Chase the Pain: A Dark Mafia Billionaire Romance (Amatucci Family Book 1)

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Chase the Pain: A Dark Mafia Billionaire Romance (Amatucci Family Book 1) Page 13

by Sadie Jacks

  Love was for idiots and fools. I was neither. Grams wouldn’t be around long enough for me to find that unicorn. The idea that I was losing her faster than should have been possible slapped me in the face again.

  There was nothing I could do. No amount of money I could donate. Nothing could stop the ravages of time and a deteriorating brain. Dementia was stealing my favorite human and I was helpless and hopeless to stop it.

  Her breathing evened out again as she fell asleep. The nurse came over, checked Grams’ vitals. “She’s good. Just worn out.”

  I nodded. Checked my watch. “Where’s Amatucci?”

  The nurse shook her head. “I have no idea who that is, I’m sorry.”

  I nodded again. Getting to my feet, I leaned down and pressed a kiss to my grandmother’s papery cheek. “I’ll be back soon, Grams. Hang in there for me.”

  I walked out of the private room and started towards the main reception desk. Amatucci and Willow were coming from the opposite direction. I studied Willow’s body as she made her way down the hall. Her legs were moving a little better, but she was still needing to use Rafael as a crutch as she walked.

  She saw me watching her. A slight flush rose to her cheeks as she gave me an awkward wave.

  I lifted my chin, hurried my steps slightly. “How did it go?” I asked.

  She shrugged. “At least Steph talked to me. That was my biggest worry, that she would just stand back and go about her business.”

  I nodded. Looked at Rafael. “Did the nurse do a good job?”

  He looked at me like I was crazy. “I’m not a forensic nurse, man. Nor was I in the room.”

  “And my answer should have been enough for you. It was my appointment, not Rafe’s.” Willow glared at me.

  My inner voice mocked me. Way to go, shithead. How many times do we need to go over not alienating the woman you want in your bed?

  Wait. What? Who the fuck said anything about getting her in my bed? She’s getting hooked to the cross where I can use her how I want for as long as I want. My bed wasn’t for subs. Ever.

  Keep thinking that, jacknozzle. You won’t get her at all. You don’t deserve her anyway.

  I gritted my teeth. I knew that. It didn’t matter, but I did know that. I was going to have her anyways.

  I nodded at the woman causing so much inner turmoil. “You’re right. I apologize. I should have taken your word on the matter.”

  We all turned to walk towards the front door.

  I put out my arm, waited for Willow to grab it.

  She took it almost immediately, a look of relief on her face. “Thank you. Standing for the last hour on cement floors has made my legs ache.” She walked between us as we exited. “You do know today is Tuesday, right?” She looked up at me.

  My brow furrowed. “Yeah, I know that.”

  She looked down my body, back up. Her gaze got stuck around my arms before finally lifting back to mine. “You’re wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers. Is PennCorp so casual during the week?”

  I chuckled. “No.” We continued on in silence.

  “And that’s it? That’s all you’re going to give me? No.” She looked up at me as we walked to the black Range Rover near the middle of the empty parking lot. After a moment, she turned back to face forward. “Okay.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Rafe shake his head as he rolled his eyes.

  I ground my teeth together. “My grandmother is a patient here. With the news report this morning, I wanted to see her first thing. I’ll change back into my suit later.” Well, no, I wouldn’t. But I couldn’t tell her that. Why I was bothering to tell her anything was beyond me, anyway. I didn’t owe her anything.

  Fuck, at last count, I was up to two. She was still slacking back at zero. She owed me, not the other way around.

  She looked up at me again. Her brow furrowed as sympathy deepened the sage green of her eyes. “I’m so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I hope, if it is serious, that you get to spend as much time with her as possible. Losing loved ones is a rare kind of heartbreak.” She bumped her shoulder to my arm briefly before straightening again.

  “What news report?” Rafael asked.

  I filled them in.

  Willow’s eyes widened as she stumbled. I clamped my hand over hers on my arm. Helped stabilize her. “What? What’s wrong?”

  “That’s me. They think you kidnapped me. Why would they think that?” She looked between Rafael and I, horror splashed across her face.

  Rafael’s lip curled up. He gave her a rundown of what was actually happening. Apparently, the Amatucci men shared just about everything with her. I wondered if they treated their sister as an equal partner as well.

  Willow shifted back to watch me once Rafael was done with his story. Her green eyes were stormy and troubled.

  I clenched my free hand into a fist to keep from rubbing a thumb over her bottom lip. They were so plump and soft looking. I bet they’d feel like silk against my own. And heaven around my dick.

  “I’ll make a statement. I can tell the media that you were there to help me. That you didn’t kidnap me at all,” she offered. “I can do that. I can repay you that way.”

  The word ‘repay’ coming from her mouth set my teeth on edge. “I don’t need to be repaid for being a nice guy.” Even though I’d just been thinking the same damn thing. Hearing her reduce whatever this was between us to a simple social transaction made me want to rage at something.

  I cleared my throat. “Besides, Domenico is taking care of it.”

  She searched my gaze, her beautiful eyes flicking back and forth for a few moments. She nodded. “Okay. But if you need me to talk to anyone, police, security at the hospital, I’ll be there with bells on.” She reached over, patted my hand. “I never thought something like this would happen just because I got a table crashed into me. I’m so very sorry.” She rubbed her palm over the bare skin of my forearm.

  I nodded, pulled away. Uncomfortable with her display of…contrition. She’d done nothing wrong but be a victim. There was literally nothing to apologize for. “I’m glad your appointment went as well as it did.” I smiled down at her. “Now that reception knows who you are, feel free to use this facility instead of GMH.”

  She sucked in a breath, her eyes wide. She shook her head. “No. But thank you for the offer. I can’t take advantage of our…relationship like that.” She patted my arm again. “Seriously, thank you so much. But no. If I need to go back to the hospital so soon, I probably shouldn’t be out in public anyway.” She smiled at me and turned away.

  Rafael looked at me oddly before nodding and helping her into the front passenger seat.

  I watched as she grimaced when he moved her legs into the passenger cabin. She wiped the grimace away when Rafael looked back up at her. He must have said something because she smiled and shook her head.

  She looked up, waved at me.

  I gave her a little salute as Rafael got in the driver’s seat.

  He gave me the same gesture back before turning the engine over and driving away.

  My phone buzzed, pulling me back to the fact that I was standing like an idiot in the parking lot. Gazing after a vehicle that had long since gone. I pulled the device from my pocket, glanced at the screen.

  A smile pulled at my mouth, but it had nothing to do with mirth. No. This smile was all predator. And I was about to catch my prey.

  I hit the record button before connecting the call. I lifted the phone to my ear.

  “You should have listened to me, boy,” John Cavendish sneered down the line.

  “I know you can’t see me, but you should know that I’m quaking in my boots over here, John. Absolutely terrified.” I sounded as bored as if I were watching paint dry on a humid day.

  “You little fucker, if my son doesn’t get into Harvard because of this, I’m coming for you. You don’t want me for an enemy.”

  I raised my brows before I narrowed my eyes. I walked to my vehicle, also a black Ran
ge Rover. “No, you don’t want me for an enemy, Johnny. You lit the match. Be prepared to play with the fire. I take no prisoners.” I hung up on him. Hit the button to block all of his calls.

  I got behind the wheel, punched the button to start the SUV. Once everything had turned on and my phone connected to the car’s computer, I called out a command. “Call Nik.”

  “Calling Nik,” the car replied.

  It was time to stop playing and start winning.

  “Yes, O Great Master. How can I serve thee?” she said.

  I snorted. A woman less likely to take orders from a man, I’d yet to meet. “I need some deep runs. You ready?”

  Chapter 17 – Willow

  “Seriously though, Will, are you doing okay after the exam?” Rafe asked as he pulled away from the hospital parking lot. “I know you sugar coated it for Penn. But this is me asking.”

  I sighed. “Yeah, I’m fine. Mostly. Steph really did talk to me for the most part. And it did help to not feel like a piece of furniture. I just feel like an idiot all the way around. Nothing anyone can do about it.” I looked out my window, my chin in my hand as I leaned against the door.

  “As long as she didn’t make you uncomfortable.” He patted my thigh lightly. “You’re walking better.” He chuckled. “Well, you were before the exam. Right now, you walk like you’ve got a cob shoved up your butt.”

  I slapped his hand away as I laughed. “Jerk.”

  He chuckled. “What else is on your agenda for today?”

  I dug my phone out of my pocket. Opened the calendar and bit my lip. “Well, I need to do final walk-throughs of the venues. Get some measurements for the first party on Friday afternoon.”

  “Which party is that?”

  “Birthday party for a sixteen-year-old girl.”

  He shuddered. “Nerd or mean girl?”

  I laughed. “On the nerdier side, I think. She’s using books and libraries as her theme. The cake is the Harry Potter collection.”

  He smiled. “Good. Mean girls make me want to slap them in the face with chairs.”

  I chuckled. “Ditto. No, Natalie is a sweetheart. Her mother is another thing altogether, but as long as Natalie is happy with everything, I’ll be happy.”

  He nodded. “Next party?”

  “Anniversary reception for…” I flipped to my notes app. “Mr. and Mrs. Stanten. This will be their seventy-fifth anniversary.” I leaned back in my seat. My mind still boggled at the idea of being with a single person for that long. I hadn’t made it past the five-year mark.

  Granted, my married life had been…unique.

  Rafe whistled. “Damn. That’s crazy.” He shook his head as we took the exit for the lofts. “What’s their theme?”

  “Diamonds. Their grandkids are the ones who contacted me. The party is pretty early on Saturday morning—something about how Gramma and Grampa didn’t like to dawdle.” I smiled. “The main cake is a giant diamond covered in silver dust so it sparkles. I’m also doing cheesecake cups, fruit, ham and cheese trays. Apparently, G and G eat breakfast around four in the morning, so they’re ready for lunch by ten a.m.”

  Rafe groaned. “Why in heaven’s name would they be awake that early?”

  I laughed. “No idea. But that gives me time to get that one all set up, torn down, and then across town for the Higgins/Wellman wedding. Most of that is already ready, I’ll decorate the cake on Friday after the party.”

  “Well, we’ve got two full days to get everything else done. Let’s go do the walk throughs today while your legs are already hurting. Get those done and then you can chill out for the rest of the week. Do online stuff or business stuff for the rest of that,” Rafe said.

  I nodded. “Sounds like a plan to me.” That would give me some time to do some personal baking. “What’s your favorite flavor of cupcake?”

  “Right now, red velvet. Why?”

  I shook my head. “Just wondering.”


  We got back home, and my legs were in such bad shape, Rafe had to carry me from the car to the loft. Turo was just turning away from my door when we stepped off the elevator. “There you guys are.”

  I tossed him my keys as Rafe lowered me to my feet. “Here we are. What are you doing slumming it down here?” I pressed a kiss to his cheek.

  He laughed. “I wouldn’t call this slumming it. I’m here to check on you. Nico told me your progress, but I wanted to see you for myself. Why’s Rafe carrying you?”

  Rafe got the door opened and ushered us in.

  Turo gave me his arm so I could hobble over the threshold. “Are your legs so bad then?”

  Rafe choked a cough. “Go ahead and show him, Will.” He got the door shut and my purse set down on the coffee table.

  Turo helped me to the couch. As he helped lift my legs to the seat, I raised the hem of my sundress to my upper thighs, tucked the edge of it between my legs. He sucked in a breath as his dark brown eyes fired with angry heat. “What the fuck?” He looked up at his brother.

  “You said she would be fine. This doesn’t look fine, Rafe.” He stabbed a finger down at my legs.

  Rafe grunted. “And except for the discoloration, she is fine. She’s lucky she doesn’t have shattered femurs. Those club tables are fucking heavy, Turo. She’s just sore and achy, which she’s managing with ibuprofen and cool baths. Back out of my tailpipe.”

  I bit my lip. These two sparked high and hot off each other on the best of days. Probably because they were so similar.

  Turo heaved a breath, pushed his fingers into his eyes. Rubbed for a moment. “Fine. Sorry.” He crouched down next to me. Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, he said, “Are they okay on the inside?”

  I nodded. “Like Rafe said, just sore and achy. The bruising looks awful, and I’ve been walking quite a bit today, so they kinda cramped up. But we’re home now, so I’ll be staying here for most of the rest of the afternoon.”

  He smiled at me. “Had lunch yet?”

  I shook my head. “No. Rafe said he was going to make me some grilled cheese and tomato soup.” One of my favorite meals when I was feeling crummy.

  Turo ran a hand softly over my hair. “I’ll help. I’ve got an appointment downtown but wanted to stop by and see you for a bit. Tali says hi. And that she expects a repeat performance of your shower scene last night.” His eyebrows kicked high. A lascivious light lit his eyes. “Do tell.”

  I told him the story, adding more grunting and groaning to the tale than had actually happened. All three of us were in stitches by the time I was done.

  “And this morning?” he asked.

  I sighed, rolled my eyes. “You guys are worse than middle school girls with all of your gossip.” I gave him the story. Watched as his eyes darkened briefly.

  “I’m glad Tali was here for you.” He pressed a kiss to my head and moved to the kitchen counter to help his youngest brother.

  “How have you been?” I asked him, turning slightly so I could watch them work together. Their dark heads were almost identical in color, but Rafe’s hair was longer. The hair’s breadth of difference in their heights added to the picture of big, strong men. Dom was the tallest, followed closely by Mas. These two could have been twins were it not for the eight year difference in their ages.

  He looked up from the saucepan. Smiled. “Good. Playing with money is always fun for me.”

  I chuckled. “How’s my portfolio, dahling?” I asked, affecting a snooty accent like the one my mother frequently used.

  He smirked. “Better than it was before you put me in charge of it.”

  I nodded. “Damn straight it is. My father’s an idiot.”

  Neither man denied my statement.

  “Any new lady friends?”

  He shot me a cheeky grin. “A gentleman never tells.”

  Rafe almost fell over laughing. “I wish that were the case. I get so many details, I feel like I should start writing pornos for a living. Probably pretty good money in it, too.”

; Turo flushed as he snapped his towel at his brother. “Asshole. She doesn’t need to hear that.”

  I laughed. “Well, I did ask.”

  Rafe stabbed his finger at me while looking at his brother. “Exactly. Go snap her with a towel.”

  “When are you guys going to settle down and give me nephews and nieces?”

  They both groaned. “Not you, too, Will. Mama’s on us all the time to start giving her grandbabies.”

  I raised an eyebrow at Turo. “You’re thirty-seven. I should think your manwhore days are firmly behind you. Don’t you want kids?”

  He smiled, nodded. “Sure. But since you won’t marry me…” he shrugged. “I’m not into second place ladies.” He winked.

  I laughed, long and loud. “I’d make a terrible wife.”

  “I don’t know about that,” Ryker said from the doorway where he and Dom stood.

  I startled and let my head fall over backwards so I could see him.

  Dom slapped him up the backside of his head. “She’s not for you.” He stalked into the room, pressed a kiss to my lips before helping me raise my head.

  “I didn’t say she was. I just don’t think she’d make a terrible wife for someone.” Ryker threw his jacket and briefcase into the chair by my couch.

  What the hell is he doing here? Again. It was like he was stalking me. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. But I bit my words back. He’d saved me at least three times so far. I could be nice. For now.

  “Enjoy the rest of your day?” I asked him.

  He shrugged.

  I turned, searching for Dom. “What happened?” I asked him.

  Dom sighed. Sat in the chair closest to the foot of the couch. He cleared his throat. “You’re going to have to go in before a judge and sign an affidavit that Penn didn’t kidnap you.”

  My eyes widened as I jerked back. “But…but why does anyone think I was kidnapped anyways? It’s not like I’m locked up in a dungeon somewhere right now.”

  Ryker made an odd noise in his throat.

  I turned to look at him. “Well, it’s not. I’m in my own home, stuck on this stupid couch because my legs hurt.” I swung back to Dom. “And Ryker didn’t have anything to do with that either.”


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