Paris Hemsworth's Road to Wonderland (Road to Wonderland Series Book 2)

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Paris Hemsworth's Road to Wonderland (Road to Wonderland Series Book 2) Page 11

by Marlow, Francesca

  Stripping off my own jacket, I yank my shirt over the top of my head and sling it to one side. My arousal is growing as the anticipation renders me silent. One thing about the Professor is that he never ceases to amaze me and every time we have sex, it’s unique.

  An expectant moan escapes my mouth as he nips at my nipple through the lace of my bra. He doesn’t do it for very long before his hand skates around to my back, unhooking the clasp. The loss of contact instantly has me sighing, and I watch the sly upturn of the corner of his lips. I know the fucker is enjoying watching me squirm.

  “Your eagerness is too cute, Yummers.”

  “And your teasing is frustrating, Professor.”

  If he’s allowed to torment me, then I’m going to give it to him right back. He confessed a while ago that it turned him on when I called him that. Unfortunately for him, I committed it to memory and take great pleasure using it whenever he plays his little games.

  He smirks while sliding my straps from my shoulders, allowing my bra to fall to the floor at the same time as my feet. Then he spins me around, pulling me flush to him with his tensed forearm around my waist. Hovering his mouth over my ear, he growls. “That’s right. I am your professor and tonight you’ve broken one of my rules.”

  I can’t help but laugh. I’m half aroused and half amused by how seriously Rob likes to play sometimes. “Oh yeah, Sir Stone? Aren’t you all high and mighty tonight?”

  “You know you love it when I take charge, Yummers.” His arrogant tone astounds me sometimes, but he’s right. I can’t deny I’m a sucker for his domineering side. It’s exactly what I need tonight – that and for him to show me how much I mean to him.

  Twisting on his arm, I slap at his chest playfully. “You’re so cock sure of yourself.” And his cock is exactly what I can feel digging into my hip. Being aware of what I do to him only adds to my desire. Leaning in, softly kissing the place where I slapped, I mumble against his skin. “It’s a shame you’ll have to catch me first.” Then I dart off in the opposite direction, laughing.

  “Now who’s the tease?”

  “That would be me,” I shout from across the room, shimmying out of my jeans and knickers. “But that’s why you love me,” I say forcefully, throwing them at him.

  “Come back here.”

  “Ask nicely.”

  “Come back here, please.”

  “Erm, nope!”

  “Keep pushing me and I will…” he breaks off while shooting a look around the room. “I will spank your arse with this ruler,” he says as he swipes it from the coffee table.

  Giggling, my rebellious nature kicks in. I’ve never been spanked with anything other than a hand before. Turning around, I bend over, peering behind me before I shake my arse.

  “Bring it on.” I quirk my brow and wink.

  “You’ve asked for it now.” He chuckles.

  Bridging the gap between us, his palm spans the base of my back as if to hold me in place.

  “You ready?” he asks.

  I give my hips a playful wiggle, putting on a sultry voice. “Yes, Professor Stone.”

  The whistle of the wood through the air creates its first strike and I gasp. I’ve got to admit, I quite like it, encouraging Rob to continue. But after the fourth blow, my butt is burning and I have to concede.

  “Ouch!” I wince, scurrying forward to turn around and rub my arse cheek.

  Tossing the ruler to one side, Rob grabs at me with a firm hand, pulling me close and speaking in a more serious voice as he begins to gently massage my arse. “You asked if I liked you… One of the things I adore about you, Paris, is your ability to have fun - to throw caution to the wind and let go of your inhibitions. In some ways, I envy that about you.”

  Steadying my breath, I hear the shift of sincerity in his tone. It catches me off guard a little and I’m stumped for words.

  “I mean it. It’s a beautiful trait to possess, almost as beautiful as you are.”

  “Oh, now I know you’re taking the piss,” I joke.

  “It probably seems that way to you because I haven’t said it enough, but I mean it. Your strength gives me strength. In more ways than you know.”

  He’s the second person to comment on my strength in the last twenty-four hours. I can’t understand why I’m being perceived in such a way when most of the time, all I feel is weak. I fight back the temptation to make another sarcastic comment and for once, go with the flow instead.

  “Thank you.” I smile.

  His lips press against mine, soft and low to start with, but the tempo picks up quickly until we’re passionately kissing again. My hand creeps under his waistband to stroke up and down his erection, causing him to groan against my mouth.

  “I need you, Rob. I just need you… In me,” I murmur between breathy pants.

  Without warning, he knocks one foot from under me, causing me to lose my balance and almost fall flat to the floor. But he drops to his knees flinging an arm under my back and catching me. Lowering me to the ground, he removes his sweats and boxers and places himself between my legs, parting my knees.

  Pressing his forehead to mine, he sighs softly. "I need you, too."

  He eases into me with such care, it all feels too good to be true.

  The room is softly lit from the city centre lights streaming in through his windows, making his face appear even more beautiful than usual. I lock my eyes on his, sharing unspoken words through the intensity of our glare. We’ve had plenty of sex, but none of it has come close to this moment right here. His hand grabs at my thigh, gliding along my calf to my ankle, unwrapping my leg from his waist before he pins it above my head. The adjustment in position sends his cock driving even deeper, tapping on my sweet spot over and over again.

  His thumb caresses my clit in circles and I sink to a whole new level of pleasure. My hips unashamedly buck and my legs tremble.

  “Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop,” I choke out as my head rolls backwards, breaking our intimate stare.

  “I can’t, Paris. Not with you,” he pants.

  “Promise me you want me. Promise,” I beg.

  “I promise.”

  It’s with those two powerful words that the storm reaches its peak in my heart, taking with it any last bit of self-control I have as I fall apart beneath him with the belief we at least have a shot at a future together.


  13th May 2001

  He's been ignoring that phone all morning. I know he's a private person, but he still usually answers his calls in my presence. If anything, I thought after last night, he might start to open up a little and let me in.

  "Yummers, how do you take your tea?" he shouts from the kitchen and I can't help but grin. He's making me a cup of tea. As silly as it may seem to anyone else, this is a huge statement for our relationship and a nice turning point. I don't care how it comes if I'm honest. He's made it for me, and that's all that matters.

  Rounding the corner, I answer with a spring in my step. "One sugar and milk, please." Then I saunter up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist.

  "It's just tea." He grins.

  A dreamy sigh escapes me. "Yeah, but it's Rob’s tea, like tea should be."

  His chuckle turns into a full fit of laughter. "Did you just go all cheesy on me?"

  "Maybe a little." Forcing my arms to move away from him, I step to the side and lean against the worktop. "I'm just not used to you doing something for me, other than giving me an orgasm. Not that I'm complaining about that. You get ten out of ten in that department. In fact, I'm not sure your tea is going to measure up."

  His head tilts to the side as a small grin curls onto his lips. “Hearing you talk like that, I’m not sure I want this tea after all.” His arm swings around my waist, pulling me towards him, and I can’t help but squeal in response.

  “Rob, what are you doing? Give over.” I try to bat him away as he continues his onslaught of tickles on my side while nuzzling into my neck. I squirm and wriggle, but I�
�m no match for his strength.

  “Your giggle is only making it worse.”

  Laughing, I beg, “Rob, I mean it. Get off me!”

  The next thing I know, his other arm is sweeping across the back of my knees, lifting me off my feet in one swift motion. It’s what I’ve been dreaming of since the first night we met, and it fills me with hope. For the first time, I don’t feel the age gap between us; I don’t feel the student-tutor problem. I feel like we’re two people becoming friends, not just lovers.

  The cool air of the apartment wraps itself around the curves of my arse, creating an uncomfortable contrast against the fiery, spanked parts of my cheeks. Shifting my hand round, I try to tug my top down to cover it up. It’s sore but when I’m in his arms, the painful ache seems to dull, quickly replaced with a deeper yearning.

  “I love it when you blush,” he growls into my ear, “and not just the cheeks on your face.”

  If I wasn’t flush before, I certainly am now. I drop my head to my chest, trying to cover my face with my hair. It’s only going to get worse the moment my back hits that bed, too. I rack my brain for something witty to retort back, but I’m caught off guard when he stops in the hallway outside his bedroom, placing my feet gently to the ground. I feel lost for words as I straighten his shirt shyly. Glancing around the corridor, my eyes land on the picture, giving me something to focus on.

  “You spend a lot of time looking at this picture, don’t you?” His arms crossed over his chest, I follow the direction of his eyes to the family picture on the wall.

  “I… Erm… Do I?” I ask, looking up at the picture with him.

  “Yes. You do.”

  Fiddling with his shirt, a few moments pass. “You look like him, you know?”

  I’m torn between stepping closer towards him and asking a tonne of questions or staying glued to the spot and respecting his privacy. I can see he wants to say more but is finding it difficult. It’s another first. The first time I’ve seen him show emotion. It’s hidden behind his eyes, the delicate creases as he deliberates hard. I want to reach out to him. Whatever it is he’s suffering, we could suffer it together. I know about pain; I’ve been struggling with it for years.

  I take a small step forward, grazing his arm with my fingertips. It’s flexed, and the veins in his forearms are stood to attention. I’ve caressed him a million times, but this time it seems like my touch is causing him to hurt. I don’t miss the tiny narrowing of his eyes or the tensing of his jaw.

  I begin to pull my hand away when he moves to catch it mid-air, his eyes still firmly fixated on the picture.

  “I’m nothing like him.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t live up to his expectations.” The grip on my hand tightens like he’s using me as an anchor to keep him straight while he talks.

  “Do any of us live up to our parents’ expectations?”

  “Do you, Paris?” He shrugs before turning to face me. “I mean, do you live up to your parents’ expectations?”

  “No, Rob, I don’t. I spent most of my life trying to live up to the pedestal I was put upon. I disappointed mine plenty, believe me.”


  “Yeah,” I say, swaying our hands to ease my anxiety. “My dad passed away when I was sixteen and I haven’t spoken to my mum in a long time. Well… Until yesterday, actually.”

  “I’m sorry, Paris.” He drags me into his side, sliding his arm around my shoulder and placing a light kiss on the top of my head. “I didn’t know.”

  “No, but you never asked and I never offered, so it’s okay.”

  I wrap my arms around his waist, cuddling him with a sad smile. As morbid as the subject is, it’s nice to be sharing a part of me with someone other than Izzy. Giving him a small snippet of my life makes that flicker of hope I had earlier grow even bigger. It gives me that bit of confidence to ask my next question.

  “Why don’t you feel you li-” My sentence gets cut off the moment there’s a loud knock at the door.

  “Leave it,” Rob says instantly.

  “You don’t have to ignore it on my account.”

  “Whoever it is, they weren’t invited, so I’m not bothered.”

  The knock becomes even louder as a fist repeatedly hits the door.

  “They sound pretty desperate to see you,” I say, pulling away slowly.

  “Rob, I know you’re in there,” a voice shouts from the other side of the door.

  “What’s going on?” I ask.

  “Nothing. Just ignore them. They’ll go away.”

  “Rob, I mean it. Open this damn door! You can ignore my calls, but I'm not going anywhere,” the voice shouts even louder.

  “It doesn’t sound like nothing,” I insist.

  His hands land on my arms as he dips his head, looking at me straight in the eye. “Yummers, if I open that door, everything between us could change. Is that what you want?”

  How do I know what I want when I have no clue what he is talking about? Frantically shooting my eyes between the door and his face, I can already feel the distance increasing. My heart hammers in my chest as I start to panic.

  “Rob, you’re scaring me. What are you talking about?” My hands cup his cheeks and I search those eyes of his. He looks just as petrified as I feel.

  His voice softens as he tries to find the words. “Paris, I…” His head tilts into my hand as if he’s savouring my touch.

  In a desperate bid to salvage the moment, I push my body flush to his. I know neither of us misses the begging in my voice. “Rob, please. Please talk to me”

  His hands find their way to the top of mine – the hands that have passionately touched every part of my body. The hands that have made me feel so alive.

  “I’ve thought about how to tell you so many times.” He grips at his hair, growling with despair. “God, I’ve thought about nothing else since I met you. I’ve tried my best to keep a distance between us and this is exactly why. Maybe this is the only way.”

  “The only way for what? What are you talking about? Did someone at work find out about us? Is that it?”

  “That would be easy.” Pulling our hands together towards his mouth, his warm lips kiss them, his eyes closed while he whimpers. “I’m sorry, Paris. I am.” Then he whisks them away, leaving me stood breathless, my arms falling limply to my sides in slow motion. The cold air between us instantly whistles around my body and I’m left feeling more confused than ever. I have no clue what he’s sorry for or who is beyond the door he’s about to open, but I know I believe Rob when he says everything is about to change. Every bone in my body aches from the chill of anticipation. I have to force myself to lift my head to look as he reluctantly opens the door.

  “Decided the best option is to open the door? Wise move. Wouldn’t want the neighbours hearing anything, now, would we?” asks a guy who I have never laid eyes on in my life. His smug grin irritates me the second I see it, even though I have no clue who or what he is to Rob.

  “You left me with no choice,” Rob answers flatly.

  “I see this place hasn’t changed much.”

  “I see you haven’t changed much, either.”

  I stand, practically cuddling my body with his shirt to try and cover myself up as I watch on in confusion. I know I’m missing something; I just don’t know what it is. These two obviously know each other. Rob’s never mentioned a brother before and I haven’t seen pictures of this man around the house. I don’t recognise him at all, but from the natural deep tan he has, I’m guessing he’s spent some time abroad or possibly travelling. It makes his short blond hair and blue eyes appear so much brighter.

  As his eye catches mine, his intense, steely glare sends shivers down my spine, but not in a good way. They rake over my body almost in disgust and I immediately stiffen. I don’t know where to look or what to do.

  “So this is why you didn’t answer the door?” he snipes, stalking towards me with his head cocked.

  “Leave her
out of this, Alastair,” Rob hits back sharply.

  “Look at you getting all defensive.” He chuckles. “Does her have a name?” He reaches his hand out, flicking a lock of my hair over my shoulder. This smallest of actions has me quivering with disgust. Who exactly is this man and why the hell is he directing all his anger my way? I try my best not to act intimidated by his actions, but in all honesty, I’m more than a little scared right now. I look past the man’s shoulders to search for Rob’s eyes – to find some sort of encouragement that all this will be okay, but from the pained expression on his face, this isn’t something, or should I say someone, who is going away in a hurry.

  “Rob?” I whisper as my hand twitches by my side.

  “Just leave us alone, Alastair. You’re not going to get what you want by doing this. I’ve made my decision. You should leave. Now.”

  Rob grabs at his shoulder, but Alastair swiftly snatches it from his hand, snorting. “Get off me.” He’s stood so close to me now that I can feel his breath on my skin as he stares me down. He cocks his head arrogantly and pretty much spits his words in my face.

  “Does she know you’re gay, Rob? Of course she doesn’t. How could she when you won’t even admit it to yourself?”

  A nervous laugh escapes me at hearing the ridiculousness of his statement. I know I shouldn't, but I can’t help it.

  “Yeah, right.”

  “You don’t believe me, sweetheart? Ask him.” His face is poker straight as his hand lifts, pointing in Rob’s direction, all the while the word ‘gay’ keeps on repeating over and over in my head. That’s impossible. That’s just not true. It can’t be. All the things Rob and I have done together. There’s no way that’s right. This guy must be seriously pissed off to start throwing accusations around like that, but as I glance at Rob, I can see how nervously he runs his hands through his hair. He’s still not stood by my side. I’m still stood over here on my own. He’s not jumping to his own defence.


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