Secrets of Lady Lucy

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Secrets of Lady Lucy Page 7

by Rachel Ann Smith

  “I’m in search of my twin yet again. Have you seen Lucy?”

  “She went to find Lady Mary, not ten minutes ago.”

  “Oh, well, at least she is not off reading a book and hiding somewhere. She is supposed to be assisting me with my newest bill. By the by, I’m happy to have you reside with us next week. Shame about the roof leak at your town house.”

  “What? Take up residence with you? Whatever for?”

  Harrington dropped his voice to a whisper. “I received orders I must ensure”—his eyes scanned their surroundings to see who was about—“your safety.”

  “I do not need a nanny. I am quite capable of ensuring my own safety.” Blake had received word from the Foreign Office that the Home Office had intercepted correspondence that indicated he might be the target of a planned abduction. They had cautioned him not to take undue risks and advised him not to leave Town.

  “Well, I have my orders. I’m sure you will receive yours shortly.”

  Momentarily stunned by the turn of events, Blake remained rooted to the spot as Matthew took his leave through the terrace doors.

  Pacing while waiting in the foyer for his carriage to be brought around, Blake was still unsettled by the fact that the Home Office felt it necessary for him to reside with Harrington. He didn’t even work for the Home Office, but since he was now on English soil, he presumed it had jurisdiction over the Foreign Office.

  He had survived years on the Continent with little to no support. He had mapped and worked with Wellington to devise safe routes. He had been a witness to many villages brought to rubble. During his entire military career, he had traveled with no batman and no valet, just alone with his travel bag. He was not used to being around the same set of people day in and day out. He was also not a complainer. But to have others run interference in his life now was rather inconvenient.

  He inhaled another deep breath to gain patience. A flash of lavender caught his attention, and the click of a door closing sharply piqued his interest. That lavender gown Lucy was wearing was delectable. What was she doing abovestairs? Was she meeting someone?

  Curiosity got the better of him as he took the stairs two at a time, soundlessly approaching the door he guessed she had entered. He could clearly hear someone sobbing. Why was Lucy crying?

  He crept into the dark room, closing the door behind him. Leaning against solid wood, he waited for his eyes to adjust before whispering, “Lucy, my sweet?”

  He reached out for her in the darkness. His hands met with air and then fell to his sides. The scent of lavender tickled his nose. She was near. His muscles simultaneously tensed and tingled. He needed to touch her, make sure she was well.

  She drew in a breath and replied, “Lord Devonton, I do not believe I have given you leave to call me by my given name, nor is it appropriate to call an acquaintance by such an intimate endearment.”

  “Lady Lucy, are you crying?”

  “I never cry. I have no idea what gave you the notion. Why are you here?”

  “Perhaps I should ask the same of you.”

  “I needed to repair my dress, and I could not find the ladies’ retiring room.”

  Jealousy spurred Blake to ask, “So you are not meeting someone?”

  “With whom would I be having an assignation?”

  “There are a number of lords here this evening who would love the opportunity. I’m sure if you were to show even a little interest, many wouldn’t mind being caught in a compromising situation with you.” He took a step closer. “Can I be of assistance with your dress?”

  “I do not believe you have the necessary skills to assist me. However, if you would kindly leave before we are found together with the door closed, I would greatly appreciate it since I do not wish to endure a scandal of any sort.”

  “Why would there be a scandal? Unless we were found in an exceedingly compromising position, there would be nothing to gossip about.” In fact, that would not be the case, and Harrington would surely call him out.

  Eyes fully adjusted now, he took another step closer, which brought him within inches of Lucy. She could have retreated, but she chose not to.

  “Lord Devonton, I ask that you leave immediately.”

  He reached out, turned her by the shoulders and tried to view her dress. He could see nothing wrong with her dress in the dark. He put an arm around her waist and gently pulled her back. Lowering his head to her ear, Blake teased, “I’m unable to find fault with your dress. Perhaps there is a problem with another article of your clothing.” His breath was hot and his voice silky.

  Did the chit just shiver in his arms? The tension in her body began to dissipate, and she leaned back into him. It felt right.

  Turning to face him, she uttered, “What do you know of women’s clothing?”

  He grinned and skimmed his hand down her spine, inching one button at a time until his palm rested on her lower back, which he began to rub in a circular motion. “I confess I know little of women’s fashion, but I can assure you I’m an expert in divesting women of all their clothing in a very efficient manner.”

  He could feel her muscles relaxing. But then, as if realizing the illicit nature of their meeting in a room alone, she stepped away. “If you will not leave, I must return to the ballroom and find Matthew so we can depart posthaste.”

  Did he want to force the issue with Lucy? No, his preference would be for her to come to him of her own free will. When she moved to open the door, he didn’t stop her.

  “Do not follow me too closely. Wait a while before leaving.”

  Lucy peeked out into the hallway, and then, before he could blink, she was gone.

  He had to give himself, and certain body parts, a minute to recompose. Lucy’s light lavender scent remained, making it difficult. Having had her in his arms, he was determined to have her in them again, and soon. Perhaps residing with Harrington might not be such an inconvenience after all.

  As she descended the stairs, Lucy spied her brother below. The groan she exhaled had Matthew gazing up at her. She placed her foot on the last step and steeled herself for the barrage of questions from her twin.

  “Where on earth have you been hiding? Were you abovestairs with someone? It better not have been Archbroke or one of the others—I’ll call them out!”

  “Matthew, you have this annoying habit of asking questions without pause. Please let me explain, and all will be well.”

  Annoyingly, he raised one eyebrow, the skill Lucy had always been unable to achieve.

  “Well, you see, I lost my way, and I was looking for Lady Mary to apologize, and I…”

  “Lucy, you have the best sense of direction I know. There is more lead in your nose than most. I’m not an idiot. Please tell me the truth.”

  Clearing the lump in her throat, Lucy replied, “The truth is there are very few ladies who I would like to be friends with, and tonight I think I have offended Lady Mary… I’m just exhausted and out of sorts. Can we please leave?”

  It was frustrating that ladies were not afforded the same opportunity to form as close friendships as gentlemen, for girls were not sent to study at schools as excellent as Eton or Oxford. She had been fortunate her papa had not objected when she started to attend lessons with Matthew. Glad to have company in the schoolroom, Matthew always encouraged her. Oddly enough, she excelled in the subjects he struggled with and vice versa. Matthew was never one to boast, was always extraordinarily patient, and assisted her in mastering topics that left her feeling like a dullard. It was also during this time they realized that they shared the ability to sense each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and if they wanted, to anticipate each other’s thoughts.

  With Matthew’s nod, Lucy released the breath she was holding, and relief flowed through her, knowing he fully understood her dismay.

  She followed her brother back to the ballroom. Assuming they were to say their farewells to their host and Grace, her focus remained on Matthew’s tailcoat, ignoring inquiring stares. She walked
directly into his back when he came to an abrupt stop.

  “Devonton! I would ask a favor of you. It is such a crush tonight, and it will take some time for our carriage to be brought around. Lucy is exhausted and would like to return home summarily. Would you please escort her there? I still have a matter to settle in the card room.”

  Lucy turned abruptly and glared at him as she spoke. “Matthew, it is not proper for Lord Devonton and me to be alone in the carriage. There will be gossip.”

  “Lucy, I trust Devonton. He is like a brother to me.”

  Blake addressed Matthew directly over Lucy’s head as he winged his arm toward her and she placed her hand on his bicep. “I’d be honored to escort Lucy home. She will be safe with me.”

  When Matthew turned to leave, Blake gave Lucy a devilish wink. It sent shock waves throughout her body. Deciding that there was no other choice but to go with Blake unless she wanted to make a scene, she shuffled her feet, willing them to move through the throng of guests who waited for their carriages. Avoiding eye contact, she wondered what pressing issue Matthew could possibly have that he would leave her in Blake’s care. But if Matthew trusted and regarded Blake with such respect, perhaps she should too.

  “Ready?” Blake asked as his carriage, marked with a distinctive crest, moved to the forefront. As he handed her in, she couldn’t help but note the strength that resonated from this man. His eyes were hypnotic, and when she gazed directly into them, her pulse quickened. It reminded her of how he incited emotions and thoughts that were a puzzle to her. He was a mystery to her, one she would have to figure out.

  Lucy settled on the forward-facing seat and expected Blake to take the one opposite. Instead, he made room for himself next to her, forcing her to move over a tad. She could feel his large, muscled thigh through her gown; his broad shoulders were the perfect height for her to rest her head on, like a pillow. She was trying to deduce why she had this overwhelming need to seek comfort in his arms. The warmth emanating from his body was too much to resist. Lucy leaned into him, and he reached out to cover her hands clasped in her lap.

  Lucy did not pull away. She enjoyed the simplicity of his large hand engulfing both of hers. Lost in recollections of their past encounters, she began counting how many times she and Blake had conversed. Five. How could it be so few? She felt a kinship with him, and after each happenstance, she was eager to know more about the man that made her body tingle.

  Blake broke her train of thought. “Lady Lucy, I’m pleased to have the opportunity to become better acquainted with you and your family in the coming weeks.”

  “Pray tell what do you mean?”

  “Did your brother not inform you that I will be residing with your family while the roof of my town house is being repaired? Having been away for so long, some of the maintenance on the house has been overlooked.”

  Surely Matthew would have advised her of such arrangements despite Lucy having just returned. Skeptical at the sudden turn of events, her mind turned over the implications of having another man in the house. “Are… are…” She took a calming breath before she tried again. “How long do you expect the repairs to take?”

  As if finding her flustered entertained him, he grinned. “Until all the damage can be assessed, I’m uncertain as to the length of time. However, the workmen will be ready to start next week.”

  “Next week!” Not only was Lucy’s mind whirling around like a tornado, but so were her emotions. What would it be like to be always near him? With familiarity, would these tingling sensations subside? Would he continue to make her insides knot and her bones turn into pudding? He shifted his weight, and again with his touch a wave of heat rioted through her body.

  The carriage rolled to a stop. He squeezed her hands that were now hot and sweaty. As the footman opened the door, Blake exited and turned to assist her. Once her feet were planted on the ground, she twisted to bid him good night but found she was expertly being guided up the stoop to the front door.

  A step above him, she turned and they were face-to-face. Blake leaned in and whispered, “Pleasant dreams, my sweet,” and then left.

  Staring at Blake’s retreating back, she stood fuming. My sweet! The audacity of the man. Admittedly, for a brief moment, she had thought he would kiss her, and now she was left to contend with this peculiar feeling of disappointment.

  Not ready to return to his lodgings, Blake headed to Brooks’s to enjoy a late-night drink to wind down and relax. Why was it Lucy could tie him and his muscles into knots? Even with a simple look, she had his body wanting to reach out and touch her in ways only a husband should.

  He was getting way ahead of himself—first, on his return, Lucy hadn’t even recognized him, and second, she had made it obvious she had no interest in him whatsoever.

  But there was no denying her physical reaction to him. Her eyes had dilated, the pulse in her neck quickened, and the color flooded her cheeks.

  As Blake downed the last of his brandy, Harrington entered the club and made his way over to a chair next to Blake that afforded both men a view of the entrance.

  At the sight of Harrington’s scowl, Blake asked, “What has you at sixes and sevens?”

  “Nothing, really. Tomorrow I will need to search out Roxbury.”

  “Remind me. Who is Roxbury?”

  Harrington sighed and answered, “He is Lady Mary’s older brother.”

  “Ah, you are going to run interference then?”

  Harrington rubbed his temples. “I dislike it when Lucy is upset.”

  Blake felt some responsibility for his part in causing a rift between the two lovely ladies. “Would you like assistance in tracking the man down?”

  “If you would like to accompany me to Tattersalls tomorrow, I’d appreciate the company.”

  Harrington’s mention of his company prompted Blake to say, “I was wondering if we could discuss my living arrangements for next week. I’m not certain your place would provide the best solution.”

  “What are you implying, Devonton? My town house is not good enough for you? I’ll have you know—”

  “It’s not the town house!” Blake exploded uncharacteristically. “It is that I do not want to endanger your family. Edward is still a mite, and your mama and sister are also in residence. I’d hate for any harm to befall them as a result of my staying with you.”

  Harrington reeled back and stared at Blake for a moment. “I’m aware you are unaccustomed to sharing quarters, but all will be well. If everything goes to plan, it will only be for a few weeks.”

  Neither of them would disobey a direct order. Restless, Blake stood and began to pace.

  “Devonton, you are making me dizzy. Will you cease with the pacing?”

  “I think better when I’m on the move.”

  “I don’t fully comprehend why now and why you.”

  Those were the exact same questions Blake had asked himself over and over throughout the night. Why would anyone have a need to kidnap him?

  He confided in his friend. “My theory is they need someone with intimate knowledge of a particular area. Since I’ve toured and can navigate the terrain surrounding various holdings on the Continent, I believe it is that knowledge that they seek.”

  “I was told all your travels had been well documented. Why not just obtain the necessary maps? Why do they need you?”

  Could the man limit himself to one question at a time? Blake mulled over Harrington’s queries. “Not all the maps are available. Some are under protection at the Guard House. And who is to say they only have one plan in motion?”

  Blake could see the cogs of Harrington’s brain churning and his gaze darting around the room. When there was no one close enough to hear their conversion, the marquess said, “I’ve heard reports of increased activity in several of the known smugglers’ dens. In particular, near Sandgate. Perhaps we should…”

  “We should what?” Was Harrington implying they directly disobey orders? It was unlike him to suggest such a thing. Or
ders which stated the men were to remain in London. Blake brought to mind a picture of Sandgate and the surrounding area. “Harrington, did you receive an invitation to attend Lord and Lady Redburn’s house party?”

  “Redburn. Hmm… Redburn. Yes, I believe we did. However, I typically avoid house parties, and I would never leave Lucy here unescorted.”

  Not wanting to pass up an opportunity to do some investigating himself, Blake suggested, “Perhaps Lucy would like to attend the house party.”

  “Are you serious? I can’t even get her to agree to attend a ball without having Grace spend days needling her into acceptance. Lucy would be quite content to stay at home with a good book and play games with Edward. If it were not for Grace, she would have sequestered herself to the country and not come to London for the Season. Why do you have an interest in the Redburns’ party, anyway?”

  Harrington’s gaze put Blake on edge. Had he somehow detected Blake’s interest in Lucy? To lust after your best friend’s sister was not done. Masking his thoughts and emotions, he merely answered, “Redburn’s property is in the vicinity of Sandgate.”

  Blake hadn’t been to Tattersalls in years. He would have to consult with his steward as to the status of his stables. A pair of matching grays caught his attention, and he was immediately drawn to them. Their coloring reminding him of Lucy’s eyes. Before he could make his way over to the pair, Harrington drew him in the opposite direction, toward a gentleman not much older than themselves.

  “Roxbury, good to see you,” Harrington greeted.

  Roxbury’s appearance resembled nothing like his sister, Lady Mary. The lady had warm mahogany tresses with honey-brown eyes, while Roxbury had golden-blond hair with clear blue eyes.

  “Harrington.” Roxbury turned to face Matthew with a slight frown marring his forehead. “My sister shared a rather interesting story about your sister and some of your friends at a ball she attended recently.” He slid an accusing gaze toward Blake.

  “Roxbury, please allow me to introduce you to Blake Gower, the Earl of Devonton.” Harrington carried on, saying, “I’m not certain of the details; however, Lucy was distressed that she had somehow offended Lady Mary. I’m certain my sister would appreciate the opportunity to make amends, but convincing Lucy to attend any social event is a feat in itself.”


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