Her Forever: A Short Story (Regret, South Dakota Book 2)

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Her Forever: A Short Story (Regret, South Dakota Book 2) Page 1

by M. K. Moore

  Her Forever

  A Regret, South Dakota Short Story

  M.K. Moore

  Her Forever

  By MK Moore

  © MK Moore 2018 Flirty Filth Publishing.

  All Rights Reserved

  By the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as an advertisement. Trademark names are used editorially with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

  This book is intended for adults only. Contains sexual content and language that may offend some. The suggested reading audience is 18 years or older. I consider this book as Erotic Adult Romance.


  Cover created by Elisa Leigh

  Editor Melinda G @ MKB Edits

  Created with Vellum


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5




  Other books by MK Moore

  About the Author

  Dedicated to those looking for forever. It happens when you least expect it.

  Chapter One

  Justin Beaumont

  Thursday, February 14th, 2019

  Man, the snow is coming down in a blinding white curtain out there. I should’ve known something like this would happen. I have the worst luck when it comes to vacations. Shaking my head in defeat, I watch as the ground crew works hard to clear the snow from the tarmac at Dulles. Thanks to the weather, I have already missed my connecting flight to Paris. My mother, Renee, won’t be happy about that.

  Growing up in New Orleans, the French Quarter specifically, was the greatest experience a person could imagine and hope for. My father was never in the picture, but honestly, I never felt like I was missing out on anything. My mom, on the other hand, is a badass. Getting pregnant at fourteen, she had to work two jobs to support the two of us, all my life.

  My grandparents were still young enough that they both were working when I was born, but we were and are a happy family. There was no casting out or anything similar to what I’ve heard other families have had to live with after a teenage pregnancy. Between the three of them, I never wanted for anything, within reason, that was in their ability to purchase or acquire legally for me. Pops made an excellent father so that I never missed not having my own. My uncle, Rex, is fourteen if that tells you anything about how young my grandparents are.

  My mom is the strongest person I know and I wanted to do something nice for her. I am finally in a position where I can do so, instead of the other way around.

  I started to save money, when I got my first job at Fontenot's Corner Market at the age of fifteen to my current job, ten years later. Paris is a place that has been on her dream board to visit for as long as I can remember.

  Her Christmas gift for the past year is a trip to France with me, her only child. I’ll be honest, when I bought the tickets months ago, I had no idea I’d be spending Valentine’s Day in Paris with my mother. Now it looks like that won't be happening.

  Mom still lives in New Orleans, which means she was able to get out of the country without being affected by the weather. Her flight left this morning and I had every intention of being with her in France by late this evening. As my flight was leaving from South Dakota, I flew straight through the unstable weather patterns the whole way. As of right now, I am anxiously awaiting for a rescheduled flight for tonight. But for now, I am stuck in the nation’s capital waiting for something to happen. Considering my luck and the way things are turning out, I guess it could be worse.

  Unfortunately, South Dakota is not a stranger to snow and since I have lived here for less than a year, I’ve yet to see a full-blown blizzard. From the things I have been told by a few people that have lived here all their lives, the snow can get so deep that the plow trucks are unable to move it. When this happens all of the businesses are closed and everyone is stuck in their homes until the plows are finally able to move the snow out of the way.

  Callum, a buddy of mine has recently hired me to be the foreman on his oil rig. So far, it’s the best damn job I’ve ever had. We met a few years back when he was touring the oil rig I worked on off the coast of Louisiana. Regret is the beautiful town I am currently residing in, but it is lonely. The number of single women over the age of eighteen is exactly zero. An example is I was a groomsman in Callum’s shotgun wedding to Aubree, his best friend since high school. Aubree's sister, Meredith is seventeen, but I’m ninety-nine percent sure she's taken. Besides, she isn't my type.

  Being brought out of my wandering thoughts, I listen as Air France announces that all flights are canceled for the next two days. Shit, I groan. It is now time to make a quick call to my mom, who doesn't answer her phone. I leave her a voicemail asking her to call me back. Luckily, I didn't check a bag and should be able to get to a hotel without too much trouble. Glancing around, I finally take notice of my surroundings and as I start to stand, I spot the tightest ass I've ever seen. Her black yoga pants are see-through and have no panty line showing. It’s irrational to be jealous of at least five other guys, who are staring at her perky little ass. I suck in a breath when she turns around.

  She's young, not jailbait, but certainly younger than me. She has a too big Roll Tide sweatshirt on and a pair of boots. We will definitely have to discuss her taste in college football teams. Looking at her, I can see that she is beyond beautiful. There is a look of disappointment on her face that has me springing into action. Plus, I need all of these other dicks to stop staring at the woman I already consider mine. When our eyes meet, I know I am done for and I stride over to her.

  “Hi. I'm Justin.”

  “Chloe,” she says while shaking my extended hand. The jolt I can feel going through my hand and up my arm can't be coincidental.

  “Can I help you with your bag?” I ask.

  “I have to wait for it to come back from the handlers.”

  “I’ll wait with you,” I reply.

  “Is your girlfriend in the bathroom or something? I mean, were you traveling all alone?” she asks, looking around.

  “Meeting my mom in Paris, actually,” I say, smiling.

  “Well, aren’t you sweet.”

  “I try to be. It was her Christmas gift.”

  “I was meeting my sorority sisters/roommates.”

  “You’re in college?”

  “Guilty. Georgetown.” I whistle at the information she shares.

  “That is impressive.”

  “It’s alright,” she says, giggling.

  “Would you like to grab some dinner?” I ask, looking at my watch.

  “That would be nice. There is a nice restaurant about a mile from here.”

  “I flew in from South Dakota and I am stuck here, so I am going to need to rent a car.”

“I have mine in long-term parking and can drop you at a hotel after dinner.”

  “It’s not wise to offer a ride to a stranger. Do you put yourself in this kind of danger often?”

  “Nope. This is my first time. I have a good feeling about you.” She winks at me sassily. That and the way she says “first time” has my mind reeling and my cock hardening.

  “You shouldn’t make a habit out of it.”

  “I won’t. Don’t worry, Justin. You are perfectly safe with me.” I throw my head back in laughter.

  “Oh Chloe, baby, you are as funny as you are beautiful.” Her cheeks flush when I call her baby.

  She grabs my hand and we make our way over to the baggage carousel, where she struggles to pull a giant hot pink suitcase with wheels off of the conveyor.

  “Let me help you, Chloe,” I say, taking the handle from her.

  “Thanks.” She takes my free hand again in order to lead me from the terminal out to the parking garage. I must admit, I have never been a hand holder or much of a dater for that matter, but her hand in mine feels right. We load our bags into her fancy SUV and she climbs into the driver's seat, while I slide into the passenger side. I am impressed when she starts up the car and Dropkick Murphy’s “Kiss Me, I’m Shitfaced” blares out of her speakers. She expertly pulls out of her parking spot and into traffic.

  “Where to?” She asks after turning the volume down.

  “Anywhere with food. I am starving.”

  “Me too. Pizza sound good?” she asks, raising her right shoulder a bit, causing her hair to move in my direction. She smells like coconuts and I know I will always associate that scent with her for as long as I live.

  “Sure. Pizza happens to be my favorite food. The life of a bachelor and all.

  “Bachelor, huh? I know just the place and it’s on the Beltway.”

  “I am in your capable hands,” I say holding up our interlaced fingers.

  Is it insane that I want to take this girl to wife, today? Probably, but I don’t think I give a fuck about it...

  Chapter Two

  Chloe Butler

  Holy shit! I can’t believe this guy spoke to me, let alone is sitting in my Lexus, letting me hold his big ass hand. It feels different. Important. Our small talk isn't uncomfortable or idle. In the short time, we've known one another, I've learned all there is to know about Justin Austin Beaumont and vice versa. As dinner progresses, my feelings for him do as well. Sometime between the pizza and the cheesecake, I realize that I'll never see him again.

  Crazy as it is, I never want this to end. The feelings I am having make me do something I've never done before. I decide that I don't want to be eighty years old and regret not taking this leap.

  “Why don't you come back to my place with me? My roommates are all in France. Then we can see about getting you a rental car tomorrow,” I offer.

  “Are you sure?” He asks.

  “Hell yes,” I say without hesitation. He smiles.

  “Fuck yes, then. Your place it is.” The only time we haven't held hands since we met was when we were eating. In the year that I've been an aide to Senator Wendy Wendt, D-Alabama, I've met lots of people, but no one like Justin. I don't want to be an aide, but its a favor to my dad, Zachariah, the Democratic Senator of Georgia. Wendy had a serious breach in her office, causing her to fire everyone on her team. She only has me and her son, Tyler helping her right now.

  Tyler is a fucking creep. He is always finding ways to touch me or generally be inappropriate around me. He's a liability and I can't wait until I don't have to do this anymore. I hate college and I’m undecided about what I want out of life. Being next to Justin makes me want things I shouldn't, but I don't care.

  I pull into my driveway. It’s in a nice neighborhood in the West End. Justin whistles.

  “Nice house, Chloe baby.”

  “Thanks. The only way I can afford to live here is my roommates. I have five.”

  “Come on. It's freaking freezing out here.” We grab the bags and head inside. “Fuck!” It's even colder in here. I go to the thermostat and turn it up. “Give me a second and I'll start a fire.”

  “Allow me,” he says, shrugging his coat off and tossing it on the couch.

  “Sure,” I say, smiling. “I’ll get us a drink. I have one beer, lots of wine, and a bottle of whiskey.”

  “Whiskey, neat and the beer will be plenty,” he says, kneeling in front of the fireplace.

  I move to the kitchen and pull out some glasses while taking in huge lungful’s of air. At this point, I know what I need to happen, but I am not sure how to go about it or if he even wants me. I pour us each two fingers of Jameson and grab him a beer.

  “Sorry, all I have is Bud Light,” I say handing him his drinks. The fire is blazing, so I take my coat off and toss it over his.

  “Sounds good,” he says as I sit down on the thick furry rug next to him. The heat from the flames is welcoming as I sip my whiskey. “We have gotta talk about your collegiate sports attire, Roll Tide,” he says as he playfully tugs on my sweatshirt.

  “Don't make fun of me, Justin. Alabama is a perfectly excellent team. I suppose you're an LSU fan or something?”

  “Not even close, Chloe baby. Notre Dame.”

  “Ok. I'll allow it,” I say, setting my empty glass on the coffee table. He does the same.

  When his lips descend towards mine, I'm not prepared for the kind of kiss he bestows on me. It’s the kind of kiss that a girl only dreams of, and I know that I'll never forget it as long as I live. His lips are firm with the right amount of wetness. Reaching forward to touch his body, I realize how ripped he is when my hands glide up his arms. His sweatshirt hid all those muscles from me, causing me to be wetter than I've ever been. I break the kiss to whip off my sweatshirt and he does the same. I am so not prepared for this. My ratty bra has seen better days and I quickly remove it, while tossing it away.

  “Fuck me, Chloe baby.”

  “I plan on it,” I say laughing. He kisses me again, and suddenly it is no laughing matter. My back hits the floor and he works his way down my body with kisses, raising goosebumps as he goes. He finds my clit over my soaked yoga pants.

  “You're soaking wet. You ready for my cock to destroy your perfect cunt?” His words make me shudder and all I can do is a nod. “Uh-uh, Chloe baby. Give me your words.” I swallow thickly.

  “I need you to destroy my cunt. Please, destroy me,” I beg unashamedly.

  He rips my pants to shreds. Leaving the tattered remains around my waist.

  “I hated those pants. You can see right through them. I didn't like other guys staring at the outline of these puffy pussy lips, thinking they could have you.” His fingers trace my folds, when he pulls them away, there is a trail of juices that he promptly sucks into his mouth. His tortured moan makes me close my thighs to gain a little friction.

  My sigh of relief turns to a scream when he roughly wrenches my thighs apart and buries his bearded face in my pussy. He lays between my obscenely parted legs, and I can do nothing but stare down the soft curve of my tummy at him as he licks me from clit to ass. Paying attention to both in equal amounts. My hands tangle in his hair. His long tongue spears inside me as far as it can go. I am not prepared when he barely inserts two fingers into my opening. He scissors them in a way that lets me know, he knows I am untried. I come when he finds my g-spot.

  “Justin, please I need more. Anything,” I cry out, coming down from my first orgasm.

  I watch as he rises to his knees and opens his belt and jeans. His cock is thick and angry looking. His precum is glistening on the head. I reach out my thumb and swipe some, bringing it to my lips and tasting him. Yum.

  “Damn girl. You're filthy. I love it.” He strokes his cock several times before lining it up with me. He enters me slowly but surely and tearing through my virginity until he is balls deep. Even though it hurts a little, I start moving my hips. The pain will be worth it. I can feel it. He rewards me with thrust after thru
st until I feel his hot release, triggering my own. His rough and ragged voice shouts my name as rope after rope of his seed fills my pussy.

  Ask me if I care that he just fucked me raw and I'm not on birth control.

  Go ahead, ask me.

  Chapter Three


  Heaven is the only fucking word I have to describe what just happened before I collapse on her. It’s been probably six years or more since I've been with a woman, but because of Chloe, I couldn’t tell you a goddamn thing about them. My cock hardens inside her again, but her pained gasp has me easing out of her instead of taking her again. I prop myself up on my palms and look down. Her virgin blood on my cock makes me insanely happy.

  “How about a shower baby?” I ask, getting up reluctantly from her bed.

  “Yeah, okay,” she says, sounding sad.

  “What’s wrong, Chloe. Tell me you don’t regret what we did? What we are becoming?”

  “I don’t. I am just thinking that maybe you do.”

  “What? Were you not just here in this with me?”

  “I mean, I was…”

  “I regret nothing,” I say, getting back into bed. “Not one fucking thing.” Her swollen lips are parted. The shreds of the pants hang down around her in a way that makes her look like a sexy as fuck goddess. Her hair is messed up from running my hands through it, pulling it so that I could have access to her neck, which is full of little love bites. I can’t control myself around her.

  She moans as I rub my finger over her clit. When I slide it further down, I find my cum leaking out of her. A quick assessment reminds me that I did not wear a condom. I have never forgotten one before, but there is something about this girl. Something that I don’t think I will ever get enough of. I am feeling savage as fuck, as I push my cum back into her pussy.


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