Little Princes

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Little Princes Page 30

by Conor Grennan

  “Yeah, I think I can.”


  This book exists because a group of children in Nepal welcomed me into their world. They were my wards, my friends, my translators, my teachers, and often my lone source of entertainment when I lived in Nepal. They remain, today, my brothers and sisters, and I will be forever indebted to them. Farid Ait-Mansour was an equal (if not greater) partner in this adventure. I have never met a man with a stronger desire to do what was right for those less fortunate. He is my hero.

  I want to thank the team at William Morrow for their passion, enthusiasm, and hard work in bringing this book to life. I especially want to thank my editor, Laurie Chittenden, for seeing into the heart of the story and bringing out the very best in it and in me.

  Trena Keating, my agent, has been a phenomenal advocate, editor, and friend from the very beginning, and reassured me every step of the way that yes, really, honestly, there would be people who would want to read this book.

  My mother, along with the rest of my family, was always incredibly generous, loaning me money so that I could remain in Nepal even when my savings had expired. During the writing process, my father, the poet Eamon Grennan, worked his magic during the editing process, while my stepmother, Rachel Kitzinger, an accomplished writer in her own right, lent me her apartment so I could have a quiet space to work. Itay Banayan and my other classmates at the world’s greatest business school, NYU Stern, helped me through the most intense classes each semester, knowing that I was working on this manuscript.

  Last, I simply could not have written this book without the enduring love, support, and editorial assistance of my wife, Liz. May every author be so blessed to have such a companion.


  The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.

  abuse: of children, 266

  Adil (orphan), 240, 241

  Agrim (orphan), 268

  Agulla, Charlie, 62, 159, 245

  Ait-Mansour, Farid

  appearance of, 18, 64

  Bahadur’s meeting with Conor and, 90–91

  bandha explanation of, 31

  and bedtime at Little Princes, 35

  and Bishnu’s search and rescue, 241, 254, 257

  as Buddhist, 243–44, 246–47, 248, 263, 266

  children’s relationship with, 68–69, 79, 81, 141, 244, 245, 273

  and Conor learning Nepali, 22–23

  in Conor’s apartment, 243

  and Conor’s arrival at Little Princes, 18

  and Conor’s departure from Dhaulagiri House, 273

  and Conor’s departure from Nepal, 274–75

  Conor’s first meeting with, 18

  and Conor’s Humla trip, 151, 156, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 208

  and Conor’s leaving Little Princes, 53, 55, 93–94

  and Conor’s Nuwakot trip, 262–63

  and Conor’s promise to return to Little Princes, 55

  and Conor’s questions about food, 65–66

  Conor’s relationship with, 72–74, 102–4

  and Conor’s return from Humla, 219, 225, 226

  and Conor’s return to Little Princes, 64

  and Conor’s return to the United States, 263

  decision to open children’s home by, 109

  decision to return to Nepal of, 102, 103–4

  as Dhaulagiri House manager, 155

  and disappearance of seven children, 102, 103

  e-mails between Conor and, 99, 100, 108–9, 135–36, 137

  and families’ visits to Umbrella homes, 240–41

  and finding NGN home, 140

  and finding of seven children, 135, 137, 138

  food interests of, 73, 74

  and garbage can incident, 20

  and Golkka’s visit to Little Princes, 39, 41

  at Hindu festival, 65–66

  and hospital visit, 36–37

  and Howe as NGN replacement for Conor, 269–71

  and impact of civil war on Little Princes, 70, 71

  and Jablo incident, 141–42

  and Karya, 109

  Khumbu region trip of, 267–68

  and Kumar’s father’s telephone call, 241

  and launching of NGN, 105, 106, 108–9

  and Leena, 229, 244, 245, 261

  Little Princes visits of, 156, 158

  and Liz-Conor relationship, 263, 265–66

  and Liz’s visits to Nepal, 160, 243, 261

  and Maoist rebels interest in Little Princes, 71–72

  and Maoist rebels kidnapping of children, 71

  and memories of civil war, 274–75

  and mother of Nuraj and Krish, 74–81

  and names of children, 23

  and Navin’s father, 218

  and “Nepal time,” 268

  and opening of new NGN home, 141

  personal background of, 73–74

  rescue of children by, 227–30

  and return of Little Princes children to Humla, 277–79

  return to France of, 93, 100, 274–75

  return to Nepal of, 115, 138, 141

  and Sandra’s trek to Mugu region, 47–48

  and Santosh’s illness, 50, 53

  search for families by, 266–67, 268–69

  and setting up Dhaulagiri House, 142–46

  and seven children with Nuraj’s mother, 83–89, 92, 93–94

  and shampoo incident, 24–25

  and spiders, 68–69

  as teacher, 32, 33

  and Umbrella Foundation, 92

  Alex (volunteer), 61, 62

  Amazon River: Conor’s trip on, 62

  Amita (orphan)

  appearance of, 86

  and Bishnu rescue, 254, 257

  and camera, 88

  Conor first meets, 86, 87

  Conor’s good-bye to, 271

  and Conor’s return from Humla, 225

  at Dhaulagiri House, 145

  disappearance of, 101, 102, 184

  finding of, 125–28, 183, 270

  mother of, 183–85, 186

  with Nuraj’s mother, 86, 87, 88, 130, 183

  search for, 107, 120, 270

  in Thangkot, 126–27

  at Umbrella Foundation, 128

  Anish (orphan)

  appearance of, 25–26

  bedtime for, 22

  and Bollywood movie incident, 121

  Conor playing with, 28

  and Conor’s first night at Little Princes, 22

  and Conor’s leaving Little Princes, 53, 54, 55, 93

  Conor’s memories of, 61

  and Conor’s promise to return to Little Princes, 53, 54, 55

  and Conor’s proposal to Liz, 265

  and Conor’s questions about food, 66

  and Conor’s remembering names of children, 26

  and Conor’s return from Humla, 237–38

  English homework assignment of, 32

  family of, 176–78, 179–80, 237–38

  and garbage can explanation, 21

  and questions about American food, 42

  questions about water and distance of, 67–68

  and search for Raju’s socks, 30–31

  apartment, Conor’s Kathmandu, 146–51, 155, 224–25, 243, 271

  apples: in Humla, 157–58, 213, 230

  Arbaugh, Josh, 109

  Bagwati (cook at Little Princes), 31, 35, 66–67, 68, 72, 93, 239

  Bahadur, Gyan

  and Amita, 127

  and Bishnu, 241, 248–53, 256

  Conor and Farid first meet, 90–91

  Conor’s relationship with, 115, 136–37

  and Golkka, 90–91

  jurisdiction of, 115–16

  and Kumar, 134–38, 140

  and rescue of children at Dhaulagiri House, 127, 134–48, 227–28, 248–53, 256

  and search for seven children, 115–20, 129, 228

  and seven children with Nuraj’s mother, 90–91, 92

  in Thangkot, 127–28

  and Tilak, 253–54

  and Umbrella Foundation, 92, 115

  Bahadur, Min

  Conor says good-bye to, 200

  on Conor’s Humla trip, 165, 166, 168, 169, 172, 182–83, 191–92, 195–96, 200, 239

  Lali trip of, 195–96

  as UNICEF staff member, 165

  Bali: Conor in, 62

  banana example, 162

  bandha (Maoist-instigated strike), 30–32, 72, 74, 78, 81, 82–83, 89

  bank manager: and Bishnu rescue, 249–56

  Basinati (orphan), 140

  bathing, 24–25

  bedtime: at Little Princes, 22, 34–36, 42–43, 53–54

  beggers: children as, 62–63

  Bell, Viva

  and Conor-Liz relationship, 260, 261

  e-mail about seven children from, 100–102

  and families’ visits to Dhaulagiri House and Umbrella homes, 240

  finding of Jagrit by, 157

  and finding of Kumar, 137–38

  and finding the seven children, 128, 132, 133, 137–38

  and founding of Umbrella Foundation, 91–92

  and Jagrit’s first meeting with Conor, 132

  monkey stories of, 149

  and NGN children’s home, 139

  personal and professional background of, 91–92, 107

  and search for seven children, 114–15, 116

  Bible, Conor’s, 246, 247

  Bikash (orphan), 33, 75, 113, 161, 172, 173, 179, 273

  biking: and Conor’s round-the-world trip, 60–62

  Birendra (king of Nepal), 69

  Bishnu (orphan)

  Conor’s good-bye to, 271

  disappearance of, 101, 102

  as domestic slave, 249

  rescue of, 248–57

  saving a Dhaulagiri bed for, 146

  search for, 107, 120, 134, 228, 241

  Bistachhap (village), 9–13, 24, 90

  blankets, making, 143–44

  Bokche Ganda (Humla shelter), 169–70, 214

  Bolivia: Conor in, 62

  Bollywood movie incident, 121–22

  Buddhist stupas, 148–49

  Buffalo-induced panic attack, Conor’s, 181–82

  Buk, Jacky

  appearance of, 92

  and Bishnu’s rescue, 248–56

  call to mayor of Kathmandu by, 255–56

  and disappearance of seven children, 101

  and finding of Amita, 128

  and Jagrit’s first meeting with Conor, 132

  and Liz-Conor relationship, 260

  and NGN children’s home, 139, 140

  rescue of children by, 128, 227–30, 248–56

  role in Umbrella Foundation of, 92

  and search for seven children, 114, 115, 116

  buses: in Nepal, 44, 70, 125–26

  Cambodia, 61

  camera incident, Conor’s: with seven children, 87–88

  camoflage jacket, man in, 186–87

  carrom (game), 27–28, 68, 79

  cars: building toy, 38–39

  caste system, 45–46

  Caylor, Beth, 150, 159, 219–20, 223, 224, 225–26, 229, 235, 236

  Caylor, Kelly, 62, 150, 159, 219–20, 223, 224, 225–26, 229, 235, 236

  Cecile (volunteer), 70, 71

  CERV Nepal (volunteer program)

  Conor with, 15, 90

  Conor’s doubts about volunteering for, 16

  Conor’s motives for joining, 6–7

  orientation for, 8–13, 17

  and return of volunteers, 53

  See also Little Princes Children’s Home; specific person

  Charlottesville, Virginia: NGN story in newspaper in, 109–10, 122

  child trafficking

  Conor and Farid’s underestimation of amount of, 89

  during civil war, 40, 70–71, 84, 189

  and expansion of Maoist rebels, 76–77

  families as aiding in, 267

  and gender, 86

  in Humla district, 76–81

  Kathmandu Valley as epicenter for, 115–16

  and mission of NGN, 105–6

  and rescue of children at Dhaulagiri House, 227–28

  See also Golkka; specific child

  Child Welfare Board, Kathmandu, 41, 90, 101, 115, 248


  abuse of, 266

  as beggers, 62–63

  civil war knowledge of, 70

  Conor’s attempt to open up to, 42–43

  and Conor’s promise to return, 55

  families reluctance to take, 266–67

  Farid and Buk’s rescue of, 227–30

  independence of, 68

  Liz’s relationship with, 244–45, 249, 259, 260

  memories of Humla district of, 81, 161

  questions about Conor’s marriage of, 93, 113–14, 259–60, 265–66

  questions about Conor’s return of, 53–54

  resilency of, 42

  responsibilities of, 93

  reuniting families with, 266–67, 268

  in Ripa, 179

  Sandra’s attempts to get news about families of, 47–49

  in Shreenagar, 202–3

  as survivors, 113

  as taking care of one another, 134

  as talking about their parents, 80–81

  See also Dhaulagiri House; Little Princes Children’s Home; seven children; Umbrella Foundation; specific child

  Chris (volunteer), 18, 32, 46, 47

  Christianity: Conor’s views about, 128–29, 246–47

  civil war, Nepal

  ceasefire in, 69–70, 204

  child trafficking during, 40, 70–71, 84, 189

  and Conor’s arrival in Kathmandu, 5–6

  and Conor’s decision to volunteer, 5

  and elections, 82–83

  escalation of, 46–47, 69–70, 81–83, 89, 99–100

  and Everest Base Camp region, 15

  memories about, 274–75

  outbreak of, 46

  peace agreement in, 158, 166

  and Sandra’s trek to Rara Lake, 46, 47

  truce in, 105

  U.S. news about, 97–98, 99–100

  See also bandha; Maoist rebels

  CNN: Nepal news on, 99, 100

  Conor. See Grennan, Conor; specific person or topic

  cows: questions about eating, 42–43

  Dalits, 45–46

  Dasain (Hindu festival), 125

  David (Scottish volunteer), 211–13, 214

  Dawa (orphan), 33, 36–37, 68, 129, 273

  D.B. (ISIS volunteer)

  and Amita’s mother, 184–85

  Conor first meets, 124, 270

  Conor says good-bye to, 200

  and Conor’s Humla trip, 161, 163, 164–68, 171–72, 173, 174, 175, 179, 184–85, 187, 190–91, 192, 198, 200

  and Conor’s plans to visit Humla, 158

  and Jagrit’s family, 190–91

  and Maoist permission for Humla trip, 166–68, 203

  Rinjin as brother-in-law of, 164

  and teams for Humla trip, 164–65

  death certificates: for Jagrit’s parents, 157, 188–89, 194, 230

  Depak (CERV Nepal employee), 9

  Devaka (house mother), 271

  Devendra (CERV worker), 90, 91

  Dhananjaya (WFP worker), 198, 200, 201, 203–8, 209

  Dhaulagiri House

  addition of children to, 219

  blackout at, 244

  Conor and Farid’s decision to open, 109

  Conor has missing children at, 218

  Conor’s good-byes to children at, 271

  and Conor’s return from Humla, 226–27

  Conor’s stay at, 243–45

  families’ visits to, 240–41

  Farid as manager of, 155

  and Farid’s return to Nepal, 141

  final group photo at, 271

  finding of, 138–40

  importance of opening, 141

  leaving ceremony at, 271

  Liz’s relationship with children at, 249, 259

  Liz’s visit to, 226–27, 228, 229, 243–45

  and location of Conor’s apartment, 147–48

  naming of, 144

  rescue of children at, 227–30

  setting up, 142–46

  six children come to, 145–46

  and stipends for parents, 267

  and Tilak’s rescue, 254

  Dipendra (crown prince of Nepal), 69

  Dirgha (orphan)

  appearance of, 86

  and Bishnu’s rescue, 254, 257

  and camera, 87–88

  Conor first meets, 86, 87

  Conor’s good-bye to, 271

  and Conor’s return from Humla, 225

  at Dhaulagiri House, 145, 146, 148

  disappearance of, 101, 102

  finding of, 129–32

  get-well cards for, 134

  in hospital, 129–32

  malnutrition of, 129–32

  with Nuraj’s mother, 86, 87–88

  search for, 107, 120

  at Umbrella Foundation, 132, 133–34

  Drinking Jelly, 66

  EastWest Institute, 6, 99, 106, 107

  Ecuador: Conor’s trip to, 62

  eggs: as gift for Conor, 185

  Elena (Liz’s friend), 123

  English: learning, 33

  Everest Base Camp, 14–15, 40, 158–59, 267

  Everest National Park, 15

  families, children’s

  as aiding in child trafficking, 267

  Conor’s feelings about meeting, 181

  continuing search for, 266–67, 268–69

  gifts to Conor from, 180, 185, 238

  letters to/from, 195, 213, 238, 241

  photographs of, 238

  as reluctant to take children, 266–67


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