by Dave Schultz
The Ages Watch
Jesus has given us a second chance.
Each morning we wake is another day
we might fill with goodness, kindness, blessing.
Each night, we can choose to honor the Lord,
heads bowed in prayer or voices raised in song,
imitating our Savior’s perfection.
Each hour is a window on perfection,
a doorway into majesty; a chance
to come before God and to learn the song
of all saints. Each moment of every day
is an invitation to meet the Lord,
who scatters seconds like seeds of blessing.
Right now, this second, receive his blessing;
accept a part in Jesus’ perfection.
Right this very moment, come to the Lord,
taking advantage of this sacred chance.
Are there not twenty-four hours in a day?
Come spend each one of them in holy song.
Upon your bed each night, seek Him in song,
then sleep in Christ’s peace and dream of blessing.
Choose love and innocence this very day,
and walk in the light of God’s perfection.
Gather as a church each week for a chance
to be renewed, and strengthened in the Lord.
As the months go by, remember the Lord;
let not the passing of time stop your song.
Though the years are weighed down by fate and chance,
know that each one is filled with blessing.
As generations pass, God’s perfection
stays. Teach it to your children in their day.
Knowing this: that Christ shall return one day,
with endless life for those who love the Lord.
Take hold of heaven’s timeless perfection!
Worship God forever in joy and song!
Be welcomed into eternal blessing!
The ages watch, as we use this day’s chance.
Each new day is a God-given chance
to seek the Lord, to join His perfection,
and to claim the blessing of eternal song.