Crooked River (Jack Francis Novel)

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Crooked River (Jack Francis Novel) Page 13

by MP Murphy

  All of a sudden Shaw realized that the price for wanting Levi Zeitlin dead just got really expensive. “Why would I give you that kind of money when I don’t even know who you are, other than being one hell of a son of a bitch?”

  “Daniel, I have been so many people in so many places, that it really doesn’t matter who I am today. All you simply must realize is what I am capable of, and today’s news was only the beginning.”

  “I ought to kill your ass.”

  The man had a good laugh at Shaw’s expense. “Now Daniel, that is no way to talk to your future business partner. Besides, who are you going to get to do it? I highly doubt Kershaw is capable, and you are not going to hire me to kill myself. Why that’s simply ludicrous. Now Daniel let’s be grownups. All you have to do is give me what I want and I will make all your dreams come true. It seems a simple and fair deal to me.”

  Daniel Shaw slumped deeper into the confines of his leather chair, beaten but still alive. “Fine I’ll play along. What is it you want?”

  “It is something very simple.”

  Chapter 53

  I slathered a piece of rye bread with some soft butter as the sound of fish frying came from Colin’s kitchen. With a beer in one hand and a pair of tongs in the other, Katya stood over a cast iron skillet as the oil bubbled and splattered onto the stove top. Not allowed anywhere near the cooking food, Colin and I sat at the table salivating at the aroma of the frying fish.

  “Can’t you wait until the food is ready?” Colin said to me as I shoved the bread into my mouth.

  “Too hungry,” I managed to mumble as I stuffed down the piece of rye. Colin shook his head and got up from the table grabbing a pair of cold beers from the fridge. Like a beer commercial, the sweat dripping off of the cold glass bottle was making my mouth water. “Have you thought anymore about what I should do next?” I asked having swallowed the last of the bread, and reached for a beer.

  “I’m not on this case so figure it out for yourself.”

  “Thanks for the help,” I went back to work on another piece of bread. “I was thinking my only hope may be to push Alex. The way I see it Jimmy’s murder will have one of two effects on her.” I took a bite of bread and swig of the cold beer, pausing for a moment to see if Colin would join the conversation. “The way I have it figured is it will either close her mouth tighter than it already is, and she’ll go into hiding, or…”

  “I’m going with that option,” Colin interrupted.

  “Or,” I continued, “she’s going to look at Jimmy’s murder as a bounty on her head. Keeping her mouth shut now won’t save her, especially if someone is cleaning house.”

  “So what’s your plan then? Are you going to play the guardian angel and take her in under your protection, provide her with some comfort, and then hope she spills everything to you?”

  “I doubt anyone can really protect Alex, but yeah that’s my plan. Last time I checked, you hadn’t brought anything better to the table.”

  “He never does,” Katya said setting a plate of fish down in front of us and a bowl of homemade tartar sauce. “Let’s eat.”

  There was silence at the table for a few minutes as everyone began to devour the food. Colin wiped some bread from around his mouth and finally spoke. “You sure that bringing Alex closer to you is the best plan you’ve got?” Katya and I looked up from over our plates. “Alex knows who hired Kershaw and so did Jimmy DeLuca. I’m also pretty sure that’s why the young man is dead and missing his feet.”

  “Hey, I’m eating here,” Katya yelled.

  “Sorry,” Colin continued. “If you can get her to tell you who is behind the killings then we may be able to find a motive. A motive would help put a quick end to the whole mess. Hell, maybe we can get lucky and Alex can give us the motive too.”

  “I’m sure Alex knows something, but that’s hoping for a lot.” I was having trouble figuring out how serious Colin was taking our conversation.

  “Well she’ll at least point the figure at Kershaw, and I bet Kershaw hired Jimmy to kill Levi Zeitlin.”

  “Are you really trying to help or just amuse yourself?”

  “What?” Colin asked innocently.

  “Of course Alex will point us towards Kershaw, but we already know about Kershaw’s involvement. What we don’t know is how he is involved. I need to know who hired him.”

  “I’m simply saying that if Alex wants to point the finger at Kershaw, we can bring him in with her as a witness. Once we’ve brought him in maybe he’ll talk.”

  “Colin you’ve been with the Feds way too long. There is no way Alex is going to play the witness, and there is no way Kershaw is going to be a rat.”

  “Oh, I think Kershaw would play the rat, but you are probably right about Alex. She won’t even talk to you.” Colin cleaned his plate and stood up from the table.

  “You know there is one thing we are forgetting.”

  “What’s that?” he asked putting his plate in the dishwasher.

  “The other player.”

  “The other player?” Katya asked finishing up her dinner as well.

  I didn’t need to answer her, Colin beat me to it.

  “The other player. The person who put the body in Chelsea’s trunk, and the person who killed Jimmy DeLuca. The man with the funny accent who called my cell phone to tell me all about it.”

  Chapter 54

  Fearing for her life, Alex had already begun to keep a low profile. Now she sat on my couch in a state of pure fear and was a nervous wreck. The strong confident woman who once could frighten me was now a mere shell of her former self. I had somehow gotten lucky and had the unfortunate task of telling her about Jimmy. She had somehow missed all the attention from the news on the murder, which was a surprise to me since the whole town was talking about it. Now the woman who was always cool and calm was downing her bourbon faster than a college kid on game day. I gave her a few minutes to collect herself as I refilled both of our whiskey glasses before asking her any questions. By the time I came back with new drinks she was taking deep breaths and gathering her thoughts.

  “What is your next move?” I asked.

  She took a moment to answer trying to regain some strength in her voice. “I don’t know maybe I should just run.”

  “Can you afford to?”

  “For a little while, might be long enough for everything to blow over.”

  “Do you really believe whoever killed Jimmy will simply forget about you?” She might have a slim shot if she ran, but I needed her to believe that it was an option better left untaken.

  “Probably not,” Alex answered disappointedly. “What should I do Jack?” She almost broke down again. Seeing her like this reminded me of an animal backed into a corner. Right now she was on the defensive, but if you kept pushing her back eventually she was going to attack.

  “Tell me everything Alex, and I mean every little detail this time. Let Colin and I hunt these people down so you can go back to living your life. It’s really your only option. Do you want to spend the rest of your life running from shadows?” There it was, out there, and now it was all up to Alex.

  “Keeping my mouth shut was supposed to keep me safe, but now with Jimmy dead I have to believe those days are over.” Alex’s voice was getting stronger and I could sense a little fire returning to her now that she was feeling a little less helpless. “A lot of things are starting to make sense to me now,” she continued. “I had lunch with Kershaw the other day and he was acting a little peculiar.”

  “How’s that?”

  “He had a loose tongue, which is quite unusual for him. He also seemed a little on edge, but that could have been because he was dressed like a moron in the summer heat. Either way he was acting very uncharacteristic of himself.”

  “You said he had a loose tongue. What was it he was telling you?”

  “Nothing I hadn’t already figured out for myself.”

  “Come on Alex, quit beating around the bush. I’m trying to help you rem

  “Alright, but the role of the rat doesn’t fit me very well.”

  “Will a pine box fit you better, because it’s looking more and more like your only other option.” I needed to be tough on her. She was playing on a side she had never expected to be on and it made her feel uncomfortable.

  “Take it easy on me Jack. I’m going to tell you everything I know, but first I need to know that you’ll protect me.”

  “I promise.”

  “Good now come here.” Alex stood up and grabbed my hand pulling me from where I sat. The woman I knew as Alex had apparently fully returned.

  “What are you doing,” I asked, but from the look on her face I already knew the answer.

  “I am afraid for my life Jack, so what do you think I’m doing? I’m making sure I get to have sex one last time.” We got to my bedroom and she pushed me down on the bed before slowly climbing on top of me. “Better be at the top of your game, remember this might be my last time.”

  Chapter 55

  With everything happening so quickly since the murder of Jimmy DeLuca I had become distracted. I was also getting worn down and it was obviously causing me to lose my edge, after all, I had completely forgotten about the Gilmores for the past couple of days.

  When your phone rings at two in the morning it is never going to be a good call. My mother always said nothing good ever happens after midnight, and as I got older I had realized she was right. Alex was in bed next to me when my phone vibrated on the dresser. She had no response to the noise, having fallen into a deep sleep from the combination of fear, bourbon, and some of the best sex I was capable of. I got up to grab my cell and found a text message waiting for me. It was simple, demanding, and to the point. Need to talk now was all it read. Everything in my gut told me to ignore it and I should have.

  Before the clock struck three I was dressed and made it down to the casino without ever waking Alex. I now stood by the main entrance of the brightly lit building waiting for Madeline to show up. The woman was intriguing, frightening, and an incredible turn-on when she wanted to be. The last one was probably the reason I was willing to wait in the middle of the night on a street corner for her. The fact that Madeline had chosen Daniel Shaw’s casino as the meeting place was more than a little interesting after finally having my conversation with Alex.

  The valet pulled up in front driving a familiar silver Mercedes as Madeline came walking out the front door of the casino. “Get in” was all I got from her as she walked around to the driver’s side door. I followed obediently and she speed off with her recognizable squeal of the tires. I was beginning to believe it was the only way she knew how to drive. Within seconds we were speeding down Ontario and heading towards the I-90 ramp.

  “Where are we going?” I asked. She looked at me and then turned on the radio as a sign she was in no mood to talk to me. On her terms as always, I should have been prepared for that. We finally pulled off of the highway a little after four in the morning near the small lake town of Huron. Madeline quickly pulled into a gas station right off the highway before she finally spoke to me.

  “Fill it up for me will you?” handing me her card, “and grab some beer from inside.”

  “Please.” I said, a little annoyed with the woman and feeling like I had been kidnapped by her.

  “Please,” she responded with a small seductive smile.

  I did everything I was told and got back into the car without another word from Madeline. Within minutes of our stop, we were speeding back down the highway heading west.

  “Madeline, I’m beginning to feel like I’ve been kidnapped. Can you at least talk to me or tell me where we are going?”

  “I’m taking you someplace where the two of us can be alone and talk. Until then, I would prefer the silence.”

  “Where are we going?” I asked a little more sternly hoping my annoyance with the situation would persuade her to talk.

  “When’s the last time you’ve been to South Bass Island?”

  “I went to Put-in-Bay for the Fourth of July and the island was packed with crazy college kids.”

  “Well have no worries there won’t be crazy college kids where we’re heading. My father has an old house on the east point of the island. It is quiet, but close enough to the town if we want to get a little crazy.”

  “Why bring me all the way out here simply to talk?”

  “Jack we never get to talk in private, and back in the city there are too many distractions. If you ever want to get this whole mess behind you, we’ll need some time alone. A little time on the island with me will be a great distraction from your case.” Madeline gave me her best smile, and suddenly I was feeling a little guilty for leaving Alex in the middle of the night. Part of me was also excited about my prospects.

  Chapter 56

  The man knew his work on Jimmy DeLuca was brilliant. He smiled at the lasting image it must have left on Jack Francis as he looked at the bound wrists and spattering blood all across God’s precious earth. He also felt good knowing he had played Daniel Shaw to perfection. Half of his promised money was already deposited into his account and transferred across a multitude of banks in the Caribbean. The other half would come as soon as he kept his part of the bargain. It was time to go back to work.

  Outside of Jack Francis’ condo building the man sat sipping a slightly chilled burgundy at a wine bar. He knew Alex was inside too afraid to come out of hiding. He had more than enough skill to slip into the place unnoticed and do the job, but where was the beauty in that. His battle wouldn’t end with the simple killing of Alex, no he was preparing for the grand finale. It wasn’t in this woman’s nature to be caged and he knew with the right motivation she would come out on her own.

  He paid for his wine in cash and moved towards the front door of the condo building. Before he got to the front entrance he was greeted by a pimple-faced doorman, who swung the door open wide giving him ample room to proceed if he had wanted to.

  “Thanks, but I’m not going in,” he said with his Midwestern accent, “but you can still help me with something.”

  “Sure, what is it?” the kid asked enthusiastically.

  The man took a note out from the inner pocket of his jacket and handed it to the doorman along with a twenty. “It is very important Jack Francis receives this. He’s out of town at the moment, but he has a young woman who is staying with him. Take it up to her and stress the importance of Jack receiving it the moment he returns. Can you manage that for me?”

  The young doorman looked at the note and then at the twenty in his hands. “Sure thing, I’ll do it right away sir. Did you want me to leave your name with the young lady?”

  “No its OK, Jack will know who it’s from when he gets it.” The man smiled as he walked back down the street. A small skip developed in his step. A few more days and he could leave Cleveland with all the money he had ever needed.

  Chapter 57

  Standing with her back to the closed door of the condo, Alex stared down at the note in her hands. It could be nothing she thought, but Jack disappearing in the middle of the night already had her flustered. With everything around her seemingly tumbling into an open grave, she was concerned for her safety more than ever before, and in the business she was in, there were plenty of reasons to worry. “Probably just a note from another resident of the building,” she said out loud to herself in a reassuring voice. Alex tossed the note onto the counter and went for the phone in Jack’s living room. She scrolled through the caller ID until the number she was looking for came up. Calling Agent Colin Sommers was really not something she wanted to do, but if anyone knew where Jack was he would.

  The phone rang three times before Colin answered. “What is it Jack?”

  “It’s not Jack,” Alex said sheepishly.

  “Who is this,” Colin began with annoyance before realizing. “Oh, it must be the lovely Alex I’ve heard so much about.”

  “Yeah, sorry to bother you but I thought you might be able
to help me.”

  “No problem.”

  “I was wondering if you’ve heard from Jack at all today?”

  “Can’t say that I have. Why, did he not come home last night?” There was a little bit of sarcasm to the agent’s voice.

  “He was here, but he left sometime in the middle of the night. I’m not sure when.”

  “Jack has been known to leave a woman in the middle of the night before, but never at his own house,” Colin joked but Alex seemed to be oblivious. “Alex, are you alright?”

  “I’m not the type a girl who usually worries. Usually, I’m the one sneaking out in the middle of the night, but with Jimmy’s murder I’m a little on edge.”

  “I’m sorry, I’ll try to keep my jokes to myself then. Getting back to Jack, I haven’t heard from him and I don’t really have any idea where he might have gone. Did you try his cell?”

  “I never thought to try his cell first. Sorry, I’m not thinking straight. I’m probably not using my head at all.”

  “It’s OK Alex. Relax a bit and calm your nerves. I’m sure you’ll be able to reach him on his cell.”

  “You’re probably right,” Alex said calmly and feeling a bit ridiculous.



  “Can you do me a favor?” Colin asked.

  “Sure, what is it?”

  “When you get a hold of Jack, and find out where he ran off to, have him call me will you?”

  “Anything important you want me to tell him?”

  “No, but let him know that it’s important that he calls me.”

  “Anything else?” Alex asked.

  “Nope that should do it. Alex do yourself a favor, and get your nerves together. From what Jack said you’re a smart cookie when you have your wits about you. Also, if you want my advice, I would keep a low profile. It would probably be best if you didn’t leave Jack’s place for a while.”


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