Dragon Born

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Dragon Born Page 9

by J N Moon

  In awe after he left, I got up, my legs slightly unsteady and found some clothes laid out for me on a chair. The majestic room echoed with hints of technology, hidden at first glance but as I walked to the window, I sensed an energy there, something powerful that kept the water out. Elsewhere it was quite bare except for an antiquated wooden chest of drawers and as my fingers brushed the wood, not knowing what type it was, there was a phone with instructions on the top, a brush and some soap. Looking around I saw another door and grabbing the soap went into the bathroom.

  The shower was a contraption I’d never seen, a shower head for sure but no controls, and hopefully not seawater but instructions were hung alongside.

  Get in, think of the temperature and shower.

  Feeling more alive than I had in days, I used the softest towels, towels of the Gods and got dressed, brushing my wavy wet hair.

  Tentatively, I opened the door and a man stood there, young, about seventeen with flaxen hair that reached his waist, golden eyebrows and lashes, he was dressed in jeans, t-shirt and barefooted. He looked distinctly different from the mermen, obviously he had no tail, but where they were dark, he was pale, light.

  Arching his eyebrows, a small smile, he turned without speaking and I followed him through this place.

  Large corridors with huge terracotta urns, decorated with ancient Greek pictures lined the corridor, alongside floor to ceiling mirrors that reflected the ocean outside, and plants. As we walked, the corridor turned left, the next corridor filled with rows of huge gleaming silver statues of Gods and Goddesses, almost touching the ceiling, maybe some thirty-feet and stood sentry as if watching, guarding the entrance. At the end, double doors, dark wood with silver and blue interlaced pictures of mermen, mermaids, dolphins, seahorses and an array of life.

  The doors opened before us, the boy stood to one side, walking in slowly I was glad to see only a handful of... immortals I guessed but to my surprise, Lucius.

  His mouth open in shock, I grinned and strode over to him, hugging him, his brows raised, he obviously wasn’t used to that.

  “I’m Triton, Emma. I’ll be travelling with you to rescue the dragon shifter,” looking from Lucius to me, but I had no clue who he was.

  “Oh, I thought Poseidon was coming?” I spluttered looking over as the colossal God listened attentively to two striking looking immortals.

  Glancing at Poseidon, Triton added, “Ah, dad... no, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Then dropping his voice, “Dad’s got a bit of a temper, he’d probably shatter the whole island. No, your little pagan God will be no match for me. Come, you’d better eat, when was the last time you ate?”

  A wave of adrenaline washed through me, we would soon free Luke, but the mention of eating made my stomach growl, and suddenly my head spun.

  “Ok, and let’s get you something now!” Lucius blurted and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

  He led me into an adjacent room, where I sat at a massive table, quickly joined by Triton, Poseidon and his immortals.

  Feast of fruit, breads, olives, sun dried tomatoes and Mediterranean foods were laid out alongside different fish and large silver jugs of wine over-flowed on the table, interlaced with golden plates that gleamed as bright as the sun.

  Chivalrously Triton grabbed my plate, offering me Greek cheeses, bruschetta’s, olives, fish, and I sat there just nodding to it all.

  After some minutes, my blood sugar recovering from the past freezing water, no food and shock, I looked around, Poseidon lifted his silver goblet to me and nodded, Triton turned to me and Lucius.

  “Once you’re ready, we’ll set off. I can get your friend out with my Tritons; my army and we’ll bring him back here.”

  “We’ve other friends though, some of whom were lost, Ava and Elijah they were taken by some beast, Conor was left in the caves...

  Triton lowered his brows, rolled his lips, a look of sympathy, “We know Emma. There is nothing, nothing at all that happens in the oceans that we, my dad doesn’t know about.” He sighed, “We shall look into it, right now,” he glanced away, tensing, “We’d had other problems.”

  I sat back, there was something terrible he wasn’t telling me, but my gut told me it was too painful for him to talk. I ate slower now, my mind worried at his silence.

  Lucius leaned in, whispering, “Many creatures are suffering, thousands. Mortals, their ways are affecting us all.” Then raising his voice slightly, “I don’t think this will go on for much longer, the Supernatural world grows restless.” And sitting back, he faced Poseidon who, no doubt hearing Lucius, and his whispers, nodded.

  Breathing in deeply, I too had felt a shift in the atmosphere, now being part wolf, my sense of the natural world had become heightened, and for some time, though I’d thought it had been to do with the overwhelming shock of everything I’d just been through, but it was like electricity in the air. A restlessness, like Gaia herself gearing up...

  “Emma, won’t you toast with us?

  Suddenly looking up, Poseidon stood there, his immortal friends, the male very tall, slender with a face like an effigy, white eyes and whiter straight hair that framed his face and pointed features, the woman, dark as obsidian with ruby- red eyes that matched her lips, as tall as the man, but smiling.

  “We drink a toast, to rebellion... and the regaining of the lost, and the merciless slaughter of those who oppose us!” Poseidon bellowed, his eyes wide, laughing.

  Lucius and Triton, the immortals now animated all shouted, “Rebellion,” this was obviously more than about rescuing Luke. I shouted, too, though I feared the consequences.

  Chugging down the rich, fruity red wine, Triton’s face was more relaxed, or maybe that was my impression with the wine. By my second goblet, warm inside and full of food, I laughed as Lucius filled my cup and now, I too felt like a rebel.

  Poseidon amused us with jokes, and tales of fighting, and in my slight blur, though wine never affects me now, he seemed to be telling of stories of sinking large fishing vessels as if it were yesterday.

  Noticing my slightly closed eyes, Triton smiled, “Wine of the Gods, a bit stronger than that mortal water. Come, now we’re ready, you’ve eaten, drank and have the strength to rescue your friend.”

  Standing up, my legs involuntarily pushing the chair back, the noise of its feet scraping loudly on the marble floor, everyone looked at me, “Son, give the woman some water. Ha, she’s not used to our drink!”

  I drank the water offered, not believing it could work so fast, but seeing Lucius wink at me, I nodded slowly. Now feeling myself again, I braced wondering how the hell these immortals were going to get me back to Orkney, and as soon as I thought that, I wished I hadn’t.

  Poseidon’s voice rumbled, “Emma, I see you look tense, ha you’re still wondering how you got here? Well, we’re taking you back another way, come see, don’t be shy.” He wrapped his colossal arm around my shoulder, guiding us out of the great hall and into another corridor with huge glittering silver statues reaching up high but this time all with one knee bent, holding a trident in their right hands.

  In between these windows the ocean, swimming freely fish of bright luminous colours, shapes and those starburst jelly fish, mermen and women swam like a marine city which I guessed it was. Atlantis then? From the corridor through a smaller door tucked away in an alcove led to a smaller passageway with no statues, no decorations at all, darker and narrower, almost squeezing to fit Poseidon in with his arm still around my shoulder.

  Finally, we came to court yard, and his voice quiet for him at least he whispered, “To make it easier for you, we will cast a spell so you don’t have the trouble of getting from here,” and he indicated up with his mighty hand, “To the surface. Now, I know you’d be alright being an immortal but I’m told it’s an unpleasant experience.”

  Nodding, “Thanks, yes,” was my reply. Probably not wise to tell the God of the oceans you’re freaked out by water.

  Triton took his father’s place, ta
king my hands smiling, he whispered, “Close your eyes. Once you open them, hold on!” He grinned mischievously.

  I felt my body swoop upwards, ice cold cut through me then, “Ok, you can open them now,” Triton laughed.

  Gasping, as I stood in front of him, tucked into his body as we were standing in a chariot on the water, two silvery- white horses before us reared up, Triton laughed, “I’m borrowing my dad’s chariot.”

  Laughing back as the wind of the ocean swept past us, excitement buzzing through me, he ushered, “Lean into me and hold on. Try to breath normally, well good luck with that but most of all Emma,” his voice raised as the horses were restless and splashing and the ocean waves, “Yes?” I yelled.

  Leaning into my ear “Have fun! Yah!” That was the only signal these water horses needed as they leapt forward, jolting the chariot slightly and we rode across the sea. Alongside us three more chariots rode, one keeping pace I saw Lucius grinning wildly, gritting his teeth.

  Hang on Luke, we’re coming!

  As we skimmed the ocean, pods of dolphins joined us, leaping through the waves, their smooth grey-blue bodies dancing up and diving down, looking to the others they talked or rather shouted greetings to the creatures, all had smiles on their faces. I was awed as whales, after spotting us, towered up out of the sea, soared up, then dived, playing. Their life, these marine immortals was so in tune with their environment, much more it seemed than us land immortals.

  As we neared Orkney, I had no idea which cave Luke was held in but bobbing their heads out of the water the Selkie, happy in my heart that they were safe.

  “Kai, thank you! I’m glad you’re well,” Triton called, visibly glad to see them.

  In their seal form, the Selkies called to which Kai answered, “No, I forbid it, go to safety,” and calling to one of his men, Triton continued, “Reef, go watch over our Selkie friends, keep them safe. Call if you need me.”

  His warrior nodded, turned his chariot and followed the Selkie away whilst we waited in silence for some time.

  I wanted to ask why we waited but the tension was tangible so I rolled my lips, rubbed my hands together, keeping them warm.

  At long last Triton spoke softly, he was holding a large shell with angled ridges sprouting off it, the oval shape twisting over itself, producing a point at one end, “Emma, cover your ears.”

  Nodding ,I did and watched as he held it to his lips and blew.

  The sound echoed through me, the ocean, the cliffs deep, penetrating right through me. Almost dizzy as the sound shook me, all around, sea birds fell silent. Even the waves seemed to still and we waited.

  Putting the shell in a leather sling on his shoulder, he took up the reigns and his horses needed no telling but gently trotted forward.

  I’d been watching these beasts, half horse half fish. They were fast, ferocious and vastly intelligent, horses of the Gods.

  As we neared the cave, standing on a ledge outside Teran, dressed in inky robes, which like his long black hair blew in the wind, grinning and those evil white eyes scanned us as we closed in, he laughed, calling, “Ah, the B team! Your father busy Triton?”

  “You should be glad my father isn’t here Teran, I doubt he’d reason as much as I!”

  “True that. Emma good to see you again. Well, all this for Luke Philips, pah well she,” he pointed his long finger at me, “Can be persuasive but personally after almost succumbing to her charms, I decided not to trust her.”

  Bellowing back Triton replied, “That was your second mistake, the first was taking Luke. What did you hope to achieve? Power from his blood? Initially yes, you’d get that but long term,” Triton sniggered. “Long term, well you’ll see the effects of that, and they won’t be what you think. You’re old, Teran and I know you’ve felt it, the presence of the ancient ones stirring in the deep. Emma tells me two of her friends have already been taken and Conor is somewhere within your caves. None of this is coincidence, now you have to decide whether to join with us and release Luke and allow us to get Conor, or you’ll be left fighting the demons from the deep on your own, and let me make this perfectly clear. If you refuse, we will not aid you, in any way. They have awakened, a battle is brewing, so choose carefully.”

  Sniggering Teran glanced away, “I already feel the power of the dragon pumping through my veins, so why should I listen to you? You think you can defeat this enemy? I don’t intend to hang around to find out.”

  Nodding slowly, Triton added, “Very well then, your decision is made. You believe you can run and hide on land, well don’t be so sure. Uprisings are stirring there, too, and for an old God, with no one to believe in you, your power is useless. The land immortals, the demons will break you in an instant. As for the blood, you underestimate dragon shifters. Depending on how much you’ve consumed, it’s already killing you. You see, their design is all about survival, their biology very unique from others. It makes you feel powerful in the first instance, that tells me it’s already too late for you, on a molecular level, it’s already breaking you down. So be it though, we all witnessed your choice, now we know how to act.”

  Without another word, Triton put the peak of the shell to his lips, Teran went to turn away, but the sound echoed, bellowed throughout the island, the caves rumbled, stones falling from their high walls, and before Teran could leave, fast like a whip, huge tentacles grabbed his legs, pulling him suddenly into the water. As he yelled with surprise, I watched as this wicked deity was pulled into the icy sea, I hoped to never see him again. Relief gushed through me, I had expected a fight, no idea what bigger monster had taken Teran, unless it was Poseidon’s daughter, Scylla again, but Triton’s words stuck in my head and my mind wondered about the Leviathan.

  But Luke and Conor needed help and with a soft command, Tritons horses ushered the chariots forward, fear gripped me wondering if Luke was still alive.

  “Lesos, go find Conor, you should be able to smell him, a werewolf I believe? I’ll meet you back here.”

  Lucius grinned, he was travelling with Lesos so they left a little apart from us, the cave over the sea broke into two, where Conor had swam with me whilst Triton and I moved along the cliff line a bit, then spotting a tiny ledge, he steadied his horses, leapt out and gave me his hand.

  “Emma, once we rescue Luke, there is still the matter with Kai,” he sighed. “Selkies are not to be trifled with, their word is gold and you now find yourself betrothed to him. You cannot refuse that, though meaning nothing to you would outcast him to all of his kin, and species. I do not at this moment know a way that you can refuse, if he is outcast, as a seal he will throw himself off the cliffs, their ways are their own. But please keep this in mind, it is something my father and I have discussed.

  Frowning hard, I couldn’t believe it, and, “How do you know so much about me, about everything?”

  A small chuckle, “We have seer’s, don’t you?”

  “No, I guess we don’t.”

  Standing dead still for a second, Triton raised his head, sniffing, “He’s this way, a dragon’s scent is unmistakable- ha, though I have never met one. Earthy, fiery, that’s the scent I’m picking up,” Then gesturing with his arm, we strode quickly inside the cave.

  Triton knew exactly where to find Luke, so I followed him deep inside the cave. From the bag on his shoulder he pulled out a torch, winding our way through I remembered where I’d been the tiny gap through the ledge where my bag was.

  “I need to skirt through here and grab my stuff.”

  Narrowing his eyes, “Ok, be quick. I’ve sent a creature, the Charybdis to keep Teran occupied for a while but even that won’t hold him long, he’s a slippery bastard.”

  Squeezing between the ledge, I shuffled through, the rock face chafing at my skin. Last time I’d been wearing a thick wetsuit, now I seemed to wedge a bit more. On the other side, looking around I saw my bag where I’d dropped it, letting out a sigh of relief as I gathered it quickly, I spun around to see the outline, a diaphanous form in fron
t of me.

  Galloping at speed at this new... thing, my heart and breathing sped up, looking out the tiny ledge where I’d crawled through, though cool from the constant wind even in this cave, cold sweat broke over the back of my neck.

  As big as a man, but transparent it looked wiry, gnarly outline and a faint murmuring reverberated from it, cocking its head as it as it crept closer, shivers ran through me, holding my breath I waited until it was close.

  A chill of malevolence washed through me. As it reached me, I bolted for the ledge but before I could duck down, it was before me, passing through me, a wet cloud of supernatural evil, leaving its essence of malice over me. Perhaps the tortured soul of one of Teran’s victims...

  Wheezing, I struggled to breathe, turning around it had disappeared as fast as it had arrived. I sat down next to the gap in the ledge which I had to crawl through, my back to the floor and shuffled along, though now I had no energy, no breath to do anything except sit.

  “Emma, come back!” Triton called. My head lolled, sleep came heavy and nothing else filled my mind except that. Sleep, shallow breaths. Slowly looking to where I had come from, I couldn't imagine how I’d get through that, but then I remembered why I was here. Hazy, like I’d been drugged, a cloudy memory of Luke, Triton called again, struggling I laid down on my back, grabbing my bag and shuffled again slowly under the ledge.

  Just a few minutes, half-way through ceasing with terror, vivid pictures of being stuck here in this gap until my last breath, unable to move, I felt a large hand from the other side grab my jeans leg and jacket arm, pulling me carefully.

  Rocks scraping me, wrinkling up my eyes as I was hauled out, Triton whispered, “What the hell happened through there?”

  I sat there shaking not wanting to speak, but Luke... Putting my head in my hands, I tensed my stomach, my muscles. Then looking up, I could see Triton talking but I couldn’t hear him, a surge of heat building in me, from my feet up through my legs, my body, holding my hands out as the light, the fire started to flicker, flame. Energy coursed through me, “Come on, let’s get Luke. I don’t know what that was back there, a ghost, some trick of Teran’s no doubt,” I sighed. “What I do know is I need to up my game, to be on my guard. I’m sick of being tossed around like a toy.”


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