Esoteric Astrology

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Esoteric Astrology Page 42

by Alice A Bailey

  Very briefly I would like to touch upon the fact that, as might be expected, the influences of Leo-Pisces-Capricorn which dominate the present world situation, via Shamballa, the Hierarchy and Humanity, are potent in their oft unrealised effect upon the individual people. They bring about changes in his life focus and in his centres just as they have wrought corresponding changes in the three planetary centres. In view of this certain basic ideas can here be emphasised:

  1. The influence of Capricorn, via Mercury, will have a dominant effect in the human kingdom—itself a planetary centre.

  2. The individual disciple will, therefore, respond to this Capricornian influence most easily. It will constitute a line of least resistance, offering opportunity, as well as the chance of possible disaster if wrongly handled. Right response will lead the disciple nearer to the door of initiation; wrong response will take him back into the depths of crystallisation and of concretion.

  3. Disciples who respond to the influences above mentioned will necessarily be largely conditioned by their rays, egoic and personal. First ray disciples will, for instance, respond to the Shamballa influence, transmitted from Leo and Saturn, more easily than will second ray disciples. These will in their turn react more rapidly and consistently to the Hierarchy, transmitting energies from Pisces and Uranus. [451]

  4. The above facts will demonstrate the nature and quality of the response of disciples on Rays 1. 3. 5. 7. and Rays 2. 4. 6. and this must always be borne in mind as being true of disciples, of all men and also of nations.

  5. According to the response so will be the evocation of the activity of the centres, or a centre. But—and this is a point of major importance—all disciples must at this time seek to find their dominant reaction in a planned response to the influence of the Hierarchy and the energies transmitted by it. As a general rule, the impact of Shamballa force (particularly in the case of a disciple on Rays 1. 3. 5. 7.) will be of a personality nature. It is the stimulation of the heart centre with a consequent control of the solar plexus centre which should be the planned result. The heart must dominate the solar plexus by the withdrawing of its energies to the heart.

  6. The time has not yet come when it is safe for the aspirant or the disciple to relate the head centre and the base of the spine in response to a definite and conscious appropriation of Shamballa force. Whatever may take place automatically, normally and naturally and through the development of the disciple can and should be permitted to take place, provided there is no conscious intent and that there is also a close and careful scrutiny and control of the personality life.

  7. The awakening of the ajna centre with the consequent and subsequent conscious control of the throat centre must inevitably take place provided the disciple fulfils two conditions. He can then become consciously, safely and correctly creative. These two conditions are:

  a. A conscious orientation towards the soul and towards the Hierarchy. [452]

  b. A deep love for humanity, present and based on mental perception and intuitive understanding and not on emotional reaction.

  8. Where the above conditions are fulfilled, then the impact of the inflowing energies will produce the required stimulation and awakening.

  This is all that I have to say about the response of the centres in the human being to the activity of the planetary centres under systemic and zodiacal stimulation. I am not here writing a treatise on the individual training of the disciple but am attempting to demonstrate the fact of cosmic, zodiacal, systemic, planetary and human interplay which in its turn constitutes a great and living Whole—the life expression of a Being of Whom we only know that love and the will-to-good, expressed through the Universal Mind, are the outstanding characteristics and that these are steadily emerging into increasing radiance.

  3. The Triangles and the Centres.

  It is necessary to remember that all influences which impinge upon the individual or upon humanity as a whole pass through or are transmitted by one or other of the planetary centres. I have said little about these centres save to refer to the major three centres which we call Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity. We recognise them as:

  I. Shamballa. . Power. Purpose . . Planetary head centre . . Directing Will

  II. Hierarchy. . Love. Wisdom . . . Planetary heart centre . . Directed Love

  III. Humanity. . Intelligence . . . . . Planetary ajna centre . . . Directed Mind

  Four other centres remain to be considered: the planetary throat centre, solar plexus, sacral centre and the centre at the base of the spine.

  [453] In the planetary logoic life—as is the case also with individual man, the microcosm of the Macrocosm—certain centres are more awakened than others and vibrate in unison with systemic impulse more fully than others. In the case of the planetary Logos of our little sphere, the head centre, the ajna centre, the heart and solar plexus centres and the throat centre are the five focal points of energy which are the most alive and vibrant. The sacral centre is slowly dropping below the threshold of the logoic consciousness whilst the centre at the base of the spine is practically entirely quiescent, except in connection with its pranic effects upon the form life, engendering the will to live, the urge to survival and the vitalisation of forms. These facts will give you an idea of our planetary status in the great family of the central sun and indicate why our planet is not a sacred planet. No planet is a sacred planet unless the centre at the base of the spine (speaking symbolically) is aroused and the great fusion of energies resulting therefrom has been effected. I refer to this particular world cycle and period and to the state of affairs in this the fifth or Aryan root-race. Students of my books and of The Secret Doctrine must remember that any contradictions which may appear are only contradictions in Time and that when this time factor is properly understood and the student knows to what specific cycle the information should be applied, these apparent inexactitudes will disappear.

  What is true of humanity, for instance, during the third root-race, may not be true in the fifth root-race. Therefore, all that can be done is to study and relate, to reflect and to apply the Law of Analogy, knowing that when the expanded and more inclusive consciousness of the trained initiate takes the place of the present human awareness, [454] then these debated points will be clarified; they will assume a true consistency and the contradictions will disappear.

  The planetary centre which corresponds to the one at the base of the spine in the human being will not be awakened until the seventh root-race and that only when right relationship is established between the planetary sacral centre (which is related to the third kingdom in nature, the animal kingdom) and the planetary throat centre, functioning properly and in unison.

  In the first volume of this treatise, certain hints were given anent the planetary centres and the rays of energy pouring through them. To these I would like here to refer because they are related to the Science of the Triangles. You should note that the three lower kingdoms in nature constitute in themselves a triangle of force and are essentially a reflection of a particular planetary triangle. It might be of service if I here briefly tabulated again for you certain of these major inferences—for they are little more than inferences at this time. One point is of real interest here. I have stated that Humanity is the correspondence in the planetary Life to the ajna centre in individual man. Earlier I told you that the fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge is related to the ajna centre and, therefore, in this present world cycle, you have:

  Humanity. .planetary ajna centre. .5th Ray of Knowledge. .5th root-race.

  Therefore five centres in man are rapidly awakening. These relationships prove each other but only when seen in relation to the greater cycle. Humanity was at one time the correspondence to the planetary solar plexus and some day will shift the focus of its receptivity to the planetary heart centre; when this takes place, the Hierarchy will [455] shift its focus of receptivity into the sphere of influence of Shamballa. Of this shift, the presence of the twelve-petalled lotus in the highest head cen
tre (the relating point between the heart centre and the soul on its own plane) is the guarantee. The following relations must consequently be borne in mind:

  I. Head centre . . Shamballa . . 1st ray . . 1st & 7th races . .Will; the goal.

  Energy of Life. Synthesis.

  Seven centres awakened and functioning.

  In first root-race alive and faintly vibrating.

  In seventh root-race fully awakened.

  II. Heart centre . .Hierarchy . . 2nd ray . . 6th root-race . . Love; the goal.

  Energy of Identification. Achievement of fusion.

  Six centres functioning.

  The focal point of the egoic consciousness of divinity.

  The fifth kingdom. The Kingdom of God.

  III. Ajna centre . Humanity . 5th ray . 5th root-race . Intuition; the goal.

  The energy of Initiation. Development of inclusiveness.

  Five centres rapidly awakening.

  The focal point of personality.

  The human kingdom, the fourth kingdom in nature.

  IV. Throat centre . . Animal . . 3rd ray . 3rd root-race . Intellect; the goal.

  The energy of Illumination. Creating in the light.

  Four centres functioning.

  Focal point of the instinctual consciousness.

  The third kingdom in nature. [456]

  V. Solar plexus . . Vegetable . . 6th ray . 4th root-race . Instinct; the goal.

  The energy of Aspiration. Unfoldment of sensitivity.

  Three centres functioning.

  Focal point of psychic response.

  The second kingdom in nature.

  VI. Sacral centre .Deva evolution . .7th ray . 2nd root-race . Responsiveness; the goal.

  The energy of Magnetism. Power to build.

  Two centres functioning; heart and sacral centres.

  Focal point of vibratory response to the “eye of God.”

  VII. Base of spine . Mineral . 4th ray .7th root-race . .Synthesis; the goal.

  The energy of foundational Synthesis. Completion.

  All centres functioning as one.

  Focal point of evolution.

  The first kingdom in nature.

  This tabulation may serve to make a little clearer the present general plan or blueprint of the evolutionary development of consciousness. Other developments are proceeding simultaneously, such as the responsive unfoldment of the form aspect and the evolution of the deva, or angel, line which parallels the human and to which I referred in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. A third great scheme of evolution is proceeding and that can only be referred to as the unfoldment of divine purpose on its own plane; of this humanity has, as yet, no faintest conception because its consciousness is still held within the limitations of its own kingdom in nature; the Hierarchy is attempting to become responsive to this form of energy.

  [457] There is another point of interest to which I wish to refer and it is one which is little realised by the average occult student. I refer to the outlets of planetary energy through the means of which great and general effects are produced in the external, planetary life. In this fifth root-race, there are only five such outlets as far as effects on humanity are concerned; man’s responsiveness to them, is demonstrated by the fact of their relative importance in conditioning world events and world affairs. Wherever one of these outlets for spiritual force is found, there will also be found a city of spiritual importance in the same location. These five points are:

  1. London.—For the British Empire.

  2. New York.—For the Western Hemisphere.

  3. Geneva.—For all of Europe, including the U.S.S.R.

  4. Tokyo.—For the far East.

  5. Darjeeling.—For all of central Asia and India.

  Later, two more points or outlets for energy will be added to these but the time is not yet. Through these five places and areas in their neighbourhood, the energy of five rays pours forth, conditioning the world of men, leading to effects of planetary significance and determining the trend of events. A study of history and of current affairs will produce some understanding of their importance in connection with four of them. The effect of the force flowing through the Darjeeling centre is not so immediately apparent but it is of major importance as a distributing agency for the Hierarchy and particularly for those Members of the Hierarchy who are dealing with and influencing current human affairs in this time of momentous crisis.

  These five points of conditioning energy produce two triangles of force in their interrelation: [458]

  1. London—New York—Darjeeling.

  2. Tokyo—New York—Geneva.

  Geneva and Darjeeling are two centres through which pure spiritual energy can be directed with more facility than through the other three and they, therefore, constitute the higher points of their respective triangles. They are more subjective in their influence than are London, New York or Tokyo. Together, they form five centres of ‘impelling’ energy today.

  It may interest you also to know the governing rays and astrological signs of these five places, so far as they can be given at this time and during this present cycle. Forget not that the personality rays change from period to period in connection with countries and cities just as they do with individuals:


  City Soul Personality Sign

  1. London . . . . . . . . 5th . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7th . . . . . . . . . . . Gemini.

  2. New York . . . . . . 2nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3rd . . . . . . . . . . . Cancer.

  3. Tokyo . . . . . . . . . 6th . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4th . . . . . . . . . . . Cancer.

  4. Geneva . . . . . . . . 1st . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd . . . . . . . . . . Leo.

  5. Darjeeling . . . . . . 2nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5th . . . . . . . . . . . Scorpio.

  If students will study this information in connection with that given elsewhere in connection with other nations and cities, the inter-relations now emerging in world affairs will be seen as the result of the play of these forces and energies and, therefore, unavoidable. The use of the energy may be along wrong lines, producing separation and trouble, or along right lines, leading to eventual harmony and understanding, but the energy is there and must make its effects in any case. As in the individual life, the results of the play of the life of the soul upon the form aspect, one or other of the rays will dominate and control. If the person or nation [459] is spiritually oriented, the result of the energy impact will be good and will lead toward the working out of the divine plan and thus be wholly constructive. Where personality force dominates, the effects will be destructive and hindering to the emergence of divine purpose. Nevertheless, even destructive force can and does finally work towards good, for the trend of the evolutionary force is unalterable. It can be slowed down or speeded up according to the purpose, aspiration and orientation of the entity (human or national); it can express soul purpose or personality selfishness, but the urge towards betterment will inevitably triumph.

  In the study of this Science of Triangles, the student must bear in mind that there is always one point of the triangle which—in a particular crisis or “event in consciousness”—is the emanating, dynamic, conditioning energy. During the cycle (great or small, major or minor) in which it thus controls, the other two points express receptivity and are regarded esoterically as embodying forces. Every triangle is, therefore, the expression of one fundamental energy and of two secondary forces. This is a basic statement of importance and the formulation of a law under which all the triplicities of energy function in time and space. You have consequently:

  1. An emanating energy centre.

  Dynamic expression of cyclic purpose.

  Positive qualified out-going ray energy.

  Planetary, systemic, zodiacal and cosmic energy.

  The basis of hylozoistic (living) expression.

  2. A receptive force centre.

  An evocative expression of the initial impelling energy. [460]

  A synthesis of two forces, the em
anating and the receptive.

  A qualified, conditioning secondary energy.

  Motivating, blended energy, neither positive nor negative.

  3. A responsive point of negative energy.

  A major centre, completing the grounding of the emanating energy.

  Responsive mainly to the second point of the triangle.

  Source of a violent interplay between the two points of the base line.

  This distributing centre can be a solar system, regarded as a cosmic centre, a planet, which is a systemic centre, one of the planetary centres, above referred to, a nation or an individual or one of the centres in the human etheric body.

  A close study of these energy streams will demonstrate two major movements:


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