Leo, Kiss Often (Iron Orchids Book 4)

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Leo, Kiss Often (Iron Orchids Book 4) Page 4

by Danielle Norman

  Stella skipped all niceties as she whirled on me the moment Taylor was out of earshot. “What the fuck was that? Be honest, Ian, have you slept with that woman? Is that why she’s acting as if she has some kind of claim on you?”

  “No, Stella, I haven’t slept with her.” I let every ounce of my incredulity leak onto my expression before I turned to Leo. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have put you in that position.” In that very moment, she was the only one I gave a damn about.

  “I get it. No worries.” She let out a weak laugh and lightly punched my stomach. “Really, I get it. It’s okay.” Her voice was saying one thing, but her eyes were saying another. Clearly, she wasn’t comfortable being my pretend girlfriend but too nice to scold me for it.

  I shoved my hands through my hair and nodded. Goddamn it, I really hadn’t thought this thing through.

  “Can I get you a drink as an apology?”

  The corner of her mouth pulled up on one side as she nodded. “Vodka and cranberry would be good.”

  When a server walked by, I gave him her order and then added a scotch neat for myself.

  Placing my hand on the small of Leo’s back we returned our focus to the group, and I was more committed than ever to making her see herself from my eyes.

  “What are we talking about?” I asked Damon, trying to catch up on the conversation between Carter, Piper, and the others.

  “Seems that Carter is just as shocked to see that Bressler guy here as you are to see Taylor here.” Damon looked over to where Taylor was talking to Bressler. “He interviewed for the open spot in motors, and after Piper was announced as the new hire, he filed some complaint with their union. He even brought up Sophie and Ariel and the whole Iron Orchids connection and claimed favoritism.”

  “What a douche.”

  “Tell me about it,” Damon agreed.

  “They tossed it out, but that was five months ago, and he’s been an asshole ever since.” Carter met my eyes. “You should convince Taylor to give Bressler a chance. The two of them are a match made in dickhood. I warned Kayson that he’d regret giving a blanket invite to the entire department.”

  Everyone laughed.

  The server brought our drinks, and I rested one hand on Leo’s hip. She stilled under my touch but then relaxed a fraction.

  “Something wrong?” I questioned, worried I’d overstepped somehow, that maybe she didn’t want me touching her. My worry wasn’t enough for me to drop my hand unless she told me to.

  “Nah.” But her cheeks were lightly flushed as if she’d been busted.

  I fought back my own smile as I saw the toe of Leo’s shoe tapping to the song. I hadn’t been paying attention to the music. It took almost all my effort to stay engaged in conversation and keep my mind off how every time Leo shifted, I got a glimpse of cleavage, which only made me wonder what she would look like naked.

  “What song is this? I don’t think I’ve ever heard it before.”

  “It’s called ‘She’s More’ by Andy Griggs.”

  Bingo. She knew the name and the singer. Leo liked this song. Her hips swayed to the beat, and she naturally moved closer to me. Her body seemed to meld perfectly against mine, as though she had always been meant to be there. I liked the way her ass moved against my cock. But a few more sways, and she was going to know exactly what she was doing to me. So I forced myself to step back and hold out a hand.

  “Would you dance with me?”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “I know I don’t have to. I want to.” She placed her hand in mine, and it felt right as I escorted her to the edge of the dance floor. “Tell me, what do you like about this song?”

  “It’s about a girl with short dark hair.”

  “Like yours?” I moved a hand and lightly tugged her hair.

  “And she has green eyes.”

  “Like yours?” I stared deep, taking in the vibrant color of her eyes, which were surrounded by thick, dark lashes. “What else?”

  “She’s five foot three and not the girl he dreamed of.”

  I pulled Leo closer so that her head was resting against my chest and I could lay my cheek against her hair.

  “Do you remember the night of my senior prom?” She nodded, so I continued. “You were so funny. I thought it was cute. You were so mad that I was taking Stacy Jenkins because you and Sophie knew her little sister.”



  “Her sister’s name was Sarah. But, yeah, I didn’t like her.”

  “You must have asked me like a hundred times when I was coming home, and you made me promise not to kiss her.”

  She pulled back a fraction so she could look at me.

  “Well, I may have only been in the eighth grade, but I still knew what went on at prom. Sarah had told us what her sister had planned for you. Sophie and I were livid, we had to protect you.”

  “Was that the only reason? You just wanted to protect me?” The thought of it made me want to laugh, but I kept the mirth bottled tight.


  “Well, you must have felt the need to protect me a lot. Every time I saw you or Sophie, you were lecturing me about who I was dating. Good grief, growing up I felt as if I had two sisters, you and Sophie.”

  Leo tucked in one corner of her mouth and bit. It was such an innocent gesture that it somehow made her even more attractive. “Your aunt used to try to pick me up every chance she could, even if she had to go out of town. She felt that it was better for me to stay with your mom than it was to be left in my mother’s clutches.”

  “Oh, I know. At first, I hated it.”

  “Sorry. You should have said something.”

  “I was only mad when I was really younger. Eventually, I decided that you weren’t so bad.” I moved one hand to her hips and brought the other up to cup her face and rest against her right cheek as we moved in a rhythm that was all too familiar. One that I didn’t want to be just on the dance floor, I wanted it to be in a bed. At that moment I was looking at the truest side of Leo, one that I had never seen. It wasn’t the clothes because I could tell that she wasn’t comfortable in what she was wearing but it was her subtle open vulnerability that she showed whether she knew it or not, and I liked it.


  “Are you sure this is okay?” Ian swept a thumb across my cheek, his fingers slid under my chin and tilted it so I was looking into his eyes.

  We were standing a little bit away from our group but if they wanted to they could still totally eavesdrop on us. “Chill, Ian, it’s one night. If you can pretend that I’m your girlfriend, then I guess that I can pretend to have the hots for you.” I bumped my shoulder into him but couldn’t meet his eyes, I was sure they’d give me away.

  “Come over here.” There was something different in Ian’s tone as he pulled me into the corner. “I need to know that you’re okay with this, I mean really okay. Leo, we’ve always been friends. I don’t want to jeopardize that.”

  “Friends, right.” Was it just me or did those words cut everyone like a knife? Good ol’ Leo, one of the guys, good friends. Even though Taylor was a bitch, she was the kind of woman Ian dated. She wore skirts and heels to her job and knew how to put on makeup. She had probably never watched an episode of Counting Cars and would find it boring if she did. Meeting Ian’s eyes, I realized that he’d been waiting for an answer. “Nothing will jeopardize our friendship.” I made the sign of crossing my heart. “I promise.”

  Slowly, Ian shifted closer to me, and even slower, he lowered his head until his lips were a breath away from mine. The man was going to kiss me, and I wanted him to, so I didn’t dare move. I knew that I was supposed to close my eyes, but I didn’t, I didn’t want to miss a thing. Well, that, and because I didn’t want to feel stupid and close my eyes only to realize that he was only going to kiss my cheek. When he did kiss my lips, I didn’t want to close them and miss the way his eyelashes rested closed against his perfect olive skin. But the moment was over too fa
st. When our lips parted, I felt as if I’d tasted the sweetest dessert. Holy shit.

  “What was that for?” I held my lips, trying to lock in the feeling so it didn’t fade away.

  “I didn’t think I needed a reason to kiss my girlfriend.” He gave me one of his famous smirks then paused for a few seconds while he considered his words. “And it’s always good to get that first kiss out of the way, don’t you think?”

  First? Did that mean there would be more? “Yeah.” The single word came out as a breathy exhale that snapped me back to reality. “Will you excuse me for a second, I’m going to run to the ladies’ room.”


  Truthfully, I needed to get a grip on what had just happened and to rein in Sophie and Stella, who were jumping up and down behind Ian and waving like two birds ready to take off in flight. I was both annoyed that they would interrupt a moment like this and happy for the excuse to get some space.

  I made my way to the hallway and didn’t have to look back to know they had followed me. The sound of rapid clacking behind me was akin to a small army and the telltale sign that the women were close on my heels. I used these quick few seconds to get myself in gear and toughen up.

  Stella saddled up next to me. Tugging on my hand she led the way with Katy and Sophie close behind.

  Inside the bathroom, Stella checked under the stall doors before saying, “Okay, what is up? I understand the saying you’re his girlfriend to get rid of Tits but that kiss.”

  “Mm-hmm.” Katy was in total agreement.

  “Nothing. I agreed to go along with it for the night. He wasn’t thinking when he said it, but now that he has, let’s just play along. It’s one night, what can it hurt?” I met their stares, but flinched the moment my eyes locked with Sophie’s. She was the only one who knew that I had a crush on Ian. Hell, she’d been my best friend since I was five. What she didn’t know—or rather, what she couldn’t prove—was that I still harbored a deep unrequited love for that man.

  “Leo, be careful.” Sophie’s warning wasn’t about Taylor. It was for me to guard my heart. “There is a difference between pretending to be a couple to keep Taylor away and actually being a couple. You guys shouldn’t let this jeopardize—”

  “But the kiss?” Stella demanded again.

  “It was nothing. I think he was just swept up in the moment and...well, I don’t know.” I loved my friends and valued their concern, but the last thing that I wanted to do was be forced to analyze the most wonderful thing in my life.

  I needed to be tough-girl Leo. I needed to stop this shit before it got carried away. “Listen, I love both of you, and I know that you mean well. But there is no sense trying to impose your views or your opinions on a situation that doesn’t exist. It’s a one-night thing, let’s leave it as one night. Got me?”

  Yeah, that was good, it sounded tough.

  “Yeah, I got you.” Sophie reached forward and squeezed my hand, but Stella just leaned against the wall, shaking her head. She wasn’t buying my act for one second but was willing to bite her tongue, for which I was thankful.

  “Good. Let’s go before they send a search party.”

  “I love you, just know that,” Sophie whispered as she held the door open so everyone could file out.

  After we walked back into the ballroom, we got lost in the music and laughter. Someone tapped their glass, calling for the bride and groom to kiss. Ariel grinned at Kayson, who bent, swept her into his arms, and kissed her as if he needed her to breathe.

  I stopped a server and asked for another vodka cranberry. I was going to need some liquid fortitude to get through the rest of the night. I told myself that I could either grab a ride home with one of the designated drivers or call a Lyft. My bag and bike would be safe in the parking garage for one night.

  Ian sauntered up next to me just as the waiter brought me my drink. I held it and swayed to the music, taking an occasional sip as our friends talked.

  If for no other reason than the fact that I was his girlfriend for one night, I would remember tonight for as long as I lived.


  For the past three hours, Leo had swayed, brushed, and moved against me. And for the past three hours, I’d drank scotch neat after scotch neat, trying not to have an erection.

  “Bye. I love you. You know that, right?” I gripped my brother’s shoulder and patted his back as I tried to keep this manly.

  “Thanks, Ian. Having you next to me was important.”

  “Of course. You two have fun. What am I saying? That’s a given. We will see you two in two weeks. Hasta la vista.”

  All the motor’s officers in attendance had their bikes lined up in front. As we waved to Kayson and Ariel and they climbed into the limousine, the bikes flashed their lights in a wave-style fashion. Having also attended a fireman’s wedding, I compared it to when they held their axes or Marines held their swords.

  After they were gone, I looked at Leo, who swayed even though there wasn’t any music. Nope, she shouldn’t be driving.

  “Do you have a room here for the night?”

  “Nah, I figured that I’d call a Lyft. I can get my bike tomorrow.”

  I pulled her into my arms, stumbling slightly then catching myself.

  Leo giggled. “Please tell me that you have a room for your own self.”

  “Yes. Actually, I have a suite.” I leaned down and inhaled the pale rose scent that seemed to waft in the air around her. “Come with me.” I tugged on Leo’s hand. “There are two rooms, you can have the second one.”

  Or share mine.

  I held my breath, waiting for her response, which was little more than a nod as she took a step toward the door.

  “Give me your hand.” I wove my fingers through hers, and we stepped into the elevator that was waiting. “Seven,” I said, and she pressed the number button as the door slid shut. A second of full silence passed before she turned. I was already there, pulling her into my arms, and our mouths were connected.

  The elevator dinged, and I lifted one eye, just to make sure we were on the right floor, but I didn’t break our kiss, instead, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her against me so that her feet were off the ground. I carried her from the elevator and down the hall.

  I lifted my mouth just long enough to tell her where to find the key. “The key, it is in my back left pocket.” Her hands were all over, sliding against my ass, and God they felt warm and wonderful. “Got it.”

  I turned so that my back was to the door and heard her fidgeting until the sound of the lock opening echoed around us and the door swung open, slamming shut behind us.

  She was pushing my jacket off as I was toeing my shoes off.


  The thump of something hitting the ground, probably one of her shoes.


  Another thump. Before I knew it, I was in the back room and facing the bed.

  A gasp escaped her lips, and it was my undoing. I trailed my lips down her neck.


  Her soft whimper caused my dick to grow harder. I couldn’t remember ever being so turned on.

  “Help me out of this dress.”

  I slipped a finger under the strap on her shoulder and pulled it down her arm just enough to reveal one perfectly shaped breast.

  My mouth watered, and I ducked to take her nipple between my lips. I felt the bud harden as I ran my tongue over her tender flesh. Glancing up, I saw her head tilt back as she enjoyed every swirl of my tongue. Releasing with a slight pop, I looked at her. Her once bright green eyes were darkened with desire.

  “You like that, did you?”

  “Uh-hum...” she murmured.

  “You want me to make you feel good?”

  Leo nodded.

  When I urged her to turn, she didn’t hesitate. For a moment, the only noise that filled the room was the snick of the metal releasing and our heavy breaths.

  I paused, savoring the moment, before I slide the other shoulder free
and let the fabric slide down her frame to pool at her feet. It left her standing in front of me in only a pair of panties.

  Holy hell, if she turned right then, I would have abandoned the last thread of control I was clinging to.

  I traced my finger from the slope of her neck, down her spine, and over the dimple on the small of her back before tracing the line of black lace until my palm cupped her hip. There was a pleasure in seeing the way goose bumps bloomed in my wake and satisfaction in feeling the tremble that rolled through her.

  When I pressed my front to her back, she rested her head back against my shoulder and her lips parted to release a breathy moan. It wasn’t her lips I was looking at, though. No, the view I’d been getting glimpses of all night? The delicate swell of her breasts that had been teasing me? They were right there like an offering I couldn’t refuse.

  And when I slid my palms up her body and cupped them, pinching her nipples until I pulled another one of those moans from her, she arched against me, pressing her ass against my cock.

  “Oh my God, Ian, I want you.”

  “What are you waiting for?”

  I felt her hands, cold and lightly shivering and she slid them up and under my tuxedo shirt while I quickly went to work unbuttoning it. She kneaded my pecs as I let the shirt fall to the ground. Lowering my mouth to hers, I tasted the wine and vodka cranberry.

  “Don’t worry, you’re going to have me. Slide up on the bed some more.”

  I quickly slid off my socks, removed my tuxedo shirt, unbuckled my pants and let them fall.

  Leo flipped over then slid backward onto the bed. The sound of her breath, a gentle moan, had all the emotions in me rumbling. I was in boxer briefs as I moved to join her in the center of the bed, but she scooted back farther, giving me a look that was both sweet and temptress at the same time. Then her eyes went wide and—



  “Are you okay?” I ran to the other side of the bed and found her sitting on the floor, her head buried between her hands.


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