The Third Wife

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The Third Wife Page 9

by Silver, Jordan

  "Your mom's gonna lose it when we tell her."

  "Who you telling?"

  "You wanna go by the house now and tell them, or you wanna tell your mom first?"

  "I have a better idea, I have my iPad in my bag. Why don't we go to your parents' house and I can FaceTime mom and dad from there and tell them all at once."

  "Sounds good to me." He kissed my hair as he helped me into the car.


  We got to his parents' and of course they were all excited to see us. It was hard keeping Cody from spilling the beans before we called mom and dad. He was out of control.

  "Okay, everyone in the living room." No sense beating around the bush, he'd bust something soon.

  "What, what's going on?"

  "No questions moms just follow Alana." I set up the iPad on the coffee table. Darlene answered on the third ring.

  "Hey baby girl, I was wondering why you hadn't called me at our usual time. I was going out of my mind. I thought the bitches two had finally got you. Thought I was gonna have to open up a can of..."

  "Mom, mom, mom, we're not alone." I'd had the others stay out of range.

  "Oh shit." Mom was looking to see who was here. I had to laugh because the other women started laughing. Of course Cody wasn't too pleased to hear his wives referred to in that way. But what did he expect? They were Grade A bitches.

  "Get dad." He must not have been too far because he was soon there.

  "How you doing pumpkin you okay? How's my grand baby?"

  "We're good dad." I beckoned the others forward finally.

  "Can you guys see everyone?"

  "Yeah, I see you, what's going on, you heifers having a party without me?"

  "No mom, shh. Cody you tell them." Since he looked like he was about to bust.

  "Okay, everyone, we're having triplets." No preamble, no lead up. The screams were enough to bring the house down. There were hugs and tears and laughter, my kinda party. I didn't have any pictures to show since we didn't want to know the sex. I'm sure there was a way to do it and still keep that secret but we didn't want to risk it, though now I was dying to see them.

  The doc knew of course and said that anytime we changed our minds all we had to do was ask. But we'd promised that one wouldn't do it without the other. Mom was really adamant about a move now and the mothers were ramping up their madness. My life would never be the same again.


  No one warned me that with the expectation of multiple births came sleepless nights, heart palpitations and anxiety. Just to name a few of my maladies in the last few weeks. Doc had warned us that there was a good chance she wouldn't carry them to term. We had to meet with a perinatologist because the pregnancy was considered high risk. Yeah, this helped me sleep really well at night. Not!

  They were talking C-section but Wildflower was adamant that there was no way. If she could, she said she wanted to do it naturally. She scoured the Internet for other couples that had stories like ours and found a few. Which she shared with me and helped ease some of my anxiety.

  She believed she could make it the whole nine months. I don't know, at twenty-seven weeks she's already huge. She was having trouble lying down. Her ankles were swollen a lot and she was irritable as hell. She refused to stay on bed rest and apart from tying her down there wasn't much I could do.

  I refused to let her go into the nursery where the men had torn down the wall to add on. That was no place for her in her condition no matter how much she argued that I was smothering her. I'd had so many missiles thrown at my head in the last few weeks it's a wonder I don't walk around in a helmet.

  I spend most nights with her now, there's no way I'm leaving her alone. Especially now when she's getting closer to the time doc says she might go into labor. She can barely get out of bed on her own these days. I think she must've gained fifty pounds easy. On her small frame I was worried it was too much but doc assured me it was okay, and that's all I cared about.

  I know it bothers her, my Wildflower is just a little vain, but she doesn't complain. She says she knows she has to eat to help our babies be healthier at birth so that's what she does. I'm so proud of her, eighteen and pregnant with triplets, that can't be easy on her.

  I had to take Sharon to task a couple days ago when I overheard her calling her a whale behind her back. She tried playing it off, but I know what I heard. I was not amused. If Alana had heard that she would've been devastated. She’s very sensitive these days.

  We'd told them about the triplets after the men had started working on the nursery. Alana said she wanted to enjoy her peace and quiet for a little while longer. I should've listened to her. Whatever progress we had made with Arlene seemed to be vanishing. News about the babies seemed to threaten her in some way. Now she was back to listening to Sharon.

  Sharon on the other hand had ramped up her campaign against Alana. They think I didn't know what was going on but I was keeping my eyes on them. It was to the point where I had one of my moms stay with her during the day when I went to work. Which they were only too happy to do, but it shouldn't be that way. Darlene and Bryce were making plans to move back right around the time of the births, which would be a huge help. But I still felt like a failure because I couldn't seem to get my household in order. Something had to give.

  She was finally stirring next to me. I’ve only been waiting for like an hour for her to finally look alive. Before she was fully awake I had my head between her thighs. She likes having me eat her to a nice climax first thing in the morning before I get to play. I didn’t mind, though my morning hard on would be raging by then. I love the taste of her.

  “Umm.” Her fingers came down to play in my hair as she moved her hips beneath my mouth. I tongued her deep trying to give her as much pleasure as I could. She spread her legs wider and looked down at me. Before ordering me to stop playing around and fuck her. I guess she was in a hurry this morning. No worries.

  I climbed up her body and latched onto her nipple as I slid into her nice and slow. When I’d had my fill of her tit I eased back and lifting both ankles in my hands opened her wide so I could saw in and out of her at will. The sight of her protruding tummy was so beautiful. And the knowledge that my children were even now inside her, made for a heady mix. I wanted to pound into her but knew that was dangerous even though she begged me to go faster.

  “Please Cody?” I shook my head no.

  “Uh uh baby. I’ll make you cum like this.” She reached down and fingered her clit and made me that much hotter. It was a close call but I kept my pace nice and slow until I felt her tighten around my cock. I wasn’t far behind her and couldn’t hold back the loud roar that escaped me. We were in my bed in the farthest end of the house so hopefully no one heard. I’d taken to bringing her to my bed at night so I could keep her near just in case.

  What the others thought of this I didn’t know. I’d done the same for both of them when their time drew near. But I guess they’d forgotten all of that in the madness that has since overtaken them since she showed up. I’ve long since given up feeling any guilt over my feelings. I’ve done all that I can. In the last few weeks I’ve spread myself thin trying to give each one of them the time they needed from me. My daughters were happy and looking forward to their siblings. At least there I had no worries. I’d put a stop to Sharon’s trying to sabotage Alana’s relationship with the girls too. Slowly but surely I had taken back whatever power she’d usurped while I was being a shell of myself. It remains to be seen how she dealt with this.

  Wildflower and I have butted heads a time or two as well. The funny thing is I think I was harder on her than on them. Because I loved her best I expected only the best from her. So when she acted up I took it harder then and took her to task for it. She didn’t take too kindly to that because my little love is a spoilt brat when she wants to be. But usually I could love her out of her pique.

  I’ve also been spending more time with Sharon because she seems to be having the hardest time wit
h the changes. After that first time when she’d let it slip that Arlene had complained about my performance I’ve been very careful not to let it happen again. There was no reason for complaint among any of them. Though I might have to up my exercise routine if I wanted to keep up with Wildflower. She’s insatiable.

  “Stop thinking so hard Cody and fuck me again.”

  Chapter 16


  Alana's baby shower is today. She's made it to thirty-four weeks believe it or not and she says she's feeling fine. She knows nothing about the party today. She knows there's going to be one at some point but she has no idea when. Another surprise was that her girlfriends were coming out from L.A. for the event. They'd been hiding out at my parents' since this morning.

  "Alana come on, we promised the girls ice cream remember?" That's the ruse I'm using to get her out of the house so the women could get the house ready. As it stood they would barely have enough time. I helped her get out of bed and into the shower, kissing her all the while and telling her how beautiful she was. Lately she’s been grumbling about the Good Year blimp. But if the amount of time I spent inside her wasn’t proof that I found her sexy as hell, then nothing else would.

  We were gone for hours. At least Alana and the girls had a good time. We ended up going to one of those build a bear places where they built bears for them and the new babies. "How you doing mama, you hanging in there?"

  "Yeah. What color shoes do I have on by the way?" I looked down to be sure.

  "You're wearing pink Chucks."

  "Okay then I should be good to go. Yesterday I put on two different colored shoes, Katie had a laughing fit over it."

  Little Katie started laughing again. "Mommy Alana was funny."

  "I bet she was. Did you help her change her shoes?"

  "Nuh uh, we all weared two different shoes cos it was just that kind of day, right mommy Alana?"

  "That's right squirt, we were the rainbow girls."

  I snickered at them. Little Crystal was studiously paying attention to her bear building. I didn't want to say anything but all the bears were pastel colors, just saying. They didn't look very masculine to me. When I whispered my concerns to Wildflower out the side of my mouth she elbowed me and snickered. "You are so having all girls."

  "Hey." I rubbed her extended tummy. "You won't do that to daddy would you little one? I know you're in there, don't worry I promise to protect you from your mean mommy and sisters but I need some help out here buddy, I'm surrounded." She snorted at me.

  "You're such a nut. I wonder how come I haven't heard from Darlene yet? It's not like her to miss a call."

  "Maybe she got caught up packing. You know how she is about getting here as soon as possible."

  "Yeah, you're probably right. Okay guys we ready? I feel...oh."

  "What, what is it?" I was ready to jump out of my skin.

  "Nothing, just your kids playing touch football or something in there." I leaned over once more so I could have a word with my inconsiderate off spring. Which had the girls in hysterics.

  "You in there, this is your daddy speaking. Be good for your mommy now okay. No playing around in there and I promise to buy each of you a car for your sixteenth birthday, your choice."

  "Nice bribe dad. That how you plan on getting them to behave when they get here?"

  "Whatever works."

  "What about me and Crystal daddy, we get cars too?"

  "You bet pumpkin, five cars coming right up." I tickled the girls to get their minds off of cars and Lord knows what else.

  Alana was up and ready to go. I don't care how much weight she gains. Which was mostly in her stomach and breasts by the way; her ass still looked phenomenal. Felt good too. I should know since I'd been spooned up to it just a few hours ago while I made love to her. We probably shouldn't be doing that anymore at this stage with three of them in there. But she seemed to need it a lot lately, and since I could never get enough of her, oh well.

  I drove up the back way to the house and used the excuse that there were no steps on this side. Though the front only had four steps, she bought it, I think. Hey it was the best I could come up with. I couldn't let her see all the cars in the driveway that would spoil the surprise. I'd already received the text that everything was set. It was going to be an early party. Four in the afternoon, my baby was usually in bed by seven or eight these days.

  We walked in through the kitchen and into the house, which was deathly quiet. "Let's go sit and relax in the solarium babe, you like it in there."

  "Sounds good to me, come on girls, we'll put the bears away later." We had to go through the informal ballroom to get to the solarium and that's where the party had been set up. It seems that this party would be having almost as many guests as the wedding. Since these things were now unisex and the moms had invited everyone they had ever known.


  "Oh crap." Alana squealed before covering her mouth and she started crying. I hugged her to me and whispered in her ear.

  "You okay little mama?" She nodded against my chest and clutched at me. I swayed back and forth with her in my arms and smiled over her head to let the others know she was okay, just a little overwhelmed.

  She lifted her head and screamed when she saw her friends. I guess she forgot the room full of people. "What up bitches?" At least people laughed. I hid my smile behind my hand, wouldn't do to encourage her. The women in the room seemed to surge forward and she was gone. They took her to some throne like chair that was decorated with bows and ribbons and glitter and sat her down with a crown on her head and an ottoman for her feet, for which I was grateful.

  There was literally a mound of gifts against one wall that seemed to have spilled over from a table. Everything was festive and bright. Wildflower seemed to have caught a second wind. There were other kids here for the girls to play with. While the adults were knee deep in baby talk and congratulations. I think I smiled through the whole thing.

  Alana's friends were just as...colorful as she is. There was Sabrina, Paula and Jackie. Their gifts were more focused on Alana and post birth if you know what I mean. I think I blushed a lot while their gifts were being opened. Until Alana finally got the gist of the gifts and stopped opening them, saving them for later. Surprisingly the moms and some of the older ladies in attendance groaned and begged her to continue; have mercy.

  The three troublemakers hooted with laughter. At the end of the party when the guests had dispersed is when I decided to give her my gift, or at least one of them.

  "Come on mama" The only ones left were my wives, our parents and her friends who were staying for a few days. I led everyone up to the nursery where I had had the men finish things up so I could bring in a decorator to make the place look like a dream. No one had been allowed in this room. I'd kept it under lock and key for the big reveal.

  I opened the door and everyone oohed and aahed. It was spectacular. I let Alana go in ahead of everyone else. She ran her hands over the cherry wood of the three cribs that were next to each other and touched the material of the changing table.

  "You like it wildflower?"

  "I love it." We were in our own little bubble.

  "Bitch you seriously need to watch your fucking mouth before you get a beat down."

  "What the hell?" I turned to look at Jackie who was standing in front of Sharon with murder in her eyes.

  "What in the world is going on here?" I walked over to where the two of them were. Everyone else's attention was now centered on us of course.

  What now? Sharon looked like she'd seen a ghost and Jackie looked ready to strangle her.

  "Is this what the fuck she's had to put up with? Alana babe, you don't have to put up with this shit, just say the word and we'll take your ass home to Cali; fuck this shit."

  "Jackie what the hell?" Alana came over to join us.

  "This...thing was over here talking shit about showing the whore, and the whore don't deserve any of this and all that bullshit." She turned ba
ck to Sharon.

  "You don't know who the fuck you’re messing with. If you knew Alana Harte, you would know that she's no whore. You know how many holidays she gave up to work in soup kitchens? She was sixteen fucking years old when she got the senior class to sign up for habitat for humanity. In seventh grade she started a fundraiser to save the animal shelters in the poorer parts of L.A. So don't you talk shit about her or I will go Carrie on your ass."

  I looked at Alana in surprise. I had no idea she had done any of those things. I wanted to praise her but that was for later. Right now I had another issue to deal with once and for all. "I'm sorry about this everyone, if you'll excuse us. Sharon let's go." I didn't wait for her acquiescence, just turned and left the room. I was so mad I was in danger of losing that cool I was so famous for.

  Chapter 17


  “That's it Sharon, we're through, I've had enough."

  "Cody please."

  "No, no more. I'm tired do you understand? I'm tired of you. You're a liar, you're destructive; you're like a parasite eating away at everything good in this family. I won't let you destroy us, do you understand? I've asked you time and again to let me in, to tell me what your problem is, what's bothering you. But always you shun the question. Well now you've gone too far and I no longer care what your reasons are. You do this now? While we have guests in our home? While my wife is so far gone in a high-risk pregnancy? What? You need attention that much, are you insane?"

  "Cody why won't you let me speak?"

  "Now you wanna speak, well now I don't care to listen. I tried with you more than I probably should have. But now I'm done. Pack your bags and leave my home. My daughter stays of course. But you're no longer welcomed here."


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