Esoteric Astrology

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Esoteric Astrology Page 68

by Alice A Bailey

  Paul, Apostle, effect on Christianity, 213, 215, 234


  aid from horoscope, 15-16

  and soul, balanced relationship, 181

  aspect of integrated selfhood, 377

  attraction of higher forces, 140

  awakening to soul control, 301

  chart, 16-17, 18-19, 51, 103, 513

  Christ-child realisation, 466

  control, 278

  Cross, 553, 557, 559, 560

  death, 17-18, 95-99, 121, 225

  destiny and fate, indication, 16, 18-19, 513-514

  effect of–

  soul, Uranus, 300

  Sun, 300

  Vulcan-Neptune-Uranus triangle, 219

  expression, interplay of opposite signs, 337-338, 339

  forces affecting, 411

  function of physical body, 414

  fusion and instrumentality of soul, 510

  horoscope, validity, 497, 498

  in Scorpio, 145

  indications, 513

  influences, 112

  intelligent dedicated, aid from chart of soul, 469

  life cycle, 410

  manifestation, 103

  Mother of Son of God, 274

  of Earth, forces affecting, 24

  on Mutable Cross, soul on Fixed, 185

  power, lessening, 353

  progress, 90, 107-108

  ray, 16, 515

  reactions to planets, control, 15-16

  ruler, 210

  tests, 203-206, 207

  will-to-know, 29

  See also Dweller on the Threshold.

  Physical body. See Body, physical.

  Piscean Age, rulership, 220


  activity at individualisation and on Atlantis, 537

  aspect in life of Jesus, 565

  birth of world Saviour, 262

  channel of stream of force, 80

  Christ consciousness in form, 345-346

  commencement and consummation, 151

  concern, basic, 468

  concern with individual, 472, 473, 476-477

  connection with Creative Hierarchy, 34, 37

  consciousness, evolution, 179

  consummation in, 278, 390, 481

  death, 96, 97, 99, 158, 214, 215

  decanates, 132

  desire, divine, consummation, 232

  duality, 56, 115-117

  effect on Aquarius native, 136

  effect on initiates, 162, 163

  energies from Sirius, 421

  esoteric planet, 468

  esoterically Omega, 278

  evocation, 545

  Gemini and Virgo influence, fusing, 130-131

  goal of man, 188

  higher aspect, traits, 471

  importance, 37, 147, 562

  individual response to, three types, 334


  of Shamballa, 319-320

  on initiates, 162, 163

  on mankind, 472-473, 538-539

  Jupiter in, 281

  keynotes, 115-116

  keywords, 133

  liberation, 389

  light, 330

  mass effects today, 538

  means of purification, 96-98

  mediatorship, 122, 445

  mediumship, 117, 122, 123-125, 183


  effects of Fixed Cross, 119, 120-122

  on Mutable Cross, 118-123, 182, 486

  on Path of Initiation, 166

  sensitivity, 564

  omission and addition to zodiac, 159-160

  passage of Sun out of, 409-410

  personality, 117-118, 123-125, 183

  potency today, 437-438

  presentation, 562

  purificatory, 287, 288

  rays governing and influencing, 37, 86, 125, 167, 539, 590

  reception and transmission of force, 427-428, 444-445

  references in The Secret Doctrine, 678

  relationships, 34, 277, 278

  rising, Cancer Sun, mediums, 183

  rulers, 66, 86, 125, 126, 130, 509, 538, 539, 590

  starting point for 25,000 years, 344

  sun, Cancer rising, mediums, 183

  symbols, 116, 167, 317

  temperament, effect of Virgo, 117-118, 124-125

  test, 205

  to Aries incarnations, retrograding, 20-21

  transmission of will to Earth, 622-626, 627-628

  unity, 290

  will of sacrifice, 439

  world saviours, 21, 62, 141, 243, 262, 268

  Pisces-Capricorn-Aquarius triangle, 389-390

  Pisces-Uranus- Hierarchy triangle, 435, 438

  Pisces-Virgo interplay, 339


  basis, 542

  comprehension, 190

  definition, 388

  fulfilment, 378

  nature of, 593

  revelation, 376

  sensitivity to, 203, 559

  service of, 306, 309, 325, 341, 371, 372, 377

  theme, 295, 596

  three catalysts 157



  balancing pairs of opposites, 168

  Martian energy today, 217

  polarisation upon, 63

  buddhic, centre of Logos, 47


  astral, 595

  mental, 595

  physical, 594

  emotional, test, 204-205


  physical permanent atom, 303

  See also Body, etheric

  mental test, 205


  expression, 219

  initiation, 304

  test, 204


  linkage, energies and forces, 26

  non-sacred, definition, 363, 503

  non-sacred, Logos of, 504

  sacred, definition, 363, 453, 503

  sacred, Logos of, 504


  forces, control and direction, 52

  rulers, tabulation, 66, 68

  Spirits, status, 32


  activation, 26

  effects, 28-29

  energies, 11, 14-15, 19, 26, 52-53, 186


  indications, 513-514

  influence, 286

  rays and centres, 517

  relations, 216, 496

  substitution for exoteric, 510

  use in casting horoscopes, 513-514


  indications, 513

  rays and centres, 517

  use in casting horoscope, 513-514

  force flowing through, importance, 16

  function, 266

  “hidden,” 6


  on personality, 16

  on three levels of awareness, 216

  weakening, 16, 32

  influences, indication, 16

  lists, 651-652


  activity period, 53

  list, 507

  ray influences, relation of centres to, 511-513, 517

  rays of, list, 513

  reactions to, control, 15-16

  references in The Secret Doctrine, 642-648

  relation to human centres, 511-512

  relation to rays expressed, 282


  and non-sacred, distinction, 267-268, 505-506, 510

  and non-sacred, Lords of, 267-268

  effect on centres of initiates, 512

  energy sources, 85

  etheric webs, 479

  list, 506

  names, 652

  relation to Great Bear and seven rays, 589, 595

  triangle, 269-270

  twelve, governing twelve houses, concern, 51.

  twelve manifesting, 650

  use by rays, 513

  variance with stage of individual, 65-66

  veiled by Moon, 510

  veiled by Sun, 510

bsp; Pleiades–

  astrological relationships, 33, 50, 85, 111, 194, 200, 269, 270, 595-596

  energies from, relationships, 415, 416

  energy, effect on probationer, 466

  energy, transmission to personality, 427-428

  evolution of mind, 679-680

  expression, 504

  influences, 14, 29-30, 112, 201, 269

  prana, 504

  ray work, 595

  response to, 504

  seven Sisters, references, 657-659

  Pleiades-Cancer-Venus triangle, 416, 417

  Pleiades-Great Bear-Earth triangle, 683

  Pleiades-Great Bear-solar system triangle, 376


  connection with solar-plexus centre, 78

  death, 187, 214

  discovery, 114, 166, 195

  dominance in world today, 489


  destructive, 187

  factor of discovery. 114

  on Gemini native 365-366

  on initiate, 70

  esoteric approach to Earth, 507

  esoteric rulership of Pisces, 86, 125, 126, 130

  house ruled, 509

  mass influences today, 538

  meanings, 125, 126, 127, 187

  rays, 187, 195, 269, 509

  references in The Secret Doctrine, 667

  relation to Mars, 187, 507

  response to, 509

  will, 195, 196

  work today, 545, 547

  Pointer, achievements, 482, 483

  Pointer-Aries-Earth triangle, 482, 483

  Pointers of Great Bear, functions, 194-197

  Polar opposites in relation, sun and ascendant, analysis, 184

  Polarisation upon astral plane, 63

  Polarity, Earth, shift, 408, 409

  Pole Star–

  function, 195, 196

  influence, 194, 195, 196, 197

  Populations, shift, 446


  ray of. See Ray I.

  transcending, centre of consciousness, 618-619


  cosmic, expression, 41

  reception, 78

  relation to Pleiades, 504

  Precession of the Equinoxes, 20, 63, 256, 276

  Prediction, astrological–

  accuracy, factors, 69

  impossibility, 32

  Principles, colours, and week days, 649


  effect of energy of Pleiades, 466

  problems, 510

  zodiacal influences, 30-31

  Prodigal son, return, 208


  nature, lower, control, 340

  powers today, 216


  processes, 287-288


  Aries, 95, 96, 97, 98

  Leo, 293

  Pisces, 96-98

  Scorpio, 96, 97, 98, 287, 288

  world-wide, 374

  See also Burning-ground


  Quaternary, esoteric, affecting man, 299



  birth of, 169

  history, summary, 230

  new sixth, energy needed, 438

  Races, root, goals, 455-456


  symbolism, 154, 155, 156

  See also Aries.

  Ray I–

  activity today, 488

  and death, 141

  Aries, 86, 91, 99, 101, 108, 119, 490, 590

  Capricorn, 86, 590

  constellations, 86, 489

  constructive aspect, 596

  Darjeeling centre, 523-524

  destroyer-aspect, 596-597

  disciples, response to Leo-Pisces-Capricorn influences, 450-451

  endurance aspect, 274

  energies passing through Shamballa, 411, 416

  energies, transmission, 427-428

  energy, source, 99

  Geneva, 458

  in humanity leading to discovery of planets, 166

  influence on Path of Initiation, 166

  keynote, 616

  Leo, 35, 86, 488, 590

  London centre, 522

  lowest aspect 300

  Master Morya, 623

  missing in Cancer, 330-331

  on Path of Initiation, 165

  planets, 86, 590

  Pluto, 187, 195, 269, 509

  powers, 108

  Saturn, 621

  Shamballa force, 386

  significance, 633

  Solar Logos, 195

  triangle, 423

  Vulcan, 195, 224, 263, 269, 274, 280, 386, 393-394, 509

  will, influence today, 539

  will, three aspects, transmission to Earth, 613-622

  Ray II–

  aspects of divine will functioning, 624

  astrological relations, 67, 68

  Buddha, 622

  Christ, 622

  constellations, 86, 489

  Darjeeling, 458

  disciples, response to Leo-Pisces-Capricorn influences, 450-451

  dominance, 165, 352-353

  energies passing through Hierarchy, 411, 416

  energies, transmission, 427

  functions, 126

  Gemini, 86, 328, 346, 348, 590

  Geneva centre, 458, 521-522

  house, 509

  influences, sources, 167

  Jupiter, 139, 201, 277, 280, 297, 301, 328

  Leo soul, 308-309

  missing from Cancer, 330-331

  New York, 458

  Pisces, 86, 125, 126, 590

  planetary shift, 328

  planets, 86, 590

  relation to other rays, 101

  significance, 633

  Sirius, 427

  Sun, 298, 301, 308, 508-509

  triangle, 423

  Virgo, 35, 86, 167, 490, 590

  vital body, 352-353

  will aspect, 622-628

  will-to-unify, 597, 605

  work, 137

  world status today, 491

  See also Ray, Love-Wisdom.

  Ray III–

  astrological relations, 67, 68

  Cancer, 86, 340, 490, 590

  constellations, 86, 489

  Capricorn, 86, 164, 165, 590

  Earth, 187, 189, 200, 393-394

  energies, transmission, 427-428

  energy and liberation, 199

  expressions, 138, 189

  forces, planetary, 411

  influence of Gemini, 357

  influence omitted from man on Fixed Cross, 221-222

  Libra, 35, 86, 491, 590

  matter, 222

  Mercury, 280

  Moon, 280

  New York, 458

  on Path of Discipleship, 165

  planets, 86, 590

  relations, 189

  Saturn, 189, 248

  significance, 633

  Uranus, 200

  will, 597-598, 628-633

  Ray IV–

  astrological relations, 67, 68

  at-one-ment with eternal synthesis and will, 634

  cause of world conflicts, 327-328

  channel, 100

  constellations, 86, 489

  influence of Gemini-Sagittarius, 357

  Mercury, 100, 127, 184, 187, 191, 269, 280, 354, 548

  Moon, 139, 187, 263, 269, 280, 298

  on Path of Evolution, 165

  planetary focus, 328

  planets, 86, 590

  relation to second ray, 101

  Sagittarius, 86, 590

  Scorpio, 35, 86, 209, 490, 491, 590

  status today, 490

  Taurus, 86, 590

  Tokyo, 458

  triangle, 423

  will to destroy limitation, 598

  work, 137

  Ray V–

  activity today, 488

  Aquarius, 86, 590

  constellations, 86, 489, 590

  Darjeeling, 458

  definition, 35

  evolution of consciousness, 492

  influence of Capricorn focussed through Venus, 357

  Leo, 86, 488, 490, 590

  London, 458

  means of understanding, 634

  on Path of Discipleship, 165

  planets, 86, 590

  Sagittarius, 86, 590

  science, influence today, 539

  triangle, 423

  Venus, 354, 393-394

  Ray VI–

  astrological relations, 67, 68, 99

  Christianity, 212-214, 215

  constellations, 86, 489

  energy and liberation, 199

  Mars, 99-100, 177, 209, 212-214, 218, 220, 508

  Master Jesus, 564

  Neptune, 217, 218, 220, 297, 298, 308, 509

  New York centre, 522-523

  on Path of evolution, 165

  Pisces, 86, 590

  planets, 86, 590

  relation to second ray, 101

  Sagittarius, 35, 86, 490, 590

  Scorpio, 209, 212-213, 217, 220

  sixth Creative Hierarchy, 218

  synthesis, 634

  Tokyo, 458

  triangle, 423

  Virgo, 86, 590

  will, 600, 634

  Ray VII–


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