The Opposite Attractions (New Hampshire Bears Book 13)

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The Opposite Attractions (New Hampshire Bears Book 13) Page 10

by Mary Smith

  Finishing up, Jarvis’s stomach grumbled. Luckily, Joy packed several protein bars, but it didn’t keep him full because of all the work he’d done. He wanted, no needed, real food. They said their goodbyes, he signed several autographs, took selfies, and then they made their way out of the park to where the car was waiting for them.

  “Where do you want to eat?” Joy asked once everyone was in the car.

  “I need to go to the hotel first,” Jarvis said.

  “Yes, you need a shower.” Mikayla turned up her nose.

  “Want to scrub my back?” He winked.

  She thought for several seconds before saying, “Nah!”

  Joy giggled from the front seat. Jarvis only smirked. He loved this playful side of her. Hell, he loved all her sides.

  “Let’s go to Sharks?” Joy suggested then clapped her hands excitedly.

  “What’s Sharks?” Mikayla inquired.

  “It’s a sports bar with the best bar food ever,” Joy explained, humming in satisfaction.

  “I could go for some wings,” Mikayla moaned. “And cheese fries.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Joy added.

  “Sounds good to me,” Jarvis agreed.

  When they reached the hotel, the girls wanted to change as well. They all took turns, but Jarvis couldn’t seem to talk to Mikayla alone. Joy summoned another Uber, and they headed across the city to Sharks.

  Walking in, Jarvis had a hard time keeping his eyes off Mikayla. She wore a tight pair of jeans, and a low-cut T-shirt that showed off her delicious cleavage. He knew it would be a long night of trying not to think of him sucking, nibbling, and biting her tits.

  Joy led the way to a booth along the wall, which gave them access to almost all the TVs. Sitting down, they grabbed the menus and searched for something to eat.

  “I never realized watching you doing a photoshoot would make me famished,” Mikayla joked. She was sitting across from him, which was giving him an incredible view.

  “Trust me. I know.” His stomach growled.

  A waitress came up to their table and stared at Jarvis for a long time before asking for their drink order.

  “Beer,” Jarvis answered but felt daggers coming from Joy and Mikayla. “What?”

  “You signed the pledge,” Joy reminded him.

  “It’s the off season and I want one.” He practically whined and decided not to tell them about the two scotch and sodas he had last night.

  “Jarvis, order something else.” Mikayla’s authoritative tone made him freeze. Her eyes narrowed, causing his cock to twitch and the hair on his arm to raise. He cast his eyes down.

  “He’ll have a pop,” Mikayla answered for him. “Do you have Hi-C Fruit Punch?”

  “No,” the waitress said.

  “Pop for me then as well,” Mikayla said.

  Jarvis did his best to hide his smile. Her fruit punch was a child’s drink, but she loved it and drank it all the time.

  “Same for me,” Joy ordered.

  When the waitress left, Joy and Mikayla began talking about food. Jarvis focused on trying to keep his dick soft. However, his mind ran wild thinking of Mikayla hitting—

  “Jarvis.” Joy’s voice cut into his erotic thoughts.


  “What do you want?” she asked with a hint of frustration.

  “Oh…um…” He glanced at the menu. “Burger, wings, and fries.”

  “Fine.” Joy seemed pleased he said anything. “I’ll get the nachos and jalapeño poppers.”

  “I’m going to get the chicken tenders, boneless wings, and waffle fries,” Mikayla added.

  “Two types of chicken?” Joy questioned.

  “Absolutely. I love that bird.” She laughed and Joy joined in. Jarvis only shook his head with a smile.

  The waitress came back with their drinks, took their food order, and kept glancing at Jarvis with longing eyes. He made sure he was either looking at the TV or Mikayla. Any other time, he’d flirt back to piss Mikayla off, but Lakota’s voice lingered in his head. If he wanted Mikayla, he’d have to prove it.

  “How long are you staying in New York?” Jarvis hoped she’d would say as long as he was there.

  “For a little bit.” She gave a half-hearted answer.

  “What about The Latte Bean?” Joy’s voice was full of concern.

  “Oh, well I sort of resigned.”

  Both Joy and Jarvis were shocked by her statement.

  “What do you mean?” Joy’s question seemed to be plucked right from his thoughts.

  “Janie has a big heart and hired a couple more people but had to cut everyone else’s hours. I felt it was time to leave. I loved working there, but now I have more time to focus on other things.” Her explanation was sound. However, Jarvis knew she didn’t have a lot of money.

  “What about college?” Joy continued her interrogation.

  “Still going. I don’t have much longer until the semester ends. I have some money saved. Enough to get me through the summer. My plan is to expand my Etsy store. Hopefully.” She crossed her fingers.

  He didn’t hear her usual confidence in the last bit of her plan. His heart broke because she had uncertainty, and he wanted to fix it for her.

  “Don’t you have that convention coming up? And you said you wanted to start setting up booths at flea markets?” Joy’s tone was upbeat as she reminded her of her future adventures.

  “I do and yes, I can go out more.” Mikayla seemed unsure again.

  “You’re going to do excellent,” Jarvis told her. “I know how talented you are and now… others will too.”

  She gave him a smile. He noticed her cheeks flushed slightly. Seeing her happy made him feel as if he could walk on water. He wanted her to feel that way all the time. Knowing if he stared at her any longer he’d leap over the table and rush her away from the crowd, he moved his gaze back to the TV where a baseball game was airing.

  Mikayla talked about her plan with Joy while Jarvis continued to focus on the screen. Wanting to help her, his mind raced with ideas until one hit. Now, he needed to figure out a way to approach Mikayla with his idea. She did things her way and would become upset when others tried to control her life. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he quickly texted a designer for the shoot tomorrow. He asked about the jewelry in the shoot, wondering if there could be a change. Jarvis heard Mikayla say she had some jewelry with her. Luckily, the designer was newer but on fire right now. By the time the waitress began to set their food down on the table, Jarvis had the plan set to help her.

  Chapter Seven

  Once they finished their food, an Uber took them back to the hotel. Mikayla needed to speak with Jarvis. After talking to Lakota and belting Jerriod, Mikayla realized how much she wanted Jarvis. Remembering everything he had told her before, it sat at the forefront of her mind.

  Although they didn’t communicate it, Mikayla knew they were meant to be together. And because he said so too. The big point was they had to be themselves. She needed to show her true self to Jarvis—and to herself. Hiding her feelings could be a large part of her issue. At least part of it, that is.

  Joy had decided to get her own room to give Jarvis and Mikayla their time together. Walking into the hotel room, Joy already had her bags packed. She gave Jarvis a hug before leaving to go to her own room without actually telling him.

  “What’s going on?” With a confused face, Jarvis stared at Mikayla.

  “Sit down.” She moved past him to sit on the side of the bed.

  Jarvis sat down on the bed across from her.

  “I’m going to tell you a story. It’s one no one knows. Do you understand?”

  He nodded.

  “This will be between us.”

  Again, he nodded.

  Mikayla decided to tell him everything by ripping off the figurative Band-Aid. Exposing herself in such a manner made her feel uncomfortable but doing so would make her stronger. At least she hoped so.

  “You know I hated my home life growi
ng up. We both had similar backgrounds, so I’m not going into that world. I’ll start when I left. I started living with a friend. One night, we ended up at a club. A simple run of the mill club. That night, I met a woman. I can’t explain how I was drawn to her, but we started talking. Within a few hours, I confessed my deepest sexual fantasy to her.”

  Jarvis stared at her, hanging on her every word.

  “A week later, this woman took me to another place. I can remember my excitement and my fear.”

  “Why?” Jarvis asked.

  “Because I kept myself closed off from everyone, including Jenessa. Think of an actor and actress. I played the part of this girl who didn’t have a dark sexual side with men. I had normal sex but never had true satisfaction.”

  “Even with me?” He couldn’t hide his shocked tone or expression.

  “Do not get ahead of me,” she chastised him. “My dark side became clear to me when I walked into the place. But not to the same degree as others.”

  “Are you going to go into details about the degrees?

  She saw the gleam in his eyes. However, she shut him down…again. “Listen to me and stop interrupting.”

  “Okay,” he said, but she knew he would continue.

  “The first room I was escorted to I saw a man strapped to a St. Andrew’s Cross, and he was being caned.” She saw him trying not to smile. “I wanted to pick up the cane and hit him. All my fantasies were right there in front of me.”

  “I feel a but coming.” Jarvis continued to listen to her.

  “I’m not a full-fledged dominatrix,” she confessed. “However, I’m trained in canes, belts, crops. I enjoy all of it without having a submissive. I guess you can say I have dominant traits. My sexual arousal comes from the sounds and moans the men make when I’m caning or belting or using the crop on them. I guess some would say I’m a sadist, but I never want to humiliate anyone or severely hurt them.”

  “I know what you mean. I’m not a full-fledged submissive but being in subspace or having a good pain-filled session clears my head and gets me back on track.” Jarvis hoped his tone of voice would clearly tell her he wanted her to do all of that to him. “I can’t fully explain—”

  “Me either.” She cut him off. “I don’t know why I enjoy it. Because like you, it gives me clarity too and saying it out loud sounds fucked up.” Mikayla stood up and moved to the massive window facing the city even though she couldn’t see anything but the building across the street. “I’m a fucked-up person, Jarvis. During the past year, my fondness had grown for you. It grew to be love for you.” She turned back to him. “Then you became a fucking shithead.”

  This comment made him drop his head. “I know. I can’t apologize enough.”

  “Stop. This isn’t about you. This is about me and our future. I appreciate your confession. It’s why I’m telling you mine.” She didn’t want him to feel bad. The point of all this was to show him who she really was.

  “I’ll do anything to have a future with you,” he told her, standing up and moving toward her.

  “I don’t think you understand.” She held up her hand to stop his movements. “I’m fucked up.”

  “And I’m not?” he countered. “I’d rather treat a girl like shit then ruin my reputation on Twitter or Instagram. The only way I can make any life-altering decisions is when a female is beating me into a place where I can think straight. Does any of that sound normal?”

  Tears filled her eyes. “I’m not a full dominatrix,” she repeated.

  “I’m not a submissive,” he said again, trying to move forward. “But I know I love you. I ruined us, let me fix it. Please, Mikayla, please.”

  One question burned through her. One answer which would change everything. “Will we still be a secret?”

  “I’ll put it on Instagram right now. Twitter. Fuck. I’ll call The New York Times to show the world. Mikayla, you’re mine, and I’m yours.”

  A tear slid down her cheek. A happy tear because his words were something she wanted to hear for so long. Jarvis walked toward her and cupped her face when he reached her. Their lips began to close in on one another. Mikayla felt his hot breath, and she couldn’t help herself anymore. Leaning in, their lips connected. An electric shock moved through her when he moved his hands from her face to her ass. They both moaned at their heated connection, but she stopped it before it went too far.

  “Wait.” She forced every cell in her body to move away from him. “I’m not going to jump back into bed with you,” she informed him.

  “But I want to do so much to you.” He almost pouted where he stood with his hands still on her ass.

  “We’re going to start over.” With his words, Mikayla had to move completely out of his arms.

  “What? Why?” What do you mean?” Jarvis rapid fired his questions.

  “Jarvis, you’re trying to not be an asshole. Are you sure you can stay that way? I’m all fucked up and need to process through…all of this.” She waved her hands between them.

  “Those are two simple answers. Yes, I’m going to stay this way. And there’s nothing to process through. We love each other. We’re going to be together.”

  “Are you high?” she quipped. “You’ve been an asshole for a grand length of time. You can’t turn it off like a light switch. I’ve never been in love before or had any serious relationship. This is all new to me, and I’m trying to figure it out.”

  Again, confessing more to him made her feel as if she stood naked at center ice in the New Hampshire Bears arena.

  Taking several seconds to think it over, Jarvis then nodded. “You’re right. So, what’s your plan?”

  Pushing her shoulders back she walked up to him. “Jarvis, would you like to go out on a date with me?”

  Before she finished the last word, he said, “May I fuck you first?? See if I like it or not.”

  Mikayla slugged him as hard as she could, but he only chuckled. “You’re an asshole.”

  “I’m kidding. I’m kidding.” He continued to laugh. “I’d love to go on a date with you,” he answered.

  “Great. Now, I’m going to bed.” She quickly turned and moved to the bathroom, grabbing her pajamas, which laid on top of her luggage.

  Once she shut the bathroom door, her body shook coming out of its shocked state. Never had Mikayla revealed herself in such a manner. Keeping herself locked up deep inside was the only thing she was accustomed to. Not even Jenessa knew everything about her, not unless she wanted her to know.

  Turning on the shower, she used the noise to drown out the sounds of her crying. She tried to stop the tears, but they became uncontrollable. Mikayla had always been told crying was for babies. Her mother had been full of quotes just like those. Despite the fact she disliked her parents, Mikayla did agree on crying and showing emotion. Now at twenty-four-years-old, she had finally exposed herself.

  Stepping into the shower, the hot water stung her skin. She gasped at the pain and then sighed at the relief she felt. The water washed away not only her tears but her uncertain emotions. Thoughts spun around in her mind. One came up clear for her. Everything will be okay. Even if she and Jarvis didn’t work out, she’d be okay.

  After the shower, she was feeling a bit better. She slipped into her pajamas and went back out to Jarvis. The TV blinked in the now darkened room. She saw him laying on his back wearing only a pair of black boxer briefs. His abs and muscles gleamed in the glow of the TV light. He was fast asleep. She studied his beautiful face. Not wanting to disturb him, she gently kissed his lips and slid under the blankets next to him and fell asleep fast.

  “Mikayla, baby. You need to wake up.”

  Mikayla felt Jarvis kissing her forehead then her cheek.

  “We need to get ready.”

  Opening one eye, she saw Joy’s face at the end of the bed.

  “Morning.” Her bright smile greeted her.

  “Hey,” Mikayla groaned. Glancing next to her, Jarvis was grinning at her.

  “I’m goi
ng to the gym,” he said. “You two need to get ready.” He kissed Mikayla’s forehead again and then left.

  “I’ll take it everything went well last night,” Joy said as she sat up.

  “It did. I guess…we’re dating or something,” she confirmed while getting out of the bed. “Give me a few.” She made her way to the bathroom.

  Quickly, she got ready for the day. She wasn’t the one who would be in front of the camera, but she wanted to look good.

  When she came out, Joy was sitting at the small desk putting on her makeup.

  “Wow, you look amazing,” Joy commented.

  Glancing down, Mikayla checked out her high-rise shorts, purple tee, and simple purple sandals. She twisted her hair into a messy bun, letting a few tendrils of hair hang and frame her face. She added some purple eyeshadow.

  “Thanks. You look great as well.”

  Joy froze at her compliment.

  “What’s wrong?” Mikayla moved closer to her.

  Putting down the contour brush, she took a deep breath. “When I left here last night, I didn’t get another room.”

  “Oh.” This intrigued Mikayla. Joy wasn’t the type to wander off. If she said she went somewhere it had to be important.

  “I went to Jackson’s room.”

  Mikayla’s mouth dropped in shock, and she actually gasped.

  “I know.” Joy sighed.

  “What happened?” Mikayla’s first thought was did she have sex, but she highly doubted it.

  “I got his number and texted him to see if he was still in New York City,” Joy started. “He had a room a couple of floors down.”

  “And…” Mikayla wanted every single detail, but if she rushed Joy, she wouldn’t get them.

  “We talked.”

  Mikayla almost shook with anticipation to hear the rest. Joy seemed to drag out the pause like a game show host.

  “He gave me some insight into why he hates New Hampshire.”

  “I thought you said it has to do with a parent or something.” She remembered Joy telling her about it when she came the first night.


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