astral vehicle of Logos, 362
brotherhood, 168
carrier of mind to Earth chain, 679
dominance in. world today, 489
in Aquarian Age, 149
on Cancer native, 323
on humanity, 362
on initiate, 70
erroneous conceptions, 355-356
esoteric ruler of Gemini, 354, 361
exaltation and task, 129-130
exoteric ruler, 283, 382
functions, 386
Aries, 104-105
Cancer, 340
Capricorn, 167, 244, 245, 391-392
Gemini, 391
Libra, 243, 244-245, 247
Scorpio, 225
Taurus, 244, 245
Virgo, 281-282
influence in Aquarian Age, 448
link with Earth, 683-684
Lords from, names, 188
Lords from, work, 680, 681
mass influences today, 538
meaning, 126, 127
nature of, 281
quality, 24
ray, 248, 354,. 393-394
references, 672-675
relation to Earth, 382-383
relationships, 129, 130, 361
revelations, 391-392
ruler of Crocodiles, 163
stimulation from, result, 179
Venus-Earth-Sun triangle, 690
Venus-Jupiter-Earth triangle, 692
Venus-Mercury-Earth magnetic field, 355
Venus-Mercury-Earth triangle, 594
Venus-Uranus-Earth triangle, 448
Virgin Mothers, 252-254
aspect in life of Jesus, 564
caves, 384-385
concern, basic, 468,
consciousness, 227, 228, 318, 322, 345, 358
consummation of Cancer experience, 319
Creative Hierarchy, 35
crises, 101, 472, 473, 474
duality, 290
effect on man, 475
effect on Taurus, 379
energy relations, 259
esoteric planet, 86, 468
esoterically Alpha, 278
experience, consummation in Pisces, 481
functions, 100, 280, 470
importance, 56, 251-252, 279, 280
individual response to, three types, 332, 334
in world today, 486
of Gemini, 272
on disciple, 319.
on initiate, 319
Jupiter, 171, 263, 277, 281, 282
Jupiterian influence in Libra, 251
keynote, 252, 284
light, 259-260, 329
Mars, 250
meditation, 228
Mercury, 263, 281
Moon, 274, 277
mystery, 272
native, effects of Mutable Cross 118-121
native opportunity, 564
Neptune, 171, 282
omission and addition to zodiac, 159-160
on Mutable Cross, 182
on Path of Evolution, 166
planets, 66, 86, 590
presentation, 562
rays governing and influencing, 35, 86, 167, 280, 490, 590
references in The Secret Doctrine, 679
relation to–
dualities of evolutionary concern, 549
Earth, 357
eight signs, 264-278
Gemini, 360
Libra, 256
rulers, 263
service, 117
significance, 157, 189, 258, 260, 480-481
soul life, 228
sphinx, 154, 288
struggle, interior, 358
symbology, 101, 243, 251-256, 259-260, 262, 273, 274
third aspect, 194
transmission of will to Earth, 622-626, 627
Venus, 281-282
Virgo-Gemini-Pisces triangle, 628
Virgo-Leo division, 471
Virgo-Libra, one sign, 231
Virgo-Pisces interplay, 338
cause, second ray, 597, 605
mystical, ray of, 597
of endless Way, 573
through Taurus, 162
See also Eye of Taurus.
Vital body. See Body, etheric.
Vitality. See Prana.
connection with centre, 78-79
discovery, 166, 195
endurance, 274
energy, 264
esoteric ruler, 263, 382, 385-387, 392, 509
functions, 386
heart of Sun, 393
hierarchical relationship, 50, 387
influence on initiate, 70
light, 393
meanings, 126, 127, 386, 393
ray, 195, 224, 263, 269, 274, 280, 386, 393-394, 509
references, 675-676
relation to–
fourth initiation, 392
Moon, 13, 99, 126, 127, 219
Sun, 393
response to, 509
substitution for Moon, 13
symbol of soul, 386, 404
synthesis with Mercury and Sun, 132-133
will, 195, 196
work for humanity, 264, 375
Vulcan-Neptune-Uranus triangle, 219
Vulcan-Pluto-Earth triangle, 482-483
on Atlantis, 160-161, 537-538
purificatory, 287-288
recent, causes 540, 585-586, 588
synonymous terms, 275
triplicity, 317-318
Water-Bearer. See Aquarius.
Way, endless, 593
Webs, etheric, nature of, 479
Wheel of Life–
control of pairs of opposites, 346-347
dual activity, 103-104, 276
importance of Libra, 183
progress, form life or consciousness, 282-283
relation to spiritual unfoldment, 103-108, 116, 120-121, 151
first 160
ray expression, 90-91
reversal by–
humanity today, 413-414
influence of Fixed Cross, 119
soul, 21, 380
suffering, 373
Uranus, 224
reversal in–
Leo with Libra rising, 183
Libra, 101, 183, 227-228, 302
Scorpio, 166, 220
Taurus, 374
functions of etheric body, 352-353
influences on humanity, 448
interplay with opposite signs, 338-339
lesson of Capricorn, 168-169
three wheels within, 94
turning, illusory, 20, 58
turning, multiple, 369-370
two motions, distinction, 58, 103, 229-230
Whole, sustaining, stages in consciousness, 616-619
aspect. See Aspect, will.
at-one-ing, 625
bringing fulfilment, 592, 594-595
concepts and relationships, 589-601
conditioning, definition, 594
conquering death, 593, 595, 624
contrast with desire, 583-584
creative, 614-615, 628
definition, 388
divine, fulfilled synthesis, 592-593
divine, victory. over self-will, 205
energy, direct line, 195-196
energy released by Sanat Kumara, 376-377
evocation, 22, 372, 574
expression, 91-92
focussed, expression, 596
initiating, 597
invocation, 584
love aspect, 623
nature of, 580-589, 603
need today, 582
conditioning purpose, 597-598
Gemini and Scorpio, 359
God, 371-372, 391, 445, 584-585, 591
entity to manifest 439
Taurus, 371, 375
or Power, Ray of. See Ray I.
organised spiritual, 579
producing union, at-one-ment, and synthesis, 622
relation to love, 613-614
secret of, 580.
spiritual, 195, 579, 586, 587 588
steady driving force of second ray, 624
strengthening, 119
three aspects expressed by three constellations, 607
threefold expression, 594
training, 613-614
transcending, 616-617, 625
transfiguring, 618, 626
transforming, 617-618, 626
transmitting, 617, 625
triple energy, 439
use through Shamballa centre, 439-440
Will-humanity-mineral kingdom triangle, 386
Will-to-achieve, 618
Will-to-act, 600, 605
Will-to-be, 483
Will-to-be-active, 592
Will to be free from form, 359
Will to be in and free from form, 359
Will-to-cause, 601, 605
Will-to-completion, 592
Will-to-create, 619
Will-to-evolve, 598, 605
Will-to-express, 601, 605
Will-to-fulfilment, 619
Will-to-good, 372, 443, 445, 452, 539, 542, 572, 573, 574, 575, 586, 612, 620
Will-to-harmonize, 599, 605
Will-to-illumine, 289
Will-to-initiate, 597, 605, 624, 630
Will-to-know, 29
Will-to-liberation, 390
Will-to-love, 28, 624, 626
Will-to-manifest, 154, 439
Will-to-peace, 570, 572, 575
Will-to-power, 28, 377
Will-to-relate, 627
Will-to-ritualistic synthesis, 601
Will-to-rule, 289
Will-to-save, 574, 575, 627
Will-to-serve, 377, 390
Will-to-unify, 597, 605
Wisdom, definition, 494
leading to fusion, 165
of release from karma, 165
Words of Power, 545
conflict, causes, 327
situation. See Humanity today.
synthesis, 530-531
Year 1945, importance, 216
laya, science, 515
laya, study, 77
of fire, 293-294
constellations and signs, distinction, 410
definition, 4, 62
doors, opening, 315-316
factors to be considered by New Age astrologer, 395-396
from angle of form, 653
from angle of soul, 653-654
greater, 352, 409, 410, 486
horned animals, relationship, 155-156
influences from without solar system, 9-10, 11-12, 14, 19, 23, 28
influences, work, 22
lesser, 410
light, 329-330
pairs of opposites, influence of Gemini, 346-347
passage around, three modes, 261-262
planetary influences, indication, 16
rising sign See Rising sign
sign, underlying theme, 110
air, inter-relation, 241-242
clues to rays, 109
concerns, 21-22
distinction from constellations, 410
earth triplicity, 259-260
effects on man, 51-52
five human, relationships, 426
influence, coordinated, purpose, 331
influence, effects on three levels, 216
keynote, definition, 109
keywords, definition, 110
of crisis, 265-266
of individual, relationships, 518
of paramount influence, 52
omission and addition, 159-160
opposites, fusion in consciousness, 347-348
opposites, interplay, consummation, 337-339
related to unfoldment of humanity, 426
related to unfoldment of planetary consciousness, 426
response of advanced man to, 331-334
response of initiate to, 331-334
response of undeveloped man to, 331-334
ruled by non-sacred planets, 507
seven human, 368-369
symbols, 56-57
ten in future, 231
ten, problem, 242
twelve, meditations on, 498
twelve, opposites blending into six, 347
twelve, response of three types to, 331-334
twelve, two groups, 425-426
sun sign. See Sun sign.
threefold division, 486
Zodiacs, lesser and greater, 112, 409, 410, 679
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