Fighting Me (Shaft on Tour #5)

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Fighting Me (Shaft on Tour #5) Page 15

by Cat Mason

  Blowing out a breath, I take my seat and adjust a dozing Brannon on my lap. The sun is beginning to set and it couldn’t make the scene more gorgeous. I don’t blame Hunter and Chase for wanting something small and private; this couldn’t be more perfect.

  The music begins to play and Cam and Daisy walk down the aisle in long, flowing hot-pink dresses before taking their seats in the front row beside their husbands. Strapless and beachy style, absolutely perfect, just as every detail is. Tiger Lilies line the sand, along with lit hanging lanterns forming the aisle. Hunter stands with the preacher, just beneath the beautiful altar decorated in small white twinkling lights, white silks, and lace with more Tiger Lillies. Beside him is Henry wearing his shades, a white shirt, and tan cargo shorts.

  Jazzie starts walking, throwing fists full of pink and purple petals on the sand as she swishes her long pink dress, the tutu making her look like a bell as she makes her way down the aisle. Her face is lit up brighter than any lantern on the beach. Her smile is priceless, only growing wider as she makes it to her Daddy.

  Hunter grins at her, holding out his arms. The minute her basket is empty, she tosses it to the sand and runs for him, leaping into his open arms. “I love weddings! Marry me, Daddy.”

  Tears threaten to fall immediately. Hunter picks up Jasmine and kisses her cheeks, earning him chuckles and plenty of “awww” from all of us. Tears spill over my eyelids at the sweet moment between Daddy and daughter. It hurts my heart in bittersweet ways that fall somewhere between agony and elation. The moment is wonderful, but the things it makes me feel hurt if I let them come bubbling up right now.

  “Look, there’s Mommy!” Jazzie squeals, pointing down the aisle. Everyone turns as Chase, arm and arm with her brother, Luke, begin to walk down the aisle. All eyes are on her, but her eyes are locked on Hunter and Jazzie. The bottom of her long, strapless, ivory gown blows around in the breeze, her long red hair is pulled into a braided up-do framing her face with a few loose curls at the end. She is a beautiful bride; her entire body is glowing with her happiness.

  Stopping just before they reach Hunter, Luke turns and cups her face with one hand, his thumb brushing away a tear. “Baby girl, I’ve always been the one to look out for you. It’s been my job, as your big brother, to wipe your tears and patch up scraped knees,” he starts, making Chase hiccup, another tear streaming down her face. “I no longer see this as giving you up. It’s an honor to be the one to walk you down the aisle to Hunter and Jazz, because I know they’re the pieces that complete you. I love you, Chase.”

  Taking her hand, Luke steps closer before placing it in Hunter’s. His other hand ruffles Jasmine’s hair as he places a kiss on her cheek. “You have two amazing girls, Hunter. Take care of them.”

  Hunter nods and Luke turns to take his seat beside Kionna. Wrapping his arm around the back of her chair, she curls into him immediately.

  “Do you see this beautiful fucking woman, right here?” Hunter asks, holding his hand out, gesturing to Chase. “I’m marrying this woman. Holy fuck! I’m such a lucky bastard.”

  “How about I get on with it then?” The preacher asks, chuckling. Flipping through the pages of an old Bible, he clears his throat. “Jasmine has asked you all here today to share in the joining of her family. Hunter and Chase have vowed to join their hearts and lives as one,” he begins to speak as Hunter eases Jazz to her feet and she takes one of each of Hunter and Chase’s hands. “This is a joyous occasion. This ceremony is far from traditional, but as I’ve quickly learned, Hunter and his girls are far from ordinary.” That has another round of chuckles coming from everyone, before the pastor begins reading a few verses and says a prayer. “Now, Hunter, I believe you have decided to write your own vows?”

  “I did,” he replies, grinning at Chase before dropping to one knee. Swatting at a tear slipping down his cheek, he just shakes his head, the look on his face one of complete awe and adoration. Chase’s eyes widen, her hand flying to her mouth as Hunter stares at her then at their daughter. “Jazz, I love you more you’ll ever know. You and Mommy are the most important things in my life, you make everything worthwhile. I want to be more, to be better, all because I want you two to be proud of the man that I have become. I promise to be the best Daddy I can be. I’ll never be perfect, but I’ll always take time to play with you and be silly. I want to hear you laugh, knowing that I make your world a better place, simply because you and Mommy do that for me every single day. You’re my heart.” Looking up at Chase, Hunter smiles. “The only reason it beats, is for you.”

  Reaching into his back pocket, Hunter pulls out a locket on a gold chain. Pushing Jasmine’s hair out of the way, he puts it around her neck. “Are we married now, Daddy?” Jazzie asks, bouncing on her heels.

  “Almost, baby,” Chase sniffles, kissing the top of her head. “Now it’s my turn.”

  Hunter stands to his feet, he looks down at Chase as Jazzie goes over to where Daisy sits before Aiden reaches out and pulls her into his lap. “Hunter, you make me so happy. I never knew that I’d ever feel so content in my life. Luke said it, you two are the pieces that complete me. Our road hasn’t been easy, but nothing as great as what we have should ever come without a fight. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, knowing that everything we face, we do it together.”

  “If anyone here objects to this uniting of souls as one, please speak now, or forever hold your peace,” the preacher says once Chase finishes.

  Hunter turns to face us all, a smirk on his face, before turning back to the pastor. “I thought we agreed not to include that in the ceremony? I’m not giving someone the opportunity to be a matrimonial cock-blocker. To have and to shaft, it’s pretty simple.”

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride.”

  “My wife!” Hunter’s grin widens into a full on smile as he faces Chase again, one arm slides around her waist, the other slips into her hair. “Finally! Get your ass over here, Tiger Lilly,” Hunter growls, slamming his mouth to hers.

  Lifting her from the ground, Hunter pulls her tightly against him while everyone claps and shouts. When Mack whistles and begins shouting for them to get a room, Henry walks up and claps Hunter on the back.

  “There’s a bacon and booze filled reception waitin’.”

  Placing Chase on her feet again, Hunter breaks the kiss. Turning toward the tent sent up for the reception, Hunter grins. “I’ll be right with you, bacon.” Hoisting Chase over his shoulder, he runs for the water. Chase screams as Hunter laughs wickedly before throwing them both into the waves. The crowd laughs and cheers, but they couldn’t care less right now who is watching them. This moment is theirs. Chase wraps herself around Hunter as the waves slam into them, his mouth sealed over hers as they celebrate their “I dos”.

  Wiping my eyes, I stand to my feet and make my way down the aisle as everyone begins to head to the tent set up for the reception. Jazzie immediately walks up and takes my hand when I reach them. Daisy takes Brannon from me, curling him into her chest. “I’ll take him for a bit,” she says, brushing her fingers over his unruly hair.

  “Did you see me, Miss Rae?” she asks, excitedly, looking up at me with her big brown eyes.

  “I did,” I reply. “You look beautiful.”

  “Hey, Jazz, let’s go get cake,” Mack says, swooping Jasmine into his arms. My hand slips from hers as he settles her onto his shoulders. “I heard from a very reliable source there’s cookies too.”

  “Yay!” she squeals, flailing her arms.

  “I’ll just be a minute,” I say, wanting a moment to myself.

  Walking around the altar, I kick off my sandals and head towards the water, passing Hunter who is carrying a completely soaked and happy Chase as they head for the tent.

  The cool ocean water rushes over my toes as the tide washes in and out. Since my purple halter dress is only knee length, I step out a bit farther into the water, letting it rush over my ankles and calves while memories flood my mind.
br />   Josh…

  “I’ll make it real simple, let’s hop a plane to Oahu. We can grab a preacher, a few strangers on the beach for witnesses, and just do it, babe. I don’t need anything else, just you, wearing my ring, and having my last name. The rest is just details.”

  Now, all I have are the memories.

  Looking down, my hands blur through my unshed tears. My memories of Joshua are happy, mostly. I look back and smile at the time we shared, but nothing hurts more than knowing you can’t get that back.

  There was a long time where I didn’t attend weddings. I used to love them so much, but losing Joshua made them close to impossible for me to sit through. If this had been just two years ago, I’d be holed up in my room crying into his pillow, reliving every happy memory, before the painful ones come crashing down on me. It took hitting absolute bottom before realizing that the life I was living was anything but. I don’t understand why life throws the curves at us that it does, or why karma likes to ass rape some of us without lube, but surviving it all has only made me stronger. I couldn’t be the person I am today without Josh, and I wouldn’t trade anything for the time he loved me.


  I don’t turn around. Instead, I close my eyes and blow out a breath when another wave rolls into me, splashing up and wetting the hem of my dress. “Hey,” I reply, not wanting him to see me like this. I’m too vulnerable to tell Henry all about my haunting past right now without losing all my composure.

  I can feel him coming closer and I tense, feeling the questions in the air that I know he has to be wanting to ask. His arms wrap around me from behind and he just holds me to him, not saying a word. He doesn’t push for answers when I swipe at the tears as I sob silently. Henry holds me and simply lets me have my moment.

  Once the tears stop falling, I turn in his arms and wrap my own around his waist. Hugging him to me tightly, I look up into his eyes, a bit surprised to see his sunglasses not on his face, but tucked into his front pocket instead. He doesn’t say a word; he doesn’t have to. Henry says everything he could ever need to say to me in right now with his eyes. Bending down, he presses his lips to my cheek, kissing away a stray tear before brushing his lips over mine. It’s soft and slow, but just as hungry. I can feel how much he needs this too. Moving my hands up, I grip his arms and push up on my toes, wanting to feel his mouth on mine, needing to forget the ache in my chest.

  “Take me somewhere,” I murmur against his lips. “I need to feel you.”

  “I don’t do quickies, Rae.” Lifting me out of the water, Henry carries me up the beach toward the tent. Stopping at the altar, he settles me to my feet before kneeling to help me put on my shoes. “Tonight, though, and the next night, and the next, you’re sleeping with me in my bed or me in yours. It’s your choice, baby, but I want to fall asleep holding your soft, warm body.”

  “Okay,” I say, causing him to look up at me.

  Slipping my sandal on, he stands to his full height again, his jaw ticking as a grin spreads across his face. “Good. Now, it’s my turn to dance with you.

  Taking his hand, I let Henry lead me into the tent where Hunter and Chase are lost in their own little world on the dance floor. Mack and Jazzie are eating at a table with Audrey, Brannon, and Daisy, while everyone else is at the bar joking and toasting.

  A few people arrived on the island today, hired for last minute decorating and to handle the food, cake, and pictures while everyone celebrates the day. Chase and Hunter wanted everyone to be able to have as much fun today as possible. That didn’t mean Henry wasn’t meeting them all at the dock to do a cell phone and camera sweep before handing them non-disclosure agreements to sign along with giving them detailed instructions on how things were expected to go. The two women have been scurrying around all day; setting up the tent and dancefloors, along with trays of food, and filling the shot glasses that Hunter demanded instead of champagne flutes.

  Henry steers us toward the dance floor. Taking my hand, he spins me out before pulling me into him. We probably look awkward, him being so much taller than me, but it doesn’t seem to bother him at all. Moving his hips in time with the music, Henry guides my body as if he owns it.

  I close my eyes. Pressing my cheek to his chest, I absorb his warmth. The world stops for me. I only breathe in and out while Henry holds me close and the music plays. The lyrics of the song echo through my head. The words of a woman who openly admits she isn’t perfect. How life changes you to the point that it tarnishes your innocence. It leaves scars. She is now a different person, forever changed, but yet he loves her anyway. Not because he looks over the faults she has, but because he sees each and every one and loves her even more for them, because he has his own.

  Sliding his finger beneath my chin, Henry tips my face up. My eyes flutter open, meeting his gorgeous green orbs. His eyes are soft and warm, more inviting than I have ever seen them. Big Man is relaxed. I start to smile, but it’s stopped the second he bends and presses his lips to mine.

  With everyone standing there, Henry moves his mouth over mine. One hand slides up and brushes my hair over my shoulder before cupping my face, tilting my head the way he wants it. His lips are soft, making me moan softly.

  I can tell the second everyone sees us. The conversations going on around us stop all at once. “Are you fuckin’ kidding me?” Hunter asks, making me jump.

  Henry’s lips leave mine, and I blink my eyes frantically to focus as I stare around the room to exactly what I figured. Everyone is staring at us.

  “Problem, Hunter?” Henry asks, tucking me into his side.

  I don’t know what to do or how to act. Everyone is watching the scene play out, but no one says a word. My eyes roam the room for what feels like an eternity before stopping on a smiling Hunter. I expected the atmosphere in the room to become tense and awkward, but it doesn’t.

  “Nope,” Hunter chuckles. “I think this is pretty fuckin’ perfect.” Walking over, he smacks a gaping mouthed Mack in the back of the head as he comes our way. “I say this could be the perfect wedding present. Not only have we all been waiting on you to relax and have a life, but you’ve successfully cockblocked Mack! He thought for sure Rae was warmin’ up to him after she danced with him at the lagoon the other night.”

  My eyes shoot to Hunter, then to Mack before I look back at Henry. Hunter laughs again. “Wait, what?” I ask.

  “All the good moves too,” Mack whines, stealing a cookie off Jazzie’s plate. “Even the Timberlake shit. I told you guys he corrupted the nanny.” Shrugging, Mack just shakes his head. “She must prefer old dudes.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up, Mack,” Henry says, leading me over to the bar where Cam, Aiden, Luke, Ki, and Grayson stand watching in amusement.

  “Florida is the retirement capital of the world, I mean you can always hit the mainland before we fly home, Silver Shagger,” Aiden chuckles. Leaning over, he grins at me. “Our Big Mack over there prefers the over fifty crowd anyway.”

  Mack’s face turns beet red before flipping all of us off. Turning to Jazzie, he grabs her hand. “Come on, short stuff, let’s show them how do rock a dance floor. At least I know you love me.”

  “Longneck,” Henry says, looking down at me in question. When I shake my head, he nods and takes his beer from the woman behind the bar. Putting the bottle to his lips, he swallows, my eyes locking on his throat as it works. His arm slips lower around my hips, pulling me in front of him as he leans back into the bar. Cam’s brow arches, eyeing the both of us before her look fades into a smile.

  “We’ve gotta get set up,” Aiden says, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “If Hunter doesn’t do his song soon, I have a feeling it won’t happen at all.”

  Standing at the bar, we watch as they guys set up their equipment. Aiden sits on a stool behind a tall drum and picks up these little sticks that don’t look anything like drum sticks I’ve seen before. Grayson steps up and slips on his acoustic guitar, stepping behind one of the microphones. Hunter kisses Ch
ase’s lips with a loud smack before leaping onto the stool sitting behind the other mic. “I’ve been told I’m not the best with words, if I’m not singin’ them,” Hunter says into the mic. “So after hearing this song, I’ve been workin’ with the guys on a little surprise for my girls that pretty much says it all for me, in case there was ever any doubt.” Pulling the mic in, he smiles at Jazzie, who runs up and stands beside Chase. Pressing his hand to his chest, his eyes lock on Chase. “Tiger Lily, you walked into my life and showed me all that I was missing. Even when I expected you to haul ass and run like hell, you stayed. Through all the shit, you’re my constant. There’s no one I’d rather share my life with. You make every struggle worth it, and every ounce of success means that much more because I have you by my side. You are the reason my heart beats.”

  The music starts to play and Hunter comes in smooth, but with a raspy tone to his voice as he sings “My Heart” by Paramore. Sitting Jazz down on her feet, Chase covers her mouth with her hand as the little diva dances around her. Chase ingests every word, tears falling down her face. They don’t break eye contact as he sings to her. It’s a moment frozen in time. Only for them.

  I can feel my own heart racing, chills running over my skin as I feel every ounce of love he has for her. The guy’s version of the song is nowhere near as hard as the version on the radio I’ve heard, but it’s so much more powerful. Every note he hits speaking volumes of how he feels. The lyrics he chooses to sing, instead of say, because he wants her to feel them as more than just words. Instead, we are all experiencing their love in a way that will go on forever.

  Every time they hear the song, it will be a reminder of this day and all the love they share.

  A tear slips down my face, followed by another and another. By the time Hunter sings the last note and the guys stop playing, all the girls are crying and Mack is sniffling a bit. Chase doesn’t waste a second. She dives into Hunter’s arms, slamming her mouth to his. Hunter teeters backwards before falling backwards onto the ground, laughing through the kisses. Sitting up, he grabs her face and kisses her back.


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