The Power of a SEAL

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The Power of a SEAL Page 20

by Elizabeth, Anne

  Kerry smiled and stroked his arm.

  A creature nudged her thigh.

  She spun.

  The dolphin was in front of her, and then he danced to the side. He was playing hide-and-seek with her. Well, he had to be feeling better. Should it be that instantaneous? Who knew? This was all so new.

  Running her hands over the dolphin again, she noticed that the swelling on his body was reducing. The inoculation was definitely helping. The elation made her skin tingly with excitement, and she couldn’t stop smiling.

  Leaper had backed up yards to give her room, and he gave her a thumbs-up.

  She nodded at him and pointed to the boat. As she swam, she contemplated what this meant. A cure could change everything. Oh God, please let this be true. Surfacing near the boat, she wiped her hand against her chin, dislodging a small piece of seaweed. She didn’t care. She’d become a sea hag, if it could save the dolphins.

  “What are the details? How did it work?” Leaper asked.

  “It’s amazing, Leaper. I’ve never seen a dolphin heal this fast. Where there was distension when I first touched him, it’s halved. This shot was meant to be preventive, a vaccine to help the body produce antibodies to prevent the disease, and yet it’s acting as a cure. An actual cure.” She put her hand on the side of the boat. “It’s better than I’d hoped. I wish we could get this male in the boat and take him home, but the pod might follow, and I don’t want them getting hurt or trapped in the bay. Human beings have very little awareness of what’s swimming underneath their water transports, and everyone wants to manhandle the dolphins. Bet human beings wouldn’t like to be treated that way.”

  Leaper nodded. “Wild dolphins tend to freak out in captivity, don’t they?”

  “Sometimes. Wounded ones do okay for a short time, but if they’re in too long, it does something to their spirit. Of course, the dolphins raised in captivity prefer the pen, because it’s home and they are safe and well cared for and tend to live longer.” She was anxious to activate the tracking equipment. “Let’s get going. If I need to come back here or go find him, I have the right tools.”

  “Great. Let’s go. You have my full support,” Leaper finished. “Back in the boat?”

  “Yes, please.” Kerry was happy when one of Leaper’s strong arms pushed her straight up into the air and onto the boat. Man, he had serious muscles.

  He hauled himself up beside her. “You know, there’s a cave system we can stop at on the way home. We can visit all the glowworms inside.”

  “I’ve heard of it, but never been. As long as we only go partway in.” Kerry was so happy that she would have agreed to walk on hot coals.

  They stored their gear on the boat. Leaper pulled up the anchor, secured it, and lowered the prop into the water. He drove the boat slowly out of the grotto. The lights were still hung over the side, and he was able to avoid hitting any dolphins with the prop. When they were in deeper water, Leaper motioned to Kerry about the lights. She gave him a thumbs-up and pulled up the lights. She turned them off, securing them in the toolbox.

  “Ready,” she announced.

  “Onward ho,” Leaper said with a smile.

  He touched a button on his phone and music filled the night air. The song was “Come Together’” by the Yesteryears. Listening to Leaper sing along made her laugh.

  Oh, Leaper, she thought. You’re a great partner in crime, and thank you for bringing so much levity and love to my life.

  * * *

  Do I love her?

  Do I romance with my eyes or my heart? Does every touch set my world on fire?

  Dang, is it possible to qualify what it means to spend time with someone?

  Leaper pondered these questions as he dropped the anchor. When he touched Kerry, his mind drifted someplace else, and he didn’t even want to force it to function.

  The boat was off the coast of La Jolla. The ocean waves were small, and the wind had died down. The water looked peaceful, almost glassy and calm. He made sure there was enough battery charge to keep the lights on. There was, but not enough to drop dive lights over the side. He placed the dive buoy and flag in the water and tied it to a cleat on the boat. “Can you grab flashlights?” he asked Kerry.

  “Will do.”

  He checked the knives, which were still securely strapped to his thighs. He watched Kerry take flashlights, swim fins, masks, and snorkels from the toolbox.

  She handed him gear. Their fingers grazed, sending sparks through his system. He wondered if he’d ever get used to it. Did electricity fade, or would their connection only grow stronger? “Thanks, Kerry.”

  “You’re welcome, Leaper. I’m glad you choose this cave system. It’s big enough to drive a Mack truck through the center of it. I’m a tad bit claustrophobic, so this place works for me on multiple levels.” She leaned over and scooped water in her mask, then dumped it out. “Last one in is a rotten egg.”

  Leaper donned his gear and slid quickly over the side of the boat. It took a second for his eyes to adjust and locate Kerry, and then he switched the flashlight on. A bright beam of light illuminated the area around them.

  A hammerhead shark veered into the edge of the light and then changed course. Leaper had swum with a variety of marine life and found that if you didn’t bother them, you were often left alone. But if something invaded his personal space, the gloves came off, and Leaper would end the fight very quickly.

  Kerry pointed ahead to the cave entrance. He took her hand and they swam side by side underwater, using their fins to propel them. As they entered the caves, they came to the surface.

  Leaper blew water out of his snorkel and removed it from his mouth. He pointed his waterproof flashlight at the ceiling and walls. “Right there, in the upper corner, you’ll see glowworms. There are only a few, and I think their presence has something to do with the limestone deposits.” He swam under a drip of water. “This is fresh water. If you open your mouth, you can taste it.”

  Kerry laughed. “I don’t have a cast-iron constitution like yours. I’ll take your word for it. How did you learn about glowworms, by the way?”

  “I was on a mission, and we stopped off in New Zealand. Declan and I visited Waitomo. Now, there’s a spectacular sight, and one I’d like to see again, if you’re game.” Leaper moved his light to another spot. “Over there is a type of fungus that some people call cave flowers.”

  “This cave has so much life in it.” Kerry swam closer to him. “Is that a ledge?”

  He nodded. “Want to take a break?”


  Leaper gave Kerry a boost onto the stone ledge. “How’s the view?” He pulled himself up beside her.

  “Lovely.” She turned to him, then leaned in and kissed him. “There’s no one around, right?”

  “Not unless the Coast Guard stops by. My diving buoy and flag are out, so we should be okay for a little while. What did you have in mind?”

  “How about some hanky-panky?” Kerry said softly as she wiggled out of her wetsuit and removed her one-piece bathing suit.

  Leaper was already stripped down to his bare skin by the time Kerry finished. She was so free-spirited, confident, and beautiful, and the way her eyes sparkled with mischief…it was intoxicating. “I have my panky, but I think I left my hanky in the boat.”

  “Leaper.” She drew his name out in long, sexy syllables that echoed around them.

  “That’s some echo. Keep in mind there’s a walkway above, probably with adults and kids.”

  “So what?” Kerry shrugged. “It’d take them a while to get down here, and we’ll be done by then.”

  “So this is a quickie.”

  She pointed at his cock. “No. That’s a longie.”

  He chuckled and reached for her. Kerry dodged out of his grasp. Then she lifted her tush in the air and wiggled at him. “Come and get me, big boy.�

  Leaper didn’t need to be asked twice. His mouth zeroed in on her clit, and he delighted in her sighs as he played a few of his favorite rhythmic movements against her most sensitive spot. She was dripping with wetness.

  He got on his knees and teased the tip of his cock over her entrance.

  She pushed back into him. “Leaper.” Her tone was annoyed. “I want you. Now.”

  “As you wish.” Leaper thrust his cock into her wet, waiting sheath. Enveloped in warmth and pure delight, Leaper remained very still while she arched her back and came just from the sheer size of him.

  Kerry’s breathing returned to normal. That was his cue to thrust in and out of her slick, blissful warmth. Her body continued to reach for him, urging him to go faster and harder, until they moved as one in a powerful union that took them both over the edge.

  They cried each other’s names in unison. Their names echoed around them.

  Kerry laughed, and Leaper joined in. It wasn’t every day that coital sounds were amplified at this volume.

  Leaper sat down on the ledge and pulled Kerry into his lap. He kissed her, their tongues teasing and tantalizing. He could feel his body priming again, but he pulled away when water splashed his feet. “We better scoot. The tide’s coming in.”

  Kerry nodded. She pulled on her bathing suit but struggled with her wetsuit. Leaper dressed with ease, and by the time she turned to him for help, he was already ready to go. “How did you get your trunks and wetsuit on so quickly?”

  He shrugged. “Practice.” The water was splashing around their ankles, and they needed to get out of the cave before the waves filled the entire space. Leaper helped Kerry tug on her wetsuit. “When we get in the water, I’m going to tie my utility belt to your wrist and connect it to mine. It’s been a while since I’ve been in these caves with the current rushing in so fast, and I want us to stay attached.”

  “Thanks,” she said. “I’m a decent swimmer, but this flow looks strong.”

  Leaper removed his utility belt. He tied one end of the strap to Kerry’s wrist and the other to his own. Then they sat down on the ledge and eased into the water.

  “Brrr.” It was cold and gave him one helluva wake-up call.

  “You’re not kidding. So much colder in here than it is out there.”

  “It’s deeper—all those cavernous tunnels and ledges.”

  He turned on their flashlights and gestured for her to do the same. He took slow, deep breaths and watched as she mimicked him. Then he counted to three, and they dove downward, swimming toward the entrance.

  The undercurrent was pushing sand and loose plants into the water, and it was hard to see more than a few feet in front of them. Leaper skinned his knee, but he didn’t stop. He plunged ahead, fighting through the current and tugging Kerry along behind him.

  His muscles strained as he battled through the water until suddenly he was through the worst of it and could swim more freely. He surfaced and brought Kerry up beside him, using the belt as a safety lead. She coughed and sputtered.

  “Are you okay?” Leaper asked.

  “Yes,” she managed. “I’m glad…you connected us. The force of that water was intense.”

  “It certainly was. I think our timing might have been a bit off.”

  Kerry touched a finger to his lips. “Your timing…is remarkable. Nature just has other plans sometimes. That was a beautiful experience.”

  He rolled on his back and tugged Kerry on top of him. Using his fins and leg muscles, he propelled them toward the boat.

  She laughed. “This is wonderful. You make a delightful flotation device.”

  “Wait until you see what I can do with my cork…talk about buoyant.”

  She splashed water in his face and giggled. “Let’s pop that cork sooner rather than later.”

  He laughed. “Aye, aye.” His head grazed the boat. With a single arm, he thrust Kerry up and into the boat and followed her in.

  The boat rocked from side to side. He pulled her close and kissed her.

  “Shall we untie the belt?” Kerry asked, holding up her wrist.

  “Let’s see how much fun we can have, being attached.” He nipped at her bottom lip.

  She rubbed her body against his. “Now that’s a pleasure I haven’t tried before, and I find the idea quite appealing.” Her lips tugged at his as she hugged him closer. “Show me how it’s done.”

  He growled with excitement. His body was primed to tangle. He could hardly wait until they were both naked again, just Kerry and him engulfed in glorious waves of passion.

  * * *

  The sun beat down mercilessly about a mile and a half off the coast of the Amphibious Base, Ocean Side. Sweat dripped down Leaper’s clean-shaven face, and his shirt was soaked all the way through. He shook his head, and sweat droplets flung out in all directions.

  He looked over the trainees. Work, work, work.

  Two groups had performed terribly during the live-fire exercise—Poshen’s group and his. The main reason had been lack of teamwork, and Leaper knew just the exercise to help the trainees work together. It was an old-school routine that Gich had used on his BUD/S class. The official training had dumped the exercise, because it was hard to find a boat that was slow enough to grab a man from the water without causing harm. But Leaper had tweaked this boat’s engine so it ran slower, and he’d gotten permission from the Commanding Officer of BUD/S to give this Team-building exercise a try.

  Leaper watched his trainees fall one by one into the water. He was putting his group in the drink first, and Poshen’s group would follow.

  Leaper watched as his trainees spaced themselves out in the water fairly evenly.

  At the helm of the boat was Poshen’s crew. Their job was to pick up Leaper’s guys, and then they’d switch. Watching the red-haired Seaman at the helm of the boat, Leaper knew this was going to be one seriously long day. This trainee knew nothing.

  Leaper leaned over and said, “There are more than two speeds. Consider the purpose of each one. If you come in at full speed and try to pick up someone from the water, there’s a possibility of harm. We don’t want any dislocations, broken bones, ripped rotator cuffs, etc. So I would suggest using your slowest setting.”

  The red-haired helmsman was startled. “It’s my first day at the controls.”

  “Interesting. My crew has already been doing swift-boat-driving maneuvers. Why haven’t all of you done it?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Leaper closed his eyes and pressed his hands against them in frustration. “Who’s been driving your boat the past few weeks?” he asked, then held up his hand. “Wait. Don’t answer that. It was Poshen.” Forcing himself not to raise his voice, Leaper gave the Seaman a swift lesson in boat and wave dynamics. “That should be enough to get through the day without running over anyone. That’s your goal: don’t knock out your classmates.”

  “Aye, aye,” he replied.

  Leaper briefed the entire crew. “Before we pick up the members of your class who are treading water in the drink, let’s review what’s going to happen. The helmsman will drive a 180—that’s a semicircle, for those who don’t remember their geometry. He will maintain his speed while two people at the back of the boat handle pickup. One will hold the loop and fish, and the other one will roll the sailor out of the way so the next person can get on board. Watch your weight distribution so we don’t flip the boat. Any questions?”

  Poshen’s trainees looked at each other nervously.

  “I’m serious. I’d rather you ask me now than have a problem later,” offered Leaper.

  Every trainee raised a hand. Questions shot at Leaper like BBs from a BB gun.

  Crap! He wanted to smack his head and then each of theirs. What had Poshen been doing with these guys? Obviously he hadn’t been teaching them—just torturing them.

Did this mean Leaper had to go over each of the basics? Poshen’s trainees needed to know this stuff, or they wouldn’t be able to handle boat-to-boat tactical evasion.

  Leaper glanced back at his crew. They looked relaxed enough, treading water or floating. Geez, each of his men was already interested in studying ocean-floor composition. He could pick on any of his men, and they could describe in detail every patch of sea floor from Mexico to Alaska.

  Leaper sighed. “Okay, ask me your questions one at a time.”

  * * *

  Perseverance means hanging in there, and never, ever throwing in the towel. Leaper’s trainees had taken those words to heart and excelled today. He was proud of them. But there were issues to be dealt with outside his Team.

  Leaper liked to give people the benefit of the doubt. When he’d tried to call Poshen from the boat, the man had said, “It’s my day off. Fuck you,” and hung up.

  Leaper didn’t get angry. He was just sad for Poshen’s trainees.

  Being on call 24–7 was part of the process. Leaper always had a phone or beeper with him. The trainees knew they could contact him, and he’d rather they called him than suffer or ring out.

  Some individuals made fantastic teachers. They prepared their students with a macro and micro world perspective, including mind-set, physical skills, and tactical awareness. Others couldn’t be bothered to teach more than what was at the end of their noses. Narrow perspectives could endanger lives.

  Leaper didn’t want to have to call someone on their shit, but honesty was a big part of Team dynamics. The ability to dish it out and to learn from criticism was vital. Feedback was a core principle of the learning process.

  Leaper’s large boots sank into the sand as he climbed the dune that separated the beach from the parking lot on the Amphibious Base. What did it say about his day that the very best part was taking Kerry to work on his boat and receiving that delectable goodbye kiss? Maybe he’d surprise her and stop by after work.

  After stomping his boots on the parking lot’s asphalt, he brushed the sand from his pants and walked at a fast clip to BUD/S. He flashed his ID at the gate and headed for Declan’s office. He hated to be that guy, but Declan needed to know what his instructors were doing. Most of the instructors were doing an okay job, and a few—like Zebbi—were performing wonderfully.


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