Dani (Women of Strength Series)

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Dani (Women of Strength Series) Page 1

by Adelle Laudan

  Women of Strength Series



  Adelle Laudan

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.



  Adelle Laudan

  Women of Strength Series

  Copyright© 2013 Adelle Laudan

  ISBN: 978-1-927700-02-0

  Cover Artist: Adele Laudan

  Editor – Stacy D Holmes

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews. Due to copyright laws you cannot trade, sell or give any ebooks away.

  This is a work of fiction. All references to real places, people, or events are coincidental, and if not coincidental, are used fictitiously. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only.

  Chapter One

  There was no better place to be on a hot summer’s day than on two wheels. Today, however, the calming winds did little to ease her rising panic. Dani’s worst fear realized—the paper mill where she’d worked for over twelve years closed their doors, leaving half the population of Griffinham Township unemployed.

  Dani twisted the throttle and eased back in her seat. She’d grown complacent in the security of working at the mill, living paycheck to paycheck without worry. Time definitely wasn’t on her side; she needed to find a job...today.

  She signaled at the next corner. A bright pink neon sign of two exotic dancers on a pole flashed her less than desirable destiny. What choice do I have? It might not be ideal, but it’s a job. She sighed resignedly. Dani parked by the front doors and pondered her decision, and how a teenager might react to her mother working at a stripper bar.

  Emily is just going to have to suck it up. It’s not like there’s an over-abundance of jobs in a town of one thousand and seven hundred.

  Dani huffed and got off her bike. Her long red hair spilled over her shoulders as she released it from the confines of a helmet. Many years ago, before having a kid, she’d worked part-time here at Teasers. She’d bet money Bud, the owner, would suggest she get on stage. But Dani definitely wasn’t desperate enough to consider prancing around naked on stage, for money.

  The doors opened to the same dark, smoke-filled room she remembered. The music ended, and the flavor-of-the-week picked up the pieces of her tiny costume as she exited the stage. Several guys turned to see who came in and whistled.

  Settle down boys, I’m not on the menu.

  “Dani Savery?” Bud waved from behind the bar. “What’s it been, fifteen years? Dang girl, you haven’t changed a bit.”

  Dani chuckled. “I see you’re still full of shit.” She leaned against the bar. “I guess you’ve heard about the mill closing already? What are the chances of picking up a few shifts?”

  Bud wiped his massive hands on a soiled dishrag slung over one shoulder. “You know, you’d make a hell of a lot more money if you got up on stage.”

  She held a hand up between them. “Save your breath, big guy. I said no fifteen years ago, and it’s still no today.”

  The owner guffawed. “Now, that’s the spitfire I remember. Tell you what...you can waitress nights, and maybe an occasional afternoon behind the bar. How does that work for you?”

  It’s a paycheck and its not forever. Dani feigned a smile. “Works for me. When can I start?”

  Ryan waved to Dani from her front porch. As soon as he heard the bad news, he closed the bike shop and rushed over. Even though she smiled at him, he knew she felt anything but happy about the turn of events.

  He jumped over the railing and walked toward her with open arms. “A little bird told me you might be in need of a hug.”

  Dani hung her helmet from the handlebars and welcomed his warm embrace, resting her head on his broad chest. “You always know what I need. Thank you, my friend.”

  The sweet scent of shampoo tantalized his senses as he kissed the top of her head. “Let’s go inside, and I’ll let you make us a coffee.”

  He followed the swing of her hips into the house and perched himself at the breakfast bar. “It would have been nice if they gave you guys a little warning. I hope they’re at least going to cough up a nice severance package.”

  Her incredible blue eyes clouded, and she quickly turned and set about making coffee. In all the thirteen years they’d been friends, not once did she cry in front of him. Even when tears were warranted, she put on a brave front and tackled the situation head on. One of many traits he admired about her.

  “That’s the kicker...they’re claiming to have filed bankruptcy. Meaning no money for any of us.”

  “That’s bullshit.” He shook his head vehemently. “I don’t want you to worry about a thing. I’ve got you covered.” He recognized the all too familiar look of defiance that snapped to her features. “You know, sometimes it’s okay to accept a little help from a friend.”

  “I know, but it really isn’t necessary. I already have another job.”

  “Why do you need another job?” Emily breezed into the room and dropped her backpack by the door.

  “The plant closed down today. Your mother was just about to tell me where she found a job so fast.”

  Dani scowled at him.

  What did I do?

  Emily stooped to take an apple from the fridge. Her lush red curls settled into place as she stood and sunk her teeth into it.

  Dani narrowed her gaze and straightened her stance as if readying for a fight. “Before I tell you, promise me you’ll remember this is only temporary, got it?”

  Her daughter tilted her head sideways.

  “Got it?” Dani stared directly at the teenager.

  Ryan winced. Be careful how you answer, little girl.

  “Okay, okay, I got it.”

  “I stopped at Teasers before coming home today.”

  Dani’s daughters’ eyes grew big. “What? You’re seriously going to take your clothes off for money? That should make parent career day at school a blast.” She flopped on to a chair at the table.

  “Of course not!”

  Ryan shifted in his seat. Maybe I should leave the two of them alone to sort it out.

  “I’ll be waitressing and occasionally working the bar. I know it’s not ideal, but it will pay the bills until I can find something else.”

  Emily sprung to her feet. “How are you going to do that when you’re working in that dive?”

  Her shoulders slumped. “Listen, I’ve had a real shitty day. Why can’t you trust that I know what I’m doing?”

  “Sure, okay. Maybe you can get me a few hours on the pole to help out.” She spun around.

  Dani gasped, shocked by her suggestion. “I will not let you talk to me like that.”

  Her daughter stopped in mid-stride, keeping her back to them. “No problem. I’ll just stop talking, and you do whatever you want. It’s pretty obvious you don’t care how I feel.”

  With that, she stomped up the stairs. The bang of the bedroom door slamming shut reverberated throughout the house.

  Although he expected it, the sudden noise startled him and he moved to the edge of his barstool.

  Dani massaged her temples as she sat down beside him. “Well isn’t this great—a perfect end to a day from hell.”

  Ryan smoothed a hand down her back. “She just needs time to take it all i
n. My offer still stands. That way you won’t have to work so many hours at Teasers.” He wanted to say he’d take care of things so she’d never have to work again. He wanted to reveal how much he loved her, but didn’t dare risk losing the special friendship they shared.

  “I love you for wanting to help, I really do, but this is something I have to work out on my own. Please tell me you understand. I couldn’t bear to have you angry with me too.” She blinked rapidly before looking up at him.

  To see her on the verge of tears tugged at his heartstrings. Ryan stood and put a hand on her shoulder. “I could never be angry with you, Dani. You know you don’t have to be so tough all the time. Promise me if you need help, you’ll tell me? I’m not going anywhere.” He put his finger under her chin and lifted her face. “Promise me?”

  “I promise.”

  There was a subtle openness about her he’d never seen before. You have no idea how much I want to kiss you.

  Chapter Two

  Dani tightened the laces of the leather bustier she’d sewn. Her job at the plant hadn’t offered many opportunities to dress in anything but T-shirts and jeans. Tonight, the curve of her breasts shimmered from a light dusting of translucent powder, and a flat iron made her hair extra shiny.

  Waitressing didn’t involve dancing in any measure of the word, but half of her wages were in the tips she garnered. She wasn’t stupid, playing up her best assets meant bettering her chances of making some serious coin. Another bonus to dressing this way— it offered the opportunity to show off her full sleeves of tattoos. She was very proud of the colorful artwork.

  A final look in the mirror, and she slipped on an oversized sweatshirt. There would definitely be more turmoil if the resident drama queen saw how she dressed for work.

  Downstairs, Emily sat at the kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal. She kept her head down, ignoring her mother’s presence.

  “How long are you going to give me the silent treatment?” Dani picked up her bag and set it on the counter.

  Emily looked up. “Are you still working at Teasers?”

  “Don’t play games, you know I am.”

  She shrugged and went back to eating.

  “You need to cut me a little slack, little girl. I’m doing this for us in case you’ve forgotten.”

  “For us? Don’t do me any favors.” She pushed away from the table and turned to leave the room.

  “I gotta go to work. We will continue this conversation later.” Dani hated seeing her so upset. All of Emily’s life, they’d never argued like this. She’d always treasured their closeness. Sometimes they’d lie in bed for hours and just talk.

  She noticed the time. “Shit!” The mother in her wanted to run upstairs and have a heart to heart talk. Unfortunately, duty called. She only hoped one day soon her daughter came to understand her reasoning. The mortgage fell due at the end of the month, and the bank offered no sympathy for a single mother with a less than happy teenager.

  Dani hurried out to the garage and got in her car. She’d rather be riding, but wasn’t crazy about leaving her bike in the bar’s parking lot with drunks coming and going.

  It only took ten minutes to get to Teasers from the house. She pulled into a pretty full parking lot. If only Emily knew how much she dreaded going through those doors to spend the night with naked women and wait on a bunch of horned-up men.

  Dani let out a resigned sigh as she locked her car and walked the short distance to the entrance. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  Hear goes nothing.

  Luckily, all the attention focused on the dancers enabled her to duck into the back room unnoticed. Only then did she shed the over-sized sweatshirt and swipe her lips with gloss.

  “Well hello, pretty lady.” Bud whistled long and low.

  Dani checked her hair in the mirror before facing her re-acquired boss. “Looks like a good crowd tonight.”

  “It sure is. I got a feeling once they get a look at you, business will get even better.

  She laughed. “You forget I worked with half of these guys every day.”

  He snapped her backside with a towel. “I bet they never saw you looking like that.”

  Dani shook her head and opened the door to the club. A girl she’d gone to grade-school with stood at the bar while a bartender loaded her tray.

  “Hi Stella, what tables do you want me to take care of.”

  “Hi, Dani. I’m sure glad to see you. These guys are keeping me hopping. How about take Stage One, and I’ll stick to Stage Two?”

  She scanned her section for anyone who might’ve had a few too many to drink. “Works for me, is there anyone I need to keep an eye on?”

  Stella nodded toward the row of men at the stage. A place they called, drip row. “The big guy with the pony tail. He’s been pounding them back pretty good. Has wandering hands and been getting braver every round.”

  “Thanks for the warning.”

  Stella picked up the fully laden tray. For a small girl, she carried it with ease. Everybody in town loved her. Lush blonde hair, a leather mini-skirt, and bubbly personality probably earned some pretty impressive tips.

  Dani picked up an empty tray and a clean cloth. On her way to the far side of the bar, she passed lots of familiar faces. It looked like half the plant were there drowning their sorrows. She cleared one of only a few empty tables.

  “Hey, Dani, you’re the last person I ever thought I’d see here at Teasers.”

  “Too bad I can’t say the same about you, Rob.” She chuckled light-heartedly at her former co-worker.

  His group of friends, all of whom she knew from the plant, erupted in laughter.

  “How about a round for the table?” Jack requested over the loud music from the other side of the table.

  “Comin’ right up.”

  Dani returned, and no sooner did she set their drinks down, the next table called her over, setting the tone for the night. Aside from several marriage proposals, she managed to keep things on the lighter side, without incident.

  The big guy Stella pointed out earlier had kept his hands to himself, though he did make her uncomfortable, blatantly undressing her with his beady little eyes. She looked over at his table, and he raised a hand, motioning for another round.

  Dani wasn’t keeping track of how much the guy had to drink, but she’d probably visited his table at least a dozen times over the course of the night. On her way to the bar, the lights flashed on and off, signaling last call. Dani quickly filled the order and delivered it to the table.

  “That’ll be $16.50.”

  The creepy guy grinned and patted his knee. “How about an extra twenty, and you take a seat right here?”

  “Sorry, but that’s not in my job description. I need to make last rounds, please pay.”

  “You been flashing those titties all night long.” He grabbed her wrist. “I think it’s time you gave me a closer look.”

  Anger and frustration dueled within her as she tried in vain to free her arm from his iron grip. “Listen buddy, I don’t want no trouble. Let me go and your drinks are on the house.”

  He pulled her down to sit on his lap, groping her breast with his free hand.

  Oh my God! “Get your dirty paws off of me!”

  The room grew silent, and she was suddenly yanked off of his lap and pushed toward another table.

  Dani stumbled back. Her jaw dropped as Ryan came out of nowhere to pin the man up against the stage by an arm across his throat.

  “What part about ‘no’ don’t you get?” The veins on his neck bulged.

  Dani had never heard Ryan raise his voice in anger, never mind in a physical altercation like this. Sure he’s more than capable of holding his own, but the guy is four times his size. What is he thinking?

  She’d never been happier to see the two doormen bulldoze their way to either side of the drunk, and grabbed his arms.

  “Let’s go buddy, nice and easy.”

  Dani inched toward him warily. �
��Ryan, come on. Let’s get out of here, please.”

  Ryan jabbed a finger at the creep’s thick chest. “You stay the fuck away from her.”

  Dani gently tugged on his shirtsleeve. “Ryan, please. Let’s go.”

  He shrugged her hand away and staggered back. The two burly men escorted the drunk from the bar.

  “What were you thinking? That guy could’ve really hurt you.” She scolded.

  Ryan shook his head. “Thanks for the vote of confidence. What did you expect me to do? I couldn’t just sit back and watch the asshole put his hands on you like that.” He paced the short length of the stage and back.

  “I appreciate the thought, but next time, don’t be a hero. Do you have any idea how bad I’d feel if he did hurt you?”

  Her dear friend finger-combed the hair back from his face, revealing his creased brow.

  “You just don’t get it, do you?”

  The raw emotion in his eyes confused her as she watched him leave the bar.

  What don’t I get?

  Chapter Three

  Ryan checked the oil level on both bikes in Dani’s driveway. A week had passed since the incident at Teasers, and the subject hadn’t been broached, which was more than fine by him. However, he made a promise to stay away when she was working, and it drove him crazy not being there to ensure her safety. He was definitely in need of some serious Dani time. The crazy hours she worked at the bar left little time for much else. It took some doing, but he finally convinced her to take a day off.

  “Hey, Ryan.”

  He looked up to find Emily walking toward him. The scowl she’d acquired over the past few weeks was gone, replaced by her usual sweet smile. In fact her whole demeanor seemed much more relaxed than the last time he saw her.

  “How you doing, kid?” he wiped his hands on a rag and sat on the edge of his seat.

  Emily shrugged. “Okay, I guess. Where are you off to?”

  “I talked your mom into taking a day off. Thought we’d take a ride to the harbor and have a feed of perch.”


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