Ah, fuck.”

  I sped my hand up and squeezed tighter. The heat generated when he rubbed his denim-clad leg over mine at The Kegs and the moment he helped me into my bed. I groaned and slowed my hand, dragging my fingers up the underside of my dick. A few more tugs and I was balancing on the edge of a giant cliff, searching for that tiny push that would send me plummeting into the abyss of satisfaction.

  “Skye,” I gasped as I remembered the feel of his breath sweeping across my face and finally, his mouth closing over mine.

  I wanted it then, and I wanted it again and again. I yearned for his lips pressed against mine, to feel the heat from his body, and to feel his skin sliding against mine.


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