The Power of a SEAL

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The Power of a SEAL Page 29

by Elizabeth, Anne

  She shrugged. “I’m sure you read the After-Action Report on the incident. The person in the boat was acting strangely. Leaper noticed it first. Also, our sea lions kept circling his boat. They have an incredible sense of smell. When I looked through the binoculars, I recognized Joshua Boscher, who was supposedly dead—killed by his own shark study—but there he was in a boat, alive and well, and with several ground-to-air missiles. It was pretty frightening.”

  “But none of you lost your cool,” added Doug James.

  “No,” said Leaper. “We’re all well practiced and trained to function effectively and efficiently under pressure. I knew I couldn’t let those missiles be launched, so I acted, and Kerry was an excellent support. She’s my rock.”

  “Without forethought to your safety, and with concern only for others,” added Declan, joining the conversation. “That’s a warrior. And with the commitment to never surrender or quit, and to bring everyone back home. No one gets left behind.”

  Leaper slapped Declan on the back and the two men shook hands. “Thanks for this. It wasn’t necessary.”

  “Like I had any say in it. It was these bozos who wanted to recognize you.” Declan laughed. “I’d just as soon buy you an ice cream with sprinkles.”

  “You know I only like chocolate chips. Colors taste weird.”

  “You’re weird.” Declan rebutted.

  Kerry laughed. “You two should take your Abbott and Costello act on the road.”

  “That’s what Maura always says,” replied Leaper and Declan in unison. They chuckled loudly.

  “Two peas in a pod,” Kerry murmured affectionately.

  “We don’t want to hold up your celebration,” Special Agent Beckwith interjected. “Thanks again for the help. We could use an instructor like you.” He held out a business card. “If you change your mind, give us a call.”

  “Thanks. I’m okay where I am.” Leaper paused and looked over his shoulder. “Though you should know I never play by the rules. I hear you guys are sticklers for going by the book. That’s just not my thing.”

  “We are…very strict about the rules, for legal reasons,” added Doug James. “But the offer stands.” He nodded his head at Kerry. “Ma’am.” Then he offered his hand to Declan. “Swifton, let’s have dinner soon. My wife wants Maura’s recipe for butterscotch brown Bettys.”

  “Sure thing. I’ll let her know.” Declan shook hands with both men and watched as they left. Under his breath he said, “You know that I’d never let them steal you, Leftie.”

  “As if you could stop me from doing something I want to do. Pffft!” spouted Leaper.

  “If only I could bottle you and add you to our perfect sailor mix.” Declan smiled.

  “We’d get sour grapes,” they said in unison.

  “Seriously, though, I know you’re probably going operational again. I just wanted to say thanks for helping us out.” Declan nodded, his face tight with emotion.

  “Anytime, my brother,” said Leaper, adding levity to his tone and words. “Spending time with you is a vacation, though I might need a vacation from this break. Those natives were pretty restless—activists and disgruntled employees as well as enemy invaders and big, threatening bombs. Let me choose my own activities for the next trip to teach at BUD/S.”

  The two men held each other’s gaze for several seconds. Kerry knew there was some kind of special exchange happening, and it filled her with happiness and warmth to know that her Leaper was deeply cared for, respected, and appreciated. Of course, she couldn’t stop herself from saying, “Are you two going to kiss or what? I’m ready to get out of these heels.”

  The men laughed at her barb. It was the perfect thing to say.

  They moved over to the buffet table to help themselves to food.

  “Can you make me a plate?” Kerry asked Leaper.


  She went to find seats for them, anywhere she could get off her feet and quietly kick her shoes off for a few minutes. What had possessed her to wear four-inch heels all day when she normally ran around in deck shoes or tennis shoes was beyond her! Her cobalt-blue dress wouldn’t have hung correctly without the heels to lengthen her legs. That’s what she got for being short and busty. It’s amazing what a person goes through for fashion.

  * * *

  The guesthouse on First Street in Coronado seemed like such an ordinary place to Leaper, and yet the peace it had brought him over the years was immeasurable. He turned on the stereo and cued “I’ll Love You Forever.”

  “Is that Davy Jones? Retro and totally awesome. His voice is silky smooth.” Kerry hummed along to the song.

  “Don’t have a Brady Bunch moment on me.” He smiled at her. “Okay. Go ahead.”

  She stuck her tongue out at him.

  “Keep doing that and I’ll take it as an offer,” he added, raising his eyebrows. “Yeah, I run the gamut on style and taste. Glad you like it.”

  “Let me just finish folding the clothes while they’re hot. I hate wrinkles. Then I’ll come play.”

  He nodded his head, going back to his musing. Before Kerry, this small guesthouse had been a place to store uniforms, weapons, and toys like his motorcycle, kayaks, paddleboards, and his boat. Now, his needs and wants had changed, and this place was more of a quiet treasure, with his lady here. It didn’t feel like a storage unit anymore. Instead, it fed the harmony inside of him.

  It was home.

  Leaper opened the french doors onto the patio and stepped outside. A cool, salty breeze was coming off the water, and the distinct ocean scent filled his senses. For years, he’d thought it was the water that eased him, the Teams that made him feel whole and grounded, and his love of life that gave his world spark. In reality, a part of him had been waiting for Kerry. With her, he’d allowed himself to share the darkest parts of his world and had learned more about himself.

  He found a way to have perspective as he reexamined and reevaluated the events of his life. Not because she asked him to. She wasn’t intrusive in that way. Rather, she lived with a certain amount of freedom and self-expression that inspired him to search and grow too.

  What would have happened if he’d never seen her that day in the ocean? Was it fate that brought them together? Or a dolphin with a greater plan? He didn’t want to look too closely at it. He was grateful for the opportunity to know Kerry, and he wasn’t going to let it go.

  He breathed deeply, allowing the lap of the waves to calm him and melt away any tension. His world had changed so much with her in it. No longer the gawky comedian, he was Leaper Lefton, the man who loved, laughed, and lived. A SEAL. A lover. And a friend.

  The wind picked up. In the distance, Leaper could just barely hear the sound of feeding time at the Marine Mammal Program. The cacophony was music to his ears in a way he’d never considered before.

  As Kerry joined him on the patio, he turned toward her. Pulling out a packet of papers, he held it out for her. He knew his face would be a mask, unreadable.

  “What’s this? You look serious.” She read the first page. “I don’t understand.”

  The stereo system changed tunes, cuing Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers’ “I Won’t Back Down.” The lyrics played softly in the background as she looked at the paperwork again.

  “Yes, you do. It’s a grant from the Navy to study pink dolphins in the Amazon for their sonar capabilities. Barring any additional emergency for the Marine Mammal Program, you’re good to go after the virus is resolved.” He grinned. “Because I know how you feel about your dolphins and need to know they are well and safe, that comes first. Then this paperwork gives you paid leave to pursue your research.” Leaper watched her eyes scan the documents again.

  “I can’t believe this! I was ready to tell you that I’ll follow you anywhere.” Her hands shook as she clutched the papers tightly. Her mouth open. “Do you know how long I
’ve dreamed of this opportunity?”

  “Well, I know a few people in Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, SPAWAR. I’ve been in Spec Ops for over twenty years. I explained your position, and they were interested. They’re into communications research and they have the budget, so it fits.” Leaper delighted in her jumping up and down and then throwing herself into his arms. He clung to her, loving this moment. He hoped she kept this fiery part of her personality for all time. He’d do his best to support it.

  She kissed him passionately. “Oh, Leaper. This is amazing!”

  “Wait, there’s more. I’d like to officially apply for a position on your staff. Chief bottle washer or wrangler, or whatever you need. Home will be wherever our love will flourish.”

  “Leaper. I’m honored. I’d be thrilled.” She squeezed him hard and then slowly pulled back from him. “Wait. That’s my dream. What about the Teams? What about you?”

  He tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear. “I’m being assigned to you and your project for the next year or so, with an evaluation after that time to see if the Navy is prepared to continue your grant and the loan…of me. Though I’m pretty sure there are some brass who will be happy to have me off their backs for an extended period of time. I’m a bit of a pain in the ass.”

  “No!” she mocked.

  “Really, it’s true.” Leaper kissed her tenderly. “My dream is to expand my horizons, learn, live, and explore. A trip of this nature is a good first step. Now, uh, prepare yourself.” He placed her back on her feet and took two steps away from her. Then he dusted his trousers and got down on one knee.

  Kerry’s mouth dropped open. “What…what are you doing?” She dropped the paperwork on the nearby lounge and covered her mouth with both hands.

  “I’m doing exactly what I preach: following my instincts. Will you seek pleasure with me…for the rest of our lives?” Leaper didn’t know what he’d do if she replied in the negative. He couldn’t imagine living another moment of his life without her. Never in a million years would he have imagined himself wanting a wife and family, but with her, with Kerry, it was special. “Kerry Rose Hamilton, will you marry me?”

  “Oh God. You’re serious! Like really, really serious! Marriage, lifelong commitment, my socks mixed with yours!” Kerry’s voice rose higher. “Yes. Yes. Yes!”

  He grinned as he pulled a small pouch from his pocket and released the contents into the palm of his hand. “I want this ring to start a new tradition, to be passed on through our family. I didn’t realize it was important to me until I met you. I hope you like blue sapphires and pearls.”

  Joy filled Kerry’s eyes with glittering tears. “Man, I’m turning into a serious weeper. I’d be honored to start a hundred traditions with you. I love it, Leaper. I love you.” She held out her hand.

  “I love you, Kerry. To us, forever together.” He slid the engagement ring onto her finger. “A perfect fit. Just like us.”

  Leaper stood and pulled Kerry into his arms, kissing her with all of the passion in his heart. As she reciprocated, he knew that she was the perfect Teammate for him, his swim buddy for life.

  Author’s Note

  Romance with a dash of action is the spice of life. It adds layers of meaning to the story and characters. This story—even as it weaves in real-life aspects of military life—is a creation of my mind and meant to spark the imagination and entertain. I took liberties with some of action and adventure elements, though I’ve been told by military friends that many aspects are extremely plausible.

  The Marine Mammal Program is an innovative part of the Navy, and in my opinion, worth researching and supporting. My husband was a part of the program when he was a Navy SEAL. At that time, the program was located in Hawaii, and when it moved to the San Diego area, it was developed further with the assistance of the Marine Mammal Foundation. Their reach into preservation and protection is far-reaching.

  The experts—vets, trainers, staff, techs, researchers, and volunteers—associated with this program are dedicated souls whose commitment to excellence for our marine mammals is a tribute to their roles, their education, their families, and humanity as a whole. They have saved many lives, including those of wounded, beached, abandoned, and sick marine mammals. Many of these experts deploy and are put in harm’s way, and we honor their sacrifice. To those that have passed, we salute you and we thank you. Always know how dearly you are missed.

  Please note that many wild dolphins are affected by morbillivirus, a type of virus that also affects porpoises and whales. Scientists, researchers, and vets are still working to combat its spread and aid in the wellness and/or recovery from this devastating virus. There is no known cure to date. There are several articles in the reference section about the virus, if you’d like to learn more.

  Also, the research that the Marine Mammal Program and the Foundation are doing on kidney issues in bottlenose dolphins is significant and important to the field of nephrology. This is only a small part of how the Program and Foundation are working to protect our marine mammal friends and the ecosystems we share. For more information, please check out the links following this note.

  Also, the drug carfentanil is an elephant tranquilizer and has been in the news often, as it’s being used to cut heroin. The mortality rate associated with this drug is high and even an extremely small amount can be fatal. Do not touch it, inhale it, or get close to it. If you suspect that this drug is on, in, or near you, call 911 immediately or go to the hospital. Report any and all incidents to stop the use of this killer.

  Lastly, but most importantly, suicide has reached an epidemic level for our military. If you suspect someone is tormented or in pain, the VA offers help and there’s a veterans crisis hotline. Several cities are taking great lengths to protect our warriors by retrofitting bridges and buildings with suicide barriers, and we are grateful to see this. We hope our veterans know how much we love them and thank them for their service.

  Many thanks to the fans who wrote me and wanted to read Leaper’s story. It’s a beautiful way to end the West Coast Navy SEAL series. I hope you enjoyed the ride, and thank you for taking so many wonderful journeys with me. This has been a precious experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

  Hooyah and hugs!

  Anne Elizabeth

  Additional Resources

  National Marine Mammal Foundation

  Mission: “To improve and protect life for marine mammals, humans, and our shared oceans through science, service, and education.”

  The Honor Foundation

  “The Honor Foundation (THF) is a unique transition institute created exclusively for Navy SEALs and the U.S. Special Operations community. We provide a clear process for professional development and a diverse ecosystem of world-class support and technology. Every step is dedicated to preparing these outstanding men and women to continue to realize their maximum potential during and after their service careers.”

  U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs

  Veterans Crisis Line


  Chapman, Gary. The Five Love Languages. Chicago: Northfield Publishing, 2004.

  Dyer, Trey. “Carfentanil Linked to 19 Deaths in Wayne County, Michigan.”, October 14, 2016.

  Goldish, Meish. Dolphins in the Navy. New York: Bearport Publishing, 2012.

  Lee, Jane J. “What’s Killing Bottlenose Dolphins? Experts Discover Cause.” National Geographic, August 28, 2013.

  Leschin-Hoar, Clare. “Whales, Sea Turtles, Seals: The Unintended Catch of Abandoned Fishing Gear.” National Public Radio, September 28, 2

  Melendez, Steven. “How America Gets Its Deadliest New Drug.”, September 9, 2016.

  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. “Morbillivirus Infection in Dolphins, Porpoises, and Whales.” August 28, 2013.

  Subbaraman, Nidhi. “Big Break in Dolphin Die-Off: It’s an ‘Outbreak’ of Measles-Like Virus.” NBC News, August 27, 2013.

  Walsh, Brian E. VAK Self-Audit: Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Communication and Learning Styles: Exploring Patterns of How You Interact and Learn. Edited by Ronald Willard and Astrid Whiting. [Print on demand]: Walsh Seminars, 2011.

  Leaper and Kerry’s Playlist

  American Authors, “Best Day of My Life”

  Thirty Seconds to Mars, “Kings and Queens”

  Village People, “In the Navy”

  Pixies, “Where Is My Mind?”

  The Lumineers, “Ho Hey”

  Barry White, “Your Sweetness Is My Weakness”

  Hoyt Axton, “Joy to the World”

  Aretha Franklin, “(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman”

  Marvin Gaye, “I Heard It through the Grapevine”

  The Young Rascals, “Good Lovin’”

  Rolling Stones, “You Can’t Always Get What You Want”

  The Yesteryears, “Come Together”

  Louis Armstrong, “All of Me”

  Violent Femmes, “Please Do Not Go”


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