Shades of Doon

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Shades of Doon Page 25

by Carey Corp

  I glanced down to find a bunch of ribbons, each strand saturated in the vibrant colors of a rainbow.

  “They’re for our handfastin’,” he explained.

  My heart did a twirl in my chest as I remembered that multicolored cords were used to bind the couple’s hands together in a symbol of commitment.

  He tipped up my chin, his dark eyes penetrating my soul. “Verranica, I vow to ye that no matter what happens, we will be handfasted within a fortnight. Nothing will keep me from makin’ you mine in truth.”

  The reasons for the Completing had never been clearer to me than in the days since I’d returned to Doon. Jamie’s calm-in-the-storm-strength, flawless logic, and natural leadership were the perfect complement to my blind determination, idealism, and sometimes reckless enthusiasm. I needed him by my side for the good of the kingdom, and my heart.

  I glanced at him under my lashes. “How soon after the handfasting can we marry?”

  He broke into a full-blown, dimpled grin. “As soon as ye like.”

  I arched a brow. “The next day?”

  He gathered me in his arms, and lowered his head until his mouth hovered a hairsbreadth from mine. I drank in his sweet breath as the low timbre of his voice vibrated inside me. “The same day.”

  Our lips met, and the rest of the world faded away, everything but Jamie’s touch — the liquid fire of his mouth moving on mine, the electric caress of his fingers on my neck, my face. He cupped my cheeks, his mouth sliding across mine with bone-melting deliberation. Stars danced behind my eyelids as he nipped my bottom lip and then caught me when my knees buckled beneath me.

  A knock sounded and we broke apart. The air charged and heavy between us, we each panted for breath. Jamie’s gaze pierced mine, his eyes communicating all he couldn’t say — whatever happened after we stepped from this room, he was mine and I was his. Forever.

  I swiped a hand across my tingling lips and straightened my shoulders. “Let’s do this.”

  He nodded once and presented his bent elbow to me. After ensuring the ribbons were tucked safely in the pocket of my skirt, I placed my hand on his forearm. “Blaz?”

  “He’s with Lachlan and his family.”

  I looked up into Jamie’s dark eyes one last time, the flecks of gold shining like a beacon. “Thank you.”

  He winked, making me smile as Fergus opened the door. “’Tis time.”

  After traversing a short hallway, we entered the packed throne room. The crowd felt unnaturally hushed as the horns split the silence, announcing my arrival.

  “Presenting your Called monarch, the brave and honorable, her Majesty Queen Veronica!”

  Jamie squeezed my hand and I separated my arm from his, walking forward on numb feet. As I reached the center of the dais, a cheer went up, followed by applause, every Doonian rising to their feet. The show of unmitigated support fortified the steely resolve growing inside of me, and I beamed. These were my people, my family, my home, and I would stop at nothing to protect them.



  Some of my most and least favorite musicals had to do with royalty — always in a totally fictional, myths-and-legends kind of way. Maybe if I’d grown up in the UK with real monarchs, it would be easier to wrap my mind around royals as more than the stuff of fairy tales. But my American childhood had conditioned me for fantasy, not politics.

  I stood in the front of the throne room watching as the MacCrae princes, first Jamie and then Duncan, knelt in front of my bestie on the sacred stone Doonians called the Liath Fàil and pledged their lives. In that moment there were no relationships outside a queen and her loyal subjects. In my mind Vee and I were two parts of a whole, equal and complimentary pieces. But in Doon that was no longer true. Vee was the leader of the country, followed by the royal family. Even when I married Duncan, I would be, at best, fourth in the pecking order.

  Could I pledge my allegiance as her subservient and faithful subject in total sincerity? She was practically my sister — I couldn’t envision a day when she would not take my thoughts and feelings into account, but if it ever were to happen, could I obediently follow? Could I sacrifice my own will to hers? That’s what was on the line.

  As I puzzled out what the vow meant for me personally, Vee’s advisors, the Wise Men, made their oaths. After them came Fergus and the queen’s royal guard. It had been Duncan’s brilliant idea to have the advisors and soldiers pledge before the other citizens. He hoped it would make them less susceptible to the witch’s influence. After making their vows, the queen’s guard lined the far aisles on both sides of the throne room — another tactical decision. These men would control the flow of subjects as the rest of the Doonians made their vows and filed back into place.

  To my right, Fiona squeezed my wrist. “Our turn,” she whispered and turned toward the center aisle, her gentle grip encouraging me to do the same. Behind me, Analisa, Emily, Sofia, and Gabriella followed. As Vee’s inner circle, we would make our vows next.

  Still feeling mildly conflicted, I silently watched Fiona climb the two steps to the altar and gracefully drop to one knee. As she pledged her fealty, I worried about our plan. What were the odds that we could identify and apprehend Addie without casualties?

  After kissing the brilliant red stone of the ring on Vee’s finger, Fiona rose, and then it was my turn. Suddenly, my legs went wobbly as I rushed up the two steps to the altar to speak the oath that would forever change the dynamic between me and my other half. For a moment I just stared, searching beneath the crown and mantle for the girl who’d shared all my deepest secrets since kindergarten. Reverend Guthrie cleared his throat. “Kneel, please.”

  I immediately dropped to one knee on the rough sandstone slab in the center of the dais. The momentum of my movement caused me to sway off balance. Before I could go sprawling on my butt, Vee’s hand grabbed mine. As she steadied me, I glimpsed a flash of metallic color at her wrist. I didn’t need more than a glance to know it was half of a silver heart encrusted with fake jewels that read ST . . . NDS. The matching other half of the charm bracelet, BE . . . FRIE was somewhere on the dresser back in my turret room. It had been our Christmas gifts to one another back in first grade, bought with our own money. That she would wear it for this occasion brought tears to my eyes. As my best friend, I trusted her with my whole life. I could and would trust her as my queen.

  “Ready?” she asked softly.

  I nodded and then spoke the words that Duncan had helped me rehearse. “I, Mackenna Louise Reid, promise on my faith that I will, now and always, remain loyal to my queen. Will never cause her harm, and will, in all things, observe my homage to the kingdom o’ Doon. I pledge my devoted counsel in all situations and vow to protect the queen with my life, against all persons and in all circumstances, in loyalty and without deceit.”

  The little charm tinkled as I reached for her hand and kissed the Ring of Aontacht. She helped me rise and then crushed me in one of her bear hugs. For only me to hear, she said, “I couldn’t do this without you. I love you.”

  I left the dais feeling vaguely lightheaded when Analisa’s voice shattered the reverence of the room. “Sorry, Veronica. I just can’t.”

  I whirled around to see Analisa towering over Vee directly in the center of the altar. “I’ve been tryin’ to justify kneeling down to you, but it goes against my grain. It’s not in my nature to follow blindly.”

  My heart lodged in my throat, cutting off my air. I glanced toward Duncan, who had his hand out, preventing the guard from moving in. “Ana,” he cautioned. “Think carefully. Not pledging fealty to the queen is an act of treason. You could be imprisoned.”

  “That’s tyranny, innit? Forcing me to pledge obedience. I won’t do it.” Analisa whirled to face the crowd. “I’ve been Called to Doon, same as many of you. Maybe it’s time for modern government — a democracy. Maybe that’s why we were Called here, to change the way things work.”

  With a pained expression, Duncan dropped his han
d. He shared a look with Jamie, who ordered, “Arrest her.”

  The guards rushed toward the dais as the crowd erupted in chaos. Seeing that she was trapped, Ana grabbed Vee’s arm. “You don’t have to do this, Vee. We can agree to disagree and live peaceably.”

  As the initial wave of soldiers reached Analisa, Giancarlo Rosetti jumped to his feet, pleading with Vee to let Ana go. The guards tackled Analisa, who still had a grip on Vee. Suddenly Giancarlo and the rest of the Rosetti boys were flinging themselves into the middle of the guard. With a growl, Fergus joined the scuffle. From the outside, it looked like a single organism of arms and legs and teeth.

  Somewhere in the middle of the chaos were Doon’s queen and Analisa. And any minute now Ana could go full-on big-bad. “Hurry!” I yelled.

  I could see Jamie and Duncan on the opposite side of the fighting mass, ineffectively trying to reach Vee. Suddenly the fighting shifted, and Vee was thrust away from the rabble. Unable to get to her across the bodies, I could only watch as she flailed backward and crashed into the unforgiving stone floor. Her crown toppled from her head and clattered down the steps, sliding to a stop in the middle of the aisle.

  After the sudden burst of commotion, the room became still. All eyes turned to the queen, and she picked herself up from the floor. Her elaborate hairdo now hung in haphazard wisps around her head as she raised herself to her full height.

  With an unwavering gaze, she addressed her guard. “Fergus, take half your men and please escort Analisa and the Rosettis to the dungeon. Make sure you isolate them. I’ll send word when the fealty ceremony is over.”

  Mario Rosetti stepped into the aisle flanked by his wife. “Your Majesty, Giani did not mean any harm. He was defending his amore — his love, and his fratelli were defending him. Per piacere, be lenient with my ragazzi.”

  Queen Veronica listened imperiously. “Right now they are only charged with disrupting the ceremony, which must be finished. I will be willing to discuss leniency after. Fergus, take them to the dungeon.”

  As half the royal guard escorted Analisa and the Rosetti boys out of the throne room, something niggled inside my brain. If Analisa was the witch, why hadn’t she revealed herself . . . or zapped the guard with her magic? Surely there wasn’t an advantage to continuing to keep secret who and what she was.

  Vee walked back to the center of the dais and smoothed out her gown. In a calm, authoritative voice she said, “Let’s continue with the ceremony. My crown, please.”

  I moved toward the aisle to retrieve Vee’s crown, but Emily beat me. Holding the circlet in her hands, she offered me a sweet smile. “I’ve got this.”

  The girl climbed the steps and crossed to face Vee on the sacred stone. “Did ye know, Veronica, that you’re standing on the true Liath Fàil, the Stone of Scone? The one sent to Westminster Abbey in 1296 was a fake. The real coronation stone has been hidden in Doon this whole time. This stone is able to turn peasants into rulers. And unlike a glass slipper or a sword encased in rock, its power is real.”

  Emily’s words were pleasant, but as she spoke, Vee’s face turned pale, her eyes growing wide and alarmed. The remaining guards, along with Eòran, Jamie, and Duncan, were still toward the back of the room as Emily turned to face the crowd. While holding Vee’s crown, her free hand slipped into the bodice of her dress to reveal Queen Lynnette’s charred luckenbooth pendant. Then, with a smile that chilled my blood, she grasped the crown with both hands and held it up over her head.

  “My fellow Doonians, I am Adelaide Blackmore Cadell, rightful queen o’ Doon — come to claim my throne.” Emily placed the diadem on her head. “Wee Veronica is right. The fealty ceremony must continue. Only now, you will pledge your undying allegiance to me.”



  The soft curves of Emily’s face began to morph before my eyes. In a flash of nightmarish déjà vu, I watched as her hair lightened to a golden blonde and grew like Play-Doh out of her skull and down her back. My assistant’s rounded cheeks sharpened, and the skin of her face pulled tight over high cheekbones, her nose thinning and elongating. She arched her back and the extra weight Emily carried disappeared like an illusion, to reveal the tall, athletic frame of a twenty-something woman.

  Not a woman, a witch.

  With a quick flick of her wrist, the drab gray dress Emily had worn transformed into a blood-red silk gown, the exact shade of the jewels in my crown — the one she now wore. The very crown she’d designed for me.

  No. Not for me, for her. I’d counted Emily among my friends. I clenched my hands into fists as the betrayal washed over me.

  Addie ran her hands down the smooth material hugging her hips. “Ah, much better.”

  Her brilliant violet eyes focused on me, and the unnatural light there dropped my stomach to the floor. Her lips tilted as she touched the damaged luckenbooth hanging around her neck. “This little bauble no longer holds any power, thanks to you, my dear.” Her voice slithered around me like a python squeezing my chest. I sucked in a deep breath as she went on. “But I’m nothing if not sentimental, and this piece represents a promise. A promise Queen Lynnette made to my family long ago. Do you know what that was?”

  Unwilling to give her the smallest concession, I lifted my chin and replied, “No.”

  “Liar! You know your throne is rightfully mine!” She took a step toward me, her hand reaching out as a ball of light formed in her palm. “But we canna have two queens, now can we?”

  “Stand down, witch!” Jamie leapt onto the stage, followed by Duncan, Eòran, and several of the royal guard. Jamie, sword raised, pressed forward cautiously. “Surrender and I will no’ run ye through.”

  Addie froze, the magic in her palm retreating as the guards circled her, their swords raised. “Why, Prince Jamie,” she cooed, her words taking on an almost physical quality. “I thought we had an understanding.”

  My gaze darted to her hand, her fingers twisting in a circular motion as she worked to enthrall him. To steal his will. I searched Jamie’s face, his expression hadn’t changed, but he couldn’t get close enough to Addie to do any damage.

  Jamie’s eyes darted to Duncan, who gave a slight nod before he leapt forward, but it was as if he’d hit a wall, and stumbled back.

  My turn. There was authority in the royal monarch of Doon, a link to the covenant that gave the chosen ruler’s words a weight that a subject of Doon could not resist. With no idea whether or not Addie still qualified under that heading, I stepped forward on shaky legs and raised my voice so the entire throne room could hear. “Adelaide Blackmore Cadell, by the authority of the crown, you are under arrest for high treason — ”

  Addie turned, her eyes narrowed, but before she could lift her hands in my direction, Duncan tried again, his dirk aimed at her throat. A shriek split the air, and both Addie’s arms flew out. Violet light flashed from her hands, blasting everyone around her off their feet. I staggered back, but didn’t fall. Not so for Jamie, Duncan, and the entire royal guard, who flew through the air, landing hard.

  “Enough!” Addie screamed as she swiped the blood from her neck and stared at the red streaks on her hand. She leveled murderous eyes on Duncan’s sprawled form. “You, young prince, will die for this!”

  She raised her palm, and black fire arched toward him.

  I heard Kenna shriek as the magic hit Duncan. He writhed, his limbs convulsing, but after a few seconds, he fought through it and staggered to his feet. Sword in hand, eyes blazing, Duncan advanced.

  I searched for Jamie and found him dazedly rising from where he’d landed on the other side of the stage.

  Addie’s brow furrowed. She took a powerful breath, and then threw out both her hands, delivering double streams of fire. “I said, die!”

  “NO!” I screamed.

  The magic slammed into Duncan and he stumbled back, his face contorting in agony. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a blur of red and aqua as Kenna raced past. Jamie rushed in from the other direction, bot
h of them headed into the line of fire. Without further thought, I ran, ducked my head, and tackled Addie to the ground. The black flames flashed harmlessly over the crowd before going out.

  Stunned, Addie lay still. As I heard feet pounding toward us, the words stop her repeated in my head. I rolled to the side and grabbed Duncan’s abandoned knife. Addie, coming out of her daze, sat up and shot flames in my direction just as I slammed the blade into her other hand, pinning it to the stage. Her screech of pain seemed to channel into the magic she flung at me. I braced for the blow. But nothing happened.

  A white glow had sprung up from my ring like a shield, glowing all around me, just like the limbus when Kenna and I had ventured inside. Glancing up at the crowd that had gathered around us, I registered the shock and awe on each of their faces. I met Jamie’s fierce stare, and he stepped forward, but I shook my head, willing him to stay put. He paused, tension coiled in every muscle. Carefully, I rose to my feet.

  Addie closed her fist, cutting off the spell. “So you’re somehow protecting yourself and your inner circle. But what happens when I do this?” Her eyes narrowed just before she pulled the knife out of her hand and flung it with perfect precision into the chest of one of my royal guardsmen. The man toppled over, eyes wide.

  “Ah . . . so they can be killed.” Addie stood, healing the wound in her hand with one zap.

  Jamie and several others sprang forward, but the witch was ready. With a broad sweep of her arm, a charcoal cloud enveloped them, petrifying every one of those who’d sworn fealty to me like statues in Medusa’s garden. “I may no’ be able to hurt your minions, but I can stop them.”

  “They’re not my minions!” I raised my ring and focused all my energy into some kind of unfreezing spell. When nothing happened, Addie threw back her head and cackled. A rumble cut her laughter short.

  Chaos erupted from the crowd, followed by shouts as the Doonians rallied.

  “Let’s get her, mates!” Oliver’s voice was unmistakable.


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