Beware The Hunter

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Beware The Hunter Page 17

by Martha Carr

  Leira laughed and hugged her tightly, then introduced her to everyone else in the room. Mara took her in her arms and squeezed her just like a grandmother would. She whispered into her ear, “I remember my first hug after I left the World in Between. It caused the first real emotion I’d felt in so long besides despair. Welcome home, Ossonia. If you need anything, I’m pretty sure you have more than enough family here to take care of you.”

  Jackson leaned over. “If you like to be smothered by old elven women, trust me—you’ve got a whole room full of them.”

  Mara chuckled and elbowed Jackson in the stomach. He groaned and grabbed his belly, waving at Ossonia as he walked away. She smiled and turned to the king and queen, remembering her perfect curtsy. The queen lifted her chin, then took her into her arms. “My dear Ossonia, I am so sorry that this happened to you, but I want you to know that you are a hero both on Earth and in Oriceran. Neither world has been the same since we lost you. Welcome home.”

  A tear fell onto Ossonia’s cheek, but she laughed through it. “Thank you. It feels so good to be here.”

  Hagan made it to his feet and put his hands in the air. “Party at the sanctuary!”

  Yumfuck ran over and gave Hagan a high five.


  “That was one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen,” Queen Saria told Leira as they walked around the sanctuary party.

  Leira chuckled. “Thank you, but I have to say it was more the powers than me. I didn’t have much control over it.”

  The queen smiled. “It was incredibly brave. You were willing to sacrifice yourself no matter what the outcome to save that girl.”

  Leira tilted her head. “She did that for me. She threw herself into the World in Between with no idea what would happen to her on the other side. She saved me because she knew I could do things to help everyone on Earth. That was a debt I could not let go.”

  The queen took a drink of the punch Rose had given her and nodded in approval. “So, now that you’ve saved Ossonia and that Charlie fellow and disintegrated the dark mist, what do you think your next move is?”

  Leira chuckled. “What would you like me to do?”

  Queen Saria stood in the clearing and looked out over the beautiful fields and surrounding trees, feeling almost as if she were on Oriceran. “I want you to move to Oriceran full-time. You can write your own ticket. You can live in the palace if you’d like, or we can find you a beautiful home in the country where you will feel comfortable. Your troll will be close to family, but I will definitely make him royalty. He proved himself today. As far as Correk goes, he will continue to be the Fixer. Instead of traveling from Earth to Oriceran, he will travel from Oriceran to Earth. It is where both of them grew up.”

  Leira nodded and took a sip of her beer. “I can’t give you a definitive answer yet, but it’s definitely something to think about.”

  A roar of laughter came from the party behind them and the queen nodded at Leira, letting her off the hook for the moment. Across the grounds, Rose was busy trying to learn everyone’s name. “Toni, and then the big fellow is Lucius, correct?”

  Toni laughed and put her arm around Rose. “That’s absolutely right. Hagan was smart to marry you.”

  They looked at Yumfuck and Hagan, who had piles of food on their plates and were eating quickly. Rose leaned her head back and laughed loudly. Perrom and Ossonia circulated through the crowd, stopping to talk to everyone. Not once did Perrom let go of Ossonia’s hand. He couldn’t, not when he had just gotten her back.

  “This place is freaking awesome,” Lois said, taking a bite of cake.

  Patsy nodded, her mouth full of candy. “This pavilion is gorgeous. And look at the lush forest. It’s like being on Oriceran.”

  Several of the regulars from the Jackalope were gathered around the Gardener “This is one of my favorite species, though it looks like a lion with large antlers. It is actually its own species on Oriceran.”

  Patsy slowly began to back off, but Lois was completely unfazed by the whole situation. Lois pushed her glasses up her nose. “Earl would love all this. If he didn’t have sciatica, I would’ve let him fight next to me. Boy, that brings back memories.”

  Jackson walked up to Rose and Toni with a big smile on his face. “It’s been a while since I was in a battle, but I feel like that one will last me three lifetimes.”

  Rose wiped some dirt from Jackson’s face. “You can’t be a hero and walk around with dirt all over you.”

  Jackson laughed loudly, slapping Ernie on the shoulder and pulling him close to them. “If you want to talk about a hero, Ernie here was killing it. He put all his fear aside and just blew fireballs at the dark mist. At one point, I thought he was going to explode from the amount of energy coming out of him.”

  Ernie shrugged, swallowing a cookie. “I got into it. What can I say? I felt the dark mist, and it was like my fight-or-flight response kicked in. I chose to fight, and I gave it everything I could because there was no way that darkness was going to take anyone back in with it. I wouldn’t wish that on even my worst enemy.”

  Rose smiled at all of them. “Well, I think all of you are heroes, and I wish I could’ve been there to see it.”

  Ernie shrugged and looked at Hagan. “Talk about a hero! The only human among us, and he was able to ground Leira from the biggest display of magic I’ve ever seen. Your husband is pretty badass.”

  Rose laughed. “That he is.”

  Leira walked toward Correk and smiled, pulling him to the side. “I need to get back. Duty calls. It’s another bounty, and I could use your help on this one. Unfortunately, the dark mist was not our only enemy.”

  Correk grimaced and muttered under his breath. “The dark families?”

  Leira downed the rest of her beer and nodded. “I’m sure they’re somewhere in there. They are always behind any of the large attacks. This time, though, I don’t think they’re the only ones. There’s too much of a footprint, and too much of a feeling of humans behind it. I can give you the whole rundown later, but right now we need to head back.”

  Correk nodded and brushed his thumb across Leira’s cheek. “Wherever you go, I’m right there with you.”


  “First, I want to thank everyone again for supporting us today. You are all family. We feel your support as we set out to find Marcel Landslow.”

  Brittany let out a war whoop, pounding the air with her fist. Leira had sent her a message and she had come immediately. “Next generation has to represent.”

  Leira smiled at the family spirit they shared. The troll stood tall at eight feet, letting out his own growl.

  “Fuck me, I love you guys.” Leira let out her own whoop.

  “With honor and to the end,” yelled Correk.

  Hagan hugged Leira tight and whispered in her ear. “Fight the good fight kid, and then come back to see me. Doughnuts on me.” He stepped back and was swept up in Yumfuck’s arms, getting a face full of warm troll hair. “Okay, got it, damn buddy. Little space.” But he gave in and grabbed a fist full of hair, hugging him back. “Make it right,” he said.

  The troll let out a rolling trill and set Hagan back down on his feet. “We will fish together again soon,” said Yumfuck. Hagan swallowed hard, biting his lip even as he nodded hard.

  “Damn Yumfuck, you got me. I’ll hold your spot for you till you’re back here again.”

  Everyone yelled their goodbyes as Correk opened a portal. Leira, Correk, Brittany, Louie, and Yumfuck stepped through and into Oriceran’s Dark Forest. They stood there for a moment looking at the path that led to the dark market. The portal closed behind them, the sounds of their friends dying out, sparks showing around their feet.

  “Time to go.” Leira looked down the road.

  “We’ve got this,” said Brittany, the magic already glowing in her eyes.

  Louie let out a sigh and pulled the sword from his back. “Nobody’s going to appreciate us busting up the dark market.”

in it, Louie’s sword whispered.

  Brittany clapped Louie on the back. “Change is a bitch.”

  They walked down the road and turned the corner, Leira shifting the satchel strapped across her chest away from the burn on her belly. The group readied themselves, pulling the energy into their chests.

  As they approached the dark market, Ronnie stood taller. He caught Louie’s eye and nodded, signaling to a flock of pixies. Ronnie had worked out a signal to the local pixies a long time ago, just in case something like this ever happened.

  Brittany drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “By your side, sister. We’ve got this.”

  Leira looked over at her younger sister and gave her a crooked smile. She held out her hand and Brittany took hold, squeezing it. Leira felt the energy pass back and forth between them. “Fuck yeah, we do.”

  The pixies flew off to warn the other stall owners to clear out. Those in league with the dark wizards took their positions sending the interior into a state of rushed chaos.

  Stall owners and shoppers scattered, trying to get out of the way while a motley crew of Marcel’s loyalists marched on Leira and her crew.

  “Says something that he’s not out in front to greet us.” Leira was never fond of someone who didn’t stand in front of their troops, no matter the cause. “What’s more important than leading the way?”

  “That’s what we’re here to finally answer,” said Correk.

  Louie held his sword firmly and took a deep breath. “It looks like this battle starts early.”

  The dark wizards and witches began hurling fireballs at them, and Leira created a wave of energy sending the fireballs over their heads in a shower of sparkling light.

  “Beautiful and deadly,” she whispered.

  The orbs of dark magic flew over their heads and smashed into several of the stands, exploding into a blazing fire.

  “Onward!” Leira nodded to the others, sprinting straight at the dark wizards.

  Louie listened to his sword, following every direction it whispered. He slashed right, taking down three wizards, then left, sending another group to their knees. Leira waved her hands from right to left, slashing a whip made of light across the dark wizards’ faces. Correk blasted fireballs into the crowd and created a pathway for them to run. They made it almost all the way back to the tent before they had to stop and fight more guards.

  “Time to find out what’s worth protecting. Aloha, motherfuckers!” Yumfuck growled softly, growing to eight feet tall. A roar erupted, starting from deep within his belly, erupting out of his wide-open mouth.

  From the bushes came a herd of small trolls who leapt over the twigs and quickly grew to seven and eight feet tall. All of them looked like Yumfuck, with an assortment of different colors of tufted hair. Their teeth were bared, and their claws were out.

  “Whoa…” Brittany let out a soft gasp.

  Yumfuck looked at Leira, cackling. “Leira and Correk, meet my family.” Hundreds of trolls waved, letting out a unified cheer. Yumfuck Tiberius Troll let out another roar. “Brothers and sisters, let’s do this!”

  The roar from hundreds of trolls filled the air and seemed to even move the energy in front of them as they ran.

  Marcel’s flunkies backed up slowly, their eyes growing wide with fear. Hundreds of trolls charged, knocking them to the ground like a wave.

  Leira sent out waves of energy, taking a wide stance to hold the energy. She kept the outer ring of dark wizards as far back as possible, and Louie ran into the middle of the pack of trolls, listening carefully to the instructions of the sword to move with the trolls and strike hard into the hearts of the dark wizards.

  Drop to your knees and swing to your right.

  Louie didn’t hesitate. He did exactly what the sword told him. The blade slashed through the air, striking the back of a tall dark wizard with braided brown hair, who was about to take down one of Yumfuck’s siblings. The blade cut open a thin but deep wound across his back.

  He screamed and dropped to his knees, giving the troll the chance to pick him up. Brittany grimaced as the troll ripped his head from his shoulders.

  The troll gave Louie a bloody grimace.

  “That is intense.” Brittany turned and threw a ball of fire at a wizard who was ready to strike at the troll. “Not today, motherfucker.”

  The trolls scooped up the bodies on the ground and threw them to the sides, clearing a path toward the target. Most of the Marcel’s flunkies were unconscious. Correk and Leira ran into the tent, the others trailing behind.

  They found Marcel standing tall, ready to protect an artifact taller than the Light Elf that stretched for twelve feet across the back of the tent. It looked as solid as it was large and shimmered with an inner light, made of something metallic. Smooth except for the symbols inset across the rim.

  “It’s a giant metal brick,” said Louie, puzzled. “Who would make an artifact that large?”

  Leira was focused on the Light Elf. She recognized him at once. “Marcel Landslow, we’ve been looking for you, but you’ve been hugging the shadows. This is what held you back?” She felt the energy inside of her sending out a stream of magic, searching for answers. The scar on her stomach, still sore tingled with pain.

  Correk raised an eyebrow. “What the hell is that?”

  Brittany came up behind him and stopped cold. “That’s new.”

  Leira saw how carefully Marcel was keeping a space between himself and the relic. “New and dangerous. You’ve never seen something like that before?”

  Correk shook his head. “Not on either world.”

  Louie felt the sword vibrating in rhythm with the shimmer.

  “Is your sword talking to that thing?” Brittany stepped forward as Marcel opened his palm, a fire igniting in his palm.

  “Two of you. No matter.” Marcel’s laugh sounded hollow. “You pathetic, Jasper Elf. Even if you kill me, you’ll still get what you deserve.”

  Leira tilted her head. “You’re afraid of that thing.” She saw the twitch in his hand, giving him away. “Good to know. Fuck it, we’re going in.”

  Leira didn’t hesitate and set forth an intention, setting the magic loose. The bracelet on her wrist slid up her arm as she held out her arm, the symbols lighting up and flipping over, revealing The energy surged at Marcel Ladslow. He was stronger than expected and deflected the energy, bending it away from his body with a visible strain. His energy was split, sending out a streak of dark magic that wrapped around Correk and threw him to the ground, squeezing the breath out of him.

  Leira gritted her teeth. “Oh, hell, no, not again.”

  Go low, trust your fellow warrior. Louie ran, dropping to his knees, sliding, swiping the sword across Marcel’s legs. Yumfuck leaned across Louie and slashed the tips of his claws across the Marcel’s face.

  Marcel swung his arm to the left, sending out a bolt of energy that blew Louie and Brittany off their feet.

  Leira saw her opening and threw a streak of white light, wrapping it tightly around his neck. She flicked another ball of fire, finding its target straight into his belly. He groaned, his body flailing against the ground.

  Leira picked him up by his collar as he sputtered and gasped for air. “You’re dying Marcel, leave us with a few answers.”

  He sneered at her, his eyes fluttering shut. Leira kept her breathing measured. Not a moment for revenge. She wanted answers. “Was all this worth it? What was so important that it was worth dying for? What is this artifact?”

  The Light Elf spat blood and smiled, whispering, “The answer to traveling space and time. A different kind of portal.”

  Leira narrowed her eyes. “What does this have to do with the dark families? Why are they involved?”

  “It’s coming.” His head sunk onto his chest as his eyes closed.

  Correk knelt by Leira’s side and shook Marcel’s shoulders. “Open your eyes!”

  The Light Elf coughed up more blood and opened his eyes, smirking. “Everything.
Power. Magic isn’t the only thing that’s returning. Pay attention.”

  Leira shook her head. “Fuck me, what does that mean?”

  Correk narrowed his eyes. “It means we get it the hell out of here and hide it where no one can ever find it until we know.”

  Leira let go of Marcel and let his head gently fall to the ground. “We’re going to need Turner Underwood’s help.”

  The hundreds of trolls began to shrink down to three feet tall, surrounding Leira and Correk. Yumfuck picked himself up and dusted off his fur, shrinking down to their size. His siblings took turns burying their face in his neck, hugging him goodbye.

  “Thank you for your help, my brethren. Tell Mom I’ll visit soon.”

  Correk opened a large portal to Turner’s old mansion in Washington. Turner stepped into view and looked at them strangely. Brittany and Leira joined hands and sent out a ribbon of energy, lifting the artifact and moving it toward the open portal.

  Correk stepped through the portal, greeting the old Fixer. “There was no time and there’s no better place.”

  Turner peered into the portal. “Your instincts serve you well, as always. What is it?”

  “That’s the answer of the ages, apparently,” said Brittany.

  “Focus.” Leira could feel the artifact pulling away from them, attempting to draw them closer.

  “We need to figure this out. We don’t know what it is, but it’s much darker than we thought.” Correk whipped around, instinctively recognizing the whistle from a streak of magic growing closer to him.

  Turner pushed him aside and stepped through the portal, flicking his wrist to deflect the magic. A dozen dark witches and wizards were stepping through a portal that was quickly closing behind the last one. They were intent on stopping them from taking the artifact.

  “Someone in the market has a big mouth,” said Brittany. “Word spread fast.”

  “What is this thing? Did it set out an alert?” Louie held up his sword, even as it continued to vibrate.

  Turner twisted his hand and shot a streak of silver light into the sky that exploded into a display of fireworks, zipping off into different directions.


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