The Opposite Attractions (New Hampshire Bears Book 13)

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The Opposite Attractions (New Hampshire Bears Book 13) Page 7

by Mary Smith

  “Let’s just leave.” Mikayla sighed.

  Jarvis nodded. “Okay.” He reached for his wallet and pulled out a bill he knew would cover the meals and give the waitress a substantial tip.

  Mikayla slid out of the booth and walked briskly to the car. Jarvis let her go, following slowly behind. When he made it to the car, she stood by the trunk, staring at the starry sky. Approaching her with caution, she didn’t even blink when he stood next to her.

  “You know, Jenessa and I would lay out in the back yard and we’d look at the stars and wish to be adults to get away from our parents,” she softly confessed to him.

  “And what are you wishing for now?”

  Mikayla lowered her head, connecting their eyes. “I’m wishing I understood why you’re playing me.”

  “I’m not,” he quickly answered. “I’m not, Mikayla,” he repeated. “I’m just a dumbass who took a long time to figure out I’m a dumbass who wants to be your dumbass.”

  “Well, we agree that you’re a dumbass.” Mikayla’s face remained angry.

  “I am, but I’m trying to prove to you that we’re meant to be together. I want you to be the only person who knows the true me and not the guy on Instagram.” He pleaded with her, practically begging.

  “So, you thought telling me you’re part of some sex club would be the right way. By telling me that you just stroll into some place and fuck whomever and whoever would make my panties fly off and I’d spread my legs for you right in the diner.” Her voice seethed at him.

  He knew if he went through with this plan, he’d need to come clean. “It’s a sex club, but I’ve never had sex there.”

  Mikayla gave him a quizzical look. “I’ve known you for a very long time, and you’ve never passed up sex.”

  “This place is different,” he countered.

  Crossing her arms, she went deep in thought for several seconds. “Fine get in the car and explain it to me.”

  Jarvis nodded and they both got into the car. He didn’t even try to open the door for her because he knew she hated it. Inside the car he didn’t turn it on, he just sat with his hands on the steering wheel.

  “I’m waiting,” she pushed.

  “You might not understand what I’m going to say so just listen to me,” he started.

  “Now you have my undivided attention.” She adjusted in the seat to face him.

  Jarvis suddenly became nervous like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “The sex I normally have isn’t really the way I like it.”

  “How do you like it?” Her voice lowered, but he caught the hint of sexual lust. When they first started fucking, Mikayla would be more…dominant. She’d talk dirty to him. It was one of many reasons he kept going back. She liked being rough with him.

  “Damn, this is hard,” he mumbled, clasping the steering wheel.

  “What if I told you something I like to do but have never done it with you?” Mikayla touched his forearm, and his cock twitched by the simple touch. She always had the power to turn him on better than anyone.

  “Okay.” He kept his gaze down at her stunning long fingers and manicured nails.

  “I like to spank, cane, and belt men. I’ve done it a lot but never with you…” She trailed off, moving her hand away from him. “With you, I just let you do whatever you want.”

  His heart stopped hearing her words. He remembered many a night where she dug her beautiful nails into his skin. She never begged for his cock. She demanded it, and he’d obey.

  “I’m not a submissive,” he started. “But I do enjoy some BDSM. I like being told what to do in bed. Not all the time but some of the time. I like being caned especially when I’m stressed. When I’m in subspace, I can see clearly.” He did it. He confessed to her. Turning to look at her, she remained expressionless. “I love you, Mikayla.” It was the only thing he wanted to say over and over to her.

  “Take me home, Jarvis,” she told him, readjusting herself in the seat and buckling her seatbelt.

  He wanted her to listen to him. Beg her to come home with him, even just to hold her. In fact, it was exactly what he wanted.

  But he drove her home with the sounds of country music softly coming through the speakers. She said nothing but hummed along with some of the songs.

  Pulling up to her townhouse, he shut off the car and waited for her to make the first move. She didn’t immediately run away from him. Instead, she sat there, looking at him.

  “I guess we’re more alike than we thought,” Jarvis spoke first, unable to handle the silence between them.

  “Maybe,” she replied.

  “Would you go out with me?” He had no recollection of when he last asked a girl out. Normally, they asked him, but she was different.

  “Tell Joy to call me when she wants to have lunch together.” She opened the door and left his question unanswered.

  Chapter Five

  Staring proudly at the iPad screen, she saw all her updated grades. All As and Bs. Mikayla never thought of herself as stupid but seeing her hard work in black and white gave her validation about the choices she made. She took a picture and texted it to Jenessa, Shade, and Elexis.

  Shade: Awesome job, sis! Never doubted you couldn’t do it.

  Elexis: Woohoo! You’re one smart cookie. We should celebrate tonight!

  Jenessa: Okay.

  Mikayla stared at the response from her sister for several seconds. She didn’t want Jenessa to throw rose petals at her feet. She just wanted her to act like a sister. A supportive sister. She tried not to let it bother her, but it did.

  “What has you down?” Joy appeared at her side.

  “Jenessa,” she answered as Joy sat across from her. Joy had texted her earlier in the morning, wanting to grab lunch together.

  “Oh no, what happened?”

  “It’s me. I’m just being silly.” She turned off her iPad.

  “I highly doubt it. Spill.” Joy stared at her until she revealed to her what happened. “I’m going to assume Jenessa is still acting the same.”

  “When I moved here, I really hoped I could break through this bitchy, sad fog she’s in. But no luck. In fact, I think I made it worse,” Mikayla confessed.

  “How did you make it worse?”

  “She doesn’t want me here, but yet I am.”

  Giving her a sympathetic smile, Joy said, “I’m sure that’s not true. Jenessa is probably still trying to comprehend the tragedy.”

  “Hell, I am too. So is Shade. But she shuts out everyone. Not to mention, her constant bitchy comments.”

  “Like you,” Joy quipped.

  “Like me.” Mikayla didn’t even waste a breath on saying it. “Where would you like to get lunch?”

  “I’d like to know why I had to hear from Jarvis and not you?” Joy crossed her arms trying to be big and bad.

  Mikayla shook her head. “I was testing a theory.”

  “A theory?” Joy furrowed her brow. “What were you two doing last night? I’m guessing you believe him now.”

  “Not completely,” she told her honestly.

  “Let’s go grab some Mexican and talk it through,” Joy suggested and stood. “I’ll drive.”

  On the way, Joy told her about not returning to college and being Jarvis’s assistant now. Mikayla wasn’t surprised by Joy’s decisions. When they arrived at the restaurant and found a booth, they both already knew what they wanted when the waiter arrived.

  “Now. Talk.” Joy used what Mikayla called her mom voice. She picked up a complimentary corn tortilla chip and dunked it in the salsa.

  “I can’t tell if Jarvis is playing me or being truthful,” Mikayla confessed.

  “Jarvis is an ass, but he’s truthful. I can promise you.” She grabbed another chip. “I’ve never seen him this way.”

  Mikayla rolled her eyes. “You’re just saying that to try to make me feel better.”

  “Do you know me to be a liar?” Joy used the tone again.

  “No.” She knew if Joy s
aid the sky was falling, Mikayla would duck.

  “Look, I know Jarvis is a lot of things, but he hides himself a lot.”

  “How so?” She wondered how much Joy would really reveal to her.

  “I’ll leave it for him to tell you. However, I truly believe you should give him a chance. A real chance.”

  Studying her face, Mikayla knew she was being as serious as she’d ever been. “Why? Why should I when he treated me like shit?”

  She gave her a small smile. “Think of your time with him last night. Was there any time that you truly cared for him? A time you saw a future with him?”

  The evening replayed in her head, but only one part stood out. When Mikayla was a teenager, she had fantasies, and she didn’t know how to process them. Plus, she kept them to herself. No one ever knew. The older she got the more comfortable she became with herself and she honed in her anger. Mikayla had many issues. Once she left her parents’ house, she found herself and the confidence to search for the proper training. A dominatrix took Mikayla under her wing, but she never felt as if she was a full dominatrix.

  She loved the thrill of the sounds.

  The men’s moaning.

  Their gasping.

  Feeling their ecstasy.

  It turned her on more than anything. Practically, got it off all on its own.

  Then with Jarvis…everything changed.

  The desire still sat on the surface but being with Jarvis and feeling him inside her…meant more.

  Mikayla and Joy spent a couple of hours together catching up on the past year. She knew she had problems, which made Mikayla feel worse for not keeping in touch, and she promised to stay in touch.

  After they parted ways, Mikayla stopped at the property manager’s office. Last night, Elexis gave her half of the rent. Walking into the office, the secretary greeted her, and Mikayla gave the address of the townhouse.

  The secretary started typing on the computer, and she seemed confused. “Ms. Cramer, your rent is paid until the lease is up.”

  “What? By who?” Mikayla knew Elexis hadn’t paid it because she just gave her money for it.

  “The name on the card is Shade Wooten.”

  She didn’t know if she should be angry or thankful. She thanked the secretary, got back into her car, and drove to Shade and Jenessa’s house. Parking in front of the garage, she made her way into the house. Walking in, she yelled out for Shade.

  “Den!” he called from the back of the house.

  Strolling toward him she found him sitting on the long sectional couch with Cheers playing on the TV. She glared at him as she sat down.

  “Hi.” He smiled.

  “I went to pay my rent today,” she quickly told him.

  “I already took care of it,” he informed her.


  He held up his hand. “You need to focus on your Etsy store and college.”

  She wanted to argue but became overwhelmed with love. Her brother-in-law always looked out for her. “You didn’t have to.”

  “I know, but I wanted to.”

  “Thank you, Shade. Someday I hope to pay you back.” Although she meant it, they both knew she’d never be able to.

  “You’re my sister. I’ve got your back.” He gave her another smile.

  “Damn you.” She shook her head. “You’re always about family and making me feel like shit.”

  “Jenessa and you are all I have.” His voice turned sad.

  Mikayla knew Shade had no one but them. He never knew his father, and his mother left him when he was a child. He grew up in the foster care system. Many times he told her only hockey kept him sane.

  “If it makes you feel better, I only have you since Jenessa hates me and has barely said three words to me in a week.” Mikayla scoffed.

  “At least you got three words.” Shade sighed. “I just get glares and stares.”

  She had nothing to say that would help his pained expression. Anyone who knew Shade for more than five seconds could feel the love he had for Jenessa. For them to not to be talking must be killing him.

  “She just needs more time,” he said in barely a whisper.

  Mikayla wanted to tell him it’s been three years, but she said nothing. Most men would have left a year ago or even sooner. Facing the TV, they sat quietly watching the commentary until they heard the front door open.

  “Mikayla!” Jenessa bellowed. “You need to stop parking in my spot. I had to park in front of Shade’s side of the garage.”

  “Sorry,” she half-heartedly said standing up and heading toward her.

  Jenessa slammed her designer purse and laptop bag onto the breakfast bar. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “I came by to thank Shade for paying my rent,” she told her.

  “He what?” She whipped around and glared behind her where Shade obviously stood.

  “It’s fine, Nes,” he said.

  “Oh, sure, it’s sis.” She sarcastically sneered, tossing her hand up in the air. “She lived here forever…rent free. Her tuition and books have been covered by you. What else is she getting? Food? A new car?”

  Jenessa turned back to Mikayla. “Do you think we’re a damn ATM?”

  Trying to keep herself calm, she simply stated, “I never asked for money and you know it.”

  “I’m tired of it.” Her eyes narrowed at Mikayla. “If you didn’t waste your time with that stupid hobby, you might be able to find a real job.”

  “Hey, I work.” Now, Mikayla couldn’t hold her tongue anymore. “I work hard and I sure as hell didn’t ask for your money.”

  “The only thing you’re good at is spreading your legs.”

  If a strong wind had blown in that kitchen, Mikayla would have been nothing more than a tumbleweed.

  “Jenessa! What the fuck?” Shade shouted moving next to his sister-in-law.

  With her mouth open, still unable to move and staring at Jenessa, a tear rushed down her cheek. Her sister had said many a horrible thing in her lifetime but nothing like this. She should have yelled—screamed—at Jenessa but not a sound escaped her.

  Jenessa moved her eyes from Shade. Mikayla thought, for a second, she saw remorse flash in her eye. She didn’t stick around long enough to find out for sure. She ran from their home. She heard Shade calling after her, but she didn’t stop. Once she was in her car, the tears fell faster.

  Shade had called her phone almost non-stop for the past two days. This made her thankful to be off Saturday. She already planned to stay locked up in her room, finishing orders and watching the latest crime documentaries on Netflix. There was nothing else on her to-do list…until…

  Donnie: Want to grab dinner?

  He sent the text late last night, and she ignored it.


  Jarvis: Coffee? Joy and I have to leave for NYC soon. I’d like to see you.

  She ignored him as well.

  Mikayla’s normally stubborn or playing hard to get, so this time the hurt and pain of Jenessa’s words kept her in her room.

  “Mikayla?” Elexis’s soft voice came from the other side of the door.

  “You can come in.” Mikayla sat up tossing the blankets off her.

  Slowly, Elexis opened the door. She thought she was scared to come in until Elexis poked her head around the door.

  “I didn’t know if you were up.” She gave Mikayla a tiny smile.

  “I am.” No muscle in her face would work to return even the slightest grin.

  “I’m worried about you.” She moved further into the bedroom. “Why don’t we have a nice girls’ day? Mani-pedis? You can call Joy to join us.”

  Part of her should have been jumping up to go but not one ounce of her even twitched.

  “Not today.” She laid back down and covered herself.

  “I really don’t want to pry but the past two days you haven’t been yourself. Is it Jarvis?”

  She could feel Elexis’s concern. “It’s not him. Right now, I want to be alone.” />
  “Okay. I understand but know that I’m here for you.” Elexis’s smile was meant to be sincere but came across sad for her.

  “Thank you.” Mikayla knew she had a good heart and cared about her well-being. Nonetheless, Elexis understood when to leave her be as well. When she left the bedroom, Mikayla turned onto her side, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

  Mikayla spent her day exactly as she planned. She finished three pairs of earrings, two necklaces, and a scarf. She also felt proud she knocked out a full season of Homicide Hunter. The one thing she forgot to do…eat. She took a quick shower, towel-dried her hair, and slipped into a pair of workout leggings and a sweatshirt and didn’t even swipe on any of her red lipstick. Elexis left a note that she was going to Dag’s house to spend time with him and his twin boys. She loved how her friend knew to give her space.

  She could have ordered something to be delivered, but she wanted to get out of her bedroom for a few moments. The sun began to set, highlighting the sky in breathtaking colors. Mikayla didn’t know what she wanted to eat and just aimlessly drove until she saw Firehouse Subs. Quick, filling, and a lot of carbs sounded perfect to her as she pulled in.

  Walking in, she inhaled all the mouthwatering smells. She strolled up to the counter, thankful there weren’t many people, ordered and paid in a quick manner. There were several open tables and she found one by the window.

  However, she felt as if someone was staring at her. It made her feel uneasy, but she pushed the feeling aside and focused on her food.

  When she had eaten about half of her sub, her eyes caught a glimpse of a man up at the counter. Squinting to ensure her eyes weren’t playing tricks, there stood Donnie Burns ordering a sub. He almost looked as if he’d been photoshopped. His highly expensive suit was a contrast to the décor of the Firehouse Subs. As he turned to leave his eyes landed on her. She felt compelled to give him a small smile.

  “Well, fancy meeting you here,” he joked, coming toward her.

  “Not really. I’m never too far away from carbs,” she commented, almost deadpan.


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