Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors Book 8)

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Soul of Eon (Eon Warriors Book 8) Page 15

by Anna Hackett

  Kaira smiled and leaned into her mate.

  “I am very, very glad we’re alive,” she murmured.

  “Me too.”

  “I don’t want to go to the infirmary. I’m healed.”

  Thane ignored Kaira’s protest. The same as he’d done with her protest about carrying her off the shuttle.

  He strode down the corridor. The Desteron was almost a twin to the Rengard. It was a little larger, with a few small differences, but the layout was basically the same.

  Aydin’s Medical area was in the same location as Thane’s.

  “You’re getting checked out,” Thane said.

  Kaira huffed out a breath.

  Beside him, Thane saw Aydin not even bothering to hide his smile.

  “You’re lucky your mate is so agreeable to treatment, Thane,” Aydin said.

  “Agreeable?” She glared at the medical commander.

  “Yes, my mate hits. Hard. She’s the worst patient I’ve ever treated.”

  “She’s Terran?” Kaira asked.

  “Yes.” Aydin had a very pleased, loving smile on his face. “Lieutenant Jamie Park. Space marine.”

  “The tall, dark-haired woman?” Kaira asked. “I saw her fighting.”

  “That’s her.” Aydin touched the door and it slid open. “Here we are.”

  Thane glanced around. Aydin’s Medical was very similar to his own. He felt a pang. He missed his ship and his medical team.

  “Set her on the bunk, Thane.”

  “I’m fine,” Kaira repeated. “The havv did the job.”

  Thane set her down.

  “Thane’s right,” Aydin said. “You need to get checked out. Havv is amazing, but with extensive injuries, especially when muscle and bone are involved, it doesn’t hurt to double check.”

  The medical commander pulled a large scanner on an extendable arm over. He aimed it over her newly healed thigh.

  “This scanner will take a look.”

  Thane ran a hand over her hair. “I’m needed on the bridge. I need to discuss where to take Nisid and his people with Davion.” He glanced up at Aydin. “The pathogen?”

  Aydin pointed to a heavy-duty storage compartment. “Locked up tight. I’m eager to study it, and keen to discuss it with you.”

  Thane nodded. “Good. I want in on this research.” He dropped a quick kiss to Kaira’s mouth. “Be good. Rest.”

  “Go, Mr. Bossy.”

  He smiled. He knew his way to the bridge, and moments later, he stepped inside the heartbeat of the Desteron. There were several tiers of workstations manned by busy warriors. Davion, his pregnant mate Eve, and Caze and Lara stood by a light table.

  Thane had only taken one step when a huge dog bounded over and leaped on him, planting its paws in his gut.

  “Shaggy, down.” Eve moved over, not quite waddling, but it was clear her growing belly was throwing her balance off. “I’m sorry, Thane. He has no manners.”

  The dog’s tongue lolled, then he nudged Eve, rubbing his face on her belly.

  The Terran woman smiled and scratched the dog’s ears. “Kaira?”

  “Fine. Complaining about going to Medical.”

  “Sounds familiar.” Davion raised a brow at his mate.

  “Very,” Caze agreed.

  Eve poked out her tongue. Davion just smiled at his mate, then looked back at Thane. “We have your friends in the cargo bay. Nisid decided the cabins were too confining for them.”

  “They’re okay?”

  He nodded. “Aydin will send his medical team down to assist with any injuries.” Davion shook his head. “It’s my first time worrying about the comfort of Kantos.”

  “Nisid’s help was vital. We would never have discovered the pathogen, nor made it into the base, without him. We also met another species who dwell underground, the Mollai. They helped us as well, but keep to themselves and avoid the Kantos.”

  “You’ve had quite an adventure, Thane,” Lara said.

  “You should both know that the Kantos were trying to abduct you both. I’m guessing they were after your child. They mistook Kaira and me for you.”

  Davion growled and Eve’s face hardened.

  “Fuckers,” Lara muttered. “They aren’t getting their claws on my niece or nephew.”

  Eve dropped a protective hand to her belly. “I’m afraid we’re going to have to disappoint them.”

  The war commander rested a hand on his mate’s shoulder. “I’ve already spoken with King Gayel and briefed him about Nisid and his rogues. We’ve agreed to take them to Suderia.”

  A market world on the edge of Eon space. It had wide-open spaces and was home to a mix of species. “A good choice. Kaira and I saw the elite council on Crolla. Davion, the Kantos soldiers aren’t born ravenous. The council gives them the hunger. To turn them into good, bloodthirsty soldiers.”

  “Cren.” The war commander rested his hands on his hips.

  “You’re kidding?” Eve said.

  “I wish I was.”

  “This is knowledge we can use to our advantage,” Davion said. “Along with working on finding a way to neutralize the pathogen’s effects.”

  Thane nodded.

  “After Suderia, we’ll head to Earth. The Rengard will meet us there.”

  Thane’s pulse spiked. What happened next for him and Kaira? Her job was on Earth. His was aboard his warship. His gut knotted.

  “I want you to work with Aydin,” Davion continued. “We need a way to stop that pathogen. We all know that the Kantos will make more.”

  “We can’t let them set that pathogen free,” Thane said.


  Thane nodded. “Whatever it takes.”

  The bridge doors opened, and Kaira slowly walked in.

  Thane scowled, detecting the faintest limp from her newly healed leg. “You’re supposed to be resting in Medical.”

  “Aydin gave me a clean bill of health.”

  The sight of her bleeding from that wound would never leave him. He’d come so close to losing her.

  She crossed to him, then ran two steps and leaped into his arms. He caught her.

  “Your leg—”

  “Is healed.”

  She wrapped her legs around his hips, and, heedless of the fact that they were in the center of the Desteron’s bridge, kissed him.

  Then she nipped his ear. “Let’s go and find an empty cabin, and I’ll show you just how healed I am.”

  Desire ignited inside him, and he barely suppressed a growl.

  Eve and Lara were grinning at them.

  “The mating fever?” Davion asked.

  “Uh, we’ve already dealt with that.” Almost all of it. Thane still felt that constant gnaw of need for Kaira in his gut.

  The war commander raised a brow.

  “Our mating… It actually happened on Earth. The moment we first met.”

  “Oh my God,” Eve blurted. “That must’ve been a shock.”

  “You could say that,” Kaira said dryly.

  “Luckily, our nice trip with the Kantos convinced Kaira that mating might not be so bad,” Thane said.

  She smiled at him.

  “Kaira, I’m afraid I need Thane a little longer,” Davion said. “For a continued discussion on the pathogen.”

  She unhooked her legs and he set her on her feet. “I understand.”

  Eve moved forward. “We’ll find you a cabin. I’ll bet you’re dying for a shower.”

  Kaira groaned. “Like you wouldn’t believe.”

  Eve smiled. “And I’m sure your mate will find you when he can.”

  “Does this cabin have a soft bed?” Kaira asked.


  “Earth food?”

  “The ship’s synthesizers can make just about anything,” Eve said.

  “Ice cream?”

  “Sure thing.”

  Kaira shot Thane a hot look. “Don’t be too long.”

  He was hard as a rock. “I won’t.”

er Twenty

  Kaira spent far too long in the shower, but the flow of hot water had been way too seductive to ignore.

  Dressed in a black Eon uniform, she wandered the cabin she’d been assigned. She’d tested out the synthesizer. It did make ice cream. And it was pretty good-tasting, actually.

  Now, all she needed was her mate.

  Mate. She smiled. Thane was everything. The way he’d stood by her during their ordeal on Crolla, the way he’d helped her, protected her, loved her…

  Kaira was all-in.

  The fear of losing Thane—like she’d lost Ryan and her father—would never go away, but she was done letting it overshadow her life.

  “I love you, Ryan,” she whispered. “I always will, but I have a mate who makes me smile again.” She knew her late husband would want that for her.

  She had a whole load of living to do, and she planned to do it with her handsome mate.

  If he ever showed up.

  She blew out a breath. He was a warrior. No doubt there were issues he had to sort out with Davion, and it was taking longer than planned.

  Maybe she’d check on Nisid. She headed out of the cabin. She liked the warship—it was sleek, with black metal everywhere, but not cold. It wasn’t just a warship, but a home for its warriors.

  She moved down the corridor, and suddenly realized she had no idea how to get to the cargo bay housing the Kantos rogues.

  “Hey, I was coming to see you.”

  She looked up and saw Lara Traynor. The tall woman was wearing a black Eon uniform, like Kaira.

  “I wanted to visit our Kantos allies,” Kaira said.

  “I’ll show you the way.”

  They fell into step together.

  “I never thought I’d live to see the day when we’d transport Kantos to safety,” Lara said.

  “Surprised me, too. Working with them.” Kaira followed Lara into an elevator. “I guess I got so used to thinking of Kantos as the evil enemy, but nothing in life is black-and-white. I know Thane and I would’ve died without Nisid and his people. He’s earned my trust. I just hope everyone else treats them right.”

  The elevator moved, and a moment later the doors opened.

  “The Eon are fair, Kaira,” Lara said. “They’ll honor the agreement and get Nisid and his people away from the other Kantos. Suderia is a peaceful world, and will make a safe home for them.” She led Kaira down the hall, and then stopped in front of some large doors. “Here we are.”

  The doors opened and Kaira saw Kantos milling around the space. Some were relaxed, others pacing. Several juveniles were running around, chasing each other.

  Everyone paused.

  Kaira lifted a hand. “Hi.”

  Kaira. Nisid broke away from the crowd.

  “How are you, Nisid?” She touched his arm.

  We are all fine. Medical Commander Kann-Ath visited, and tended to our injuries.

  “I’m told we’re en route to a world that will provide you with a new home.”

  He bowed his head. I’m very grateful.

  “Don’t be. You earned it. Without you and your fighters, Thane and I would never have made it. And now, we also have a sample of the pathogen. To me, you’re a hero.”

  The Kantos leader shifted on his four legs, and she got the impression that if he could, he’d be blushing.

  Are you all healed, Kaira?

  “Yes.” She had the shiny, pink skin on her thigh to prove it. “I’ve been triple-checked, and my leg healed up well. I wanted to thank you again. And wish you and your people well.”

  Thank you, Kaira. It’s been an honor to help you.

  She held out her hand, and gingerly he grasped her fingers in his claws. They shook.

  When she headed out of the cargo bay with Lara, the space marine shook her head. “I still have a hard time wrapping my head around good Kantos.”

  “It’s the hunger,” Kaira said.

  Lara’s face hardened. “Thane told us. Nisid and his people weren’t given it. The council turn the soldiers and bugs into insane killers. Assholes.”

  “Thane killed the council elites, but I’m guessing a new council is already forming.” The Kantos would keep coming. “They have to be stopped.”


  “Anyway, I’ve had more than enough Kantos interaction over the last few days. I’m keen to find my mate.”

  Lara’s lips quirked. “I’ll bet. Take the elevator down a level. The last I heard, he was with Aydin in Medical. No doubt, the pair of them are plotting how to stop that pathogen.”

  “Thanks, Lara.”

  “Enjoy your mate, Kaira.” Lara’s face changed, lighting up. “Mating…is incredible.” The space marine grinned. “And I don’t just mean the hot sex. Having a true partner, someone who understands you, respects you. Love is worth everything.”

  Chest tight, Kaira nodded. “I forgot that for a while, but I won’t again.” She stepped into the elevator.

  She waved goodbye to Lara as the doors closed. She’d just stepped out into the hall when she spotted Thane. He looked deep in thought.

  Then his head whipped up. His face sharpened, the green filaments in his eyes aglow.

  Kaira’s belly clenched, desire ignited like a solar flare.

  He strode right to her and lifted her off her feet.

  “Hello, mate,” she said.

  He didn’t say anything, just kissed her.

  Heat exploded. She clamped her legs around him. His big hands cupped her ass, and she slid her hands into his gray-streaked hair and tugged.

  “God, you taste addictive,” she whispered against his lips.

  He growled and took her mouth again. She felt the hard press of his erection against her belly.

  She rubbed against him. “Thane. Cabin.”

  “Too far.”

  He strode down a side corridor and into a shadowed alcove. He pinned her to the wall.

  “Need you.” His magnificent, black-and-green eyes met hers. “Now.”

  “So, take me,” she said.

  His hand moved between their bodies yanking at their clothes. He pushed her pants down, and she dropped her legs to let them slide off.

  Then he opened his pants and freed his cock.

  With his gaze on hers, she wrapped her legs around him, and felt the hot brush of his cock.

  Then with one hard plunge, he surged inside her.


  “My mate. My Starlight. My Kaira.”

  Then there was nothing but the two of them, the heavy plunge of his body claiming hers.

  Kaira moaned against his ear. “Don’t stop.”


  Thane’s muscles tensed. The cold substance hit his abdomen, and he gritted his teeth.

  He was naked, lying flat on his back on the bed. An equally naked, very-pleased-looking, Kaira leaned over him, dripping cold, creamy ice cream on his abs.

  With a purring sound, she lowered her head and lapped.

  Cren. He reached his arms up, gripping the bedhead. His hips bucked up.

  “No moving, warrior.” She carried a spoonful of ice cream to his lips.

  Thane ate the sweet food, savoring the small, crunchy lumps of what she told him were chocolate.

  She dribbled more down his stomach, then lower, her mouth hitting his skin and following the trail.

  He tangled his hand in her hair. He groaned her name.

  Then her mouth licked his hard cock, and she sucked him deep.

  As she worked him, desire for his mate roared through him. He knew it would grow and change the longer they were together.

  He couldn’t wait. Every minute with her was something to treasure.

  But right now, he wanted to see pleasure on Kaira’s face. Hear her cry out his name.

  He sat up and pulled her off him.

  “Thane,” she complained.

  He pushed her onto her back and grabbed the bowl of ice cream.

  Her gaze locked on him, her breath hitching.<
br />
  “I think I’m developing a taste for ice cream,” he said.

  She bit her lip. “Do you like it?”

  “I’m not sure yet. I need a few more tastes.”

  He dribbled the cold treat on one of her breasts.

  She gasped, her cheeks flushing.

  Thane licked up the sweet stickiness, taking his time sucking on her nipple. Her breathing turned choppy. He lavished her other breast with the same attention.

  “Oh, Thane.” She writhed against the sheets.

  “Hmm, I’m not one-hundred-percent certain about this ice cream, yet.” He let the dessert drip on her flat belly.

  She jerked.

  It pooled in her navel, and with a smile, he licked the icy trail. He loved the sounds she made. He cupped one hand between her legs, sliding a finger inside her warmth.

  “Yes. Thane, I’ll never get enough of you. Come inside me.”

  With a final lick, he rose over her. He grabbed her leg, pulling her thigh tight against his side and opening her up to him.

  Then he sank inside her.

  Their groans mingled. He kept his gaze on her fathomless, dark eyes as he moved inside her.

  Her eyes pulled him in, just like everything about his mate did. He picked up speed, thrusting harder, deeper.

  “Thane!” As she came, she raked her nails down his back.

  With a growl, he plunged deeper and held himself inside her as his own release hit him like a wave.

  Finally, he rolled, holding her close. He stroked a hand up and down her back.

  Then he noticed something. “The ship’s stopped.”

  Kaira jerked into a sitting position. “We’ve reached Suderia. Nisid and the others will be leaving.”

  She scrambled up and raced for the washroom.

  Thane leaned back and enjoyed the view of his naked mate. “You’ll miss Nisid?”

  She popped her head back out. “We owe him our lives.”

  His Terran, such a big heart. She’d kept it guarded after having it hurt, but it was wide open, now.

  Thane would spend a lifetime guarding it for her.

  He climbed out of the bed and joined her in the shower. It wasn’t long before they were clean and dressed in Eon uniforms, heading for the cargo bay.

  The rogue Kantos were ready, the few belongings they’d brought, packed and assembled.


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