The Third Wife

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by Silver, Jordan

  The Third Wife


  Jordan Silver

  Copyright© 2014 Alison Jordan

  All Rights Reserved

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3


  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21



  She's nothing like I knew and everything I knew I wanted. She captivated me from the start. There were whispers of Jezebel, but no one would dare say it to my face. She'd come here to marry me, a union that had been in the works since her birth eighteen years ago. Our fathers had forged the bond I was only eight myself at the time.

  My two other marriages were also arranged. Arlene was my first wife; she’s my good girl. She does all the things her mother had taught her. Kept a good house, baked a good pie, took care of me; like a mother. I already had one of those.

  Sharon, now Sharon filled me with lust, for about three months. Until her vapid shallowness turned me to stone. I conjugate for duty's sake. I've been doing it for years now. I'm a twenty-six-year-old heir to what amounts to a small kingdom and my life is empty.

  Until she came; now there's color in my world again. She laughs and it's like tinkering bells. I want to bask in her light all day. The others have noticed, they see how I can't keep my eyes from her.

  There will be trouble or at the very least stirrings, but I will not put up with such a thing in my home. There will be peace, I will see to it. She will be welcomed or none will remain.

  Chapter 1


  This shit is all kinds of fucked! Who takes a Bel Air princess and moves her to Fuckville to marry a hayseed that she's never met? All because of some archaic duty to my father B…u...t, if I wanted to stay in Jimmy Choos and Cartier I have to toe the line. I didn't mind so much. It's not like I didn't know this was coming, this has always been on the horizon. I was raised to be his. I was never meant to live anywhere else but here.

  But then something happened with my dad's company and we moved to 'the outside world'. I was well versed in the ways of my ancestors, my duty to bear sons, yadda, yadda, yadda, blah, blah, blah. We'll just see about that. I'll do my part because my father's word had been given. We still have family here, prominent family, and my future husband was the heir after all. But I would do this shit my way. I've met the other wives, what they don't know might hurt them. You see I don't do second best, fuck a third, I might share him, but on my terms.

  Step back bitches and watch me work. I'm a whole new thing. The one Arlene tried to draw me in with her syrupy sweet bullshit, I saw right through her ass. No way bitch, I swam with the sharks in Cali, you're not even a jellyfish. The other one was a vapid wasteland of...I don't know the fuck what. She was pretty enough I guess, but her type had been done to death. In a world of blue-eyed blondes I stood the fuck out as a raven-haired beauty. I'm five three with a rack that'll make grown men weep. Oh I know my attributes believe me, I also know this farm boy won't know what hit him. I might not have had sex yet, but mom was not lax in the teaching department. I know how to work my shit.

  These bitches with their behind the hand whispers and envious eyes won't move me. Yes I'm unconventional but this is the US of fucking A in the twenty first century, so back the fuck off. I might bow to the dictates of my father to a point, but I run me. No one else, and they all know this. Including Jonathan Jackson reigning head of the Valley. He'd agreed he had no choice. I wasn't privy to the particulars of the marriage contract. That was between the big men, all little ole me needed to do was show up and get married. Fuck that.

  First order of business, give my new husband the business good and proper. Drop it like it's motherfucking hot. Jezebel my ass, I'm no whore I'm not here to destroy a nation. But this is my life, I want a happy one, since it's to be here I'll make the best of it. If I have to fight for my place I will. Where I come from, top billing is the goal. Watch me work this shit.

  "Shit mom, is that him? He's fuck hot." That's what I said the first time I clapped my eyes on my future baby daddy.

  "Yum, yum, gimme some."

  "Alana Nicole, please act with a modicum of decorum."

  "Bitch please, I know you're thinking the same damn thing."

  "You have a point, don't tell your father, but that husband of yours is scrumptious."

  "Thank you daddy." I licked my lips. Wow.

  "Where the fuck are the suspenders and shit?"

  "Alana shh, language." She looked around to see if anyone else had overheard, like I gave a shit. I wasn't playing pretend with these bitches.

  Who did they think they were fooling? Human beings are human beings no matters what else they called themselves. Envy, jealousy, horniness, everything with a heartbeat felt these things. If they thought that because they dressed like Buddhist monks that made them better than me they could go fuck themselves. Hollywood is the fucking land of make believe, this shit is a walk in the park. If they fucked with me I'd stomp one of their asses into the ground. I'll make it the ringleader, that'll teach the rest of them to back the fuck off. Don't think for a second that I think I'm better than them. That’s not my style. But I'll be fucked if I let them put on ears with me. "He's not Amish Alana, besides he's a bit modernized like you, he did go to Harvard you know.

  "Okay, okay, keep your shorts on chica, shh, shh, here he comes. Shit he was hot, I felt my ovaries stand up and clap, my twat wasn't too quiet either. Damn I'm bad; when's the wedding again, oh yeah in two days. I can't wait to give it up. Woot woot. Okay now. I might have to reevaluate this sharing shit, I'm gonna need at least a year of me time. Those bitches were gonna cry a river. Wait until I broke out the La Perla on his ass. Whoo hoo can't wait. I wonder if he knows any other positions than missionary? I'm an adventurous girl; I want to try it all. Well if he doesn't know I'll just have to teach him.

  "Hello, Alana." Sweet merciful heavens take me take me now. Swoon.


  She's magnificent up close like this. I can't wait to touch her. Even with her mother here and surrounded by a roomful of people I find it hard to control the urges that threaten to overpower me. As surprising as they were welcomed. This wasn't lust. I was very familiar with that emotion, but this whatever it is, was more, so much more. I will have to walk a very fine line here. There was going to be hurt feelings and bruised egos abounding if I didn't handle this just right. There were rules and obligations I had to keep, it's the way of our people.

  It didn't matter if I loved one more than the other, they are all my responsibility. I knew because of her unconventional upbringing, because she wasn't raised here among us it might be hard for her to fit in. I also knew that there would be some who would seek to ostracize her. I will put down any uprising that threatens her. Fight everyone and everything that comes against her. She too is my responsibility.

  The moment she set foot on my turf, the contract became sound, binding. Though it will be two days before the marriage ceremony, she was already mine, had been mine since birth. I've never had to use my power as heir before, not really. I would do it now though if need be. To shield, to protect what's mine.


  Okay, shit was getting serious. My girl was very happy. She kept screeching at me to get on with it. Two days bitch;
you can hold on for two more days. You held out for the past two years when your girlfriends were getting their cherries popped left and right. I could do this, I told the slut puppy to calm down. Then the fucker smiled at me and fucked up my whole program. Who is this guy? There's no way this guy is what he seems. There's a whole lot more going on under that conservative GQ exterior. I hope he can fuck, make good on what that face and that body promised. What! I should be happy with a pretty face and a limp dick? Can you say grounds for divorce? Though they don't believe in that shit here. Whatever.


  "Shall we walk?" I extended my hand for her to follow me. I’d decided to walk in the gardens instead of the traditional courtyard. Here there will be less prying eyes. Not that I expected anything untoward to happen, but the way I felt, I wasn't taking any chances. I just might try to steal a kiss. I took her hand as soon as I was sure we were out of sight. An electric shock caught both of us unawares as we looked at each other and laughed. It was so freeing, so liberating to laugh like that. I don't remember the last time I'd done it.

  "So tell me about yourself Alana." She swung our hands between us; I doubt she even realized she was doing it.

  "What would you like to know Cody?" I like her voice, smooth and somewhat alluring in one so young.

  "Everything." I saw the pulse in her throat jump as I ran my thumb lightly across her palm.

  "That's a lot, let's see, I'm an honor student English Lit is my fav. And I love the classics, lit and music both. I love long walks after sunset, or driving into the country side on lazy Sundays."

  "All very grown up for one so young. What do you like to do most for fun?"

  "Horse back riding, though I haven't been able to enjoy it for a while. I'd like to get back into it here though if that’s okay."

  "I own a few, I mean we own a few since whatever I have is now yours as well."

  "Along with your other women." Ah, yes, the elephant in the room so to speak. I've been agonizing over this since the day I knew she was coming home. It's hard enough for women raised here, who knew only this way of life, to accept the sharing. How much harder must it be for a young girl who was raised in an environment so far removed? Will it break her spirit? Will she ever adjust? All these things have been plaguing my mind, and still I had no answers. All I knew was that I would do whatever it takes. My heart and body had already spoken. I could feel her so strongly, like nothing I’d ever experienced before.

  "Is this what you want Alana?" I had to ask, had to be fair even if the answer killed me. Since the first moment I’d seen her I’d known. I’d felt it. What she would come to mean to me was something I looked forward to.

  "What do you mean?" She seemed apprehensive at my question. I didn't know myself why I had asked, but I needed to know the answer. "This life, here with me, us, can you do this?"

  "Can I not do this? I mean isn't the contract written in stone or something?" Her laugh was just a tad uncomfortable.

  "There's always a way around everything Alana. If you were completely against this for instance I could not force you no matter what our fathers have agreed to." I meant the words I said even as I resented them. I wanted her to want this, to want me. I wanted the chance to get to know the woman I’d glimpsed behind her eyes. The ones that now watched me as if searching for answers.

  "You do know you can be honest with me right?" I stopped next to the stone bench in the rose garden guiding her to sit.

  "I don't know you Cody."

  "But would you like to?" I looked into her eyes as I held my breath awaiting her answer. The next few minutes could decide whether we went forward or not; or more to the point how we went forward. Because after the ceremony was performed there would be no turning back. I had been assured that she was aware of these things. That she had been taught in the ways of our people for all that she was raised elsewhere. I wanted her like I'd never wanted before, everything in me cried out for me to claim her. But I'm not one to be selfish, I wouldn't force her into a life of misery. I would hate to crush that beautiful fire I had glimpsed in her. Say yes Alana. Please in the name of all that's good say yes.

  "Yes." Her answer when it came was barely above a whisper.

  I didn't realize that I'd been holding my breath for so long until she gave me her answer. The one I wanted so desperately to hear. I was so overwhelmed by her, so totally moved. I couldn't help myself as I caressed her cheek. Hardly daring to believe that this amazing creature was really mine. It's as if I’d wished her into existence. And to think she'd been mine all along. All through my heartaches and hidden loneliness. All those times I despaired of ever finding this, with anyone. She had always been there waiting for me, handpicked for me.

  In that moment I forgave my father everything I had ever held against him. For this one gift, I would wipe it all away. "Thank you Alana, for that most wonderful gift." A soft kiss against her lips was all I would allow myself for now. I felt her body tremble under my hand and fought for control.

  "Let’s see if you’re still singing that tune a month from now." She grinned up at me.

  She makes me smile. So fiery behind those eyes, yet so gentled by my touch. I drew her near to kiss her brow. I wouldn't allow myself any farther liberties than that. Two days weren't that long when measured against a lifetime, forever. We held hands as we sat on that stone bench, forging a bond. Taking the first steps towards our future together.

  I learned more about her life. Something more than the monthly reports I usually got before from her father to mine. I was happy to learn that there were no love interests left behind. Her parents had truly raised her according to our ways and with the knowledge that she had been pledged to me. For all that she had been taught our ways she hadn't really lived our ways. She'd grown up elsewhere obviously. She’d also been raised in a household of one father, one mother. Her parents had left here soon after her birth, and her father had never gotten around to claiming another spouse. Which might've been difficult with the lifestyle they'd chosen. Our households were vastly different. Most consisted of multiple mothers. This I know would be her hardest hurdle, the sharing of me. It was my duty to ease her into it as gently as possible.

  I knew very well what jealousy could do to a relationship. Not only between her and I but also between her and her new sisters. I'm not a complete idiot. I expect tensions to rise, and for there to be other pitfalls along the way. My greatest hope was that things worked out for the better. Because I already know I could never give her up. I don't know why she had this hold on me, I just knew it was real and not to be ignored.

  "You're aware that I have two daughters yes?" Why was I finding it so hard to discuss this with her, when I'd never had a problem before? When Sharon had been brought into our family I don't recall this angst. Was it because my Alana was so different? Or was it because my feelings for her were so different from anything that had come before? And what was I to do about that? I couldn't just cast off my wives because I'd found her. I'd taken vows, to cherish, to provide, the love was a different kind of love yes, but that was no fault of theirs. There would be much learning to be done in the near future. I hope we all survived intact.

  "I've heard about your daughters yes, but I have yet to meet them." I looked at her to gauge her reaction. My heart raced with just a hint of fear, if she rejected them, she rejected me. "Would you like to meet them?"

  She hesitated for the briefest of moments before nodding her head. "I'll bring them to you when we return. Is there anything else you would like to ask of me before we return and are bombarded by all our guests?"

  "How do we do it...I mean uh, how do we live?" She blushed and hid behind her hair. Not at all like the firebrand I knew her to be.

  Did she know of her fathers' monthly reports? Or how he sang her praises? How I cheered for her every accomplishment before I'd ever met her? For some reason that I never questioned, I had never received a photo of Alana. I think I'm glad of that. I might have driven myself mad knowing that I
had a wife who looked like her but was so far out of my reach. Not just the beauty of face and form. But that inner beauty that seemed to call to me.

  I held back my laughter at her slip of the tongue. She didn't need my humor making her feel even more awkward.

  "Our home is built in such a way that we all have our own wing. As you can see it's quite large. Each wing consists of three bedrooms that is of course in hopes of any children we may have. It so happens that your wing is the one closest to mine." I now wonder if our fathers had worked it out that way. The bond between the two men ran deep and I'm sure dad had made certain concessions for his old friends' daughter.

  "We share the living space mostly. It's pretty much communal but you can retire to your wing if you should so wish at anytime for privacy. If you so wish you can change your rooms anyway you like. You have Carte Blanche, whatever you want I'll see to it."

  "Really! You do know I have very expensive tastes don't you?" She teased with a smile that went right to my gut.

  "I can handle your spending habits my Alana, don't worry about it. I just want you to be happy here." I squeezed her hand softly in reassurance. It was cute that she worried about spending my money. I guess she had no idea of my worth. I couldn't wait to spoil her. My heart looked forward to it.

  Chapter 2


  I'm about to meet his daughters for the first time. Four and two year olds. I'm not exactly nervous, I like kids after all and for the most part they liked me. But this was so outside of the realm of what I know. I was about to meet the children of the man I am about to marry. Their mothers will be there, the women I am supposed to share him with.

  Shit, I said I could do it. I wanted to do it, wanted him. But at what cost to myself? Well Alana girl this is no time to punk out. You know what you want just do what you always did in the past. Go after what you want with both barrels blazing. Don't weaken and don't let anyone or anything stand in your way. If these bitches scent any weakness they'd pounce like vultures on carrion. You can deal with this sharing shit later it can't be an issue now. For all that it was the pink elephant in the room.


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