Griffith: The English Dragon ― Erotic Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance

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Griffith: The English Dragon ― Erotic Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance Page 3

by Kathi S. Barton

  “I wasn’t around here until that idiot brother of his tried to kill me. He needs to be put down like the animal that he is.” He and Danburn agreed with her. “Then why is he still walking around like he owns the world? I would have thought by now someone would have killed him. Had I been at full strength when he caught up with me, we’d not be having this conversation.”

  “A blood promise made on a deathbed prevents me from taking him out. And I would have loved to even before he harmed you.” Lilac glanced at him and asked him who the promise was made to. “My mother. She made me promise that I’d never harm him. It wasn’t until right before she disappeared that she revised it to not kill him. I took that to mean that I could harm him, just not finish him off. Until recently, he’s not been around where I was. But now that he is, I plan on making him wish that he’d never come around here.”

  “I see.” She stood up and looked at the wound on her leg. It wasn’t healing the way that it should have after getting help from her faerie. Griff had thought them all healed, but it wasn’t until she started pacing that he realized this one hadn’t. He was just about to suggest that she go with him to the lake that Danburn created when she turned to him again. “I’m not very trusting. I’m sure that you’ve figured that out. Nor am I going to be an easy lay for you. I might be your mate, but I neither trust you to not hurt me, nor that when you have me, you’ll not turn me over to James. I know that it’s not fair of me to say that, or to even think that, but I’m not going to lie to you. And I’d appreciate it if you didn’t lie to me either. And omission is the same as a lie to me.”

  “It is for me as well. But I can only tell you what I know for sure. I won’t keep things from you, even at the cost of hurting your feelings. I would rather have all the information up front than to go into battle and not know it all.” Lilac nodded and looked at Danburn. He introduced the two of them. “Not only is he the king of dragons, but he is also my dearest friend. You’ll meet the rest of them soon.”

  “Do you have any questions for me, my lady?” She shook her head at Danburn, then nodded. “I, too, will not lie to you, either by fib or omission. But you must be prepared to have any of us be truthful to the point of bluntness. When you meet the rest of the women in this family, you’ll understand that more.”

  “I know your mother.” Danburn said that she’d told him that. “She was one of the dragons that came to our village when it had been overrun by pirates. The pirates killed a great many of us; my parents and siblings were some of the few who escaped. But the dragons helped us by burning down the destroyed huts, as well as burying the dead. I don’t know what we would have done without them. They even provided us with food and water to care for those that had been hurt.”

  “Mother is here. She’d been on a holiday until recently. She’s home for the birth of my child. You’ll be there too, will you not?” Lilac didn’t answer him, but she did look at Griff. “Griff is going to be her godfather, and I would wish that you’d be her godmother, now that you’re a part of this family.”

  “I don’t want to be here.” Danburn said that he knew that as well. “If James comes around again, he might want to hurt you or your family. It would be best if I made my way back to my home and don’t tempt him into coming here. I have a feeling that he doesn’t like to be told no, nor to have his plans thwarted.”

  “No, he does not.” Griff sat down on the couch with her but not close enough to touch her. Not yet. “James is going to be in for a rude awakening if he thinks that you’re going to be an easy catch for him. And I will be by your side when you teach him whatever lessons you wish.”

  “I wish for him to be dead. He has the blood of a great many people on his hands. They’re stained with it.” Griff told her he agreed. “Yes, you would. And this blood promise that you made, you’re going to hold it, correct? Even if it’s me that he hurts again?”

  “Nay, he will be dead before he is able to touch you. Promise or not, I will tear him apart and think nothing more about it if he so much as breaks your nails. You are my mate, and I will protect you with my life.”


  Lilac had to admit, she did dearly love the house. It was large, homey, and had a great deal of touches that made her think that the man who lived here had tastes that reflected her own. Making her way to the solarium, she marveled at the array of plants there. Not only were there herbs and flowers, but also tiny trees just waiting to be put into the earth to grow up to be just as their sire was.

  “Miss, if there is anything that you wish to have here, you tell me and we’ll bring it here. The master of the house, he is just getting things started, but the faeries and brownies about, they’ve been helping them grow.” Lilac said that she loved this room. “As do I. My name is Hoke. I’m the gardener here. And I come in here to dabble a bit when I have the time. I’ve been working with the trees in here, and as you can see, they’re coming along nicely.”

  “I can see that. They’re going to be strong trees soon.” She touched her finger to the oak tree sapling that was nearest to her. “I have some seeds that are all but gone from around here. I will have them brought to you soon, if you’d like.”

  “Yes, that would be very nice. Does the tree tell you if it needs anything?” Lilac looked at Hoke. “I know what you are, miss. And if you can tell me how we’re making our way, the trees and myself, I’d be very grateful. As I said, I’m only dabbling here.”

  “They’re doing well. A little more sunlight would be the only thing that they’re needing. But as I said, they’re doing well under your care.” She moved to the flowers that were some of the ones that she’d had for her salad last night. “How long have you worked for Griff, Lord Farley? You have things established here very well, so a while now, I’m guessing.”

  “Yes, for some decades. These plants, most were here, overgrown with weeds when I was asked to come and take care of this for him. Lord Farley, he’s a good man. Nothing like his brother James. I’m to understand that you’ve had a run in with the other man.” She nodded but said nothing. “He’s a monster, and Lord Farley knows it. Their mother, she tied up his hands in dealing with him too. Why, just a few years ago, James killed a woman and tried to blame it on Lord Farley. Took them several days to sort that one out. But for some reason, James was never brought in for the murder. The household here, they’d like nothing better than to see him put in irons.”

  “He told me, Lord Farley, that he was nothing like his brother. I’m beginning to see that he’s not.” Hoke gave a smile that seemed to touch every part of his body. “You like your lord, I take it.”

  “Oh yes, my lady. We all do. He’s been a good man to work for—and with, I might add. When we moved here, the household, he made sure that we had everything that we needed. He even set it up so that our families had a place to lay their heads at night if they wanted to come.” Lilac told Hoke that she was just getting to know the master of the house. “You’d do no better than having one such as him as your mate, if you don’t mind me saying so. He’s honest and kind, but he can also be ruthless when the need arises.”

  She’d seen neither of those sides of him. It wasn’t like there was anything going on right now to warrant such a behavior as him being ruthless, but she had a feeling that it was going to come to that with his brother. Or, and this was what she actually thought would happen, he’d turn her over to him and not care a whit what became of her. Lilac nodded when Hoke said that he’d be back later.

  Lilac wandered around the plants, some of them as big, if not bigger than she was. They were tropical plants and enjoyed the heat that was here for them. Rounding the last of the tables set up for holding new plants, she saw Griff standing there watching her.

  “I’m not touching anything.” She had no idea why she’d said that and told him she was sorry. “I’ve been off for a while now, and I’m sorry to have taken it out on you.”

  “I know how you feel. My brother is causing trouble enough for the two of us. Hoke
said that you were in here. I came to see if you would like to go into town with me. I have a few stops to make before the end of the day, and I wanted to be with you.” She asked him why. “Why do I want to be with you? Well, I like the way you smell. The way you look when you think no one is looking. The sad smiles that you have, as if you’d only just thought of something that happened long ago. If you’re asking me what I have to do in town, then I’ll tell you that I have to see a man about a horse. Quite literally. He has a harras that he is willing to sell me. Hoke explained to me that we need the horse shit. I actually thought he was kidding, but he does need it.”

  “Fertilizer.” Griff smiled and said that was it. “What of your brother? Do you plan to hand me over to him as soon as you see him?”

  Griff moved across the floor so fast that she didn’t realize it until he was holding her. Her body fit his, was all she could think about. He was big, a very large man both in height and girth. But he wasn’t fat. Nor did he hold her to him like he meant any harm to her. Looking up at him, she could see his anger, but had a feeling that it wasn’t entirely directed at her. She asked him what had happened. He touched his head to hers and she could feel his sorrow like her own.

  “James killed a woman last night. She looked a great deal like you, and it terrified me when I thought it was you.” She felt every emotion as it ran over his body. “I would never turn you over to him. Not even under threat of death, or for any other reason. You’re mine. And I am yours. Forever and a day. Understand?”

  Nodding, she reached up and touched her fingers to his cheek. He looked hard, but his skin was soft; the bristle of beard that was there felt unfamiliar to her touch. Opening her palm over his face, she could feel his struggle—at what she could only guess, but she wasn’t sure if she really wanted to know. When he lowered his mouth to hers, it was the most natural thing in the world to her to wrap her hand around his neck and pull him the scant few inches to her mouth.

  His moan made her dizzy. Griff’s touch made her want to be closer to him, to feel his flesh against hers. As the kiss deepened, he pulled her tighter to him and this time she moaned, her entire being on fire now for him. When he lifted his head, she looked into his eyes and saw another fight going on in them. She watched him as he pulled away from her, yet held her to him.

  “I want you, Lilac. Very much so. But I don’t want you to regret coming to me either.” She nodded, unsure what he was saying. Did he not want her? “With all that I am, I want you. But you need to say the words to me. I don’t want to take what isn’t freely given to me.”

  “I don’t know what I want, Griff.” He nodded, but still held her in his arms. “I’ve never wanted to belong to anyone. Not just you. I don’t want to become lost in a man.”

  She felt the loss of his warmth when he let her go and stepped back. Her body cooled so quickly and so profoundly when he moved back that she wanted to reach for him again. But when he took another step back from her, Lilac knew that he was not being selfish—he was giving her the opportunity to tell him yes or no.

  “I’m going into town to see about the horses. Would you like to come with me? James will not touch you.” He said it so that it left her little doubt that James would die if he tried anything. Nodding to him, he smiled. “Good. I’ve a few other places to run to as well. If you get bored with them, Quinn said that you could hang out with her at the restaurant.”

  Getting into his truck with him, she looked at the massive barn that was back from the garage. There were so many outbuildings here. Most of them were in good shape, but the barn needed of a lot of work, she could see. Lilac knew that the smaller faeries could do whatever repairs needed to be done on it for nothing but a few flowers, and would enjoy the work too. Reaching out to one that she knew the most and who had a large pip that worked with him, she asked Sanders if he would like to take it on.

  Oh, my lady, I’ve heard that you have yourself a mate. A fine one at that. Congratulations on that. He’s been helping us around here since he bought yonder house. He’s even put out sugar and water for us to use whenever we wish. Lord Griffith is a good man. One I would have chosen for you myself. Sanders could get off course in conversations better than anyone she knew. Keeping him focused on the one she was having, Lilac reminded him of what she’d asked. Yes, the barn. We can do that. Lord Griffith, he’s given us permission to look over the yards and tell him what needs to be repaired. I’m sure that it would be nothing for us to fix it up for you both.

  That would be nice of you, Sanders. Will you need his permission? Also, if you’d be so kind as to have Sunny working with you, she can keep me updated on things you might need. Sanders told her that he’d not asked, but thought it a good idea. He also said that he’d be glad to work with Sunny. I’m with him now. I’ll ask him and get back to you.

  Thank you, my lady. And again, I wanted to tell you how glad that we all are that you’re his mate. The two of you, you’ve done great things for my kind. I can only imagine what you will do for us as a pair.

  Lilac thanked him again and turned to Griff. “I have a few faerie friends that would like to work with you on the barn.” Griff looked at her for a moment, then turned back to the road as he drove. “They’d like to redo it for you, for your kindness.”

  “I’m assuming that you know Sanders.” She told him that she did. “He’s the most exasperating man I’ve ever had to talk to. He is easily sidetracked, isn’t he?”

  Lilac laughed when he did. But he did give them permission to take care of the barn. Telling Sanders that Griff had given them permission to work, Lilac relaxed. Griff drove with ease, something that she’d never learned to do, and he was careful of stop signs and the such while he talked to her about what his plans were for the other two outbuildings on his property.

  “I have an idea that I’d like to use the smaller of the two to put in a studio. At one time I was a potter. As you can imagine, being around for so long, I got pretty good at it. I’ve not been as productive as I should be. Not just with being a potter, but life in general. I’ve become lazy, I guess you could say.” She asked him why that was. “I didn’t really have any set goals in mind, I think. I was floating along on my ass, not involving myself in even my own life. But with you here, I’d like to be—well, better. More active in my life.”

  “You don’t have to do anything because of me. I don’t care if you work or not. I’m sure, like me, you don’t have to work to keep your standards of living up.” He grinned at her and her face heated. “What I mean is, you don’t have to impress me with anything. You’re all right the way that you are.”

  That didn’t come out right either. But when he laughed, Lilac found that she didn’t care. His laughter was beautiful, if one could say that about laughing. And when she laughed with him, Lilac realized that she’d not done that in a long while. She felt better than she had in years, more like decades, just laughing with this man.

  Chapter 3

  James wasn’t able to get into his family home, which sucked since he knew that somewhere in it there were enough gems to set him up for a while. The fucker, Griffith, lord of everything he wanted, had done just what James thought he would and made it so that he couldn’t enter his own home. He’d fucking owned it until his brother had stepped in, taking over as he did everything that James did.

  “One of these days he’s going to get his comeuppance. See if he doesn’t.”

  Returning to the area where Griffith lived, he decided to look him up. It was high time that the two of them had this out. He was sick to death of having to hold onto his coattails for every little thing he wanted. “Damned bastard won’t even give a few gems to his own fucking brother.”

  Not that James thought that he deserved them. Even he knew that Griff didn’t owe him anything. But he should want to take care of him. It was his duty to do so. Laughing, he thought of what Griffith would say if he said that to him. That it was his duty. Since they were small children, Griffith had never once come to his
aid in anything. And James hadn’t helped him either. Nor would he ever.

  Walking along the sidewalk, thinking of all the shit that had befallen him in the last decade or so, James knew that everything was his fault. He didn’t care so long as he was happy with what came along, but he’d had money then. Now he didn’t have shit, not even a safe place to sleep any longer. The grand that he’d had before coming to town to get more was gone. And he couldn’t even remember what he’d spent it on.

  He’d tried to be thrifty with it, not spend it on too many things that he really didn’t need or want. But there had been a few things that he felt would make him look better to the women. Not that he really cared if they liked what he wore, but having nice clothing made them forget who he was for a moment. And that was all it took for him to get them. That had worked out well for him, but now that his fun was over, he didn’t have even the pretties any longer.

  The large van had been very nice. Getting the women to join him in it had worked well too. He’d made himself appear as an older woman, at times, who was having car trouble. After getting them close enough to where he wanted them, James had knocked them on the head and shoved them in the back.

  When he had three of them back there, he drove them out to the property that the king owned and had his kind of fun with them. Dumping them on Damn Bird’s land had been an extra bonus for him. James had hoped that the king would be blamed for their deaths, and had gone the extra mile, as he called it, in making them look like they’d been torn apart by the other man. But that hadn’t worked either.

  “The bastard must have everyone in his pockets is all I can figure.”

  James was tripped up on one of the broken sidewalks and fell against the building. Just as he was going to go in and kill the man whose building was such a hazard, he saw his brother in a brand new truck parking across the street from him.


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