The Question Is

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The Question Is Page 19

by Kenna Shaw Reed

  This time, Sienna pushed her away before getting up and pacing around the room.

  “Sia, please.”

  Three complete laps around the room before Sienna stopped and glared at her. “You tell me you love me, you tell me you want us to get married and live happily ever after. Is that what you really want?”

  Until recently, yes it was, but she needed to appear sincere.

  “Yes, of course it’s what I want. Don’t you want the same thing?” Please, she would give anything to have their normal fight over marriage and babies. Anything other than talking about Seth.

  “What if I did? What if I said that we could get married any place and any day. Would you still want to?” Sienna held the curtains back, looking outside. Still unable to face her.

  “Are you proposing to me? Does that mean you’ve changed your mind? What about children?” Grace came behind her, gently placing her hands on her shoulders. “You know I love you.”

  “That brings me back to where this all began.”

  Sienna turned, her normally gentle face now contorted with rage, “In this future of yours with children – who would be the father? When these little boys and girls come running through our kitchen – will they be tiny little replicas of Seth?”

  “Babe, stop it. I’ve wanted children since I was in primary school.” Grace’s voice raised with the urgency of her plea. “I’ve never hidden my feelings about that and I haven’t hidden that I want to get married and shout to the world how much I love you.”

  “Answer the question. How do you feel about Seth?” Sienna screamed at her.

  “This isn’t about Seth – this is about us and the same fight we’ve been having for ages. Have you changed your mind – do you want to get married?”


  “Sienna, please – do you want to marry me?”

  “Do you know what I’ve been doing today?” She threw up her hands, anger giving way again to her pain.

  “All day instead of working, I’ve been going through social media. Photos after photos from the reunion. You are a very photogenic couple. Even off into the background and doing your own thing – you were once a couple and then bam. One night and the two of you back together.”

  Too late for lies or half-truths. Sienna deserved better. Grace couldn’t lie, all she could do was soften the pain of the truth.

  At first, Sienna tried to push her away, but Grace’s arms were stronger and her need to love this woman was stronger than Sienna’s resolve.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so very sorry.”

  “Why, oh, why,” Sienna sobbed. At least she allowed Grace to hold her as they both sobbed at the loss of their innocence. Never before had their relationship been truly challenged.

  Grace didn’t know if or how it would survive.

  Go to Part 3: The answer is …

  Lying eyes


  What did the words, “I love you” mean anymore? Sienna sat alone in the darkened unit. No point in turning the lights on and see the evidence of another broken promise.

  Dangerous thoughts milled around in her head as she replayed every “I love you,” Grace ever said to her. It used to mean forever but now, Sienna wasn’t so sure. Did it mean that Grace was still forsaking all others – did it mean that when she thought about the future it only had the two of them?

  With Grace home, the unit was full if life and laughter and seemed colorful. Without her, it was sterile and lonely.

  She thought Grace would be home early, as eager to see her after their week apart. Dinner had been ready for hours – three hours to be precise. Now the ruined rice stuck to the bottom of the pot and the vegetables wilted beyond recognition. What part of Grace’s attitude towards their relationship made her think that tonight would be different. That she could trust Grace to come home when she said she would. She should have prepared everything ready to cook if and when Grace walked in the door.

  Should have, could have, would have, she mused. It didn’t make any difference. She trusted Grace to be true to her word – if Grace couldn’t be trusted to come home what else had she betrayed Sienna over.

  Sienna wanted to crush the photo in her hand. Only, there were many others like it, once she cared to look.

  The stupid photo. One of Grace’s friends posted the snap from the night of the reunion – in the background of friends all Sienna saw was Grace and Seth standing together, their bodies touching in the way of lovers, heads slightly bowed towards each other as if they shared a secret from the world. Oblivious to anyone else in the room. His arm disappeared around her, her smile lighting up in the glow of his adoration. To anyone looking, they were a couple in love enjoying an evening with friends.

  One photo led to Sienna spending the last few hours finding other photos from the night. Not one photo of Grace without Seth by her side. Now, all the questions Sienna had tried to ignore plagued her. Questions from that night and all the days since. Phone calls that taken in the other room, Seth’s visit to discuss a new proposal for his company and now this latest “emergency”.

  By the third glass of wine Sienna was on a demoralizing, downward spiral of emotions as she stalked all of Grace’s friends’ photos from that night. All the comments were about how great it was “to see the two of you again.” Not once mentioning Grace’s girlfriend.

  Sienna wanted Grace to come home. She wanted to ask the questions even if she was terrified of the answer.


  All the promises of an early night went out the window as soon as she arrived in the office.

  A new client was always a reason to celebrate, but to develop a client to the point they could take over another company so quickly – Grace returned a hero among the other junior associates. It didn’t matter that the reason for the takeover was to save the company itself, she thought outside the box and it worked for her.

  Mr Dimkin sent her flowers, “Congratulations, looking forward to lunch.”

  Derek Casbar rang, “Everything sorted?”

  “Yes, Mr Casbar.”

  “Call me Derek, please. You have to admit we worked well together.”

  “I couldn’t have pulled this off without you.”

  “Well, I still have some other tricks up my sleeve. Have you thought about my offer?”

  “I have a job.”

  “Yes, but I’m offering you an opportunity. Look, I don’t want to pressure you. I’m sending you a gift, we’ll catch up then.”

  Within half an hour, she opened the envelope. Tickets to a corporate box at the football. Sienna would hate it. Seth would love it. She hadn’t been to the football since, well since she started dating Sienna.

  “Thx 4 the seats,” she replied to Derek, “Can’t wait.”

  Celebrations over, she opened her inbox to a flood of emails most of which she hadn’t been able to respond to remotely. Proposals to prioritize and reports to proof-read before reporting season.

  She rang Sienna around four, thinking one more email and she could leave. Before she knew it, the sun had long gone, and her watch said it was past nine. Exhausted, she left her colleagues.

  “Working half days, Grace?” one called.

  “Need to get home before my girlfriend forgets what I look like.”

  “Reporting season comes but once a year.”

  “See you tomorrow,” she laughed, thinking if she didn’t put in some quality time at home, so would she.

  Time to go home to Sienna. They had never been apart for so long and despite her confused emotions about Seth, the love she had for Sienna was as strong as ever and it was Sienna she couldn’t wait to go home to.

  Time and space, that’s what she needed to sort out where she and Seth stood with each other. He made those grand declarations of love, but how could she trust words said in the heat of the moment. There was no way for her to be sure they weren’t only a reaction to their passionate reunion but how he truly felt.

  In desperation, at a set of traffic lights
on the way home, she rang the only friend who could possibly understand.

  “He loves you,” Jo reassured her, “But if you break his heart again, I don’t think Joe will let me ever forgive you.”

  “It’s not easy to walk away from a perfect relationship.”

  “To be brutally honest with you,” Jo paused, and Grace knew what she was about to say before the words were uttered. Seth said the same thing. “If you and Sienna were so damned perfect, you wouldn’t have given Seth a second look when you walked into the hall. You would never have left Sienna’s side and you would have insisted she join us and get to know us. You would have forced us to see you two as a couple. Instead, you and Seth went back to the way you always were.”

  “I love Sienna.”

  “Then stop acting like a horny bitch in heat around a guy that loves you. It’s not fair to him and bloody dishonest to your girlfriend.”

  “Ouch,” Grace couldn’t deny the truth.

  “Honey, we’ve been friends forever, but someone has to call you out. I love you, will always be here for you but you need to sort out your shit before everyone gets hurt.”

  “Thanks,” Grace tried to say before the line went dead.

  What happened to the woman who loved another woman – who joked that no man had what they needed.

  Now, what was she? Gay or straight?

  Perhaps, Jo called it. She was nothing more than a cheating bitch who lead on a good man before breaking his heart, again.


  Beautiful, sweet, sexy, Sienna with the softest lips and purest heart.

  Grace put her foot down, flooring her car, weaving in and out of traffic to get home. She wanted Sienna, and she wanted her now. Hopefully, it wasn’t too late for both of them.

  No sound from inside as she unlocked the front door to the unit, eager to wash away the guilt with one kiss.

  Instead, the unit was in silent darkness and it took a moment for her eyes to adjust. Pots on the stove, place setting waiting for her to come home. Finally, she saw Sienna curled up on the sofa, stirring as Grace threw her bags down on the floor.

  “Babe, oh, I’ve missed you,” Grace lay on top of Sienna in a full body embrace, her lips searching for the ones she missed, and her hands already wanting to find their soft targets.


  What started out as one glass of wine to dull her pain while she waited for Grace to come home ended up with her falling asleep on the lounge with the empty bottle at her side. Dreams became nightmares as she imagined the woman she loved being with another. Angry at herself for being such a fool to think they could ever have a “happily ever after”, angry at Seth for putting a handsome face to Grace’s memories.

  Desperately angry at Grace for not … How could she be angry at Grace for being in photos taken by other people. No, her anger towards Grace could easily evaporate if Grace looked her in the eye and assured her nothing happened, nothing between them changed and the photos lied.

  The door opening, sudden light and Grace’s voice startled her and before she could react, the woman of her dreams lay on top of her, hands cupping her face, mouth finding hers. She opened herself to the deep, penetrating kiss, as if they were newly found lovers.

  No! Her head screamed, she needed answers first!

  Instead, her body betrayed her heart, wanting to take this woman back no matter what.

  Her hands found the bottom of Grace’s dress and pulled it up, hiding the face and exposing the black lace bra. Her teeth pulled at Grace’s bra until instead of the lace, a pink nipple lay exposed, needing to be nibbled.

  From one nipple to the other, Sienna gave each one equal attention. In return, she felt Grace’s hands pulling down her track suit pants until one hand dived beneath her legs. She spread them slightly, allowing the finger tips to start the dance.

  “Oh, I’ve missed you,” Grace stopped only to rip off her dress, allowing Sienna full access to her body. Sienna cupped the breast, squeezing it until she fit it whole into her mouth, swallowing it while her tongue still played with the hard tip.

  As she moved her outside leg ever so slightly to give Grace better access, they rolled off the lounge in the most indelicate fashion.

  Sienna didn’t care, she tried to roll on top of Grace but settled for side by side on the floor, legs wrapped around locking their bodies together.

  Fingernails scratched at her back, bringing all her senses alive. She pried open the beautiful legs until her fingers found their home. One hand behind, tickling Graces anus while the other hand plunged fingers inside and the thumb found the small bud.

  Grace’s open, moist lips, agonizingly close and begging to be kissed again. Every time Sienna plunged her fingers deeper, she watched Grace let out a small sigh as her eyes closed ever so slightly.

  “More, give me more,” Grace cried trying to reach her lips. “Now, damn it, more.”

  “Relax, baby, let it go,” slowing down the frenzy Grace craved, Sienna wanted to build the anticipation. “You like that?” as she rotated her fingers and felt Grace tighten around her in reply.

  “You had your chance,” Grace took all decision away from her, as Sienna flicked the bud ever so softly and then rubbed it harder. Grace grabbed Sienna’s hair and pulled her until their lips met in the most passionate and hungry of kisses. Lips bruised, tongue invading, the kiss literally took Sienna’s breath away as she felt Grace shudder to the most satisfying of climax before rolling onto her back.

  “Fuck, I love you,” Grace stretched out, her tanned long body almost wearing the black lace bra and panties, breaking Sienna’s heart. She loved her more.

  Sienna straightened her clothes as she went into the kitchen. Coffee. She needed coffee and a clear head. And the courage to ignore whatever might have happened between Grace and Seth and enjoy what Grace came home to in the here and now.


  When Grace saw the crumpled photo under the couch, she thought Sienna would open Pandora’s box and ask her questions that she either didn’t want to answer, or didn’t know the answers to, yet.

  She ignored the photo and picked up her dress from where it landed on the lampshade. Tonight, she didn’t want to get dressed again. Throwing the dress in the laundry hamper, she straightened her panties and bra and hoped Sienna would want to remove them again.

  Horny bitch, Jo rightly called her. Whether with Seth or Sienna, she couldn’t get enough sex! One touch of her breasts and her body exploded, needing to be filled. A kiss and her panties wanted to rip themselves from her body. She didn’t want the flowers and romance, more the slam her against the wall and drive her home, physical, all-encompassing, fuck-until-you-drop sex.

  For the first time, she imagined having both Seth and Sienna together. Seth and his hands – larger, tanner, stronger – what would it be like to have his hands and Sienna’s soft female hands on her at the same time? Each of them with such diverse ways of touching her, unique needs of their own that she loved to fulfil.

  Sienna could lie back while Grace played with her soft breasts, her hands between her legs, while Seth took her from behind. Filling her, pumping her with his cock. The three of them in one bed, Grace loved by and allowed to love two people. Bliss, orgasmic bliss.

  Crazy thoughts. There was no way she would even suggest such a thing. Even if she did, she would be more worried about spending equal time with each of them that she would drive herself insane rather than lie back and enjoy.

  “That was some ‘welcome home’,” she hugged Sienna from behind, her fingertips walking around her girlfriend’s abs.

  Beautiful, sexy, insanely gorgeous Sienna still flushed from making love finished making the coffees. The frothed milk hiding the bitter liquid. The sweet sugar settling at the bottom of the cup. She liked her sweetness to be a surprise at the end.

  “You owe me,” when Sienna spoke, Grace didn’t want to understand.

  “Bedroom or couch, lie back and prepare to be rewarded,” she teased, her hands rubbe
d their way up Sienna’s body, cupping her breasts.

  “I’d rather you stop fucking with my head. Like I said, you owe me.” Hands pushed away. Harsh words not able to hide the inflections of pain.

  “What do you think I owe you?” too tired for another argument, she kissed Sienna’s shoulder, holding her close for a hug. For once, she was glad not to see her lover’s eyes.

  “The truth. After all these years, I think I deserve honesty.”

  “Fine,” she tried to keep her voice even, not wanting to show fear of what Sienna might ask. Hopefully, it would only be about the photo – taken before the first kiss. “What do you want me to be honest about?”

  “Us – what do you want from us.”

  Grace smiled, the easiest of questions first, “I thought my feelings were very honest a few minutes ago. Perhaps you want a repeat performance.” Turning Sienna within her arms, she licked the milk froth from Sienna’s lips before their lips joined together and Sienna’s hands slid down the back of her panties again. Oh, how could she be ready again so soon!

  “No – don’t do that.” Sienna broke away. “You say you want marriage and babies and you know I don’t. What does that mean for us?”

  “Yes, of course it’s what I want. It’s what I’ve always wanted – you would be an amazing mother – we would be great parents. Deep down, don’t you want the same thing?”

  “Admit it, you think I’m going to change my mind.”

  “Eventually, you might. We are still too young to say never. We can build our careers, travel and then have a family.”

  “Okay then,” Sienna’s voice dropped.

  “What?” After all this time, did she change her mind?

  “What if I say ‘yes’? What if I said that we could get married any place and any day. Would you still want to?”

  Grace kissed her, oh my, the world changed in an instant.

  “Does that mean … wow … what about children?”

  Sienna kissed her once more before releasing her, “There’s one small detail we’ve never spoken about.”


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