Dragon Born

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Dragon Born Page 2

by J N Moon

  Like that was supposed to make me happy?

  “You’re Wolf Born and...”

  “Oh... my... God! Anthony was right!” I shrieked. “If I hear that one more time! I may be Wolf Born or whatever but do you have the ability to throw light, flames from your hands? Well do you?”

  “You know we don’t, that’s not the point!”

  “Well neither is sending your thugs here and demanding that I do your bidding and live my life according to your archaic belief! Remember, my ancestor left his village because he was persecuted by the villagers. Looks like history really does have a habit of repeating itself, doesn’t it! Just get a life!”

  I stepped back before they could say anything and slammed the door.

  “I might move I think,” I groaned.

  “You shouldn’t do this on account of me, I’m afraid this is my fault. If I hadn’t kissed you...” Luke looked forlorn, eyes cast to the ground.

  “No, it’s not your fault. I would’ve kissed you anyway, eventually... we won’t get any peace here, God it pisses me off, the audacity!”

  “Still, I do want to be with you but watching this, what they’re doing, they won’t let up, ever. I feel I should go, this is only going to get worse...”

  “Do you want to go, honestly, because if you do now’s your chance...”

  He didn’t speak, we both knew the answer the day he showed me how to wield this gift. Though, I was obviously very out of practice, he’d talked me through the process of building energy. When we were alone in the woods and the peace I felt with him soothed to my soul. The bright light, the fire had balled out of my hand, spinning like an orb of flame, then Luke had gently put his hands on mine and together we had shared energy, power had thrummed through both of us. And he stirred me, his innocence of relationships, not that he hadn’t dated before, it was more that he didn’t always know how to act, I guess it was the same as me, nervous about opening up. Allowing another into your heart, the vulnerability.

  I did miss Conor, he was the one they wanted me to be with. But had I not met Luke, I’d probably be dead now. I had liked Conor a lot, and I didn’t see it when he became possessed, it was so subtle unlike Lou. After I was attacked by the Nuckelavee, Conor had shifted to werewolf and in a fit, had almost succeeded in ripping out my heart with his clawed hands.

  No way I’d ever forget that, possession or not. All relationships have their problems, literally trying to tear out someone’s heart, yeah, I’d say that was a deal breaker.

  The two men are very different. I say men, obviously Conor’s still wolf, but where Conor exceeds in confidence, Luke is more cautious and fairly awkward at social norms which I’d assumed at first, wrongly, was arrogance. Yet, I was probably one of the most defensive and critical people I knew, my history of relationships or dating was more like an episode of Criminal Minds than a rom-com.

  Now I breathed him in as we stood in each other’s arms, his scent, his being filling mine with a comfort I’d never known before, a peace as I felt his body against mine, my head nestled into his chest.

  “I have to go back to work soon, so I can’t run away, though I’d really like to,” I sighed.

  “Me too. I told Sabian I’d be back tomorrow, I’ve never been in this situation before, but I’ve heard...” He whispered. “Well, it will be good to get back to some normality, I’d feel better if I could stay with you, though.” He quickly added, “I know you’re strong, but a pack of them is stronger... how to do this?”

  “Thanks Luke, I appreciate it. I also have that let's spend every moment together thing but we can’t. We live too far away, and heck, we both have a life. I’ll be fine, anyway. Anything they do reflects on them. That said, I’ll blast them if they try anything and I’ll let you know.

  What happens next, who knows but you’ve got your life, I’ve got mine. It’ll have to be weekends. After all the time I’ve taken off, I haven’t got much holiday left...”

  His face was thoughtful, “Do you mind if I stay tonight? I can leave early tomorrow to get to Wells, it’s not that far.”

  I pulled a frown, a serious face, “Honestly, I don’t know why you just don’t fly.” I laughed. His reaction was priceless, my heart lifted, a big grin on my face which mirrored his. Most of his life he’d been an outcast, even to most shifters, they were cautious, wary of him, the dragon boy. Most didn’t even believe him, but here, in the intimacy that is us, we could joke about it as if it’s the most normal thing in the world and it is in our world. Hell, I wasn’t one to judge, I can turn into a wolf but I can also turn into a hideous, drooling werewolf. A dragon seems pretty tame to me.

  Our last evening together before we got back to normal life, and as the clock stole our last few remaining hours away as morning threatened. I was still meant to attend the reading of the will. I hadn’t had the heart or the resolve to do so, I’d asked Sabian to attend on my behalf and with Lauren they’d agreed.

  What I wanted was a normal life for two abnormal creatures, bliss...

  Taste of Sea.


  Returning to work, tension grabbed my body, having to live two lives, but maybe I wondered if were there other supernaturals working here? I couldn’t detect any, my colleagues were kind. My boss gave me an assignment which meant I could spend time in the field rather than in the tiny lab and office and I was grateful for this. Juggling the two existences is a mind mash and with the loss, especially hard.

  I was studying the demise of ancient British plants, and had to analyse and collect different species, making a note of their location, the amount I found and collect samples. So I was able to get out to the woodlands which was the main reason I’d studied ecology in the first place. Although the pay was meagre, I did have freedom to come and go and was surrounded by like-minded people. It was my uncle, Ethan, who had help instil a love of nature in me but I wasn’t heading to Wychwood forest where his home had been, but miles south to the New Forest.

  The drive down soothed my ragged nerves and parking up, I gathered my instruments and camera, phoned in and followed the trail on my phone app. Summer had arrived, and even early in the morning warmth and the sweet breeze was comforting.

  Vervain, belladonna and hemlock, a few of the herbs I was looking for, were nestled sparsely peeking out, but I spotted ragwort, which is invasive and poisonous to the wild ponies that live here.

  A few hours went by, stopping, I sat down and got out my water. In a while I’d go to the visitor’s centre and freshen up before heading back.

  Startled, the hair on the back of my neck stood up as salty air filled my nose, sweat prickled my skin as I heard my name by an unfamiliar voice, “Emma? Emma Blakesley, I presume?” He smirked, his lips turning up just at the edges, his eyes freakishly white, all white. My mouth hung open. What fresh hell is this? My heart sank into my belly.

  “I’ve been wanting to meet you, the one who killed my demon, and just a girl!” He tilted his head, eyeing me, his blue-black hair blowing around him, but there was no wind. It was as if he created it around him.

  Standing up, composing myself and moving my feet around in my boots, I had to be ready. I guessed this was exactly the time I would be taken off guard.

  Without me seeing him do so, he was in front of me. Instinctively I put up my hands pushing on his chest and that fiery light surged through me and into him.

  Smirking he groaned, then grabbed my hands, placed them by my side and pressed his lean, tall body into me whispering, “Yes, your power, give me more.” My face was hot as he whispered in my ear, almost pushing into me, his hair sweeping around us, just us standing on a cliff face. Below waves crashing at rocks on the shore line, faintly in the distance I heard the songs of sirens... Salty wind blew harsh around us, “I will take you, for no other will accept- truly accept you, they will hunt you to persecution. What will it be?” My eyes closed, my heart pounded fiercely as my body yearned for him, ached, his power, his evil beauty.

  Pulling me tigh
ter, he was aroused and then I opened my eyes, Teran! Luke!

  Gasping, I ran my hands on his legs, squeezing them, enticing him. As expected, he let go and then mustering with all that I had, I pushed him, the light catapulting him back several feet.

  Turning to run, he laughed “Where are you going? You think you can hide from me, Emma? I could kill you with a flick of my wrist.”

  Stumbling over I couldn’t move, anger shaking through me I shouted, “Why are you doing this! Why do you want to kill me?”

  “Why indeed Emma,” He laughed as he strode towards me, his strange white eyes glaring.

  “What are you? I thought you were a spirit?”

  His laughter bellowed through me, “A spirit, is that what your kind say? Try God, I am a God of the ocean.”

  “But you look like a man!”

  “I take any form I choose, no wonder you don’t fear me, you have no idea what I am or... what I’m capable of.”

  “But why my uncle, why me?” My angered fuelled my fear, tears rolled down my cheeks. So this was the thing that destroyed, killed my uncle.

  Standing only a hair's breadth away from me, his demon like eyes surveying my face, I spat, “So you upset me, because you have no emotion yourself? Because you feel nothing, is that it? Is that why you wanted my heart?”

  He cocked his head as if not understanding the question, “Oh, I do feel, I feel everything and as you’re the boldest creature I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet, I will tell you. I knew one of your kin, someone from your bloodline held the magic of light spinning, and now,” He stood back to survey his catch. “Now I see that I was right.” Putting his hand to his chest, he bowed slightly, “I offer my deepest apologies, had I known, I would have never sent the Nuckelavee to kill your uncle. And...”

  Sighing, he stepped forward, brushing the hair from my face. Flinching, I tensed, unable to move my hands, my arms, anything. He smirked, “And I don’t wish to kill you. Consider yourself lucky Emma, I could kill you in an instant, but I see that wouldn’t deter you. Hum, but maybe it would if I killed your mother? Or Luke perhaps, or I could kill your mother and cast a spell over Luke to fall in love with another? So many possibilities... I’ll let you think on it, but really you will obey in the end.”

  Again, he stepped forward, wrapped his arms tight around me. I was forced against his body and then I was on the ledge again, on a cliff top, wind howling around us, sea splattering my face, engulfed in him like a dark, passionate abyss. Yearning to give in, to lose myself in his magic, this macabre power, he bent his neck forward and kissed me. I didn’t reciprocate, “A bride by my side, with the Sea Mother gone, we will make a formidable team, you and I.” Laughing, he stepped back, blinking I stumbled forward and looked around, he was gone.

  Slumping down, my head piercing with pain, I could taste salt on my lips, in my mouth, the faintest scent of the sea around me.

  Shaking, I gathered my equipment, dropping my camera and my gear trying to get away too fast. Panting as doubt wrapped its claws around my throat, my stomach flipped. The salt was still there, and the thrill of that terrible power, his masculinity, his evil and as I stood, looking towards the footpath, one name shouted loudly in my mind, Luke. Dropping like a dip on a rollercoaster, my stomach, these sensations replaced quickly with guilt.

  How could I feel like that with the evil of that man, that thing, when I had Luke. Luke who had helped but yet... trying to steady myself, I walked slower than I wanted to back to my car. Chucking my stuff in the back seat, key in the ignition, I waited. Maybe I was incapable of keeping any good in my life, all along I'd blamed others but perhaps I was a magnet for evil. I desperately wanted to phone Luke, but I couldn't, I wouldn't bring him into this, or anyone else.

  If giving myself to Teran meant saving my friends, then I'd have to suck it up, but I couldn't tell them, could I? Otherwise they'd make it their business. I should've done that before, maybe if I'd given myself to the Nuckelavee, Ethan would still live.

  Turning to stone, my body was rigid, my mind resolute. I'd sort out my affairs and go to him. I knew deep down I had to, was drawn to him like the old myths of sailors bewitched by sirens, drawn in by their enchanted music only to meet swift deaths. Teran was willing me with every breath. I could taste him, still feel his cold body against mine. But my guy, my friends would live, and that's what mattered most.



  With shaking hands, back at the office I typed out my resignation, feeling nauseas that I was actually going through with this. It’s not that my last demon fight had actually been an act of bravery, but more out of anger, of fear and now I had to sever ties with my life as it was, gulping as I fought back the pain. But self-pity is a lousy ally when the safety of all those that you love is at stake, and cowardly I left the note on my bosses’ desk. I didn't need to give much notice and as I drove home the whole world looked sterile through my eyes.

  Even with the sun, it's gentle evening rays of amber and orange casting a net over the fields looked contrived. Getting out of my car, relief washed over me knowing I was alone. No Luke, I couldn't cope saying goodbye to him, I wasn't sure what I'd say. Yes, I did, I would lie and say I'm putting the wolves first, that I had to break this up. It would hurt him, but he'd be alive and he'd recover.

  I couldn't imagine the consequences, that made me gag, but Luke and his friends would assume I was in Wychwood, and they have no dealings with that community now and the Wychwood wolves and mum would assume I'm with Luke. By the time any of them realised it, I'd be long gone and they'd all believe I just left.

  I figured this out fast, packing some belongings, I looked around. No time to sort out my things here, just leave it. A cold chill ran down my spine knowing this was it. Then my phone rang, Luke.

  I didn’t answer it, I couldn't tell him I was leaving since he had a place in my heart. Once it had finally stopped ringing, I typed a text message to him that I had to put the wolves first, grabbed some water for my journey and then pressed send.

  Then I turned it off and left it on the coffee table. Locking up, I got back into the car, found my torch and went off to look for death.

  The beautiful summer evening turned into a torrent of rain, splashing down in thunderous drops turning everything dark beneath it. Fitting I thought, but the drive became relentless as my windscreen wipers thrashed crazily, unable to keep up with the amount of water pouring down.

  Taking much longer than earlier, I finally arrived back at the New Forest, shuddering. Parking up, I wondered what the hell I was doing, I longed to be home with Luke. Shit, we hadn't even slept together, but that was a good thing now, right? Not that I hadn't wanted to, but barely a week ago I’d killed the demon who’d slaughtered my uncle, and then I buried my uncle.

  Now I was here, pulling out my waterproof coat from the backseat, grabbing my torch and rucksack and looking for a God, when I wanted more than anything to be cuddled up with Luke.

  The rain got worse, smashing down on me as my boots squelched through the grass path into a clearing outside the woods, feeling self-conscious and confused, scared as hell, I shouted. "Teran! Teran I'm here,” You crazy son a of a bitch. Waiting, bracken stirred, branches snapped, I braced. Something was out there, frozen in fear of some other freaky supernatural beast, or worse, a psychopathic human, beads of sweat formed on my forehead. My head was encased in the massive waterproof jacket that was starting to get too warm. Holding my breath as I spied red eyes staring back at me, the night seemed to close in and then I let out a breath of relief. "Shuck? No, stay away! Go on," Although the sight of my protector filled me with comfort, the sudden realisation that he could be in danger had my moment of happiness crushed. Ignoring him I walked away, onto the path that led to the field beside the woods where I'd met Teran earlier.

  Again, I shouted, but nothing. Flipping wildly, my heart jumped as a dark shape circled above, black and ominous, this was it- he was here. Stopping, I looked straight ahead, I wou
ldn't show him fear. Waiting, I craned my head slightly to see but the sky was empty, he was playing a game perhaps? Why had my life got so stupid?

  "Emma, Emma what the hell are you doing here? We've been looking for you."

  Feeling my face grow hot fast, Luke strode towards me, half dressed, pulling on a jumper in the onslaught of rain.

  "What are you doing here? Didn't you get my message? You have to leave, you are all in great danger, go," My voice squeaked, high and wobbly.

  "Emma, that's not going to happen," Then his voice was deeper. "I knew that was bullshit, a bullshit text. A cry for help. I called Sabian immediately, he phoned Pete who hadn't heard from you. No, we're not leaving you. That is final."

  “How did you find me?”

  “Hum, you won’t like it. But your clan, your shifters, put a tracking device in your car,” And putting his hands up as if in defence. “We all have them, a precaution in case anything bad happens, which you see, happens a lot.”

  Before I could protest, push him away, he pulled me into his arms. Trying to pull back, he gripped tighter.

  As the tears streamed mixed with rain, that icy chill of fear bolted through me and I shuddered involuntary.

  "Thank you, Emma," That ethereal voice resonated around us.

  Only slightly lessening his grip, Luke turned and Teran stood before us. Milk-white eyes shone like torches, his silky-black hair flowing around him, tall and statuesque he grinned, arms outstretched.

  "You can't have her, you freak," Luke bellowed.

  In the distance, bipeds appeared from the tree line, huge shadow figures, one by one howling their preternatural cry.

  Teran laughed and strode forward easily, almost like a human. His voice quieter now, "She is something isn't she, her lips, her tongue made me shiver earlier. I see she is ready to come with me, her true husband?"

  Luke growled, but not fazed enough to loosen his grip.

  "Still, I'm sure she'll make a good bride for Conor, especially since you haven't bedded her yet. Conor will be no doubt happy about that," He laughed.


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