Immersion: Bloodlust Series Book 2

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Immersion: Bloodlust Series Book 2 Page 4

by L. L. Ash

  “I do!” Her father smiled and kissed her cheek.

  “Lily,” Calix called quietly from across the room, holding his hand up like he had the night before.

  I knew what he wanted.

  Taking one step at a time, I made my way to him, knowing his eyes were on me because they caused fire to erupt under my skin, warming me from the inside out.

  “This is my father,” Calix said as I slipped my palm over his, feeling the cool touch on mine. “You may call him father.”

  Father? He wasn’t my father…

  Oh god…

  “Is this her?” An excited voice filled the room as a young man entered the from the far door. “You finally found her, huh?”

  “My mate,” Calix confirmed with one simple nod.

  I tried to steal my palm back out of his hand but he cinched his around mine and gave me a sharp look.

  The young man approached, his features similar to Calix’s but his constitution was much, much younger.

  “Wow, good job Cali. Seriously well done. Bion will be jealous. Maybe I shouldn’t return to London with the news.”

  He rolled his eyes with a grin before looking at me again, meeting my eyes. His were oddly brown instead of blue ice.

  “Beautiful… What’s your name darling?” he asked me, his head quirked a little in curiosity.

  “Lily,” I said back, finally finding a man in the building that didn’t intimidate me.

  “Down boy.” Calix waved off the young man. “She is mine, not yours. You’re long from finding your own, anyway.”

  “Doesn’t mean I can’t see what’s on the market.” He bounced his eyebrows.

  “Not in my market, brother,” Calix gave him a look of finality and the young man backed away, moving toward Nyx.

  “And my favorite sister! How I missed you, Nyx!”

  “And how do you like London?” she asked him. “I hope it’s worth leaving us for. 'Cause I miss you, you little mischief maker!”

  “Of course! You’re my most beautiful sister, and the funnest. Alexandra is no fun.”

  “She is the eldest, Ariston.” Nyx giggled. “Of course she is no fun. Look at Calix. He’s boring too.”

  “Boring?” Calix scoffed. “If I am so boring, sister, you are welcome to live with the likes of Alexandra and Bion and his ugly mate.”

  Nyx play-gagged.

  “No thank you. I prefer the LA nights. There are so many places to party and so much fresh blood!”

  Calix pulled on my hand again and he looked from me to his knee then back again. I knew what he wanted, but I didn’t want to obey.

  “Lily,” he said sharply with an irritated look in his eyes when I resisted.

  “May I have a moment with her, Calix,” his father asked from his chair, moving Nyx off his lap and standing in anticipation.

  Calix’s jaw worked in anger before he nodded.

  “Of course, Bampás.”

  “Come, Lily. I would like to become acquainted with my new daughter.”

  Calix, still holding onto my hand, motioned me toward his father and let go. I took a few steps forward before my new...father-in-law? He held out his arm and I hesitantly placed my hand over his forearm, following him out of the room. We walked quietly, my heart racing in fear as we did.

  “You need not be scared of me, daughter. You are as much my child now as Nyx. I would never hurt my children, they are too precious to me.”

  “But I’m not your child.” I almost scoffed.

  “You are my son’s mate. You are family, and we take care of our own.”

  “I’m really his—?”

  He looked at me with a strange expression.

  “Didn’t he discuss it with you, my daughter?”

  “I...he told me what he… how to find a mate. He never said anything about me being one.”

  He gave a long, weary sigh.

  “Let me tell you a little of my son,” he said instead of following the line of conversation. “You are not his first mate, daughter.”


  I had gotten the impression that he didn’t have one, that was why he was looking for one.

  “He was wholly in love with her. Andy. She was killed by the Dorians.”

  I swallowed hard.

  “He has not been the same. He is serious, always doing his duty and rarely doing things because he wants to or likes to. I had hoped his severity would mellow with age but it has done the opposite. It has been four hundred years and still he holds her in his heart, leaving no room for another.”

  He patted the top of my hand on his arm.

  “It will not be the easiest thing, being his mate. And I’ve heard the methods my son has used. This was not your choice and I am sorry for that. I do hope you will be a good woman to him, a good mate. Calix’s mother is the best of women. We have been together for many, many years.”

  “If he doesn’t even want me, then why am I here? I have places to go, I have a life. He can’t just take my life from me.”

  Another sigh.

  “He can,” he said carefully. “It doesn’t make it correct, but it is within his power.”

  “What power?”

  “His power as prince. He owns all of the Americas.”

  He what?

  “How does someone own all of a continent?”

  “He hasn’t told you anything, has he?” he lifted a brow in question.

  “All I know is he kidnapped me, drank my blood and raped me. I hold no fond feelings for Calix.”

  My new father in law looked properly horrified.

  Chapter Three

  “CALIX!” he roared, turning toward where we’d come from as he waited, a terrifying look on his face.

  A steady clip-clip of shoes on the stone echoed down the hallway until Calix came into view, his hands in his pockets and an impassive look on his face.

  “Father,” he said, stopping a few feet away.

  “My talk with your mate has been...enlightening,” he said in a chilled voice to Calix.

  “Has it?” Calix volleyed, glancing at me before turning his bland expression back on his father.

  “You kidnapped her,” his father started slowly, as if giving him time to clarify. “You took her lifeblood. And you raped her?”

  Calix shrugged.

  “She is my property, Bampás. I may do as I like with all my humans.”

  “And you wonder why she resists you, son? How do you expect a woman to respect you and come to love you if you treat her no better than a slave?”

  “I’ve no interest in a woman’s love. You know that,” was his only response. “All I ask for is obedience.”

  “Obedience?” He nodded. “Obedience is important. But not just for the woman. How do you think your mother would respond to such treatment?”

  “She is not Mamá.”

  “And you expect children?”

  “Of course.”

  “And you will conceive these children with rape? You will force yourself upon this woman, your mate, and bring royal children into this world, disrespecting their mother from the womb?”

  “They will give her the respect she deserves.”

  “And why should they? Why should children respect a mother whose mate doesn’t even respect her?”

  Calix’s jaw clenched.

  “And the throne? You wish to be king to the entirety of our kind with a woman who hates you at your side? She will grow more bitter and angry every year she lives. And there will be many, many years to stew, my son.”

  “I didn’t rape her,” he said finally, looking at me with furious eyes.

  “That is not what your mate says.”

  “You certainly didn’t fight me.” Calix directed the words at me now.

  “It wouldn’t have mattered if I did. You said you’d take my virginity whether I gave it to you or not.”

  “But I didn’t. You responded like a fucking bitch in heat.”

  “Calix,” his father clipped sharply. “Wa
tch your tongue.”

  “She is my mate, Bampás. Please let me deal with her.”

  “And she is my daughter. Would you have your sisters treated thusly?”



  “I will be more careful with her. I understand your reasoning. But I am not looking for a life mate or love. I need children and that is all I ask of her. She may live her existence as she wishes, as long as it is beside me.”

  “That is a mistake, son.”

  “It is the way it is,” Calix said confidently before holding out his hand. “Lily?”

  For the first time since our shaky meeting, I was afraid to be alone with him.

  I instinctually took a step back and he took his hand back quickly, in one blink I saw surprise in his eyes and then it was gone.

  “Leave us, son. I’ll speak with her further. Of more pleasant things.”

  Calix watched me for another moment then turned and walked away without another word.

  “Do you truly fear him, darling?” came gentle words as my arm was placed back onto my new father’s forearm.

  “Sometimes.” I nodded. “Sometimes I remember who he is, what he is… And sometimes he just seems like a normal person.”

  “Are you unhappy?”

  “I...I don’t know.”

  “If he makes you unhappy, you may live with us, little Lily. My mate would love you. She adores her daughters even more than I.”

  “Where do you live?” I asked, hoping to get the conversation off me and Calix.

  “We live where we’ve always lived.” He smiled. “Athens.”

  “In Greece?”

  “The only.”

  “What is Greece like?”

  He hummed.

  “That’s a difficult question. It is very different to our kind than to yours.”

  “But you love it there?”

  “It will always be home. It is where we raised all our children until they took over the stations on the other continents.”

  “Do you mind if I ask you about that? I don’t think I understand how that all works.”

  “Of course. Soon you will be one of us, you must know your history.”

  Wait. What?

  “Ask your questions, daughter.”

  “Right,” I breathed, trying to focus. “How many...of you are there?”

  “Of my family?”


  He sighed in what sounded like disappointment.

  “My son has neglected you. For that I am sorry.” He patted my hand on his arm then went on. “There are many, many nightwalkers, daughter. A majority either belong to me or to the Dorians.”

  “So you’re like...rival gangs?”

  He chuckled.

  “I suppose if you broke it down to its fundamentals, then yes. It is dangerous for us in the above world during the daytime so we offer our kind a comfortable place to live in exchange for their loyalty. We live by strict conduct codes, and we control population that way.”

  “And all of you find your mates this way? How have we not noticed before?”

  “No, daughter. Only the royals may have mates. My sons seek out their mates and they may procreate. No other of our kind are able to do such.”

  “What? Why?”

  “They are sterile, darling. Any vampire who was turned with blood cannot create life with human or vampire alike. Only royalty can do that.”

  “Why can they if nobody else can.”

  “Because they were bred as such. My children were all born with vampire blood already in their bodies. They aged slow for many years, only becoming a true vampire around their hundredth year.”

  “Hundredth year? How old…?”

  “Calix has already passed on thousand years. I have seen many, many more.”

  “But you look so young...I mean you and Calix could be brothers.”

  “I know it looks that way. I suppose it’s strange for you. With the rate of which humans age.”

  “A guy doesn’t seem like a dad 'til he has grey hair.” I smiled.

  “I shall never see grey hair,” he said with a soft smile. “I will remain this way until my final days.”

  “Are you sick or something? Why are you giving up your throne so your sons are scrambling for mates?”

  “Because, my daughter, though I am young in body, my mind is tired. I have ruled for too many years and it’s time a younger man takes my place. I’ve believed for a very long time that Calix would be my optimal successor but after this.... I see his heart is still bruised from losing his first mate.”

  I was quiet for a minute after that. Not sure what to say.

  “I suppose it is up to my daughters to decide who will succeed me. Alexandra and Nyx will lead them to the right and best choice.”

  “You mean they choose who will be the next king?”

  He patted my hand again, smiling.

  “Yes. Since the beginning, the daughters have always chosen the king. They have never led us astray. Women, though they see with their hearts, they see with a clearer eye then we can.”

  I grinned at that.

  “My Ariston is infatuated with you already,” he said with a chuckle. “Don’t be surprised if he chooses to not return to London. He never could give up on beautiful women.”

  “Why isn’t he like the rest of you?” I blurted then covered my mouth, hoping I hadn’t offended him.

  He laughed.

  “Ariston has only seen eighty years. He isn’t old enough yet to become fully one of us. He is being schooled and in another twenty or thirty years, we’ll have his ceremony.”

  I leaned into him, a smile on my face.

  “Are you more settled in your role here, Lily?” he asked after another minute of silence.

  “Talking to you has helped with my nerves a little. Though I’m pretty sure I pissed Calix off by telling you all that.”

  “Calix has an even and fair temperament. By supper he will have calmed and I expect you won’t hear another word about it.”

  “How long will you stay?” I asked, at least hoping that Calix wouldn’t punish me with his father around.

  “I’ll stay the next few nights. I wish to get to know my new daughter so I might go home and tell my love about you.”

  I paused.

  “How...How did he know? I couldn’t tell at all. How did he know I was a mate? When did he know?”

  “When he tasted your blood I suspect he knew. When you are fated as mates… there is a sort of draw. A magnetism if you will, that draws you together. It’s a draw that is impossible to break and it is fierce. I suspect in your innocence you wouldn’t know the difference, but he does.”

  How embarrassing.

  “Why a virgin?”

  “Because a woman who has been with another human has been tainted. They would not be able to bear our children.”

  “It still doesn’t make sense.”

  “It’s...complicated. But you will know soon. You carry my son’s child already.”

  “I what?” I demanded.

  He smiled softly at me and pressed his palm to my belly.

  “You will bear a child in the coming years. It will take many months but you will give birth to your offspring.”

  “How could you possibly think I’m pregnant? It happened once!”

  “You smell of it, daughter.”


  “Bampás, supper.”

  Nyx approached with a smile.

  “Ah, we wouldn’t want to miss that!” He grinned and held his other arm out for her to take.

  The three of us moved at a leisurely pace as I reeled inside. We made it to a large room with couches, chairs, and a huge table that ran right through the center. Calix was already there, looking like he was stewing.

  “Are you still upset, son?” his father asked him as he sat to his right.

  I stood next to his chair, not sure where I was supposed to sit.

  “I don’t get upset, Bamp

  “Everyone gets upset.”

  “I get upset all the time.” Nyx wiggled her eyebrows.

  “And when will you find your mate, brother?” Calix easily threw the attention off himself.

  “Why should I want a mate when there are so many tasty morsels here?” Ariston looked at him like he was crazy.

  “Sure. But you must eventually. Mamá will expect babies from you before too long.”

  “Why is everyone so worried about babies?”

  “It is your duty,” their father gave him a stern look.

  “Why are you standing there, Lily?” Calix asked eventually. “Come. Sit.”

  I moved around to the chair to his other side, clasping my hands in my lap and remaining silent as father and offspring bantered about children and duty.

  “Mistress,” came a soft voice and I turned to see Janey place a plate in front of me, a smile on her face.

  “Thank you,” I told her softly and managed to smile back.

  “Manny!” Nyx erupted in a happy voice. “Come to join us for supper?”

  “Don’t I always join you for supper, Mistress?” a man asked flirtatiously, approaching barefoot in white pants and tunic.

  “Not as often as I would like,” she told him with grin.

  “I prepared you Vivian,” Calix told his father as a woman came down the same hall as the man had come from. “A-positive, as you prefer.”

  “What a treat!” his father grinned and smiled fatherly at the young woman.

  “Master,” she murmured and dipped a curtsey with a small smile curling her lips up.

  “Come sit, my child,” he told her, patting his knee like he had with Nyx.

  She did so silently, moving her hair away from her neck.

  “Master,” another person entered the room, but approached Calix this time.

  He placed a tall crystal glass in front of him, filled to the brim with what looked like blood.

  “Thank you,” Calix said absently and waved his hand before looking at his father, brother and sister. “Please, let us begin.”

  Nyx looked surprised, but she quickly became distracted with Manny-the-hunk waiting for her. She sat him down in her seat, perched quickly on his lap and made for his neck in a flash.

  “May I?” Calix’s father asked the girl who nodded eagerly, moving her chin up and away for him.


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