The Frog Prince's Hair-Raising Predicament [A Tail Like No Other: Book Three] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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The Frog Prince's Hair-Raising Predicament [A Tail Like No Other: Book Three] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 14

by Scarlet Hyacinth

  It was, indeed, pretty incredible. It still hadn’t fully processed, and I suspected that once it hit me, I’d grow even more excited and nervous than I was now.

  Rapunzel arched a brow at me, then directed his attention toward the still-fretting couple. “Children are a very beautiful thing,” he said. “Congratulations on your third.”

  The man shot Rapunzel a confused look. “We don’t have a…”

  He trailed off when his wife started to fidget. “I wasn’t sure,” she mumbled, her lower lip trembling. “After last time…”

  “Your baby will be just fine,” Rapunzel said, interrupting her. His hair gently swayed in the wind, and to me, it seemed like it was glowing. The Arthurian couple stared at him, a little in awe. I wondered if they were finally starting to see what I did—how beautiful, pure, and perfect my love was.

  “How can you tell she’s going to have a healthy baby?” I asked my mate through our mental link.

  “I don’t know,” Rapunzel answered. “I just can. I feel it, deep inside. I wonder if I’m getting new powers.”

  Really, that should have scared me a little, after all the adventures we’d gone through while trying to grow accustomed to Rapunzel’s magic. Instead, I was happy for Rapunzel. We were learning together, just like I’d wanted from the very beginning.

  After hugging the two children, Dineiro mounted the horse behind Kirril for a second time. The excitement of the crowd seemed to have increased at the sight of Dineiro’s friendly nature and Rapunzel’s magic foretelling. We continued our ride without further incident.

  Finally, we reached the palace. My parents were waiting in the courtyard, something that was actually unusual given their position. The moment we dismounted, my mother raced toward us and threw her arms around Kirril and me.

  “Medwin! Kirril!” she cried out as she embraced us. “I was so worried.”

  As the Arthurian queen, she rarely showed such an open outburst of concern, but it seemed that, this time around, she didn’t really care. “I’m fine, Mother,” I told her. “I’m back.”

  She kept touching my hair and my face, as if she couldn’t be sure that I had indeed turned to my normal form. It was only many minutes later that we were finally freed, and only because my father intervened. “Sedonia, give the boys some air,” he said. “They’ve just arrived from their long trip. They must be tired.”

  My mother held onto us for a while longer, then released us with a heavy sigh. “You’re right of course. Besides, I’m being terribly rude to our guests.” She turned to Dineiro and Rapunzel. “Welcome back, Lord Rapunzel. We were all very worried about your disappearance. And it’s very nice to see you again, Dineiro. I’m glad you decided to visit Arthuria.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty,” Rapunzel answered. “It’s great to be back.”

  “I am honored by your generosity and your welcome,” Dineiro added.

  My mother chuckled. “I’m not sure how generous I am. I’m just looking forward to hearing more about my first grandchild.”

  Dineiro hesitated slightly and threw a look Rapunzel’s way. At first, I couldn’t figure out the reasons for his behavior, but then he said, “It will take a while until my baby will be born. Dragons have very long gestation periods, and even if our child is a half-breed, it will likely be in a good couple of years.”

  Oh. Oh. Dineiro’s baby wouldn’t be the first grandson, then. My baby with Rapunzel would have that honor.

  Awkward silence fell over the courtyard. “Why do I get the feeling there’s something we don’t know?” our father inquired.

  I snapped out of my trance, taking the chance to let my family know of my good news. “Rapunzel and I are getting married,” I said. “And…we’ll be having a baby.”

  * * * *

  A few days later

  The soft grass felt cool and ticklish under my bare feet. The sound of the whispering water and the playful way the wind tugged on my hair made me smile. I leaned against my mate, glancing up at the starry sky.

  “It really is beautiful here,” I told him. “I’m glad we could come tonight.”

  Medwin laughed. “It was getting pretty busy in the palace. I’m sure we’ll get an earful from my mother when we go back, but it’ll be worth it.”

  I had to agree. I was starting to grow even more comfortable in Arthuria, but Medwin’s people were still very different from me. It would probably take me a while until I could actually get accustomed to a way of life so different from mine. But that wasn’t the reason why we’d fled. Rather, the preparations for the upcoming celebrations were starting to choke us.

  It certainly didn’t help that our wedding had turned into a double ceremony. Dineiro and Kirril hadn’t gotten an official one, and it seemed that they hadn’t actually felt the need for it. But surprisingly, with all the excitement, Dineiro had started to be more understanding of Arthurian customs—and he’d ended up proposing to Kirril. Medwin’s brother had been gobsmacked, but had naturally agreed, much to everyone’s delight.

  I knew Medwin was thrilled for his brother’s happiness, and in turn, I was happy, too. Alas, so was the queen, and she had chosen to thrust herself wholeheartedly in organizing the ceremony. She demanded our attention so that every detail would turn out perfect. We’d had to flee the palace for some privacy, and we’d come here, to the same meadow where Medwin had first touched me.

  “Do you remember that time?” Medwin asked, snickering. “I still can’t figure out how your hair shook the bees nest from the tree.”

  I turned toward him and stuck my tongue out. “If you’d like, I can demonstrate.”

  Medwin just grinned at me. “I’d very much like you to demonstrate something, but not your hair’s ability to knock down bee hives. In fact, I think you’re offering, right?”

  He lifted me in his arms and draped me over his lap. My face heated as my ass came into contact with his prick. My body responded to his closeness, like it always did, and my dick went rock hard as well. Would I ever get used to the way he affected me? Probably not, or if I did, it would be in that unique manner that kept surprising me in spite of everything.

  Medwin’s hands explored my body, clutching the material of my clothing without actually trying to remove it. It frustrated me, but at the same time, I enjoyed this lazier exploration. In spite of the fact that we always lusted for each other a great deal, it was nice to take our time, to just revel in the fact that we could touch each other at leisure now. To be true, it was also due to the fact that I was pregnant and Medwin grew increasingly protective of me. I would have actually been put out, but I enjoyed the end results too much.

  I tangled my hands in his hair, sighing softly into the kiss as I caressed his soft locks. I was quickly finding that I’d started to borrow Medwin’s hair fetish. His tresses might not have been as long as mine, but I loved touching them nonetheless. Medwin groaned as I massaged his scalp, his hold on me tightening.

  We broke the kiss to breathe, and Medwin took advantage of the occasion to lower me onto the grass. He climbed on top of me, his hard, muscled body making me feel so very safe and protected. I tilted my head, wordlessly offering myself to Medwin.

  My lover started to brush kisses all over my face, cheeks, lips, even my eyelids. “Rapunzel,” he murmured in my ear. “What you do to me…”

  He always claimed that I drove him wild and took his breath away, but in reality, I was the one who lost control. Now was no different. With each of his touches, each of his kisses, my arousal increased more and more, until my clothing started to feel scratchy on my skin. I fidgeted and wiggled under Medwin, and in the process, I actually started to rub against my handsome prince.

  Medwin gripped my hips, his breath now far quicker than before. He said nothing, and instead, slowly started to undo the buttons of my garments. I had started to wear the garments Medwin had purchased for me, although not the most daring ones, which I intended to save solely for him. Even so, it was pretty easy for him to remove my blo
usy top, my sandals, and my pants. In moments, I lay there, naked on the grass, exposed to Medwin’s gaze.

  The lust in Medwin’s eyes made me shiver, which he immediately noticed. “Are you cold?” he asked.

  Maybe I was. Truly, I couldn’t really tell. When he touched me like this, when he held me and kissed me, my body went into overdrive, so much so that I couldn’t even differentiate physical sensations from strictly emotional reactions. Maybe, where Medwin was concerned, there weren’t any real differences at all.

  Smiling, Medwin briefly moved away from me. It was my turn to watch in awe as he took off his shirt, his boots, and then his breeches. He’d taken a habit to going sans underwear, which I was most appreciative of, especially now, when he finally revealed his magnificent dick to my greedy eyes. It pointed accusingly at me, already leaking copious amounts of fluid.

  I licked my lips, aching to reach for it, to feel it fucking my mouth, or better yet, my ass. But Medwin was in no rush. He put our clothes together and formed an impromptu bedding, then guided me to lie down there. I quickly complied, although my limbs were already trembling out of pure desire.

  “Medwin,” I told him, finally managing to find my voice, “please. I need to taste you.”

  Again fixing me with his intense gaze, Medwin straddled my face. His jutting prick hovered right over me, inches away from my mouth. I parted my lips, eager to sample his pre-cum, already addicted to the taste of him.

  Slowly, ever so slowly, Medwin fed his dick into my wet cavern. I breathed through my nose, accepting his cock, reveling in finally having him. Both of us groaned at the same time, although my moan was muffled due to the obvious fact that I had my mouth full. He went slowly, careful not to choke me or cause me any discomfort. In truth, I wouldn’t have minded, because I had grown used to his girth, and the pleasure emanating through our connection made everything worthwhile. Still, his gentleness touched my heart, that part of me that always reached out for Medwin.

  Stimulated by the sensations, my magic responded, and my hair started to caress him, urging him to move faster, to give me more. Medwin’s breath sped up, and he began to thrust harder into my mouth. I clung to his hips, trembling, needing him, drunk on his scent and the echo of his bliss.

  A circle of rapture formed between us, melting into shared passion, into a sensual greed that kept building more and more with every second that passed. Medwin’s pace grew rougher, more frantic, and I loved every second of it. Even when my jaw started to ache, I didn’t care. In fact, that slight pain just made everything better, more real.

  Naturally, it couldn’t last, and not just because of Medwin’s desire to protect me. As much as I wanted to taste the flavor of his spunk, I needed to feel him inside me. I was torn between a million desires, my body enflamed by the blaze of our passion. Every inch of me—from my lips that came into contact with the hot flesh of his dick to the tips of my hair that caressed the rest of him—sizzled with that fire.

  I was practically about to come just from sucking his cock, but then, all of a sudden, Medwin pulled his dick from my mouth. As he robbed me of my prize, I released a choked sound of discontent. “Medwin…”

  He tsked at me, rubbing his thumb over my now-swollen lips. “Don’t worry, Rapunzel. I’ll take care of you. Always.”

  Medwin slipped his fingers into my mouth, and on instinct, I sucked the digits deep, fellating them just like I had his prick. It was maddening that I could feel the extent of his desire for me, growing with every flick of my tongue—and still, he wasn’t taking things any further.

  Finally, just as I thought I would lose my mind to the buildup of pleasure, he retrieved his fingers and brushed his lips over mine again. As he did so, I lifted my legs as high as I could, granting him access to my nether regions. He brushed his digits over my opening and rubbed slowly, making me moan in tortured delight. One of them slid into my needy body, and my channel greedily swallowed it. I pushed back against the invasion, gritting my teeth when he brushed over my prostate. He massaged my gland over and over, somehow managing to be both merciless and impossibly gentle. By the time he added another finger and scissored them inside me, I was already so far gone I could barely remember my own name. In fact, the only reason why I could only hold onto my sense of self was because his mental voice drifted into my mind, “Rapunzel…Rapunzel, look at me.”

  In part, I couldn’t understand why he’d even asked that of me. I couldn’t have at anything or anyone else to save my life. It was true that my vision had gone blurry, but even so, in a paradoxical way, my senses still felt clearer than they had ever been, like his touch made me more aware of everything I was—everything I could be.

  Since I’d been freed from my captivity in the tower, I’d gained a deeper understanding of my magic. Although I still couldn’t fully control it and I had yet to grasp the secrets of my birth, I was nevertheless more secure in my own abilities. But it was only when I was in Medwin’s arms that I could get a glimpse of things that I hadn’t been able to make sense of just yet.

  Medwin stirred my soul just as he mastered my body. He was more than anything I could have imagined in my once-innocent fantasies. He fulfilled dreams and desires I hadn’t even been aware of. At any moment, he and our unborn son were my full focus. Right now, the lust he coaxed out of me combined with the awe I felt at having been granted the gift of Medwin’s affection, leaving me lost in a whirlwind of sensation of emotion and sensation that nearly stopped my heart.

  But Medwin wasn’t done with me yet, not at all. As I writhed under him, he pulled his fingers out of me and reached for the bag we’d brought with us. From inside, he retrieved a vial of oil, which he quickly opened. Naturally, we’d had the foresight to bring the lubricating substance, and it turned out to be quite a useful. Medwin poured a generous amount of fluid on his fingers and rubbed it around my opening. He used some more on his dick, and then lifted my legs on his shoulders. Still holding my gaze, he pushed inside me.

  Even if I’d grown used to Medwin’s girth, a part of me was always surprised at the sensations the penetration conjured inside me. Every time we came together seemed better than the last, as if the memories of previous lovemaking sessions added onto our current emotions. Whatever the reason, when his cock pierced me, I truly felt propelled into a reality far beyond what I could have normally experienced.

  At first, Medwin used a few shallow thrusts to make sure I was ready for him. I urged him on as much as I could. Although I couldn’t actually muster enough coherence to speak, my hair clutched him wildly and my desire for him burned through our bond. I knew he understood and that he wanted the same thing I did, and that knowledge was confirmed mere moments later.

  Even if my handsome prince had been trying to hold back, he seemed to have reached his limit, because he finally snapped. He sped up, the rhythm of his motions becoming more erratic, more desperate. I clung to his shoulders, moving with him, impaling myself on his prick. Every time our bodies came together, his cock struck my prostate, causing tiny explosions of pleasure to burst through my body.

  It all built up to a point where I could no longer keep my rapture in check. I could practically feel a volcanic orgasm burning in my testes, so maddeningly close I was almost in tears. And then, unexpectedly, Medwin slowed down the pace of his thrusts. His motions grew languorous, almost lazy. I might have actually started to scream in frustration, except there was something hypnotizing about the way he touched me. He pushed inside me with intent, like he wanted to get deeper than ever before and remain there for all time. And even as he impaled me over and over, he caressed every part of me he could reach, brushing kisses over my face, rubbing my sensitive nipples.

  Panting, breathless with love and lust, enthralled by his gaze and drugged by his touch, I hovered over the edge of an abyss which I couldn’t wait to plunge into. When my orgasm came, it flowed over me like a lazy wave lapping at the shores of a beach, wiping the footsteps of whoever had left traces in the sand. It was like that
, gentle, yet cleansing, reaching out to my very core and bringing tears to my eyes. Meanwhile, Medwin thrust one last time inside of me and followed me over the edge, his climax adding to the perfection of my pleasure. My magic uncurled out of me, tightening the bond between me and Medwin. For a few perfect moments, I could experience everything he did and sense all of the emotions I myself brought out within him. Our thoughts and memories mingled, and we rode our orgasms together, united in the most intimate way possible. And throughout it all, I felt the new life growing inside me, pulsing slightly in response to the union between Medwin and me.

  I didn’t know how long it lasted, but even when the high of the pleasure began to fade, we didn’t separate. For the longest time, we lay there together in the grass, holding each other and enjoying the afterglow of our orgasm. Finally, Medwin pulled away from me and got up. He lifted me in his arms and carried me to the water. Together, we slipped into the pond, and I let out a sigh of relaxation as I lazily swam, my hair fanning around me.

  “I’m happy,” I told Medwin.

  My lover chuckled and held me close. “I’m happy, too. I love you so much.”

  I wanted to tell him I loved him, too—so very much—but suddenly, the water started to ripple around us. The wind began blowing harder, and I instantly sensed the approach of another magical creature.

  Indeed, my guess was confirmed moments later, when Count Vlad Dracula manifested in front of us. “I need your help,” Vlad said without preamble. “Vesper is missing.”




  A native Romanian, Scarlet was born in 1986 and grew up an avid fan of Karl May and Jules Verne, reading fantasy stories and adventure.


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