Dani (Women of Strength Series)

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Dani (Women of Strength Series) Page 5

by Adelle Laudan

  “What a prick. Do you want me to pay this asshole a visit and set him straight?” His fingers curled up into fists and the veins on his neck now bulged.

  Dani rubbed the top of his hand until the tension ebbed. “No. I love you for wanting to protect me, but I need to handle this on my own.”

  “Why am I not surprised? Man, I’m so sorry, Dani. I know you considered this job you’re lucky break.”

  “I still do. No way am I going to let that jerk ruin things for me.”

  The corner of his mouth lifted in a grin. “What are you going to do?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess I’ll play it by ear.”

  Ryan took her hand and brought it to his lips and kissed it lightly. “You’re quite a gal, Dani. Promise me if he gets out of hand you’ll give me a call?”

  His gentle show of affection warmed her heart. She’d come to rely on him in so many ways, and his desire to look out for her made her feel not so alone. Their prior conversation about where their relationship was headed hadn’t been far from her mind. Should I take a chance and risk losing his friendship?

  Dani drew in a shaky breath and let it out slowly. “I don’t know what I did to deserve a man like you in my life.” There, I opened the door.

  “I’m not so special, Dani. I’m the lucky one.” Ryan turned sideways and looked at her in all seriousness. “I know the past couple of months have been a little chaotic. At least Emily seems to be back to herself.”

  She remembered the groans coming from the bathroom as her daughter cleaned the toilet. “I think it’s safe to say, my darling teenager won’t be thinking of drinking again anytime soon.”

  “She is a special young lady, a lot like her mother.” He stroked the side of her face. “We’ve known each other almost her entire life.”

  Dani’s pulse quickened. Emily just turned two when her father rode off into the sunset, never to be heard from again. She met Ryan a few weeks later. In fact, the same day she started work at the mill. He was helping one of her co-workers get his motorcycle started, and it just so happened to be parked next to her own ride. They’d struck up a conversation and became fast friends.

  “Fourteen years.” She recalled.

  “We’ve gone through so much together—good times and bad.”

  “I surely would’ve lost my mind those first months on my own if it wasn’t for you.”

  Ryan now took both her hands in his. “Do you know when I first realized I was in love with you?”

  His confession rendered her speechless. Tears sprung to her eyes and she slowly shook her head back and forth.

  “It rained all day, much harder than it is now. There were huge puddles all over. I saw you come out of daycare with Emily, and you bent down to talk. Her eyes grew big as if she was shocked by what you whispered in her ear.”

  Dani knew the exact day he meant. It was one of many cherished moments with her daughter...thirteen years ago.

  He’s been in love with me for thirteen years?

  “The two of you started laughing while you took off your socks and shoes and put them in your bag. You held her hand and ran out in the pouring rain. Emily squealed with delight as you skipped through the puddles together. Out of nowhere, she pulled you down to her level and wrapped her arms around your neck. She said ‘I love you’ and gave you a big kiss on the lips.” Ryan paused briefly to clear his throat. “You picked up that little girl and spun around and around, shouting for all to hear, ‘I love Emily,’ and she’d shout out, ‘I love Mommy!’” He brushed a stray hair from her eyes. “You didn’t care who was watching, or the fact you stood in the middle of the street sopping wet. In that beautiful moment, I knew I loved you and could only hope one day you would come to love me as intensely as you did her.”

  Dani didn’t care tears rolled down her cheeks as she listened to this man tell her how the love she shared with Emily had been seen through his eyes. The words rolled off his tongue like the most beautiful song ever sung.

  Why did I keep my heart closed off to being loved beyond friendship? Am I scared of my feelings for him, afraid to have my heart broken again?

  Several minutes passed in silence. She gazed into his eyes and saw the depth of his love. And hadn’t he proven it time after time over the years?

  “Listen to me,” he continued. “I don’t want to lose you, but I had to take this chance to tell you how I feel. I’ve respected your need to take care of Emily on your own over the years. You have to know I love that little girl as if she were my own.” Ryan searched her face for answers. “Please, say something.”

  Dani took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to get a grip of her exposed emotions so she could speak without falling apart.

  “I’m so sorry, Ryan.” Her voice cracked.

  He moved over and took her in his arms. His gentle touch let loose a torrent of pent up tears. For the first time since Chad devastated her by leaving her and Emily alone, she cried. Every heartache and celebration of which she never shed a tear came gushing out.

  “Please don’t cry.” Ryan tightened his hold on her. “The last thing I wanted was to upset you.”

  Several minutes later, her tears subsided, and she gulped air.

  Dani wiped her face on his shirt before pulling away. “I don’t know where that came from. I guess I’ve been so hard-headed all these years, everything came to the surface. Thank you for standing by my side all these years. There aren’t many men who would have.”

  “I loved having you as my best friend.” He started to pull away. “Even if you never return my love, I will not regret one moment of our time together. I hope we can still be friends after today.”

  Dani cupped the side of his face. “Stop. I don’t think you understand. I can’t just be your friend any longer. I want so much more from...the man I love.”

  His eyes opened wide, and he stared at her in disbelief.

  She tilted back her head and laughed, giddy with anticipation. “Yes, you heard me right. I love you, Ryan.” She gazed into his eyes, opening her heart and giving her emotions free rein. “I’ve thought all week about our relationship. I’d be devastated if you were to walk out of our lives now. I never thought I’d be brave enough to open that part of my heart to anyone again, but I realized, you aren’t just anyone. You are the most kind and loyal man I’ve ever known. I’m entrusting you not only with my heart, but Emily’s as well.

  In one fluid move, he stood and scooped her up to cradle in his arms. She held on tight as he ran out into the rain and spun around and around in a puddle in the middle of the road, just like she’d done with Emily all those years ago.

  “I love this woman!” Ryan shouted, splashing and spinning in circles.

  Dani tilted back her head and laughed. “I love this man!”

  Several lights came on in the surrounding houses. One man stuck his head out the window. “Keep it down out there! Do you have any idea what time it is?”

  Ryan laughed. “Yes, I do! It’s time everyone knew how much I love this woman!”

  He then claimed her lips tentatively.

  As their lips parted, Dani put her hand on the back of his head, not letting him go. “Is that the best you can do?” She narrowed her gaze on him.

  His brow arched and he smiled the sexy, lopsided grin she’d come to love.

  “You asked for it.”

  His lips met hers with a sense of urgency. Dani kissed him back, sating a hunger she’d denied herself for years.

  A car horn startled them and abruptly ended the kiss in the middle of the street in the pouring rain. Ryan chuckled and waved at the driver who smiled back at them, shaking his head.

  “Sorry about that!” Dani called over Ryan’s shoulder as he jogged back up on the porch and set her down.

  With his body no longer keeping her warm, her teeth chattered and bumps rose on her wet flesh.

  “I think I need a warm shower.” Dani rubbed her arms briskly.

  “Oh, okay. I gue
ss it is getting late...”

  She took hold of his hand. “If you think I’m letting you go anywhere, you don’t know me as well as you think you do. I’ll wash your back if you wash mine?” She opened the front door and released him. “Last one there has to wash the other’s bike for a month.”

  Dani ran through the house with Ryan hot on her heels. Suddenly, she felt herself being lifted in the air and flung over his shoulder.

  “Just what do you think you’re doing? You’re not playing fair.”

  He smacked her bottom. “All is fair in love.”

  Chapter Nine

  Ryan spent the entire weekend with her, basking in their newfound love. Emily came home from a sleepover to find Ryan coming out of her mother’s bedroom. Dani would never forget the squeal that preceded her daughter bursting into the room and jumping on the bed, raining kisses all over her face.

  On Monday morning, since VP had inadvertently let the cat out of the bag when it came to tattoos, she put on the sleeveless pantsuit worn in the photo shoot. Then took it one step further and rode her bike to work.

  It was a beautiful morning to be in love. The sun shone brighter and birds chirped louder as she reveled in the familiar sensation of her bike beneath her. Nothing is going to ruin my day, especially not Mr. Sleazeball.

  Dani noticed the difference in the way passersby looked at her on her way into the building. People, who were always polite and said good morning, now took a step back to look her over. It wasn’t disgust or disapproval she saw in their wide-eyed expression. More like an appreciation, not only of her tattoos, but the pantsuit she’d designed.

  She stood a little prouder as she waited for the elevator, anxious to see JD’s reaction. Outside of the cutting room door, she checked to make sure the chain straps lay like they were suppose to and went inside.

  JD looked up, and his jaw dropped. He made several attempts to speak as he rounded the far end of the cutting table to stand in front of her.

  Dani smiled and did a little turn. “So, what do you think?”

  “I-I-I don’t know what to say. You have me flabbergasted.”

  She chuckled at his choice of words.

  “It looks even better than it did in your portfolio...and they’re real?” He reached out and feathered the delicate lines of purple wisteria intertwined throughout her full sleeve of tattoos. I just assumed they were temporary, put on especially for the photo shoot.” He stroked his jaw and eased back on one heel. “You, my dear, are a piece of art from head to toe!”

  Over the next couple of hours she caught JD staring at her a couple of times. She was so relieved by his reaction, albeit a tad over-exaggerated.

  She looked over the mock ups they’d been working on all morning when the door opened. It wasn’t JD she looked up to.

  Mr. Deets walked in and scanned the room. “Good day, Dani. Is my designer hiding around here someplace?”

  She let out a breath she hadn’t been aware of holding. “No, you just missed him. He went up to speak to Marsha. I don’t think he’ll be long.”

  “Okay, well, I guess I’ll ask you to take this up to Mr. James for me right away.” He held out a file.

  Dani got up from the sewing machine. Her hesitancy grew with each step she took towards the file.

  Her boss looked her up and down. “Thanks. Your design looks even better than it did in your portfolio. Talk to JD about making a few samples in different fabrics. I think it will make a great addition to our End of Summer line-up.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Deets. I’d be honored to have my designs in your show.”

  He nudged her side. “Our show, my dear. You’re a member of this family now.”

  Dani smiled. The inevitable task ahead tainted her happiness.

  “We’ll talk money once the other samples are ready.”

  “I don’t understand?”

  Mr. Deets chuckled. “How refreshing you are. You didn’t think we’d make millions off your hard work without proper compensation, did you?”

  “I...I honestly hadn’t given it much thought. I’m just happy to be included.”

  He shook his head on the way to the door. “Well, I suggest you give it some thought before our discussion.”

  “Yes, Sir. I mean, thank you, Sir.”

  Dani stared at the door her boss closed behind him. She never even thought there was a possibility of anyone actually buying her designs.

  She sat back on the edge of the table and smiled. Is this really happening? I have a man who loves me, and I’ve allowed myself to love him back. Now, my dream job is reaching heights I never dared to dream.

  The weight of the file in hand sobered her elation. I guess I better get this over with.

  The distance between the cutting room and VP’s office seemed unusually long. The five minute jaunt felt more like a five mile hike. Dani intended to leave the file with his secretary, but as luck would have it, she wasn’t there.

  Dani rolled back her shoulders and knocked on the door.

  “Come in.”

  She closed her eyes and counted to ten before opening the door. “Mr. Deets asked me to bring this file to you.” Purposely avoiding eye contact, Dani set it on his desk and turned to leave.

  Suddenly, he stood in front of her, pushing the door closed with his ass. He reached behind him. The distinct click of the lock set her pulse racing.

  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Oh, come on now, Red. It’s pretty obvious why you’re here.” He slid his fingers under a chain strap and tugged until it snapped. “Did you wear this for me?”

  She gasped and stepped back from his advances until she bumped into his desk. He put a hand on either side, boxing her in. Dani brought her knee up and pushed his balls against his asshole. “If you so much as lay one finger on me, you’ll be choking on your own balls.”

  “I strongly suggest, if you want to keep your job, you’ll do as I ask.” His lips parted as he moved in.

  Dani drew back her head and smashed his forehead with everything she had.

  He lurched backwards, howling in pain. “You crazy bitch! Get out of my office! You’re fired!”

  “You can shove your job up your ass!”

  Dani’s head pounded as she unlocked the door and stormed from the office. Never had she been so outraged. Just who does he think he is? She took the elevator to the third floor to gather her things and get as far away from the sleazeball as possible.

  She stopped outside the room, having heard the drone of the sewing machine, meaning JD was back. I owe him a proper good-bye.

  The door swung open and he looked up from his machine. He got right up and smoothed a hand down the sides of his hair, before gliding towards her. “What in the world happened to you?”

  “Why would you ask that?” She acted surprised by the question.

  “Oh I don’t know, maybe because you have a bump the size of a golf ball on your forehead.” JD reached out and played with the broken chain.

  “It’s not your problem, JD. I felt I owed you a proper good-by before I leave.”

  “Leave? What in the world are you talking about?”

  “Mr. James fired me.”

  “He what?” JD took her by the hand and escorted her straight back to Mr. Sleazebag’s office. He had an iron grip belying his willowy stature.

  “JD please stop, I don’t want to be anywhere near that man.” She pleaded.

  “Why did he fire you?”

  “Let’s just say we had a difference of opinion when it came to what constitutes a ‘hands on’ employer/employee relationship.”

  JD didn’t bother knocking, and instead, pushed her adversary’s office door open so it banged against the wall. “You have about five seconds to explain yourself. Like hell I’m going to let you fire Dani.” The designer’s face turned beet red and spittle flew from his mouth as he blasted Mr. James. “In fact, I demand you apologize to her right now.”

  “I can’t believe you’re willing to je
opardize your job here at New Age Designs over the likes of this...this...trollop.”

  His choice of words didn’t faze her. Nothing could take away from the satisfaction in knowing it was her who put the big red zinger on his forehead

  “She has more class in her little finger… You apologize now or I’m history.”

  “I have nothing to apologize for. Whatever she told you is a lie. Did you know Ms. Savery spends her spare time at a strip club?”

  Dani broke her silence. “For your information, I used to work there. That is until a couple of days ago when I quit. I needed a paycheck to keep a roof over our heads and food in my daughter’s belly.”

  JD moved to stand at her side. “You don’t have to justify anything to this jackass.” He glared at VP. “Have fun explaining to your boss how you let his head designer go, over your small-minded, macho ego.”

  “Please, I can’t let you give up your job over me,” Dani implored.

  JD spun on his heel ready to leave and stopped short of walking right into Mr. Deets.

  “Would you mind telling me what the hell is going on here?”

  “Please, I can explain if you’ll give me two minutes of your time.” JD whisked Mr. Deets away.

  Dani closed the office door on Mr. Sleazeball before taking a seat in the waiting area.

  Well, there goes my dream job. I’m sure once Mr. Deets hears I’m the root of all this turmoil, he’ll show me the door.

  Dani’s heart skipped a beat upon hearing JD approach. Her jaw dropped when her boss came up to her and shook her hand.

  “Please, on behalf of New Age Designs, will you accept my apology for Mr. James behavior? I’d like very much if you’d consider staying on as an official apprentice. Please say yes.”

  The sincerity in his heartfelt words left her speechless. Dani managed to stammer a yes, before Mr. Deets walked over and opened the office door. “You...you pompous ass, are fired!” He slammed the door on the former vice president’s most colorful response.

  Mr. Deets mimicked wiping his hands clean. “That felt good.”

  All three of them laughed in unison boarding the elevator. Dani doubted anyone would believe what had just transpired over the past couple of hours. She hardly believed it happened herself.


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