The Raven Flies At Night

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The Raven Flies At Night Page 13

by Janine R Pestel

  He peered up at the ceiling; Blue sky showed through holes in the roof, one of which was caused by the cross, when it fell from the steeple, on its way to the sidewalk below. A beacon of hope for this town, now lay smashed on the ground in front of the church. Ravens peered in through the gash and taunted. Johann pointed his gun at them, and they dispersed. It almost appeared they possessed the intelligence to know about the weapon.

  The walls appeared covered with black marks. They reminded Johann of the stains left by smoke after a fire. The odor of Sulfur mixed with the sickening aroma of the Raven excrement. The air grew warmer, the farther back in the building they went. So warm, in fact, that it now actually bordered on being hot. Sweat beaded on Robert's forehead, making the skin on his cheeks glisten as it dripped down his face.

  Robert's stomach churned from not only all the excitement of the day but from the unpleasant odors which attacked his nostrils. As he reached his hand out to steady himself on the corner of a nearby pew, his fingers slipped on a slippery substance. He glanced down, as his hand slid into a small pile of Raven dung.

  Suddenly, the churning in the coroner's stomach turned to uncontrollable retching. He turned away from Johann as fast as possible. With almost explosive force, his stomach released its contents all over the pew next to him. He wiped his mouth with his shirt sleeve and gazed apologetically at Johann.

  “I'm sorry -,” Robert said, embarrassed that he made such a mess.

  “No need to apologize,” Johann said, “It's understandable. It happens to me sometimes, too. You okay?”

  “Yeah, I think so,” Robert said. He nodded and wiped his face.

  “The son of a bitch wrecked the place worse than I thought,” Johann said. The sound of the Ravens outside was loud; to be heard, he had to shout above it. A sudden crash of glass signaled the destruction of yet another priceless, stained glass window. Johann and Robert turned their attention to where the crash came from, in time to witness the carcass of the attacker plunge to the concrete floor.

  It landed directly in front of them. In the attack, its head had severed from its body. Johann slammed down on the lifeless body, with his size 11 boot, which caused the insides of the bird to spill out, and smear on the floor. Robert furrowed his brow when he noticed Johann appeared to take pleasure in the bloody mass.

  “Poor bastard,” Johann said, as he lifted his foot from the now flat, headless body.

  Johann stopped in his tracks. A barely audible sound had attracted his attention. He cocked his head to the side, to try and listen to it better. Robert looked at him, bewildered by his friend's actions.

  “What's wrong,” asked Robert.

  “I'm not sure. I think I hear something, but I can't make out what it is,” answered Johann, still listening intently.

  The sound became a little louder, and Johann realized it was a man's voice. It spoke to him. He looked around, in an attempt to see where the voice was coming from, but the only other person in the room besides himself was Robert.

  At once, his eyes widened, as he recognized who it was that spoke to him.

  “Malphas, you son of a bitch,” he shouted, “Show your ugly face, you coward.”

  “Oh, crap,” Robert said, almost in a whisper. He didn't want his friend to lose confidence in him. He searched the area and tried to locate the intruder.

  “You stupid priest,” the words seemed to echo in Johann's head, “You can't win. We have your friend. We're gonna kill him. Look at that one, next to you. Do you really think he can help you? Why don't you do yourself and him a favor and blow his brains all over the church? You know you want to. He'll only be in your way.”

  Johann nervously glanced over at Robert.

  “What,” Robert asked.

  “Nothing,” Johann said, “You're fine.”

  “He'd be better off, with his insides smeared on the floor,” Malphas continued his torment, “You'd be doing the best thing for him. He's only going to be very sick in a few years anyway. You don't want him to suffer, do you?”

  “You bastard,” Johann shouted, and startled Robert, “When I find you, I'm gonna send you back to hell. Show yourself.”

  In his mind's eye, Johann witnessed a vision of the demon standing with his sister. Malphas reaches over to her, and pulls her close to him, as a teenage boy would do with his girlfriend.

  “Sorry, shitbag, I don't believe that,” Johann said. Robert glanced at Johann, now very confused. “Believe what,” he asked. Johann returned his glance, without saying anything.

  Johann began to walk again. This time, he headed for Father Nelson's office. Robert followed as close behind as possible.

  “Don't come in here,” said Malphas, who now started to sound very threatening.

  “We'll go wherever we need to go,” Johann said.

  “Yeah, I pretty much figured that,” Robert answered.

  “I'm talking to Malphas,” Johann said. Durling looked around but found no one there.

  “Where is he,” Robert asked.

  “In my head,” Johann answered.

  Now everything started to make sense to Robert, so he quietly followed Johann.

  The two went through the door into the hallway between the church sanctuary, and the parsonage. They proceeded with caution, due to the almost pitch black darkness in the hall. The odor of the Sulphur became overwhelming here, and they almost couldn't breathe.

  As they walked, the bodies of Ravens crushed under their feet and made a sickening sound. Robert winced with every crack of small bones, as they snapped from his weight. As they made their way down the dark hall toward the rectory, Robert's foot slipped out from under him, and he almost fell.

  Johann reached out instinctively and stopped Robert's fall.

  “Thanks,” Robert said, as he regained his footing, “I don't know what I just stepped on, but my foot hit something slippery.”

  “Want to bet what it was,” asked Johann.

  “No,” answered Robert, “I think I've got a good idea what it was.”

  They reached the door to the office and pressed their backs against the hallway wall. Johann cautiously moved his head closer to the door and peeked inside. After he took in all he needed to see, he pulled back away from the door, to assess the situation.

  “What was it? What did you see,” asked Robert. He almost didn't want an answer.

  “I saw Father Nelson,” Johann said, he glanced at Robert, “But, he's lying on the floor., and that bastard is standing over him.”

  “We have to go in, and help him,” Robert said, his voice sounded urgent.

  “We will,” Johann answered, “But we have to make sure we do it right. I think he's still alive, and I…we…want to keep it that way.”

  Robert turned to him as though he didn't understand, but then, realized that the 'we' his friend referred to were him and Johann.

  The demon appeared to be about to do something to the unconscious priest who lay in front of him, as Johann planned his move. The monster raised his arms up, an evil smile graced his pale face. His eyes burned with the desire to do as much harm as possible to the priest.

  Johann took his cue, and rushed into the room; his weapon pointed at the menacing demon. His plan not quite finished yet, but he knew he had no time left.

  “I wouldn't do that,” Johann said, as he approached the malevolent creature as far as he dared. Malphas immediately shifted his attention from his prey to Johann, the smile disappeared from his face.

  “What do you think you're going to do with that,” Malphas asked, as he pointed to the weapon in Johann's hands.

  “Send you back to Hell,” Johann answered, as he pumped the shotgun to make sure a shell is in the chamber. He reached into his pocket and withdrew the Cimeries Talisman Father Nelson had given to him and Robert. He held it up, to taunt Hell's Prince, and, hopefully, convince him to move away from the holy man.

  Malphas sneered and backed up, just a little. When he saw this reaction, Johann signaled Robert to be
ready to rescue the fallen priest. He then walked forward to Malphas, with the metal talisman held before him.

  “Move your ass away from him,” Johann said, as he threw the talisman onto Father Nelson's chest. The medallion landed face up, and Malphas moved back quickly, to escape from the blessed object.

  “What's the matter? Afraid of metal,” Johann said. He gestured at the pontiff, “Now, Bob. Grab him and bring him to Sharon's apartment.”

  Robert moved forward and picked up the now semi-conscious priest.Johann took the amulet and placed it back in his pocket for safe keeping. He stood next to Robert and the injured priest so that they would be protected as much as possible.

  The wounded priest weakly got to his feet, and leaned on Robert's shoulder, as Robert helped him out of the church, which had now become a war zone. The gentle priest was astounded at the scene in the darkened hallway, as they left what used to be his office.

  “What happened,” he asked.

  “All Hell is breaking loose,” answered Robert, “I mean that literally. We have to hurry; your niece wants you at her place across the street.”

  “My place is with my church,” said Father Nelson, as he tried to stop Robert from removing him from the building.

  “No. Your place right now is with Sharon. Mine and Johann's place is with your church until we banish this damned demon. If you go back in there, that bastard's gonna kill you. That won't do your congregation any good at all.”

  The Father thought about this for a moment, “I guess you're right,” he said.

  Back in the office, Johann and the demon faced off against each other. Each one tried harder than the other to be the most intimidating. Johann's steely blue eyes, unwavering, as he stared into the demon's eyes. The hideous creature stared back, his body undulating with his heavy breathing. He stood only a few inches taller than Johann.

  “That's one for the good guys,” Johann said, as he taunted the devil.

  “That's the only one you'll get,” answered Malphas, “You don't think I'm all alone here do you?”

  “No,” answered Johann, “You have your damned Earl here, too. Where is the coward?” Johann searched the room with his eyes for Earl Raum. He almost hoped to find him somewhere in the shadows. He discovered, at least for the time being, he and Malphas were alone in the room.

  “He'll be along soon,” answered the Prince of Hell.

  The crowd let out a collective gasp as the oak doors to the church opened, with a loud groan. Out stepped Robert with Father Nelson. As they hobbled down the steps, Ravens dove down from above and attacked the two.

  “Hide your face,” Robert shouted, as he put his hand on the priest's head and pushed it down. The padre raised his free arm and covered his face. The mob began to pick up stones, and threw them at the attacking birds, in an attempt to thwart their aggression on the pontiff and his rescuer.

  The claws of one of the Ravens tore into Robert's flesh, as it ripped at his back through his shirt. He twisted his upper torso to try and dislodge the enormous attacker.

  Two men from the crowd ran over to help. They each grabbed onto the priest, and escorted him to safety, across the street. The Ravens chased after them. Robert followed close behind and tried his best to provide cover.

  They reached the other side, and the throng of people stepped aside to give them an unobstructed path into the building. The group ran toward the door, and the birds, who now abandoned their attack, flew back to the church.

  Robert thanked the two for their assistance. Both men had sustained fairly serious injuries, and this caused Robert some concern. Blood dripped down the face of one of the men. He received a deep gash on his forehead from the beak of a Raven.

  “You should get yourself to a doctor right away,” Robert said, while he gazed at the man's wound. The man wiped some blood from his face and glanced at the red liquid on his hand.

  “I'll be okay,” he said, he gazed at Father Nelson, “Thanks for rescuing the Father, here. As long as he's okay, we all survive.”

  “I hope so. Still, you're gonna probably need stitches,” Robert insisted, “Not to mention, a tetanus shot.” He then led the priest into the building, and up the stairs to Sharon's apartment.

  They reached the apartment and found Sharon already standing at the door, in anticipation of her beloved uncle's arrival. She had watched, out the window, and knew he was alive, and now safe.

  “Oh, my God. I'm so glad you're okay,” she said, as she tried not to cry. She gazed at Robert, her eyes filled with gratitude and tears. “Thank you so much for saving him.” Robert almost blushed when she gave him a small kiss on his cheek. Her expression changed when she realized only Robert and her Uncle came out of the church. “Where is Johann?”

  “He's waiting for me in your uncle's office, where he's fighting the demon. Now that your uncle is safe, I have to get back to help Johann.”

  “Wait a minute,” Father Nelson said, as Robert turned to leave, “Wait. I want to place a blessing on you first. It'll help in your fight.”

  Robert kneeled a moment and allowed the priest to give him his blessing. After the good priest finished, Robert thanked him and took his leave to return to the battle with his friend in the house of worship.

  As he stepped outside once again, the carnage being done by the Ravens became even more evident to Robert. Bricks which had fallen, littered the sidewalk, as though someone had spilled a wheelbarrow full of them. The magnificent cross that once adorned the top of the church's steeple now lay on the ground, a broken and twisted mass, now covered in Raven droppings. Somehow, the site of that alone infuriated him, and the anger welled up inside him.

  He clenched his fists and began to make his way across the street. Walking with deliberation, he took note that this time, the Ravens' attack didn't appear to be nearly as fierce as it had been, or as he had expected. He made it to the church entrance unscathed this time.

  He was about to enter when the piercing sound of approaching sirens caught Robert's attention. He turned to face the sound. A convoy of police cars came down the road and stopped a few buildings away from the Raven inundated scene.

  “Oh, wonderful. I don't think you're gonna be able to do much,” he said to himself, as he went through the doorway.

  Some of the police cars stopped at the end of the block to prevent traffic and more people from entering the area. Other patrol cars parked nearest the building as they dared. All the officers got out of their cars and drew their weapons. They had no idea exactly what, to make of the scene before them.

  A police officer, familiar to Father Nelson, walked deliberately toward the holy building. The priest, who observed the situation from his niece's window, lurched forward in utter surprise when he realized who it was.

  “No,” the priest said. He could not believe his own eyes. “That couldn't have been him.”

  “Who,” asked Sharon. She peered out the window.

  “I could almost swear I just saw Phil go into the church,” answered the Father, who now visibly shook.

  “Desmond? Phil Desmond,” Sharon asked, as she turned to look at her uncle, “I don't think so,” she said, as she placed her hand on Father Nelson's shoulder. “Please relax. Johann and Robert will take care of it.”

  Robert struggled to walk through the now destroyed house of worship. The distinctive sound of a raging fist fight echoed from the rectory. He picked up the pace as much as possible, to assist his friend. The sounds of furniture being moved, and glass breaking, gave him a sense of urgency to get to the scene. As he approached the door to the office, he could hear voices from inside.

  “You son of a bitch,” Johann said, “I'll put an end to you, and your 'war'.”

  “And, I'll end you and your sister,” the evil creature said.

  All of a sudden, a loud explosive sound, and a bright flash of light spilled from the room. Johann had fired his shotgun.

  “Am I too late,” Robert thought to himself, “Did he just get rid of that thing

  He peered into the room. Father Gunter stood near an overturned desk; his gun still pointed at his adversary. The demon stood near the wall. Next to the monster, and at head level, was a gaping hole, about the size shotgun shot, would make. The ghoulish being leered at the hole; then he turned to Johann. Robert walked up to stand with his partner. Johann glanced over at him, briefly, then back to the devil.

  “Father Nelson, okay,” Johann asked.

  “Yes. He's with Sharon,” answered Robert.

  “Alright, then,” said Johann, as he once again pumped the shotgun, “Take out your pistol, we're gonna take this bastard down.” Robert began to remove the pistol from the shoulder holster, and Johann brought his weapon up to take aim.

  “Drop your weapons. Ain't nobody takin' nobody down here,” a voice came from behind them.


  “Son of a bitch,” Johann said, as he recognized the voice of his new-found nemesis, and antagonist, Officer Phil. He slowly turned to face the officer.

  “Drop your weapons, and get your hands where I can see 'em,” the policeman said, his service revolver pointed at the two demon hunters. With their backs now to the demon, an evil smile came to the devil's lips.

  The lawman approached the two, and Johann kept his eyes glued to him. Phil, who now was very sure of himself, kicked the shotgun and pistol away from the two men, then proceeded toward Malphas, all the while, keeping his weapon trained on Johann and Robert.

  “Come on,” Phil said, “One of you move, so I can have a reason to blow your head off.”

  “What the -,” Johann started to say, as the officer stood next to Malphas. Robert glanced at Johann, confused by what he was seeing. “You bastard,” Johann shouted at Phil, as he caught on to what was happening.

  Phil and Malphas turned to face each other. Phil's rolled back in his head, and he knelt down. The Prince of Hell stretched his arms out, over the officer's head, as though he sheltered him. Johann clenched his fists in anger. He knew what was coming next.

  “Lord Satan, by your grace, grant me,” Officer Phil began to sound like he was praying.


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