The Raven God's Gift: A Holiday Romance (Vale Valley Season Four Book 3)

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The Raven God's Gift: A Holiday Romance (Vale Valley Season Four Book 3) Page 4

by EE Silver

  And it was odd; an hour ago, the baby was little more than an abstract concept, the source of his illness and part of a nebulous future where he got the happy ending that had been so long delayed. But now, with Morgan muttering about measurements and margins of error, Hunter realized that he wanted this baby with a fierceness he’d never experienced before.

  “It’s just not possible,” Morgan said, tugging on his hair.

  “For Dad’s sake, spit it out,” Hunter said, unable to stand the wait for another second.

  Morgan heaved a big breath. “I don’t know why, or how,” he said, then stopped. “Well, actually, I’d be willing to bet the why has to do with your little reunion a few minutes ago.”


  “Fine, fine.” Morgan turned the monitor back around, this time displaying a split screen with what looked like two copies of the same image. “The one on the left is the scan I took earlier,” he said. “And the one on the right is from a few minutes ago.”

  “They look the same,” Hunter said, frowning.

  “Except they aren’t,” Morgan said. He pointed to the picture on the right. “This one is marginally bigger than the one from earlier.”

  Hunter blinked at the screen. “I don’t get it.”

  “Your baby is growing, asshole.” Morgan stabbed at the keyboard and the printer sprang to life. “Do you want to know the gender? Because I couldn’t tell before, but now I think I can make a good guess.”

  “Growing? But that’s not possible,” Hunter said, sure he looked like an idiot with how he was gaping at the fuzzy images. “You know it’s not possible.”

  “Correction, it wasn’t possible,” Morgan said. “You were holding off on the pregnancy until you found your baby daddy again. What did you think would happen when you did?”

  That made a disturbing amount of sense. “Fuck.”

  “Might want to start fixing that potty mouth, Papa,” Morgan said, looking happy now that Hunter had finally caught up. “Because judging by how fast junior here is growing, I’d say you’ll be lucky to make it to January before giving birth.”

  “But that’s a month and a half away,” Hunter sputtered. “We’re supposed to carry for five months!”

  “And you’ve been resisting that timeline for five years.” Morgan tossed the tissue box at Hunter, who cleaned up in a daze. Hunter couldn’t help wonder if his belly looked softer and rounder than it had before. “Did you honestly think there wouldn’t be a price to pay for your insanity?”

  Hunter would be damned if he admitted that was exactly what had he’d thought. “What do I do?”

  “Buy some paternity clothes, set up a baby registry?”

  “That’s not very helpful, asshole.”

  Morgan sighed. “Are you asking me about your options?” he asked, going serious again. “Because at the rate this little peanut is growing, you’re going to be out of them in a matter of days.”

  “What? No!” Hunter curled protective arms around his stomach. “No. I’m scared shitless, but I won’t do that. I only meant, what do I do now that I found Trey and I have, what, a few weeks to convince him we’re meant to be together?” He swallowed. “I don’t want to have to do this on my own.”

  Morgan grabbed Hunter’s should, squeezing him comfortingly. “No matter what, you have to know Rowan and I won’t let that happen,” he said. “But let’s work at getting you your Plan A, first.”

  He got up and stuck his head out into the waiting area, where Hunter abruptly realized were at least two very pregnant omegas and their mates who must have figured out Hunter was also knocked up. At first, Hunter wanted to be embarrassed. He hated the very idea of a group of strangers (and Scott) knowing something so personal. But more than anything, Hunter was relieved to have people to share his hope and fear with, because if anyone would understand, it would be Morgan’s patients. Before Hunter could examine that further, Morgan came back with Scott.

  “Long story short,” Morgan said, “Hunter here needs your friend Trey’s home address. Cough it up, would you?”

  “Your bedside manner is amazing,” Scott drawled.

  “You’re not my patient,” Morgan said. “But Hunter is, and he’s got something pretty damn time sensitive to talk to Trey about, so can we cut to the part where you threaten to do you damndest to kill Hunter if he breaks Trey’s heart again and we can all go about our days?”

  Hunter scrubbed his hands over his face. Dad save him from overbearing family members. He might have muttered something to that effect, too, if Morgan and Scott’s reactions were anything to go by.

  Scott laughed and shook his head. “That takes all the fun out of it when you put it that way.” He sobered. “You’re going to have a hell of a time convincing that alpha werewolf to accept someone else’s pup, Hunter.”

  Hunter cocked an eyebrow and decided then and there it wasn’t Scott’s business whose baby it was. Definitely not when he hadn’t had a chance to tell the only person whose opinion mattered. “How about you let me and Trey worry about any theoretical babies on our own, once you give me that address?”

  “Theoretical babies, huh?”

  “Probably best if you only concern yourself with your own,” Hunter said, resisting the urge to kick his friend. “Besides, I hear you’re going to have your hands full soon enough.”

  Scott huffed. “Fine. But tread lightly with him, would you? I’m pretty sure you can guess he’s been through a lot since you two last saw each other.”

  “Worried I’ll undo all your hard work, Doc?”

  “Something like that,” Scott said.

  Hunter softened. “All I want is to be with him,” he said. “I’ve looked for him for five years, but if he honestly wants me gone, I’ll…” He trailed off. He had no idea what he’d do beyond try to give Trey what he wanted.

  “I don’t think that’s going to be an issue,” Scott said, taking pity on him. “Just don’t make me regret this, okay?”

  “I’ll try.”

  Scott shook his head. “I guess that’ll have to be good enough.”

  Chapter Six


  Hunter was in Vale Valley.

  Trey paced the length of his living room and back again, sweeping his cane ahead of him so he didn’t have to worry about losing count in his agitation. Hunter. Here.


  Of all the people in the world he could have run into, why did it have to be the one he both wanted to see and avoid in equal measure? He hadn’t been kidding when he’d told Scott he didn’t want to date anyone from his life before. Not when he was doing a good enough on his own comparing himself to the man he’d been before. And, gods, the pity had been so damn clear in Hunter’s voice when he’s asked what had happened, like he’d had any right to Trey’s story after their one night together.

  Daisy whined softly from her spot off to the side, safely out of the way but still keeping watch over him. It was enough to break Trey’s spiraling thoughts and drag him into the here and now, and he offered what he hoped was a reassuring look.

  “I’m okay, Daze,” he said holding out a hand. She whuffed and nosed at his fingers, headbutting him into position to give her a proper scratch behind the ears. For a few long moments, Trey let himself think about nothing but the way the short hairs on the top of her head rubbed against the pads of his fingers, like the bristles of a soft brush. Other parts of Daisy were much shaggier and softer, and shed a hell of a lot in the spring according to his house keeper, but petting her had always been one of the best ways to calm his racing thoughts.

  But it still wasn’t enough to keep Trey from thinking about that last evening in San Francisco, less than 24 hours before he’d gone wheels up with the team and into the mission where everything had changed. He’d been so sure Hunter was his mate, that the night before had only been the first time in the lifetime of happiness he’d always wondered if a sailor like him would ever have a chance at.

  He’d shown up early for their dat
e, staking out a spot at the bar perfectly situated to keep an eye on the door. He didn’t want to miss a single second when he could be looking at Hunter, drowning in those blue eyes of his.

  Only Hunter hadn’t showed. Trey had waited two hours before even he couldn’t ignore the stink eye the bartender was throwing his way for taking up two seats for the price of a couple sodas, and then he still hung out outside the bar for another hour beyond that, only to eventually have to admit defeat and slink home, tail between his legs. He’d been so sure about Hunter, and couldn’t stop wondering what had happened, thinking up ways he could track down the mad he was meant to be with.

  And then everything changed in a burst of fire and bullets.

  As if sensing the dark turn of his thoughts, Daisy made a small noise of concern and pressed against Trey’s legs, grounding him once more. Trey sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to do the breathing exercises Scott had taught him ages ago. Now wasn’t the time to get lost in what had happened, no matter how tempting it was.

  “You have a visitor at the front door.”

  “Is it Scott?” He wouldn’t put it past the vampire to have followed him after all. Quintus might kill him for it, though. Once he could run fast enough to catch Scott, that was.

  “No. I am unfamiliar with this individual’s biometrics.”

  Trey tensed. He knew exactly who it was. A few careful seeps with his cane and he was able to orient himself in the room enough to make his way to the front door and open it.

  Hunter smelled better than Trey remembered. Trey wanted to kick himself for even thinking it, but it was true. He sighed. “What do you want, Hunter?” he asked, and turned his back, tapping his way to the couch. They’d only known each other for the space of a single evening, but Trey knew there was no hope in getting Hunter to leave before he was good and ready.

  “We have a lot to talk about,” Hunter said, and gods. His voice sounded exactly the same. For a moment, Trey wanted to throw his first temper tantrum in more than a year over the utter unfairness in all the things he’d never see again, currently topped by a very certain set of blue eyes that had once reminded him of the Mediterranean Ocean on a summer day.

  “Have a seat,” Trey said, doing his best to sound like he didn’t care one way or the other if Hunter got comfortable. “Have your say. And then you’ll have to leave, because I have work to do this afternoon.”

  “I didn’t want to stand you up,” Hunter said. The couch shifted as Hunter sat on the other end, almost close enough to touch. “But I got called out of town on a family matter and I didn’t really have much choice in it. And I didn’t have your number, if you’ll recall.”

  “I can see that,” Trey finally said, unable to keep the wry grin off his face at his own word choice. “But I think we both have the benefit of time behind us now to be able to say that it was probably just the rush of hormones anyway. I’m sure you’ve been living your life, even while I’ve been doing the same.” He gestured at the house, hoping Hunter would assume it meant Trey had mated. All Trey wanted was to bury his nose in Hunter’s neck, to run his tongue over Hunter’s pulse, and to bite and ark him as claimed. It was not helpful at all.

  “I’ve tried,” Hunter said, and Trey felt the cushions shift as he slid closer. “But there hasn’t been a day in the past five years where you’re not one of the first things I think of.”

  Trey scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous. We barely know each other.”

  “You and I both know it’s more than that,” Hunter said. His fingers covered Trey’s, and when Trey didn’t pull away, Hunter linked their hands together. “We’re meant to be mates. Why wouldn’t I have looked for you, when I missed you every day?”

  It was only sheer force of will that kept Trey from tugging Hunter into his arms and kissing him stupid for saying that. A guy had to have some pride, even if he couldn’t match his clothes without help any more. He couldn’t help clutching tighter to Hunter’s hand, though.

  “There’s so much we have to catch up on,” Hunter said. Trey must have frowned at that, because Hunter rushed on. “Both of us. Not the least of which is what we’ve both been up to. What we’re both doing here in Vale Valley.” He paused, and shifted closer, their thighs pressed together. “And if maybe you might be interested in picking up where we left off, because I am.”

  “That so?” Trey couldn’t help the disbelief in his voice. “I’m hardly the big strong alpha you first met. Who’s to say if we had met now if we’d even have the same, ah, connection?”

  Hunter chuckled and squeezed Trey’s thigh with his free hand. “You look plenty strong to me,” he said. “But if you still have doubts, we could always test your theory.”

  Trey’s mouth went dry and his mind went blank. “What?”

  Warm breath ghosted over Trey’s neck, making him shiver in delicious anticipation. “Don’t you want to find out if you’d still knot my ass? For scientific purposes, of course.”

  “Fuck.” Trey could barely gasp the word, but somehow he was still able to find Hunter’s mouth unerringly. He sucked on Hunter’s lower lip briefly before tilting his head and sliding his tongue against Hunter’s. Hunter tasted better than Trey remembered, chasing away the messy knot of hope and fear their chemistry wouldn’t be there anymore. But just like Hunter’s taste, it was stronger, better than ever, and the way Hunter moaned into Trey’s kiss made it pretty clear he wasn’t disappointed either.

  Hunter cupped the back of Trey’s head in one large hand, holding him close like he didn’t trust Trey not to disappear again. Not that Rey would have gone anywhere, but it was strangely settling to feel the trembling press of calloused fingers against his scalp, and Trey sighed, leaning into the pressure.

  “I missed you,” he whispered when they parted for air. “Why did I miss you so much?”

  “Because we’re meant to be,” Hunter whispered back. “Obviously.”

  “I didn’t take you for a romantic.” They were still sitting on the couch, still holding hands.

  “You can take me however you want,” Hunter said, feathering kisses along Trey’s jaw. “So long as you take me. And soon.”

  Trey laughed softly, but tilted his head to give Hunter all the room he could want. “We’ve barely started necking and you’ve already rounded the bases. Feeling eager?”

  “Yes.” Hunter finally let go of Trey’s hand to push up his shirt, going for the flat expanse of Trey’s stomach. “I haven’t had sex in over 5 years, I think I’m allowed a little eagerness.”

  “Five years, huh?” Somehow, Trey managed to keep his voice casual. He remembered with stunning clarity every second of the last time he’d had sex, and it was with the man currently melting his brain with mouth and hands.

  “Mmhmm,” Hunter said, still kissing his neck, fingers teasing with the waist of Trey’s jeans. “And it was in the back of a limo, so I’m looking forward to trying it out on a bed. Or at least a couch with more headroom for the both of us.”

  “You waited?” Trey clutched at Hunter’s shoulders, absently noting the other man was wiry, much more slender than the last time they’d been like this. “I find it hard to believe you didn’t have offers in all that time. Even I had a few people offer pity fucks now and then.”

  “Of course I did.” Hunter pressed their cheeks together and inhaled deeply, like he was as drunk on Trey’s scent as Trey was on his. “At the risk of moving too fast, no one else was you. I didn’t see the point in it otherwise.”

  How could Trey have resisted that? He sighed and ducked his head, kissing the pounding pulse in Hunter’s neck. “I know exactly what you mean,” he said. “I’ll do what I can not to let you down.”

  Hunter hummed softly. “I don’t think that’s going to be a problem,” he said, thumbing open the button at the top of Trey’s jeans. The release in physical pressure only served to ramp up the sexual tension inside, though. “Please, Trey. Take me to bed.”

  “Bedroom is upstairs,” Tre
y said, and stood on shaking legs. It was probably insane to jump into this without a calm and rational discussion about what a relationship would mean, or if they were even going to try to have a relationship. But every fiber of Trey’s body was vibrating with the need to have Hunter again. And if Trey was being honest, the idea that Hunter had waited for him all this time went a long way toward easing the snarling alpha instincts that wanted to bite and claim and keep. Instincts he hadn’t thought he had any more, but Hunter brought out without trying. He held out his hand, letting out a silent breath of relief when Hug took it. “This way.”

  They went upstairs, Hunter following Trey without comment when Try guided himself by touch, fingers tracing the chair rail to follow the hall to the end, where his room waited. Daisy whined but stayed outside when he gave the command, leaving Trey alone with Hunter.

  “Still want to do this?” Trey asked the room, not sure where Hunter was exactly, even if the prickling on the back of his neck told him Hunter was watching him intently.

  “Very much so,” Hunter said from beside him. “Can I kiss you again?”

  Trey grinned and tugged his shirt off, tossing it in the general direction of where his hamper should be. “You’d better,” he said, turning to Hunter and pulling him close.

  When his hands slid over Hunter’s skin, his shirt gone too, Trey couldn’t help groaning. Their bare chests pressed together and Trey was instantly, painfully hard before Hunter even slid his tongue into Trey’s mouth for the promised kiss. Hunter had him lit up like a Christmas tree, just like last time, and Trey hoped like hell that Hunter still liked it rough, because there was no way in hell he was going to have the patience for slow and sweet. Not this time, at any rate.

  Fumbling, Trey managed to open Hunter’s jeans and slide a hand under the snug denim to cup his equally hard cock through soft cotton underwear. Hunter bucked hard into the pressure, clutching at Trey’s shoulders briefly before reaching down to return the favor.

  “Don’t tease,” Hunter groaned, his voice so desperate it made Trey want to growl in satisfaction. “Please, Trey. Please.”


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