Fighting Me (Shaft on Tour #5)

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Fighting Me (Shaft on Tour #5) Page 3

by Cat Mason

  I stand with them and grab my bag, following them out to where he stands staring out the windows as he waits. The man even makes the long hallways and floor to ceiling windows seem smaller. Those damn mirrored sunglasses still covering his face piss me off for some reason. Even more, I am curious to see beyond them. To see his eyes. “Henry Richardson, this is Rae Sloan,” Camaron says, when he turns to face us. “She’s going to be helping us out with the ankle biters.”

  I can’t see his eyes, but I feel them as they rake over me. When my eyes want to look away, I force myself to look straight into the mirrored reflection that he is hiding behind. His jaw ticks, then he grins, and I catch a glimpse of a dimple in his cheek. For some reason, it lessens the intimidation, but only amplifies the heat factor. The man is seven feet of sexual temptation. “Good luck with that. It takes balls to handle the wild and crazy that goes on with this bunch.”

  “I’d rather have a vagina, they’re what take a poundin’,” I toss out, internally patting myself on the back for my sassy comment.

  Henry’s grin widens, he looks not only a bit shocked by my answer, but impressed by it as well. Good. The last thing I want is him lurking over my shoulder waiting for me to fuck up. “Touché.” Grabbing a card from his jeans pocket, he hands it to me. His thumb brushes over my hand as I take it and I feel the jolt. That jolt that means all kinds of fucking trouble. “My direct line. You need something, anything before you get to the house, you call that. If it ever rings more than twice, it means I’m dead.”

  “I am surprisingly independent and resourceful, Mr. Richardson, but if I need you, you’ll be the first to know,” I reply, slipping the card into my bag. Turning to Camaron and the girls, I smile. “Thank you.”

  Turning away, I head down the hallway toward the bank of elevators and press the call button. Looking back up the hallway, I see Tuesday take Brannon from Daisy and smother him in kisses while the girls all chatter. Henry, however, is staring me down. Stepping into the elevator, I swallow hard and force a smile. He doesn’t smile back, but I see his jaw tick again. Just as the doors close, he slips the glasses down his nose and the breath is knocked out of me at the sight of his green eyes as they appraise me.

  The last thing I feel, though, is intimidation.


  Ball Slapping and Cuddle Restrictions


  “Rae’s here,” Camaron says as she enters the room, brushing her blonde hair over her shoulder. “Daisy, can you hit he button for the gate?”

  Daisy nods and starts toward the hallway. “I should get lunch started anyway.”

  “Bran wants to go help Miss Rae with her stuff,” Jazzie says, chucking a tennis ball across the room. Bits barks, his short legs spinning on the wood floor to gain traction as he chases it.

  “How would you know that, Jazz?” I ask, pushing to my feet. “Poor kid can’t get a word in edge wise with your jabberin’ jaws runnin’ non-stop.”

  Standing to her feet, Jazzie fluffs the front of her purple tutu and hitches a hand on her hip. The pint sized diva stares at me like she’d rip off my lips and make me eat them. I don’t doubt she would for a second. “Bran doesn’t need to talk to anyone else. He tells me all his seeeeeeeecrets,” she shrugs. “He’s irrelevant.”

  “That’s an awfully big word, Jazz,” Chase says, staring at the little girl over her iPad. “Do you know what irrelevant means?”

  Jazzie grins, proudly swaying her hips back and forth. “Yes. Uncle Mack was saying it to Lacy. He told her that she was irrelevant. I like Lacy, she’s fun. Does irrelevant mean fun? ‘Cause Bran is fun when he isn’t crying or sleeping, then he gets on my nerves.”

  “Jasmine, I think we need to have a little talk,” Chase says, setting the tablet on the table beside her. Standing to her feet, she walks over and takes Jazzie’s hand and leads her toward the hallway. “Then I’m gonna have to talk to Uncle Mack again about being child appropriate.”

  I grin down at Brannon when he reaches for me, wiggling his chubby fingers. Bending down, I lift him into my arms. “You want to go outside and help Rae with her stuff?” I ask him. He smiles a toothy grin and claps his hands, but says nothing. “All right then, you don’t have to shout,” I tease, tickling his belly.

  Saying that I was honored for Daisy and Grayson to name him Brannon Henry is an understatement. Don’t get me wrong, I was nervous to add kids to the mix. They are unpredictable and need stability, something this life doesn’t have a lot of, but we manage. For now. With Jasmine starting school in the fall, I have no clue how we will handle things without having to spread ourselves out, and I don’t like that idea at all.

  Shaft isn’t as strong when we aren’t all together, and when there is weakness, you are left susceptible to losing control over the situation.

  That is something I won’t allow.

  Opening the front door, I walk out with Camaron just as a cab stops beside the ‘Burban. The driver climbs out, but I beat him to it, opening the door for Rae myself. The minute she climbs out, my eyes are fixed on the purple satin bow tied in her long brown hair. The lengthy caramel strands brushing over her tightly encased denim clad ass tease me. Hell, I know they are taunting me. Luckily, no one can read my mind as I drag my eyes up and down her body. Between her dark wash jeans and the white t-shirt that is almost sheer in the Tennessee summer sun, I can’t tear my eyes away from how they mold to her body like a second skin.

  She’s fucking gorgeous.

  But, she’s also off limits, Henry. That’s my top priority: making sure Mack doesn’t fuck with her and ruin the upcoming trip.

  “You don’t have a car?” I blurt, attempting to find something to talk about. Her eyes fly to mine the minute the comment leaves my lips, her eyebrow raises slightly as she stares at me.

  “Don’t need one, I don’t drive.”

  “Oh. Well, that’s absolutely fine,” Camaron says, slapping my arm. “Henry and Mack drive us everywhere, so it’s not like you’ll need to. We don’t leave the grounds without one of them. Ever.”

  Brannon swats at my glasses, causing me to shift him in my arms. “Hi, Brannon,” Rae coos, holding out her hand. Without hesitation, his eyes shoot to hers and he grabs her fingers. “We’re gonna have so much fun together.” Her voice is soft and yet has an edge to it that grips me by the balls. My cock twitches in my jeans, more than ready to take advantage of her invitation.

  Calm down, she was talkin’ to the kid, not you.

  “How about we head inside and get you settled in your room?” Cam asks, lifting the lid on the trunk and grabbing a bag.

  “No, no,” I say, handing Brannon to Rae. “Here. Why don’t you take Brannon and while Cam shows you around, I’ll get everything inside.”

  Taking a step toward Camaron, Rae settles the baby on her hip. “Thank you, Henry,” Rae says, her name on my lips has my dick twitching again.

  What the hell is it about this woman that has me feeling like a horny teenager?

  Turning away before they notice my growing hard on, I grab the rest of her things from the trunk while Cam starts talking up a storm as they head toward the house.

  “She left this in the seat.”

  The cab driver hands me a black case, almost the size of a make-up bag. Shoving it down into a partially unzipped duffel, I thank him and make sure he’s been paid up. Walking up onto the porch, I take a deep breath and head inside.

  A remote control jeep with a rawhide tied to it flies by my foot, diving off the porch. Bits is literally right on its ass. He barrels between my legs and dives onto the walkway, barking like mad, while Hunter laughs. “Watch that fucker run!” he whoops, shuffling by me with Mack working the remote control. “Careful, man, don’t run his fuzzy ass over the concrete. The poor bastard’s balls slap the ground when he runs.

  “That wouldn’t happen if you neutered him, you know?” I ask, knowing that everyone has gotten tired of that asshole humping everything that isn’t off the ground. Fuckin’ dog destroyed
the Christmas display every day to ass rape Rudolph.

  Mack’s face turns a shade of green and Hunter’s smile fades, his lips pressing into a hard line. “How do you think you’d feel if we shoved you in a crate and took you to get the tow hitch clipped?” he asks, arching his brow. “I’m sensible, Big Man, but there has to be some kind of code that says it’s forbidden for a guy to take another guy to have his berries picked. Besides, having his balls removed would give him a complex.”

  “Don’t compare me to the frankenfucker, Hunter, you can’t handle the beast, let alone tame it.” I chuckle, arching my brow right back at him. “On the other hand, if that horny asshole tries to hump my leg again, I’ll take you both out to the garage and snip you with my bolt cutters.”

  Instead of giving me a smart ass comment like I expect him to, Hunter shoves out the door with Mack in search of the dog. Walking through the living room, I head down the hallway passing the door to my room and rounding the corner to one of the many additions we made once we bought the place and what is now Rae’s bedroom.

  “I know that I had it in here,” Rae says, digging through her purse on the bed. Brannon is sitting in the middle of the made bed, his eyes glued to the cartoons playing on television. “I never go anywhere without it.”

  “Lose something?” I ask, settling her things on the floor beside the bed.

  “Um,” she mumbles, biting her lip, worrying the plump flesh between her teeth. “It’s a little black bag. I have to have it.”

  Bending down, I grab it from the top of the unzipped duffle and hold it out to her. “This?”

  A sigh of relief washes over her. I have to bite back a chuckle at her freak out over a damn make-up case. Grabbing it, she sits walks over to the desk and unzips it revealing that it’s not lip gloss and mascara all.

  “You’re a diabetic?” I ask when I see the insulin and testing kit.

  “I am, and it’s time to check my blood,” she replies. I watch in silence as she wipes an alcohol swab over her skin before pricking her finger with a lancet. She presses it to the meter and waits for it to beep. “Good,” she sighs, sticking everything safely back inside the case, except the insulin, which she stows safely away in the mini fridge. Rae looks up at me. “Will you watch him for a second while I get rid of this and wash up?”

  I nod, sitting on the edge of the bed beside Brannon, his eyes don’t leave the television though. Seeming satisfied, Rae grabs one of the bags that I brought in and disappears into the bathroom. I hear rustling, then after a minute or two, the faucet turns on. “Where did Camaron run off to?” I ask when I hear the water shut off.

  “She had to take a call,” Rae says, stepping out to meet my eyes. “Wedding stuff and travel arrangements for someone named Luke, I think.”

  I nod. “Chase’s brother.”

  “Oh,” she shrugs, making her way around the room. She hits the button on the television, shutting it off. Brannon’s eyes widen at the loss, but he says nothing. Stepping up to the bed, she holds out her hand. “How about we go see where everyone is, yeah?” Brannon scoots closer, grabbing her hand. “Maybe we can find us a snack in the kitchen too, would you like that?”

  When he doesn’t answer, she picks him up, looking to me. “He doesn’t speak,” I say, answering her silent question.

  “Ever?” she asks, her eyes going straight to Brannon as he rests his head on her shoulder.

  “Oh no, he can talk,” I clarify. “He just doesn’t.”

  “I see.” Running a hand over his shaggy black hair, Rae smiles down at him before turning that smile to me. “He’s going for the quiet mysterious thing then.” Lifting him under his arms, she presses her lips to his belly. “Nom nom nom,” she mumbles making him cackle, his hands flying into her hair.

  “Your laugh is adorable, Brannon,” she says cuddling him to her once again. “But, let me tell you a secret.” Grinning at him, she presses her forehead to his. “I’ll have you talking to me soon enough.”

  There’s a knock on the door followed by Daisy walking in, “There you are, Brannon Henry. I’ve been looking for you, mister.” Brannon’s face lights up the moment he lays eyes on his mother, his arms reaching out for her, those chubby fingers wiggling in excitement. “Lunch is ready.”

  “Oh okay, I’ll just be a minute,” Rae replies, when Daisy takes the baby. Turning, she bends over and begins digging through a bag on the floor beside me. My eyes go directly to her ass. If I were to lean up, I could grip her hips and…. The thought makes my dick spring to life.

  “Grayson was wanting a minute with you, Big Man,” Daisy says, clearing her throat. When I look at her, she’s smiling at me. “You know, some wedding stuff.”

  “Okay,” I say pushing from the mattress while trying to adjust myself without one of them noticing. “Thanks, Daisy.”

  The minute Daisy leaves the room, the air changes. I start for the door, unsure of what to say, but I do know that she doesn’t need me in here to supervise her unpacking. “Brannon Henry, huh?”

  Running a hand through my hair, I nod. “Yeah, cute little shit, huh?”

  “You’re not what I expected.” She sits a bag down on the bed and studies me. Her brown eyes look bottomless, drawing me in, the almost golden pools have to be so much deeper than what I see before me. Pushing my sunglasses to the top of my head, I meet her eyes again and hiss out a breath when they warm.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You come off as this intimidating, overbearing Grizzly bear and I don’t think you are,” she giggles. “You’re more like one of those enormous teddy bears that all the guys rush out to buy on Valentine’s Day for their girlfriends to cuddle with.”

  “You’ve known me all of five minutes. That’s a pretty fast assumption.” I can’t help but laugh. Did she just compare me to a stuffed animal?

  She nods. “It is, but I still bet I’m right.”

  “That sweet shit you think you see is only until someone pokes the bear.”

  “Pokes the bear?” she asks, her lips curling up in amusement.

  “Wait a minute, did you just call me cuddly?” I say, crossing my arms over my chest. I swear, I nearly fucking gag even saying the word ‘cuddly’. “I’ve never cuddled a day in my damn life.”

  “Oh, Henry,” she says, patting my arm as she passes. “I didn’t mean to wound your fragile ego.” Looking at me over her shoulder, her smile widens, the gold in her eyes dances with amusement.

  Shrugging, I chuckle, making her cock her head sideways at me. “I guess you’re not what I expected either. The last thing I expected when I met you was for you to be such a firecracker.”

  Tossing her hair over her shoulder, she throws her head back and laughs. “Now who’s makin’ fast assumptions?” she teases. “Oh, and just so you know, honey, I’m no firecracker. I’m the Fourth of July.”

  I follow her out and up the hall to the kitchen, playing the conversation over and over in my head. Rae is right, she’s a hell of a lot more than just a firecracker. I’d have to be blind not to want her. She’s sexy as hell, but that doesn’t mean I can have her. Actions have consequences and those would not just affect me. I also know, that if I give in to what I want, the explosion will level everything that we have all spent our lives building.


  Boundaries and Revelations


  I have to say that I wasn’t prepared for all that needs to be done in order to leave the apartment I share with my grandmother with such short notice. I had no time to pack and plan, but Gram was more than happy to swat my ass with her wooden spoon and ship me downstairs to the taxi the moment they called to say they were waiting.

  Settling in with the flow of the group, however, I feel will be easier.

  I haven’t the slightest idea why I was so comfortable with Henry so quickly or why I had so much fun winding him up the way I did.

  But, I have to admit, it’s entertaining.

  I like the way his eyes heated, the way I could f
eel his eyes raking over me, even when they were hidden behind his glasses. Just the thought has me shivering as I walk down the hallway in search of the kitchen. I can feel his eyes as he follows me.

  I can’t remember feeling anything like that since Joshua.

  I’ve never even thought of a man in this way since Josh. It hurt too much. It wasn’t so long ago that just thinking about the man who had stolen my heart would leave me drowning in crippling pain and guilt. It’s taken a lot to get to where I am now. I haven’t forgotten, I’ve just decided that he would be disappointed in me for not moving on with my life somehow. Shaking my head, I push back the tears and square my shoulders, forcing my chin to stay high. Turning the corner, I follow the laughter and chatter into a dining room with a large, dark stained table. Everyone is sitting around it, passing plates of food and joking.

  “Hey, you must be Rae.”

  I recognize Hunter Chesterfield as he looks up at me. Thankfully, the research Gram and I did online last night will help me put names to the rest of the faces. The downside to being in the day care center at Ironsound Records was the lack of meeting the talent face to face, but I had heard enough chatter about how they were. Laid back, funny, and according to Tuesday, one of Abby’s favorite finds to date and great friends.

  Abby isn’t the type of person to hop on something, or someone, unless she sees true worth. For her to call them not just associates, but friends, is a high compliment.

  “I am,” I reply, stepping further into the room. “It’s nice to meet y’all.”

  “Well, don’t be shy,” Henry says, his hand pressing into the small of my back. The heat of his palm radiates through my shirt making me tense. Leaning down, he chuckles. “You’ll have to get your elbows up and jump in around here or be lost in the chaos.”


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