Different Suits

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Different Suits Page 2

by Carol Lynne

  He sat up and studied the area around him. Had someone followed him? Angelo turned and picked up his phone from the seat beside him. His thumb hovered over the keys. Why was he even considering calling Moody? He knew he’d need to report the vandalism and breaking and entering, but the strong urge to call Moody had nothing to do with the fact he was a cop.

  Angelo dropped the phone back in the seat. Since when did he need a six-foot, six-inch badass to make him feel safe? In his youth, he’d stared down the barrel of more than one gun. He’d been forced to deal with life in his undesirable neighbourhood by learning to talk and talk fast.

  But this wasn’t the kind of situation he could talk his way out of. Blakely and his people didn’t give a fuck about what he said, it was what he did in the privacy of his home that they had a problem with.

  With his nerves frayed, Angelo leaned his seat back as far as it would go. He refused to acknowledge the fear settling in the pit of his stomach over the idea that someone was watching him.

  Before he knew it, there was a knock on his window, making him jump. Angelo turned to find a hulking giant peering in at him. Shit.

  Angelo turned the key and hit the power button. As the window slid down, he groaned at the thought of getting into another argument with the detective.

  “Nice paint job,” Moody growled.

  Angelo ground his teeth, promising himself to kill Trey when he saw him. “How’d you get here so fast? Trey have you on speed dial?”

  “He’s worried, and I don’t live far from here,” Moody answered.

  “Lucky me.”

  “Scoot over,” the detective told him, placing his hand on the door handle.

  “Go around to the passenger side,” Angelo countered, narrowing his eyes in challenge.

  Moody flashed him a sexy grin and slammed his hand on the roof of the car before going around.

  Angelo unlocked the door and put his seat back into an upright position. The detective’s large frame barely seemed to fit in the confines of the four-door Mercedes, and Angelo couldn’t help but wonder where the guy had to buy his clothes.

  He tilted his neck to the side until he heard a definite crack. “Are you going to yell at me now?”

  Moody turned to face him as much as was possible in the small-looking seat and shook his head. “Why is it that the two of us can’t seem to do anything but bitch at each other?”

  Angelo shrugged and looked out the windshield.

  Moody reached over and grabbed Angelo’s chin, turning it to face him. “The shit that’s going down isn’t child’s play. If we don’t learn how to communicate, someone’s going to end up either in the hospital or the morgue.”

  Angelo knew the detective was right. He should have called Torrence as soon as he’d seen the graffiti on the side of the car. It was his own stubbornness that had stopped him.

  “Fine, but can we not do this here?” Despite being in Moody’s presence, Angelo still felt overly exposed.

  “Can you follow me back to your place?”

  “Why can’t you just take me to Trey’s house?” Angelo asked.

  “Because I’m dead-assed tired. Have at least a little compassion for me. Besides, the criminal activity at your house will need to be investigated. The sooner we get it done, the faster we catch the bastards.”


  Moody stared at Angelo for several moments before nodding. “Lead the way.”

  Chapter Two

  Moody pulled into the driveway behind Angelo’s car and killed the engine. He’d been dead to the world when he’d received the phone call from Trey. He knew he could’ve passed the call onto Jake, but he needed to see for himself that Angelo was okay.

  “Why don’t you park in the garage?” he asked, climbing off his bike.

  Angelo actually blushed. “Because I have a couple other cars stored in there.”

  Moody whistled. “They must be beauties if you’ve decided to leave the Mercedes exposed.”

  “Not really. They both need some work. I’ve got the first car I ever bought, a 1980 Chevy Chevette and a 1976 Impala that belonged to my nonna,” Angelo mumbled, refusing to make eye contact.

  Moody didn’t tell Angelo he was actually more impressed by the cars listed than the one sitting in the driveway. The cars secured in the garage held sentimental value instead of monetary. That said a lot for the man Angelo was underneath the expensive business suits.

  Thoughts of what else lay under the clothing had Moody’s dick filling. He tried to suppress his lust, at least until after investigating the crime scene.

  “I think I’ll take a quick look around and then I need to call in some of my people. Maybe we’ll get lucky and the asshole forgot to wear gloves.” He started towards the front door, but Angelo stopped him.

  “If you’re concerned about preserving fingerprints, it might be better to go in the back.”

  Moody stopped and grinned. “Good thinking. You watch a lot of television?”

  Angelo shrugged, opening the back gate. “Once in a while.”

  As he followed the gorgeous jean-encased ass in front of him, Moody noticed the landscaping. “Nice,” he commented.

  Angelo glanced around. “I came out to water the flowers when whoever it was that painted my car entered the house. I was probably only out here for fifteen minutes at the most.”

  Angelo’s statement brought Moody’s thoughts back to the real reason he was there. “Stay out here while I check things out inside.”

  Angelo nodded. The grateful expression on Angelo’s face led Moody to believe he was putting up a brave front. No doubt the man was scared. Hell, who wouldn’t be given the same situation?

  Moody drew the gun from his shoulder holster and carefully opened the door. He scanned the kitchen first, taking note of the emptied decanter of wine, before moving to the living room.

  His gaze landed on a box perched on top of the coffee table. He checked the rest of the rooms carefully, before returning to the present the intruder had left. Nestled in white tissue paper, was a large, flesh-coloured dildo. The entire package appeared to be splattered with blood.

  Moody’s chest tightened as he withdrew his phone and called the crime scene department. Without disturbing anything, Moody made his way back to the deck. He found Angelo pacing back and forth, his glasses tossed onto the small bistro table.

  “No wonder you were freaked.” He took a chance and stepped into Angelo’s path, blocking his way.

  Angelo glanced up, and the look in the normally reserved man’s eyes brought out every protective instinct Moody had. He pulled Angelo into his arms and kissed the top of his head.

  Angelo’s body stiffened at the contact before finally accepting the gesture. Although Angelo leant against Moody’s chest, his arms remained at his sides. “What happens now?”

  “I called the station. They’ll send guys out to process the scene.”

  “Do I need to be here for that?” Angelo asked.

  “No, but your car does. You want me to take you somewhere?”

  Angelo nodded. “I can’t stay here, at least not yet.”

  Moody knew he really should stay and direct the investigation, but what use was having a partner on a case if they didn’t help when needed?

  “If you can give me a few minutes, I’ll call Jake and have him come down. Then I’ll take you anywhere you want to go.”


  “Jake Randall. He’s my partner on this case.”


  Moody smiled. He could tell by the way Angelo said it that there was a twinge of jealousy there. Not that Angelo would ever admit it. Moody squeezed Angelo a little tighter and buried his nose in the thick black hair. “He’s straight.”

  “Doesn’t matter to me whether he’s gay or straight,” Angelo grumbled.

  Moody bit back a chuckle and placed one more kiss on Angelo’s head before pulling back. “Why don’t you call Trey and fill him in. Do you need to get a change of clothes?

  Angelo nodded, but stayed where he was. Moody got a strong feeling the man was hesitant about going into the house alone.

  “Mind if I tag along?” he asked.

  “No. Not at all.”

  Moody led the way back into the house while calling Jake. His partner didn’t seem happy, but he knew it was part of the job. After finishing the call, Moody stretched out on Angelo’s bed and sighed. “This is nice. Wake me if I fall asleep.”

  Angelo chuckled and pulled a garment bag from the top shelf of the closet. “Are these guys that are coming going to make a mess?”

  Moody wasn’t sure if Angelo’s question was his nerves talking or if he really was a neat freak. Moody believed in order in his house, but he certainly wasn’t anal about it. “The house’ll need to be cleaned afterwards, but they won’t trash the place. For the most part, a good dusting should take care of the majority of the mess.”


  Moody watched as Angelo selected an expensive charcoal grey suit along with a white dress shirt, red tie, black socks and shoes. He peered over his shoulder before pulling out a pair of black silky boy shorts, stuffing them into the bottom of the garment bag.

  After seeing the underwear, Moody couldn’t take his eyes off the man’s ass. Was he wearing a similar pair under those designer jeans? He licked his lips as his cock hardened. What would it take to get Angelo to let his guard down enough to give him a chance?

  The doorbell rang, bringing Moody out of his lust-filled daydream. “I’ll get it.”

  “Meet you on the deck?” Angelo asked before Moody got out of the room.

  “Yep. Give me a few minutes to fill the guys in.”

  * * * *

  Angelo hadn’t considered Moody’s mode of transportation until the detective swung his long leg over the motorcycle and sat on the seat. “I…­I can’t ride on this,” Angelo stuttered.

  “Why? You got something against a Harley?” Moody asked.

  “There’s not enough room, for one thing.”

  Moody glanced over his shoulder at the small strip of seat. “I’m sure you can fit that tight ass of yours on what’s left.”

  “What about my bag?” Angelo held up the garment bag.

  “Give it to me.” Moody held out his hand.

  Resigned to either riding on the back of the bike or looking like an ass, Angelo handed over his clothes. “Be careful, please.”

  Moody nodded and rolled the bag before sitting it on the tank between his legs, fastening it into place with a bungee cord. “How’s that?”

  Angelo took a deep breath and climbed onto the back of the Harley. “I’m not sure this is really meant for two people,” he commented. He took the helmet Moody had unstrapped from the bike and secured the straps under his chin.

  “That’s because you’re not sitting close enough.” Moody reached back and pulled Angelo closer. “Wrap your arms around my waist,” he yelled over the loud rumble of the Harley as he started it up.

  At first, Angelo rested his hands on Moody’s sides until the detective lurched the bike forward, almost spilling him onto the drive.

  “Around my waist!” Moody yelled.

  Angelo did as he was told. The new position had his front smashed up against Moody’s broad back. The moment Moody reached the first stop sign, he reached down and positioned Angelo’s hands so they rested on his lower abdomen, just above his jeans.

  Never one for public displays of affection, Angelo glanced around nervously. Moody roared off again, and Angelo held on tight. The man was either an incredibly skilled rider or a maniac.

  Angelo wasn’t sure if it was the bike’s vibration, the smell of Moody’s citrus cologne or the feel of the tightly muscled torso under his hands, but his cock started to fill. Shit. He knew Moody had to feel the steel rod pressing against his lower back.

  When the detective missed the ramp that led to the highway, Angelo was confused. He tried to yell his questions in Moody’s ears, but the bike and the wind were just too loud. The first stoplight they came to, he finally had a chance.

  “You’re taking me to Trey’s, right?”

  Moody turned his head enough for Angelo to see the wide grin on his face. “I told you I would, but I’m not ready to let you off this bike yet. Figured we’d go the back roads.” He winked. “Give us more time and a hell of a lot safer at a lower speed.”

  Before the light turned green, Moody yanked the front of his T-shirt out of the waistband of his jeans. He settled Angelo’s hands on his slightly furred bare skin. “Knock yourself out.”

  Angelo tried to shake off the lust that overwhelmed him at the contact. Moody wasn’t his type, so why the hell was the man making him so incredibly horny? He moved his little finger enough to rub against the warm skin. Fuck the man was ripped, he thought as his finger dipped into a ridge between muscles.

  Had he ever made love to someone so incredibly strong? Angelo knew the answer was definitely not. He preferred his men lithe, not muscular. So why the hell is my cock ready to drill a hole through my zipper?

  Despite his strong reservations, Angelo’s hands began to move more freely, dancing across the tight washboard abdomen. He gritted his teeth as he tried to keep his touch to Moody’s stomach. The desire to travel south was incredibly strong, and Angelo began to wonder what the big man’s dick would feel like in his hand.

  Self-preservation was the only thing that kept him in check. The last thing either of them needed was to wreck. He tried to concentrate on the skin he felt he could safely touch, allowing one hand to briefly brush across Moody’s nipple. He felt, rather than heard, the groan emanating from Moody. Yeah, the man was as turned on as he was.

  By the time they pulled into Trey’s driveway, Angelo was on the verge of coming. Moody turned off the bike, but neither of them moved for several seconds. Angelo was the first to come to his senses. He withdrew his hands and went to work on the helmet strap.

  Without the rumble of the bike, Angelo began to feel embarrassed by his actions. He climbed off the bike as Moody removed his own helmet. “Thanks for the lift.”

  Moody unstrapped the garment bag and held it out with one hand. Before Angelo could get it, the detective used his other hand to pull him closer.

  “Kiss me,” Moody growled.

  Angelo nervously glanced around. Trey and Cole lived in a residential neighbourhood, and the last thing they needed was two men making out in their driveway.

  Moody’s hand moved to the back of Angelo’s head and pulled him in for a kiss. Despite his reservations, he didn’t pull away. The first swipe of Moody’s tongue sent a jolt of electricity through Angelo’s already excited body.

  He moaned as his mouth was thoroughly fucked by the tough-guy’s tongue. Shit. I can’t do this. There’s no future for me and Moody. The two of them might have fun in the sack, but Angelo wanted more, and he doubted Moody was the type for lazy days in the garden or cuddling on the couch.

  Breaking the kiss, Angelo stepped back, taking his garment bag with him. “Like I said, thanks for the ride.”

  Moody eyed Angelo for several seconds before speaking. “I’ll wear you down. Eventually.”

  Angelo felt his cheeks heat at the implication. What the hell? He’d never let a man make him feel like this. He found he didn’t like it one bit. No fucking way was he going to give the big lug power over him.

  “Keep dreaming,” he quipped as he started towards the house.

  “Oh I have been. I’ll call you as soon as we find something.”

  Angelo didn’t bother turning around.

  “Hey!” Moody yelled.

  With a smile on his face, Angelo continued walking up the porch and rang the bell. He heard mumbles behind him, but didn’t pay Moody any mind.

  Trey eventually opened the door, a cell phone to his ear. “Okay, I’ll tell him. Thanks for bringing him out.”

  Angelo’s eyes narrowed as he glanced over his shoulder at the big, bad detective on his phone. Moody pursed hi
s lips and blew Angelo a kiss. Shaking his head, he pushed by Trey and entered his friend’s house.

  Trey hung up and shut the front door just as Angelo heard the deep roar of the Harley starting up.

  “Are you okay?” Trey asked, pulling Angelo into a hug.

  “I’m fine. The cops are at my place making a mess as we speak.” Angelo unrolled his garment bag and draped it over the back of a chair in the living room. “You got a beer?”

  Trey grinned. “Yeah, we were just having our nightcap on the patio.”

  Angelo followed Trey into the kitchen and waited while his friend pulled a beer from the fridge. He was surprised when his friend handed him a Mexican beer. “I thought you hated this stuff?”

  Trey chuckled and squeezed Angelo’s shoulder. “I do, but I bought some the other day in case you came by. I even have a couple of limes.”

  Angelo waved away the limes. No sense cutting one up when he was only having the single beer. The fact that Trey had thought enough about him to actually stock a brand of beer he didn’t even drink, touched Angelo more than he wanted to acknowledge.

  He loved his group of friends, but he usually felt like the odd man out. He’d always tried to let the jokes and innuendos slide off his back, but he knew most of the gang thought he was a little off. Angelo tried to not let it get to him. He was a little off and he knew it, but he also knew he was a good person and that’s what mattered to him the most.

  With a simple beer, Trey had told Angelo that he was welcome in his home. Before they reached the door leading to the patio, he turned to Trey. “Thanks.” He lifted the bottle. “For this…hell…for everything.”

  Trey smiled and kissed Angelo’s cheek. “You were there for me, now it’s my turn. Besides, you wouldn’t have these problems if it weren’t for me.”

  Angelo had thought about the day on the courthouse steps many times. Trying to help Trey enter the judicial building untouched had been his mission that particular day. Angelo hadn’t even realised he’d pushed Carl Blakely to the ground until it was over. He’d heard the hateful words the man spat at his friend and had gone into fighting mode without thinking of the ramifications.


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