The Third Wife

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The Third Wife Page 11

by Silver, Jordan


  I looked over the side of the bed at Cody after he landed. If what's going on down south wasn't alarming I would've laughed. Uh oh is not something you wanted to hear while giving birth to multiple babies in a high-risk situation. But that's not what had made my husband faint. No his daughter did that.

  "Are one of you gonna pick him up?" I really shouldn't be laughing but come on. I guess they were too busy with me to pay him much mind. He finally came around in time to see the babies all cleaned up. Now he’s sitting with four little bundles all over his lap. They were that small, but thank heavens they were all past the four pound mark with little Cayleah coming in at five pounds to beat out her brothers. I guess she'd pulled a fast one on doc, hiding behind the boys. She’s going to be like her mother, a take-charge kinda bitch.-

  The family was allowed in the room after I'd been cleaned up and the kiddies weighed and measured. I think our fathers were going to give Cody a run for his money when it came to the boys. They were already talking fishing trips and football. Cody had a stupid grin on his face. He kept counting the babies' fingers and toes, and when my mom and his had first tried taking the babies from him I thought there was going to be all out war.

  Thank heavens we'd been throwing around names in the last few weeks so we had enough. Of course he got his Cody junior, then there was Cameron and Channing. You notice a trend here? All Cs, and the fact that they all looked like him didn't escape me. Funnily enough they were identical, although we were told that wasn't the norm. Even Cayleah had her father’s hair. I wasn't in there at all. Shit, that's the thanks I get for carrying them around.

  My stomach felt so empty, and strange. I’m gonna have to work on this loose flesh that was left behind. Yes I 'm vain, but I'm also nineteen freaking years old so sue me.

  Alone at last finally, the others had finally left, or Cody had finally kicked them out. The babies were asleep. They didn't need help breathing they pretty much were okay. Just needed to stay at least a week to be sure all was well. But so far everything had checked out, which seemed to amaze all involved.

  "Geez Alana, four babies. How the heck did we do that?"

  "Uh, I'm pretty sure you were there babes."

  "You tired baby, wanna go look at them one last time before we go to sleep?"

  "Sure." The man was obsessed. He kept sneaking down to the nursery to see the kiddies. I hadn't gone with him before but I was up for it this time. Of course he wouldn't let me walk, and he wouldn't let me use the chair. We must've looked a sight with him carrying me around the hospital in his arms.


  Four babies, can you believe it? Oh man, I'm blown away. She just, amazes me time and again. There's no way I will let anyone or anything harm her or them. I don't care what anyone else said or thought. I will protect them at all cost my sons, and my daughters all of them. Not just the new ones, but my little Katie and Crystal as well. They were all looking to me to protect and care for them.

  Looking through that glass at my kids who were healthy thank heaven. I made a promise to them that I will always do what's best for them. My kids, my family, will be loved and cherished and they will know it always; I'll see to it.

  "Ready to go back?"

  "Just one more minute babe, I can't wait to get them home. Look at them Cody, look at what we did."

  I was looking at her, my miracle, so damn beautiful.

  "What are you looking at?" She showed me her fist while grinning at me.

  "Always so feisty." I couldn't help stealing a kiss.

  "Huh. Can you tell me why not one of them could look like me? I mean not even my hair Cody, now how is that fair?"

  "Next time, I promise."

  "Next time, I thought you said you couldn't put me through this again?"

  "I changed my mind. I loved doing this with you, all of it. And I would love a daughter who looked just like you."

  "Of course we'll have to let your what did you call it? Oh yes your hoohah heal first." She blushed at that. I guess she had forgotten that on the way here when I asked how she was feeling after a particularly vicious contraction that she had said it felt like someone was drilling spikes in her hoohah. Almost made me run off the road with that one.

  She laughed, we laughed, as I turned and carried her back to her room. There was a lot to do in the next few days before she and the babies came home. Not the least was getting every thing for my baby girl. My little Cayleah; my surprise miracle; I'm sure her mother will one day regale her with tales of how she put me on my ass when she first came into the world. If she was anything like my Wildflower she was sure to do it a whole lot more in this life.

  Chapter 20


  Today is the day I'm taking my family home. I've spent the last few days making sure everything was right. Like getting a fourth crib among other things. Kids needed a lot of stuff, multiply that by four and well, it was a mad house. Of course my little princess was leading in the clothing department. Her grandmothers not to mention her surrogate aunts, being her mothers friends had apparently bought out every store in a twenty-mile radius. The kid was going to need her won walk in closet before she was five.

  I really appreciated the way they had included little Crystal and Katie. My girls were flourishing under all the new attention. Little Crystal didn't have time to miss her mother. Which was something I’d struggled with after my decision. I was happy to see that whatever poison ran through her veins hadn’t been passed on to my child. Both girls were excited to have their siblings home and had shown nothing but love and an intense curiosity when they’d visited them in the hospital. Of course that could be because they saw their brothers as those icky boys but we’ll see with time.

  I wasn’t going to let anything mar the happiness I’ve felt for the last week or so. But now I was faced with yet another issue. I'd learned from others that Sharon hadn't taken the news of my three sons too well. She’d apparently gone into a rage. After what she’d told me about her own childhood I guess I could understand her angst. But that didn't stop me from adding some stipulations to her new status. She was no longer allowed in my home with my wives and kids unless I was there.

  She'd had a near melt down at that but I'd let it be known in no uncertain terms that this was not up for debate. Either she adhered to my orders or she would be removed from the premises completely. The irony of it was that it was because of the person she hated most that she was even allowed to still be here. I truly had been ready to wash my hands clean of her. I’m not an uncaring bastard. I’d once had feelings for her of course. But her ways had turned my heart to stone. If she wanted to blame Alana for capturing my heart where she failed that was just another way that she was lost. No one else was to blame for her plight but she herself.

  I have been looking into getting her professional help. But regardless of all the excellent points my Wildflower had made I didn't trust her and like I'd told her I was done. If she didn't get her act together she was out. There's no way I would let her destructive behavior destroy the rest of my family.

  Arlene was coming along after our little pow wow it looked like. And I guess after what happened with Sharon she knew I had no problem bucking the system. This lifestyle was tenuous enough without the added stress of dissension. We were closer now than I think we’d ever been because Sharon’s influence was no longer there to confuse her. And she was seeing for herself that I had no intentions on casting her aside. I’m not sure how two women raised in the life could fathom such a thing.

  I had done whatever I could to set my house to rights. For the next little while my baby was going to need all her energies focused on our kids. Doc had warned that there could always be something health wise cropping up with multiples, and we were going to have to be watchful for at least their first year of life. That meant no outside drama. Sharon was given more than her fair share of chances; my kids will not be under threat from her or anyone else. Not as long as I was still standing.

nbsp; I'd learned to live with my guilt for loving Alana more than the others. There was nothing I could do about it, although I sought to be fair and treat each of them fairly. I guess it will always show. That was on me, I'm sure I'm not the first to have that problem. But it was my duty to keep the peace in my home. There were going to have to be a lot of changes from now on. I'd had a long heart to heart with Arlene. Of course I didn't tell her that I loved her sister wife more than I did her. But she wasn't stupid, at least she knew I did love her as well and would always take care of her.

  Her answer to me had been that she loved me and wanted her life with me. As long as she didn't pull a Sharon I had no reason to set her aside. I had yet to talk to my dad about the situation with Sharon. I guess I was hoping it would right itself. As mad as I am I can't just throw my wife out in the cold without a second thought. This was someone I and once thought I loved. Someone who shared my bed bore me a child. If there was any way to make things right then I will do it. But as things stood, I wasn't willing to expend any more energy on her than I already had.

  She'd taken every opportunity I'd given her and thrown it away. I knew she was ashamed of her new position. To be cast aside. But I also knew it wasn't up to me to change her only she could do that. Arlene had been to the hospital to see the new babies. Sharon hadn't, she hadn't asked and I hadn't volunteered. If she thought that I was the type of man that would neglect my daughter just because I now had sons, then she really didn't need to be with me anyway.

  Arlene had had some fears, but this time unlike in the past she had shared them with me. I'd reassured her as best I could and she seemed to be satisfied. She understood that although my focus would be on Alana and the new babies when they first came home until they were out of the woods. That didn’t mean I would neglect her. I’d even apologized for letting things get so out of hand and making her feel unsafe and insecure in her own home.

  That too was on me. It was a strange thing, but my love for Alana opened my eyes to a lot of things that I hadn’t seen before. This life is the only one I know, it’s the one I want. I can love Alana and Arlene in my own way without hurting one or the other. It was up to me to get it right.

  Now that I was content I paid more attention to things around me. I laughed more with Arlene than I ever had before. She blossomed under the attention. A soft word would bring her so much pleasure. It was for this reason that I was even willing to give Sharon a chance. Because I accept that part of the blame was mine. I’d been going through the motions for too long, it was unfair to them and to my kids. But now I saw where the problem lay I have all intentions on righting the wrongs.

  So now it was going home day. This was going to be a huge undertaking with the mothers coming to help. It hit home that first day that Alana was going to need lot of help. Otherwise she would never be able to take the kids anywhere together. I'd ordered a new Mercedes GL550 class custom made in her favorite baby pink and silver as a surprise. It was the best and safest on the market for large families, holding up to seven people and still stylish.

  They'd made delivery yesterday after I'd called the day after she gave birth and asked them to put a rush on the finishing touches. It only cost me a few thousand more but what the heck; she'd get a kick out of it. The baby seats had already been installed by our local firemen. I don't take chances with my kids and especially not with my wife. She could've been home a few days ago but we both decided she would stay here as long as our babies were here.

  Not surprisingly Cayleah was slated for release only two days after birth. But since her oldest brother refused to sleep without her near that was squashed. I say not surprisingly because I could already see from her personality that she was all Wildflower for all that she looked like me. Already she makes me smile. I can't wait to get them home.

  I finished buttoning up the little onesie on my new little princess and moved on to Cam, while Alana took care of Cody junior and Channing. My moms and hers were bustling around the room making sure we packed everything, and it was a lot of stuff. Four babies. I don't think I'm ever going to get use to the idea.

  Walking over to my girl I hugged her from behind my hand resting on her tummy as I kissed her neck. "You ready mommy?" She looked over her shoulder at me and two things hit me at once. One she was makeup free, which meant she was even more gorgeous than usual to me. And two she looked young as hell. My nineteen-year old wife had given birth to four healthy babies. I'm thinking I need to give lots of thanks and praise for that one. A man who's given that, who holds that in his arms, is extremely blessed. There was no way I could take this for granted.

  "You nervous baby?" I nuzzled her neck.

  She leaned her head back against my shoulder and covered my arms with hers.

  "No, you?"

  "Surprisingly, no. I think I'm more excited than anything else. I can't wait to get them home." I turned her in my arms, holding her loosely around her waist as we looked into each other’s eyes.

  "I'm getting you some help, as soon as we get settled. I'll have an agency send over some candidates for you to interview. I didn't want to do it without you, but we're gonna need someone or maybe two people ASAP."

  "I know you're right but I wish I could take care of them myself."

  "No shame in needing help in this situation Wildflower, anyone would. I'm sure our mothers are going to be a big help but they have their own lives. As much as they might want to do it, we can't ask that of them. Besides my father would lose his mind if his three wives abandoned him everyday for his grand kids, not to mention Bryce."

  "You're right I guess, well...we're all checked out, everything's in order, let's blow this burg."

  I led my little entourage out no problem. We had a four seat stroller which made everything that much easier. I pushed the stroller while Darlene pushed Alana in her chair that the hospital insisted was policy. And my mothers carried the hundred or so bags with her and the kids' stuff and that's just a slight exaggeration.

  The only blip on our horizon was the question of breastfeeding. Alana wanted to do it for all of them, all the time. But after talking with the specialist we came to the conclusion that she would express milk, use baby formula and breast feed on rotation. That way everyone got their shot and she wasn't left completely drained and depleted at the end of everyday. Which was my main concern. She wasn’t happy with it and I was sure I would have to stay on top of her to make sure she followed orders.

  "Cody?" She'd seen her new jeep.

  "Don't cry baby, because I can't hold you right now and get the kids taken care of.”

  "I know but..."

  "Later baby, right now put on your big girl pants and suck it up." I had to hide my grin when she scowled at me. Good she was no longer about to turn on the water works.

  "You are so gonna get it."

  "I'm thinking that won't be for a while." Her mouth dropped open at my risqué joke whispered in her ear.

  "Come on you two, you can neck when you get home and get my grand babies out of this heat." My mom grinned at us as she took Alana's elbow and lead her to the passenger side. After we were all settled in the babies lined off in their seats I took the wheel since I didn't want her driving anywhere yet. She was running her hands and her eyes all over the interior of her car. "You like it?" "What's not to like, it's freaking beautiful." The baby pink leather seating had her initials surrounded by the Jackson crest in the headrests and on the seats. She had all the bells and whistles she could possibly want not to mention every safety feature money could buy.

  It shook me to realize that I had taken my first two kids for granted. Yes I loved my girls and I am a damn good father. I didn't need anyone to tell me that. But because of my withdrawal from their mothers I had let some of my natural fatherly affection, something that was their due, slip through the cracks. That's something I will have to work on starting now. I was realizing more and more what damage I had done. My disillusionment with my life had led to my neglect. Not finding the great
love I had sought until now, I had become lax.

  This was not a good thing, regardless of my feelings for Arlene and Sharon, both women whom I did adore. I should never have let my relationship with my children suffer. Because of this I’d left room for all the poison that had entered our home. I’d left the way clear for Sharon to do the things she’d done. Because of my neglect and my half assed approach to life, she had taken over. And the way she did this left much to be desired.

  I’m going to make sure our lives stayed beautiful from now on, no matter what came. Because from now on we will do it together all of us Arlene and my girls included. Sharon, well, we'll just have to wait and see.

  The drive home was uneventful with the kids fast asleep. I held my wife's hand in mine as I navigated the streets. We didn't need conversation. Just a kiss to her knuckles every once in a while before returning both our hands to my thigh. And when I needed both hands on the wheel, her hand resting on my thigh, squeezing, or playing with my hair. I missed our bed. I had spent most nights at the hospital with her and the babies. But with my new awakening I knew I had to spend time with the rest of my family as well. So on those nights we'd talk until she fell asleep, then I would head home.

  When I did spend the night we would spoon on the too small hospital bed, her new curvier body soft and warm against mine. I think the only time I got a good night's sleep in the last week is when I was there with her and our babies. That’s also when I'd noticed the change in me. When I’d first come to realize that having Wildflower had helped my relationship with Arlene. I did love her. And though it wasn’t the same all consuming, heart pounding passion I had for her sister there was genuine affection there. It was humbling to realize that I could have that and make it work somehow.

  I’d spoken to Alana at length as well as we laid in her hospital bed. She knew where my heart and intentions now lay. I think with the birth of our children she felt more complete. More at ease with the life she now found herself living. I asked her not to use my love for her against the others. This I knew would be the hardest thing to handle. I knew it was this that fed Sharon’s hate but I wouldn’t change my love for her to please anyone. I don’t think I ever could. She was just that much a part of me, and yes I worried for her heart more than any other.


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