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Warrior Page 22

by Jana LaPelle

  “How dare you,” I rage. “You… wretched bitch.” I challenge.

  Her insane laughter echoes about the demolished tower, extending her arms out to either side of her dramatically, she announces, “Oh, my dear… I assure you, I dare.” Laughing as she continues, “I will save your kindred for last… and I will enjoy every moment of our time together as you watch from the sidelines.” Then she glares down at me, her gaze that of someone that has long since lost their mind, before looking to her men and demands, “Warriors of mine, come to me. We have what we came for, now, we have a war to win.” With that Morríganna smiles wickedly and morphs them all into a thousand ravens. Midnight black wings beat furiously and soar upwards out into the sky above, their riotous caws are deafening on the wind. I watch them go before closing my eyes and bowing my head as tears silently slide down my cheeks.

  We have not only lost the spear, but Garrik as well, and my heart aches for his loss, for the life that he did not have a chance to live. Not fully. We were ill prepared, and she has grown strong, too strong. How did things go so desperately wrong so fast? Forlornly, I look everywhere but where Garrik’s body lies, I’m not able to bear the sight. I have failed him. I feel as though I have failed them all.

  Chapter 29


  I gently pull Ashlinn to her feet and she collapses in my arms, weeping. She mourns the loss of Garrik’s presence in the here and now, the potential of what his life could have been. I watch the wicked goddess and her minions vacate the cavern in a flurry of black winged ravens. Picking up on Ashlinn’s thoughts, she’s right. We’ve lost the advantage, and we have lost one of our own, and the war has yet to be fought. How many more will we lose as we march toward war with the deranged goddess? Gently, I hand Ashlinn over to Tolin, who is not much better off than Ash. Dagda, Lugh, and I quietly gather Garrik’s remains. With a nod we all silently trace back to our home, back to Glenndale.

  As we materialize in the courtyard, I hear Ashlinn’s heart wrenching cry. Her tender heart is breaking over the loss of one of her Guardians. Lexie rushes to her side, along with Jazmine, and they pull her inside the Keep. I know Ashlinn will be well taken care of in her time of morning. Now we go to prepare Garrik’s body for tonight’s farewell. His soul ascended straight to The Overworld. What we do tonight will honor his memory and his time with us. However short it may have been. The sun is high in the sky. By the time the sun sets we will be ready for a sendoff ceremony befitting a mighty warrior.

  I take a few moments to remember Garrik. As my memories wash over me, I nearly buckle under the weight of what he has done for Ashlinn and our family. To think, I was going to end the male after the coordinated attack on Ash and me all those months ago. He proved to be a male worthy of Ashlinn’s pardon. All of the Guardians are working quietly together to assemble Garrik’s funeral pyre. The barge that will carry his remains out onto the expanse of the Loch toward the western sky. I sense the moment that Tarron arrives with his Horde. He was one of Tarron’s own and he is here to mourn his loss as well. As we complete our work, the females gain our attention. They are here to care for Garrik’s mortal body and prepare it for his final send off. We gingerly place his remains on the barge, and I watch as Ashlinn, Lexie, Jasmine, Danu, Millie, and Maith lovingly care for his remains. Once his body has been bathed, his armor placed back on him, and his weapons carefully placed in his grasp and at his side, they take their leave to prepare for Garrik’s wake.

  I look around to see that the day is spent, and sunset is just an hour away. An honor guard has been posted by Garrik’s side and they consist of his Fomorian brothers in arms, Tolin, Torin, and Dorlan. Camoryn, Nym, and Khatar stand with them in their finest dress armor. I trace to our rooms to check on the twins and Ashlinn before changing for the ceremony. I find Ash standing in front of a mirror staring at her reflection. Her war paint is stunning, her golden chainmail armor befitting a queen, her crown sits upon her head and her hair is interwoven within it in a multitude of intricate braids, but her eyes belie the sorrow she holds for the loss of Garrik. She turns to me and says, “I can do this… for Garrik.”

  Nodding, I agree, “For Garrik. Just let me change and I’ll join you.”

  Ashlinn leans into me and gently kisses my lips, before imparting, “Take your time, you’ve worked non-stop since our return. I’ll meet you downstairs with our little brood in tow. I know that Garrik would want them there.” She smiles up at me through her unshed tears that glisten in the low light.

  “You’ve got this mo grá, I won’t be very long.” Leaning down I kiss her softly before making my way to the shower.


  It doesn’t take us long to assemble on the lawn of the Keep. Torches erupt into flames as the sun sits perched upon the western horizon. Tonight, it’s a red fiery ball with nary a cloud in the sky. We all gather round to honor Garrik. Everyone is here, light and dark fae, coming together to remember Garrik and how courageous he was. How he had the fortitude to switch allegiances after meeting and talking to Ashlinn. Catching my train of thought, Ashlinn takes my hand in her own. She’s so sad. As am I. Shifting my gaze to Ashlinn, I pull her to me, and we console one another. Millie and Maithe step forward and hand us Lachlan and Lillie. The twins snuggle into our necks, their grief at Garrik’s loss is tangible and we hold them close, consoling them the best we can.

  Shifting my attention to the rest of our family and friends, I can see the impact that Garrik has had on everyone here. We move to the front of our gathering, along with Danu, Dagda, and Lugh. As the last rays of sunlight slips through the skies grasp, the five of us create several balls of light, me with the help of Ashlinn. I’m finally beginning to get the hang of it. Then we direct the glowing orbs out to everyone here and the orbs divide to find someone in attendance. Everyone holds their hands out to receive a tiny glowing orb. As soon as everyone is cradling their very own tiny fireball we begin.

  Tolin smiles at everyone, but still looks mournful, and says loud enough for everyone to hear, “Garrik and I may have gotten off to a rocky start, but soon he proved himself and became part of our team. Part of our family, but now he will have new adventures ahead of him. A new quest upon his horizon and I wish him peace and happiness. May he find the answers he has been looking for in the afterlife. So Garrik, may the road rise to meet you, brother. Know that I will miss you.”

  Dorlan is next, “May the wind be always at your back, my dear friend.”

  Ashlinn smiles up at me before imparting, tears shining brightly in her eyes, “My dear Garrik, may the sunshine warm upon your beautiful, handsome face, and may your light shine bright for all to see.”

  Looking from Ashlinn back to Garrik’s still form, I say, “Until we meet again, friend. May the Creator keep you safe, may you wander the fields of The Overworld knowing that you made a difference, knowing that you overcame, that you are strong, and good, and light.” Inhaling deeply, I look around to see our allies, warriors that stand with us. All of us morning the senseless loss of life today that signifies the beginning of a war. I sense that we are outmatched. We are heading into a battle that I fear we are ill prepared for.

  Giving the signal, I watch as Tolin, Torin, and Dorlan wade out into the Loch to set the barge free, pushing it forward with several tremendous heaves. The last rays of the sun set upon the western horizon and the night sky is about to snuff out the last remaining light as the barge glides toward the setting sun. Ashlinn, Lexie, Ēolieus, and Khatar raise their bows and let loose a round of fiery arrows that find their mark. The pyre barge catches fire instantly. Lugh steps forward and the wind picks up, the sails of the barge billow out catching the wind and the fiery barge sails further out into the Loch replacing the sun on the horizon, and darkness swallows up the rest of the sky. Ashlinn steps back to me, wrapping her arms around me. Her cries are muffled as her hot tears soak my shirt. I’m helpless but to rub her back and try to sooth her grief. My throat is clogged with emotion, and I try to swallow p
ast the lump that resides there.

  Garrik’s funeral pyre erupts into a blazing inferno. The embers of the fire reach upward toward the heavens as they are carried on the breeze. We all watch as one of our own has been welcomed home. We mourn the loss of his presence with us here in The Otherworld. He will be missed.

  Chapter 30


  The Underworld

  Standing in the shadows of the rocky outcropping overlooking the rift between the realms, I have a few moments to reflect on how lucky I was that Luc intervened when he did on the day that I saved Mister. The last thing I remember before waking in my prince’s fortress on the other side of the Great Divide, was drifting off in my friend’s arms. Poor Mister. Luc explained to me that he thinks that I’m dead. I remember that the pain in my chest was excruciating as I gazed up into his face, and I welcomed the darkness as it shrouded my mind and body from my torment. Momma later explained that when Luc arrived in the arena, he stopped time for everyone, but a select few, and in doing so bought me some much-needed time. Once Mister left and went back to The Otherworld, Luc quickly placed me in a healing sleep that took me some time to recover from, that allowed the healers time to work their majic on me. I was told that the healers painstakingly were able to remove the spear from my chest healing me as they went. A very tedious task, I’m sure. I eventually woke up, completely healed of my life-threatening wounds.

  My prince has been good to Momma and me, and even my uncle Rhynik. In fact, we now live with Luc in his fortress and he has given us a chance at a better life here in The Underworld. He said that someone as brave as me needed a chance at being something other than a champion in the games. I don’t know about none of that, all I know is that I’m grateful to my prince. That, and I miss Mister. I’ve been in training to serve Luc all this time. As I grew, Luc gave me more responsibility and told me about the rift between our realm and Mister’s, which has now grown to include The Mortal Realm as well. He said that no good could come of this rift, and that I was to watch the comings and goings, if any. I’ve watched as the rift grew from one side of the Great Divide to the other, and today I witnessed a truly horrific sight. A lich king and his lich followers found their way from The Mortal Realm into The Underworld. His followers called him Daerok and they bowed before their king and praised him for finding a way out of The Mortal Realm. If you ask me, they should not be able to walk freely in any realm. Daerok did not look like his followers, he was young, and filled with vitality. Where his lich followers were ancient and looked to be mostly skeletal in their form with sickly glowing orbs for eyes. The skeletal minions followed their leader without question. As they traversed the rocky terrain of The Underworld, they steadily climbed upwards toward the peak of The Great Divide. This is what Luc warned me about and this is what will threaten Mister’s world in the war to come.

  Stealthily, I follow their progress back over the mountain range back toward the rift opening that leads to The Otherworld. Turning to Rhynik, I whisper, “Uncle, you need to tell Luc what is happening. I’m going to go warn Mister of the dark creatures that have entered their realm. I’m sure that they are up to no good.”

  Uncle grabs my arm halting my forward momentum, shaking his head and saying, “No, Pipperton. You are to stay here! We will let Luc decide who is to go to The Otherworld. You heard Luc. Faerie is ill prepared for the likes of us.”

  Staring back at my uncle, I shrug off his firm hold. I now stand just somewhat shorter than my uncle, and I have begun to fill out, not quite an adult male imp yet, but no longer a child. I reason with my uncle, “Rhynik, don’t you see? It has to be me. Haven’t you ever wondered why Luc gave me this task, of all things here in The Underworld? I’ll tell you why. I have ties to Mister, to The Otherworld and now it’s time for me to warn them all as to what abomination has just crossed over from The Mortal Realm to theirs. You need to fly back to Luc and I need to go warn Mister while you are rallying the troops. I will see you soon. Tell Momma I love her and will be back before she knows it. Now go! Too much time has already passed since they passed through here. Even here the lich are locked away in the bowels of our realm. They pose a threat to everyone. I’ll be safe, I promise. I’ll see you soon with reinforcements.”

  His penetrating eyes meet mine and he nods, “Okay, Pip. You’re not a child anymore. Do what you must, but don’t be surprised if your Mister doesn’t recognize you. You’ve grown up. Be careful and stay out of sight for as long as you can. I’ll report back to Luc. Just know that if something happens to you in The Otherworld, I will hold Alaric personally responsible.” He pulls me into a hug before launching into the air and I’m left to watch as he flies away.

  Turning back to the rift that leads to The Otherworld, I walk out of the shadows to walk toward the most dazzling light I have ever seen. I can’t wait to see Mister again, and I walk toward the beacon. Within moments I’m swallowed up and dumped out on the other end on my rear. Whoa. That was intense.

  Looking around, I see that several guards have been taken out. Gaining my feet, I look back at the rift to see a large, red, pulsating tear between our realms. It looks like an enormous glittering ruby that pulses with life. So much different than what we see on our side.

  Two males race into the stone chamber and shout, “Stop where you are. Are you with the others? Who are you?” They look like they have been in a battle. No doubt the lich have overpowered them and gotten away.

  Raising my hands, I say, “I’m not here to cause no trouble, I swear. I need to speak with Alaric. Do you know him? Can you take me to him? Things have just gotten really bad and you all need to know what has just invaded your realm.”

  “The undead from your realm is what has invaded our world. How do you know Alaric?” The large and imposing red headed elf asks gruffly.

  “I was his guide in The Underworld. I need to speak with him. I need to speak with you all. Luc sent me.” Well now, I’m stretching the truth a bit, and hope that they don’t call my bluff.

  The enormous elf with the fiery red hair and beard, eyes me critically, his eyes narrowed, before saying sternly, “You’re just a kid. Come with me. No funny business. Alaric and Ashlinn have been through enough in the past several days. Really since they got back from The Underworld. We march to Lár Domhain in less than two days’ time.” He roughly grabs my arm and pulls me to the opening of the stone chamber, and I find that we are several stories underground. The opening is cylindrical, and the outer edges of the cylinder look to be enclosed steps that lead upward to the brightest, bluest sky I have ever seen. The colors are so vibrant.

  Pointing to the sky, I ask, “What’s wrong with the heavens? It’s so blue and different…” I’m overwhelmed by the sheer beauty of the sight above me.

  The red headed elf tightens his grip on me and says, “Hang on to your britches, son. We’re about to trace. You’ll see Alaric, our Lord, very soon. I certainly hope he recognizes you or you will be destined for the gallows, kid.”

  One moment we are standing at the bottom of a circular stone path that leads upward and the next moment we are in a busy courtyard. I stumble at the abruptness of our entrance to this new place. My senses are being overloaded as my head turns this way and that. I hear a gasp as others stop to stare at me. I look down to see how red my skin is against the bright glare coming from the sky in this realm. Then I’m distracted by warriors that are rushing about leading strange furry four-legged creatures. They have long flowing hair that runs down their necks and over their eyes, and they are being led out of the courtyard with saddles strapped to their backs. I’m pulled to the right and follow the robust red headed elf as he pulls me to the entryway of a stone keep. Everything is so bright and pretty. I stumble on the steps as I’m being hauled into a stone foyer and remember to tug my wings in tightly at my back so as not to disrupt anything. This place is so amazing.

  I’m brought out of my ponderings as the male holding me in his grasp bellows, “Alaric! I think you need to g
reet our guest!”

  I hear Mister call out, “Ferg, in here. Who’s our guest? We really don’t have time for entertaining right now.”

  Ferg ushers me down the hall toward Mister’s voice and I can’t help but to smile as I enter a room that is pure chaos, but in a good way. On one side of the room there are three babes playing with two fox pups. I watch in amazement as one of the babes appears to disappear. I look around to see that the child appears in the arms of a beautiful tiny female. Her hair is multi-toned, a mixture of light brown, the color of which I have never seen, with golden streaks that reminds me of honey. I know without a doubt that this is Mister’s love. She stills when she looks up at me and cautiously walks my way with her son in her arms. I smile tentatively, careful not to show my sharp teeth, not wanting to scare her, none of them have horns or wings. I look so different from these people.

  She looks to Ferg and back to me and asks with a smile, “Who are you? Did Luc send you?”

  She’s so pretty. I just nod stupidly.

  She smiles a brilliant smile and says, “Okay, I see that you’re a little shy. So, Luc sent you. What is your name?”

  My smile falters, before I turn to Mister. He’s watching me, his brow furrowed, I smile tentatively and say, “Hey Mister, it’s me… Pipperton. It’s been a long time. I’m all grown up now. Well… mostly grown. Luc has been really good to me and Momma, educating me on the ways of The Mortal Realm and here in The Otherworld. Not sure as to why yous all has two names for this realm, I prefer Faerie to The Otherworld. Well, anyways, my prince says that I’m what you would call a teenager in The Mortal Realm. Not old enough to drive, whatever that is, but old enough to be taken seriously, and I gots some serious news for you and your love.”

  Mister just stands there, his head cocked, with an expression of pure astonishment, assessing me before asking, “Pip, is it really you? I saw you die... I held you while you took your last breath.” He looks back at the tiny woman at his side, his kindred. She’s so enchanting, no wonder why he wanted to get back to her. She’s now juggling two babes that are wiggling fiercely in her arms.


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