Immersion: Bloodlust Series Book 2

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Immersion: Bloodlust Series Book 2 Page 22

by L. L. Ash

  “Why not under me?” Ariston shot back and both Maggie and I lifted our eyebrows.

  Calix took his brother’s arm and said quietly, “I know you can’t smell it yet, but she is a virgin, brother. Not a slave girl who lives to serve you. She is my mate's sister.”

  “Understood.” Ariston pulled his arm back and nodded toward the bar in the corner.

  “Drink, Maggie?”

  Maggie nodded eagerly and left with him.

  “What the hell just happened?” Chrys whispered to me.

  “I’m not entirely sure,” I admitted.

  “My brother is rebounding,” Calix said quietly.

  “With my sister?”

  “All the better to rebound with. You two are bound to be similar.”

  “Not even close. My sister tends towards the ‘bitch’ arena.”

  Calix bit his lip, holding back whatever he was going to say when I looked at him sharply.

  “Chrys,” A satiny voice drifted around us. “Please, meet my sister Alexandra.”

  Alexandra drifted up behind Nyx and looked Chrys up and down.

  “He’s only a boy, Nyx,” she told her sister.

  “A boy who has never touched a woman before.” Nyx’s eyes flashed.

  “Don’t you even think...” I started but Alexandra butted in.

  “So we share him?”

  Chrys started interrupting but suddenly began to babble the same nonsensical 'uhh’ as both women touched his arms and shoulders.

  “Fine.” Alexandra nodded and pulled on his t-shirt. Chrys looked back at me as if to save him but Calix stopped me from stomping after them.

  “Leave him. He’ll be well cared for by my sisters.”

  “Cared for? You make it sound like they’ll bake him cookies and tuck him in!”

  “They’ll certainly put him to bed,” Calix agreed. “But they’ll be gentle. Your brother won’t mind, I promise you. They will not force him.”

  I stuttered there for a second until Bion approached again and gave his first jab toward me.

  “Judging by the scene they just made and the inappropriately casual dress, your kin, I presume?”

  “You can suck it, Bion,” I told him and Calix made a choking sound.

  I glanced up and saw the grin on his face. It reinforced my steel spine.

  “Excuse me?” He demanded, and the piglet at his side scowled at me.

  “You have no business coming into my home and insulting me and my family,” I told him in an even tone. “The reason you’re all here is fucked up, but it’s reality. We’re all dealing with it the best we can and your passive-aggressive behavior is not helping anyone.”

  Calix pressed his palm to my back again and tingles shot all the way up to my brain.

  “Good girl, Lily,” he said gently and looked up at Bion. “She needs no protection from me. Remember that before you insult her again, brother.”

  “She has no filter or sense of femininity either.” Bion scowled.

  “No sense of femininity?” I laughed sarcastically. “Have you seen this dress?”

  “Your half of a dress? Yes. Every man in the room has. If your intention was to garner favor like a whore, then congratulations, you’ve succeeded.”

  Calix’s good mood disappeared instantly and his hand fisted into Bion’s button up shirt.

  “Say another word and we will finally see who is stronger.”

  “Relax.” I touched Calix’s hand and he let his hand drop away from Bion. “He’s just jealous. It’s simple math.”

  Bion scoffed as he retreated but he didn’t seem to go very far. He prowled the room, watching Maggie and Ariston from a distance with the occasional glare my way.

  “I don’t think your brother likes me,” I told Calix in as much of a neutral voice as I could manage .

  “Bion doesn’t like any woman who does anything besides feed him or fuck him. Besides our sisters and mothers, of course.”

  “Ew, gross. That would be nasty.”

  Calix chuckled and I felt his hand brush across my back.

  “Only you, Lily,” he murmured into my ear and I looked up, an inch from his face as he gave me what I could only translate as a seductive smile.

  His head dipped again, our cheeks brushing and I felt the whisper of stubble against my skin.

  “You shouldn’t wear such a provocative dress to dinner, Theá Mou,” He whispered. “You make me want to eat you for supper.”

  His tongue flicked out and dragged against the soft spot behind my ear and I literally gasped.

  “And why don’t you,” I breathed back.

  “Because if I taste you, I will fuck you.”

  “What’s the problem here?”

  He chucked and the sound reverberated all the way through my chest.

  “I’m sure your sister wouldn’t appreciate such a display.”

  Oh God. I had forgotten all about my sister.

  I whirled around, dislodging Calix and the intimate not-quite-embrace we’d worked into and searched quickly with my eyes for my sister.

  Maggie was at the large table, talking over dinner with Ariston.

  “She seems taken with him,” Calix pointed out. “It's probably best they didn't get too involved. Your sister is bound to get hurt.”

  “Maggie can take care of herself. I think Ariston could use a distraction. And Mags is a lot like me. Only worse.”

  “God speed to my brother then,” Calix smirked and I elbowed him in the gut.

  “Ow!” He grinned, slipping his arm around me and pressing me into his side.

  “Mr.-Tough-Guy vampire says ow from a hit by a human girl?” I teased.

  “I say a lot of things to you I don’t say to anyone else.” He was back in seduction mode.

  I couldn’t remember ever having flirted like this with him. It was amazing.

  But did I forgive him? Was there even anything to forgive? He was right. I’d known he would take another mate since my stay in Greece. I had just hoped it would be a long way time in the future, and we’d established ourselves much better by then. At maybe, just maybe, things would have changed and he would see that I was enough for him. That our children were enough.

  But that was before he lost almost his entire family. That was before he lost his parents, his father. The king.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked, his fingers absently stroking the skin at my lower back.

  “I’’s not important,” I tried to smile.

  “Is it regarding what we argued about earlier?” He sighed, but not in frustration like I thought he would.

  “Yes. But I don’t want to talk about it. We’re having such a good evening.”

  “The subject won’t just disappear, but I’m fine waiting. I was enjoying seducing you.”

  “Seducing? Who said you were seducing me?” I laughed, a little more breathily than I’d meant.

  He pressed his hand around my neck, tilting my head up and away before dragging a finger down to the dip at the bottom of my throat.

  “I’ve become ravenous, Theá.”

  “Then eat.”

  He growled from the base of his throat, icy eyes intensifying on me before he broke away.

  “Enjoy your supper, brother. I’ve decided to take my refreshment in my rooms.”

  Bion turned to us with a sour look on his face.

  “Has everyone decided to trade my company this evening for copulation with humans?”

  “If your company were more pleasant, you’d likely have more of it.”

  Bion growled a little and his eyes narrowed on Calix as he turned, pressed his palm to the small of my back before he led me out of the room.

  “Shit just got real!” I giggled at him.

  “Bion and I stopped pretending to like each other centuries ago,” Calix said, not looking at me as we left.

  “What about my sister?”

  “She already left.”

  “What?” I almost shrieked as we turned down
the hallway.

  “You didn’t notice them leave?” He finally looked down at me, smirking.

  “If you stopped distracting me I would. Geez, Cal—”

  “Not a chance, mate.” He pushed open our bedroom door and gently shoved me in with his hand still on my back.

  “Being bold tonight?” I grinned at him, backing up as he advanced.

  “Don’t run from me. I love the chase.”

  Sidling along the edges of the room, I stayed a couple feet away from him and he seemed to enjoy it, his eyes closing into slits as he watched me with animalistic concentration.

  “Shall we play it this way, Theá?” he asked, producing a knife from his pocket, long and thin and shining silver.

  My heart skipped a beat, adrenaline taking over.

  I kept moving and in a flash he moved in and out, one thin spaghetti strap on my dress cleanly cut, the fabric draping off one breast.

  I heaved a breath, watching the gleaming of his knife, half afraid, half anticipating but entirely turned on.

  Stumbling to the opposite wall, he flashed forward again and the other strap was cut, the entire dress tumbling to the floor, barely glancing off my curves on the way.

  I shrieked, running again, this time naked.

  “Enough of this,” Calix growled, sounding tortured.

  His body pressed forward, catching me with a bang against the small table I ate my meals on.

  “Not fair,” I breathed as his chest pressed me backwards.

  I slapped my palms onto the tabletop behind me to keep my balance as his hand circled my neck, thumb pressing against my lips, running over them.

  “What’s unfair is this torment, Theá Mou. You’ve had nothing under that dress all evening?”

  His voice sounded strained and it was music to my ears.

  With that thumb pressing into my lips, he pulled against my chin and my lips parted, taking in his finger immediately.

  The closest thing to a whine I’d ever heard him utter fled his mouth as I sucked.

  Finger in mouth, I unlatched his shirt buttons and spread them before opening his trousers, letting them fall.

  Stopping me, he lifted me up and perched my butt on the edge of the table, curling my legs up toward his sides.

  I withdrew his thumb from my mouth as he brushed down his boxer briefs, exposing his significant length. His body was still and poised, begging for entrance.

  Hand curling around to my back, his other held my knee, keeping my legs curled toward my chest as he pushed in, groaning.

  My head banged into the wall as he pulled back out and slid in again, the full feeling fogging my brain with something like madness.

  He upped the pace, slamming in and out as my body swayed with the movement. Taking away his hand from my knee, he curled it into my hair and brought my mouth to his, laying a frantic kiss against my lips once, twice, before he was gasping again, moving even faster.

  I dropped my head back against the wall as his hand moved, gliding over my breast and pinching a nipple between bouts of kneading the flesh.

  As I sat there, ass dangling precariously on that little table, Calix’s hands all over me, I moaned a breathy little moan as pleasure filled me. Grunts and gasps between chanting his name filled the air around us until I was falling. My eyebrows pinched together as the intensity pierced me through and I cried out, bowling forward into his chest where he held me, arm snaking around and pressing me closer as I came.

  His grip continued to tighten until he was jerking forward, hips moving out of rhythm as he grunted his release.

  Breathing in and out, he breathed three little words into my ear. Three little words that meant everything to me.

  “I love you,” he whispered, cheek pressed to my sweaty one.

  “Love you,” I choked back as tears filled my eyes.

  My legs dropped, his hips still between them as I sat back and he leaned his thighs against the edge of the table.

  “Are you hungry?” I asked eventually.


  “Take me.”

  “I thought I just did.” He grinned at me.

  “Calix,” I scolded but he just laughed a quiet laugh before nuzzling into my neck.

  “Want to move?” he asked against my neck as his lips found a nice spot behind my ear and down an inch or two..

  “No. And hurry. My butt’s falling asleep.”

  He grinned again and flattened his tongue against my neck.

  “Weak little human bodies.” His breath feathered across my skin before his teeth sank in.

  I grunted at the feeling then pressed my breasts forward into his chest as he suckled, feeding himself of my lifeblood.

  “Yes,” I murmured, rolling my hips against him.

  The act felt somehow incredibly erotic and I was ready to go another round with him.

  His hips pressed back and soon we were in another battle of thrusts as his lips and tongue moved against my neck.

  Within minutes the world became a little unsteady and he was retreating off my neck, biting his thumb and re-inserting it into my mouth.

  “Heal, and I will have you all over again,” he breathed huskily against my chest before licking away the blood that had poured out of the now closed holes on my neck.

  I continued to suck on his finger, biting until more blood hit my tongue and sent me spiraling into another layer of bliss. His blood was like a drug, giving me a high and I loved it.

  “Not too much, my Goddess,” he murmured, mouth dipping down to a breast as he drew his finger out of my mouth. “My blood is addictive.”

  Really? Yeah, I could see that.

  As the effects of his blood swirled through my body, I felt more then saw him suck a nipple into his mouth. His teeth scraped the sensitive skin surrounding it, tongue brushing against the straining bud before his teeth clamped down on the flesh surrounding it and bit.

  I shrieked then gasped as he suckled away the blood and pain.

  World spinning, I fell back against the wall, head lulling as he drank until the wounds closed and he licked off any remaining drops.

  When his head lifted again, he pressed a hand to my cheek and touched his forehead to mine.

  “You’ve had too much, my Lily...”

  “Why is the world spinning?” I managed to ask, letting him put my arms around his neck as he began to pick me up like a child.

  Resting my head on his shoulder, he took long strides toward the bed before climbing on and easing me down onto the comforter, remaining above me, hovering.

  “It will ease. Our blood is like a narcotic and you’re experiencing the high because you took more than a couple of drops. Sleep and you’ll be fine by morning.”

  “But I...But I want your cock… inside me...” I mumbled almost incoherently.

  My eyes were shutting with unbearable weight, but I heard his chuckle above me.

  “My cock is yours, Agápi. But sleep first.”

  His fingers brushed my cheek a few times before everything faded away.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I managed to peel my eyes open, but the room was dark as it always was when I woke. I was alone, which was typical, but I was also naked, which wasn’t. The blankets had been wrapped around me with care but were just a little too tight. I wiggled my way out of them before stumbling toward the bathroom.

  As I readied myself for the day, I got brief flashbacks of the night before and had to fan myself off a few times. My mate was scorching hot and he knew just what buttons to push to turn me insane with lust.

  The man was incredible.

  Considering the night we’d had and the day proceeding, I could hardly believe all that had happened in the last twenty-four hours. Being rude to Bion was pretty easy considering his crap-tacular attitude, but I struggled to remember that he was only in our home because they would pick a new king. Maybe even as soon as the night was over.

  I shivered, thinking of how it would have to change the dynamic between
Calix and I, but I shoved the thought out of my head until it was reality. I would enjoy the time I had where it was just the two of us.

  After fixing my hair into a thick braid that fell across my shoulder, I pulled on a bulky, off-the-shoulder sweater overtop a white tank top and dark skinny jeans. I slipped on some thick wool socks, then went to see my sister first thing.

  I knocked on the door and waited. And waited. And waited. Eventually I heard stumbling inside just a moment before the door opened. Maggie’s hair was all over the place and she was in boy short panties and a t-shirt.

  “What?” she asked, pinching her nose like her head hurt.

  “I wanted to check on you,” I told her, looking around her into her bedroom.

  “I’m not hiding anyone, if that’s what you’re looking for.” She rolled her eyes, swinging the door open. “And I didn’t sleep with him. He was a perfect gentleman.”

  “Good. I’d kick his ass if he wasn’t.” I gave her a pointed look before hearing the scrap of footsteps down the hall.

  Chrys came toward us looking like a zombie, his eyes wide like he was in a permanent state of shock.

  “And?” Maggie called and that was all the signal he needed to grin.

  “That was… that was the best night. Of. My. Life.” he murmured, still definitely in shock.

  “So, you let them...”

  “I let them do whatever the hell they wanted.” Chrys grinned pressing a hand onto his chest. “I’ve never seen so many boobs in real life before...and did you know that two girls can suck on the same dick at once?”

  “Ew! TMI Chrys!” Maggie gagged. “One night with the Vamps and you’re turning into a sex-crazed lunatic.”

  “I think I might. If it’s always that good...I might just spend my whole life doing it.”

  I grimaced, noticing the wafting smell of sex emanating from him.

  “Go shower. I’ll talk to you later,” I told Chrys and he turned, moving his zombie body back to his bedroom.

  “So you and Chrys, huh?” Maggie asked, sounding a little left out. “Just needed to get away from mother and you guys are like sex addicts.”

  “First of all, you don’t understand the sexual attraction these people have. Secondly, I don’t know why Chrys gave up his V-card so easily but he seems happy. He’s seventeen for God’s sake and hasn’t even seen boobs yet.”


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