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Adolf Hitler: Pictures from the Life of the
Bernhard, Georg, 125–26
Führer, 16, 28–29;
Best, Werner, 149–50
agitation, 48–49, 51; definition, 3;
Beyer, Frank, 116
difficulties with, 79–80, 84;
bible: Hitler’s words as, 17–18; Mein
distinguished from propaganda, 3;
Kampf as, 17
GDR directives on, 85; organization of,
Bitterfeld Way, 115
81; purpose of, 53; statistics on, 81
Black Book of Communism, The, 168
Aktuelle Kamera, 95
Blecha, Kurt, 68
Allen, William S., 139
Blood Banner. See 9 November
Allgemeiner Deutscher Nachrichtendienst
Boberach, Heinz, 93
(ADN), 68
Bouhler, Philip, 58, 65
alte Kämpfer, 21
Braun, Volker, 1
Amann, Max, 58, 90; heads Franz Eher
Brecht, Bertholt, 30, 140
Verlag, 65; in the RKK, 65
Brennessel, 119–28
Andropov, Yuri, 132–33
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).
Angriff, Der, 45, 90
See broadcasting
antifascism, 39
broadcasting: BBC, 92; radio, 92, 94, 95,
Anti-Fascist Protective Wall. See Berlin
112; television, 94, 95
Brooks, Robert D., 8, 23
anti-Semitism, 26, 125–26, 141. See also
Brothers Karamazov, The (Dostoevsky), 12
Jews; Mein Kampf
Brzezinski, Friedrich, 165
architecture, 110–11; Hitler on, 110; in
Buchenwald, 33–34
the GDR, 114–15; propaganda value
Bullock, Alan, 157
of, 114–15. See also Honecker; Mein
Burgess, John, 147
Kampf; Ulbricht
Burleigh, Michael, 11
Arendt, Hannah, 40
Argument der Woche, 161
cabaret, 117–19; banned shows, 118; in
Ash, Timothy Garton, 166
the GDR, 118–19; Nazi, 117–18
Auden, W. H., 167
Catholic Church, 4, 42, 46, 144–45
Aufklärungs- und Redner-
Censorship Committee for the Protection
Informationsmaterial, 75–76
of National Socialist Literature, 65
censorship, 90–92, 159–60; of films, 112;
Baarova, Lida, 112
in the GDR, 94; Nazi, 90–92; self, 113.
Baird, Jay, 58
See also church; Honecker; journalists
Balfour, Michael, 58, 104, 132
Central Committee of the SED (ZK), 32,
Bärsch, Claus-Ekkehard, 11
93, 94; and GDR culture policy, 114;
Bear One Another’s Burdens (film), 147
and propaganda, 51; departments of,
Becher, Johannes R., 1
Beer Hall Putsch. See 9 November
Central Propaganda Office (RPL), 61–62,
Behrens, Helmut, 141
64, 75, 113
Berg, Hermann von, 80
Chernenko, Konstantin, 132–33
Berlin Sport Palace, 100
Christian Democratic Union (GDR), 147
Berlin Wall: Anti-Fascist Protective Wall,
Christianity: and Nazism, 37; and
39, 101–4, 158; election following, 136;
Marxism-Leninism, 37
media treatment of, 95–96, 162–63;
Christmas, 20
Ulbricht denies plan to build, 102
church, 144–48; banned from politics,
Berlin: as showplace, 114
144; censorship of, 147; denied status
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as worldview, 145; in the GDR, 144;
short propaganda, 113; as subtle
loyalty to, 144; membership in,
reinforcement, 113; in the GDR, 116
145–46, 148; as a problem 148; as
Finck, Werner, 91, 117
refuge, 146; restricted to “spiritual”
Frau von Heute, 103
activities, 144–46; worldview of, 144
Frauen Warte, 25
coercion: denunciations and, 141; gentle,
Free German Trade Union (FDGB), 81,
141; in Hitler’s Germany, 141
93, 141
collective: importance of the, 139
Free German Youth (FDJ), 28–29, 81, 93,
criticism, artistic, 113; a “Jewish”
103, 140
phenomenon, 113–14; restrictions on,
Freemasons, 42
116–17. See also Goebbels
Frei, Norbert, 91
cybernetics, 50–51
Fritzsche, Hans, 91–92
Fulbrook Mary, 148, 166
DAF. See German Labor Front; Ley, Robert
functionaries, lower level, 73. See also
dead: immortality of the, 23, 25–26
DEFA, 93, 116
Furian, Hans-Otto, 142
democratic centralism, 66, 133
Dictatorships and Double Standards
Galen, bishop of Münster, 146
(Kirkpatrick), 165
Garbo, Greta, 91
Dietrich, Otto: conflicts with Goebbels,
Gaus, Günter, 163
57–58, 63–64; heads Deutsches
GDR (German Democratic Republic):
Nachrichtenbüro, 64; influence of, 64;
preference for written propaganda,
and the press, 54; and propaganda, 19,
r /> 52–53; propaganda and lying, 52;
57, 58, 135; as Reichspressechef, 63
truthfulness of, 142; unapproved
Djilas, Milovan, 156–57
demonstrations, 143; unpopularity of,
Dollfuß, Chancellor Engelbert, 119
143–44; views on propaganda, 51–53.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor: The Brothers
See also architecture; cabaret;
Karamazov, 12
censorship; church; education;
Dusiska, Emil, 93
holidays (GDR); film; infallibility;
education: in the GDR, 78–79, 140; Nazi
Geggel, Heinz, 67; compared to Goebbels,
party, 64
Educational and Speaker Information
German Labor Front (DAF), 62, 74, 75,
Material, 75–76
76, 90
Eintopfsonntag collection, 72
German Propaganda Archive (GPA), 8–9
Ellul, Jacques: on fragmentation of
Gestapo, 141, 149–50
society, 139; on propaganda, 3–4,
Gladwell, Malcolm, 137
106–7, 131, 137, 139, 159, 161, 167;
Goebbels, Joseph: and art, 110; and the
on unanimity, 137
big lie, 44–45; and cabaret, 118;
Enquete Commission, 164
campaign against complaining, 152;
Erste, Der (Scherzer), 134
and disloyalty, 121; control of
Eulenspiegel, 103–4, 119–28
holidays, 19–20; and criticism, 113–14,
Ewald, Manfred, 124
117; and Der Angriff, 45, 60, 90; goals
ewige Jude, Der (film), 113
of, 60–61, 135; as head of RMVP, 60;
“Exhibition of Degenerate Art,” 110
and heresy, 131–32; on the masses, 43;
and media, 91, 104, 112; ministry of,
Faith and Action (Stellrecht), 24
60; and national book award, 15–16;
faith: Marxist, 6, 34–36; Nazi, 23–27
and newsreels, 92; and propaganda,
FDGB (Free German Trade Union), 81,
48, 54, 57, 63, 96, 148; and public
93, 141
opinion, 136–37; as
FDJ (Free German Youth), 28–29, 81, 93,
Reichspropagandaleiter, 60; and secular
103, 140
worship, 11; speeches on Hitler’s
film: and the Propaganda Ministry, 112;
birthday, 16; “Total War” speech,
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99–100; and war, 97–99; on
20–23; Nuremberg rallies, 16, 20, 23,
worldviews, 39
28, 44, 54, 109, 135, 156, 165;
Goldhagen, Daniel, 153
summer solstice, 20
Göring, Hermann, 19, 29, 98
Holocaust, 153, 157
Gröger, Wolfgang, 147–48
Honecker, Erich: adulation of, 28–29; and
agitation, 84; and architecture, 115;
Hadamovsky, Eugen: on broadcasting,
and the church, 147; and censorship,
16–17; on force, 149; on freedom, 90;
94; and the economy, 168; on
Our Radio, 112; on propagandists, 77;
leadership, 53; on the masses, 166;
Propaganda and National Power, 48
and SED, 32, 33, 49, 66; and
Hager, Kurt, 114, 117, 147
unanimity, 133
Half Way Covenant, 38
Höpke, Klaus, 116, 137
Hans Westmar (film), 112
Havel, Václav, 36, 55, 151–52, 159, 161,
ideas, death of, 137; as epidemics, 137;
infectious, 142
Hein, Christoph, 116
Illustrierter Beobachter, 73
Heroes’ Memorial Day, 100
imagery: Christian, 22
Herrmann, Joachim, 67, 68, 104–5
infallibility: of GDR leaders, 29; of Hitler,
Herzstein, Robert, 58, 60, 63
46; of the SED, 30
Hess, Rudolf, 16–17, 19, 27, 91
Institute for Marxism-Leninism, 49
Hindenburg, Paul von, 135
Institute for Youth Research, 51, 163
Hitler No One Knows, The (Hoffmann), 16
Hitler, Adolf, and Adolf Hitler: Pictures of the Jelavich, Peter, 118
Life of the Führer, 16; and the arts,
Jews, 26–27; and Bolshevism, 99, 100;
109–14; on the big lie, 44, 166; and
and art, 110
German-Soviet pact, 161; The Hitler No
Johannes R. Becher Literature Institute,
One Knows, 16; as a deity, 14–17; film
about ( Triumph of the Will), 16;
John Paul II, Pope, 168; Veritatis Splendor,
iconographic images of, 16–17; and
infallibility, 46; on the measure of
Johst, Hanns, 111
propaganda, 54; and newsreels, 92; as
journalists, 93–94; and censorship, 106;
omnipresent, 18–19; poems about,
demands on, 105; Schriftleiter, 106. See 15–16; on religion, 5; shrines to, 18;
also literature; media; press
support for, 156; treatment of, 28;
Jud Süß (film), 113
views on propaganda, 42–48, 134–35.
Jugendweihe, 34, 153
See also Goebbels; party; press;
Junge Generation, 103
propaganda; religion
Hitlerjunge Quex (film), 112
Kampfzeit, 112
Hoffmann, Heinrich, The Hitler No One
Kershaw, Ian, 65–66
Knows, 16
Kirkpatrick, Jeane, 165
Hoheitsträger, Der, 76–77
Klaus, Georg, 50, 52, 53
holidays (GDR), 15 January, 31; honored
Kohl, Helmut, 29
occupations, 31; International
Kolberg (film), 113
Women’s Day, 31; May Day, 31; party
Kucyzinski, Jürgen, 11
congresses, 31–32; recurring
Kundera, Milan, 39
anniversaries, 31; 7 October, 31–33;
Kunst im Deutschen Reich, Die, 18, 110
World War II end, 31
Kuran, Timur, and spiral of prudence,
holidays (Nazi), 19–23, announcement of
party program, 19; assumption of
power, 19; Christmas, 20; Duty of
Lage, Die, 76
Youth Day, 20; Harvest Festival, 20;
Lamberz, Werner, 67
Heroes’ Memorial Day, 20; Mother’s
Lange-Müller, Katia, 116
Day, 20; National Holiday of the
leadership: as characteristic of
German People, 20; 9 November, 16,
propaganda, 47; deceived by
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propaganda, 165–66; as innate ability,
news broadcasts, 95; western, 96
47; leadership principle
newsreels, 92–93, 97–98, 100;
( Führerprinzip), 57, 66, 86, 132
disappearance of, 95
Lenin, 49, 165, adulation of, 28; On
9 November (Beer Hall Putsch), 21–23;
Agitation and Propaganda, 49; authority
Blood Banner, 16, 21, 23; invocation
of, 27
at, 21; martyrs, 21–22
Leonhard, Wolfgang,
Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth: and spiral of
Ley, Robert, 19; and DAF, 64; and
silence theory, 137
educational system, 64; and party
Norden, Albert, 67
organization, 77–78; and propaganda,
Nothnagle, Alan, 33
57–58, 67, 76; as
NSDAP (Nazi Party), 20–21, 29, 31, 36,
Reichsorganisationsleiter, 64
62, 69, 74, 85–86, 90, 149; and control
Liebknecht, Karl, 31
of media, 90–91
literature: authors as journalists, 116; and
Nuremberg rallies, 16, 20, 23, 28, 44, 54,
Leseland DDR, 115; as queen of the
109, 135, 156, 165
arts, 115; under Nazism, 111. See also
Bitterfeld Way, Johannes R. Becher
Oeßlner, Fred, 52–53, 85
Literature Institute
OKW. See Supreme Command of the
Lueger, Karl, 43
Lustige Blätter, 119
On Agitation and Propaganda (Lenin), 49
Luxemburg, Rosa, 31
organization: and blocks, 72; Nazi
hierarchical, 71–78; of propaganda, 57;
Mach mit, 127
purpose of, 74; SED hierarchy, 78–85
Maetzig, Kurt, 116
organizations: benefits of participation in,
Maier, Hans, 11
141; at Bitterfeld chemical concern,
Marx: authority of, 27
139; DAF, 138; FDGB, 138; FDJ, 138;
masses, the, 43–45; deceived by capitalist
Hitler Youth, 138; mass, 138–39; Nazi
propaganda, 52
women’s organization, 138; SA, 138;
May Day, 31
Society for German-Soviet Friendship
May, Karl, 111
(DSF), 138; SS, 138
media: and private ownership, 93; in
Our Radio (Hadamovsky), 112
totalitarian societies, 89–107
Mein Kampf: on architecture, 110; on Jews
Parteigenosse Schmiedecke (novel), 111
26; on party organization, 134; on
Parteilehrjahr, 79
propaganda, 43–49, 73; sales of, 17.
party, the: and conformity, 138; Hitler’s
See also bible; propaganda
goal for, 138; as sacred, 27, 30; as
Methods of Political Education, 50
source of absolute knowledge, 29–30
Mielke, Erich, 146–47, 150
“People’s Receiver,” 60
Ministry of State Security (Stasi), 142–43,
Philipsen, Dirk, 143
pilgrimage sites, 33–34
Mittag, Günter, 68, 116
Plantinga, Cornelius, Jr., 40
Modrow, Hans, 67
Poppe, Ulrich, 143
Mosse, George L., 17
Potemkin, Grigory Aleksandrovich, 89
Mother’s Day, 20
Potsdamer Kirche, 68
Münzenberg, Willi, 49
power: centrality of, 46; hidden, 151; part
The Propagandas of Nazi Germany and the German Democratic Republic Page 31