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Fated Page 4

by Zoe Warner

  “I know, but I can’t let anything happen to you,” I said glancing at the three of them. “Any of you.” I shook my head and dropped my gaze. The floor was suddenly the only thing I wanted to look at. “I won’t do it.”

  “We can handle ourselves,” Zarrick said with true concern in his eyes. “You know we can.”

  “I don’t,” I said plainly as the soft smell of a sweet flower floated through the air.

  "You have many gifts and something tells me you saw something you don't want to share," Zane said after being quiet for such a long time.

  I shook my head and tucked a strand of my messy hair behind my ear. “It doesn’t matter. The council needs to know about all of this.”

  “You’re right, but you also need to be willing to tell us what you know.” Zander was stern in the way he ran things. That was clear, but he had a look I hadn’t seen before; real fear.

  “It was just the Demon again. He keeps calling to me,” I lied. They couldn’t know the real truth. I wouldn’t let them die. Not because of me.

  Zander watched me for a bit before turning to the others. “Set up the meeting. We have to tell the council what we know.” He glanced back to me. “I don’t know what they may make you do. They may not even let you in with us, but we’ll try.”

  “I don’t care what happens to me. I just want this Demon stopped,” I said truthfully.

  Zander put his hand on my cheek, a tender move for him. “I don’t care what the council says. You’re mine and you will be in this coven if I have to kill one hundred Demons.”

  “No. I’m all of yours,” I whispered.

  Zander smiled before he kissed me gently and with none of the force I expected from a man claiming the woman he loved, but it was sensual and soft. I felt a hand go around my waist and rested my hand on Zander’s chest. He kissed me deeper as though his gentleness was hiding the true possessive Witch he was. He pulled back and locked eyes with me. “I will never let you go.”

  At that moment, I felt protected and safe even though I knew it wouldn’t last long.


  When they said there was a Witches Council, I was half expecting it to be something like you might see in the movies. It was pretty surprising to pull up next to a more than a normal house in the middle of a town not far from the house Zander owned.

  “They will want to hear what you have to say. I know them. They’re reasonable,” Zander said from the driver’s seat.

  I glanced at Zane next to me and he smiled. This was the last thing I thought I’d be doing right now. I was supposed to be sitting on the beach watching the waves. I guess Fate had other plans.

  I stepped out of the car and followed the men into the home. It was not huge, but not small either. In my mind, it was an average home of a working professional. It had an iron door with ornate curves in the metal. It was beautiful to look at, but there seemed to be more to it. The energy was strong there and warned of the power that awaited inside. The red brick walls seemed to be the most normal thing about it.

  Zander raised his hand to knock, but before he could, the door opened and a frail woman that looked to be in her mid-seventies stood before us. She smiled until her gaze dropped to me.

  “I’ve already called the council. They should be here in a few minutes,” she said not looking away. She stepped to the side and allowed us to pass, but her eyes still didn’t leave me. It was as though she was making sure I didn’t do anything she would have to clean up. Something told me she has more power than all of us.

  “I’m sorry we had to bother you at this late hour, but there’s something changing,” Zander said. Zarrick leaned against the wall in the kitchen area until the old woman gave him a look. He straightened and glanced my way.

  The inside of the home was very cozy with old couches with flower designs on either side of the room. Between them was a glass table with a simple flower carved into it. When I looked closer I realized it was the Oleander I’d seen at Zander’s home.

  “Is this what the meeting is about?” The woman turned towards me and I suddenly felt like I was a problem that had to be dealt with rather than someone that belonged.

  “I’m not a thing. I was pulled into this without my consent,” I snapped before thinking. I didn’t like being treated like a child.

  “Of course. I meant you being newly introduced to magick and its effects.” She smiled and I softened a little. I was normally good at reading intentions, but this woman was a mystery.

  “I’d rather speak to the council as a whole and not have to repeat my story to each one,” Zander said. He watched the old woman for a reaction, but she only smiled.

  “Of course.”

  If this was any indication as to what the rest of the council was like, I was screwed. They would hate me before they knew I was potentially the key to releasing a Demon that would destroy the world. Yay me.

  A knock at the door brought relief of sorts in the form of another member of the council.

  I felt Zarrick come up behind me and put his hands on my arms. “There are thirteen members of the council. They are all old farts.”

  I smiled and felt instant relief. I didn’t know if it was the combination of his magick and mine or the joke. It didn’t matter, but another problem entirely was starting between my legs. The need to connect with these men came at the worst moments, but it was also stronger than ever. I didn’t know how long I could fight it, but I figured it was probably not appropriate to throw Zarrick on the floor and have my way with him. Not in the middle of a council meeting.

  One by one, the members filtered in until they were all standing or sitting in the living area. Each introduced themselves, but my horrible memory would never remember all their names. I contented myself with remembering the woman that seemed to be in charge and invited us into her home, Alda.

  “Shall we go to the formal meeting area?” She said to the group. They all nodded and muttered as they made their way to the far door and out into a courtyard. I hesitated until Alda smiled and waved me through the door. The minute I hit the grass, I realized why. The magick almost knocked me down it was so thick. I stopped and Zane took my hand helping me through the initial haze of energy and people around me. It was as if the veil was lifted on everything I thought I’d known my whole life.

  I could see everything and everyone in a different way. I felt the power in the ground and the air. I could smell the woodsy scent of incense and ash as well as feel the power of the protection they caused.

  My hands were humming with the power of the area. It was more than I’d even felt with Zander or Zarrick or Zane. It was intoxicating and I wanted more.

  “We’ve come here tonight because Zander has some urgent news,” Alda said before giving anyone a chance to stand in their spot around the circle leaving me and my men standing in the middle of it.

  Zander stepped forward towards Alda before he spoke. "I know we've all felt the change in the energy. It's gotten stronger every day. I think I know why.” He stopped and glanced at me before speaking again. “The Demon of Armon is again trying to break free.”

  This was the first time I’d heard its name and it sent a shudder down my spine, but also stirred something else, a want for power.

  Zander motioned for me to step forward. I did, reluctantly. “This is Cat. He’s hunting her.”

  "How can you know this?" a dark-haired man in his late forties said from behind us.

  “She saw him when I was trying to help her learn to feel the energy of air,” Zander said. “I was there. I watched it happen.”

  “Then there are bigger problems than this Demon,” a younger woman with blonde hair said watching me. She was almost the same age I was, but her eyes betrayed her power. She was strong and stubborn. “This new Witch has too much power. It must be tempered.”

  “She’s in the process of binding with our Coven,” Zander lied, pushing me behind him. “We have committed to helping her control her power.

  “Are y
ou sure such an incomplete Coven should be taking in someone with so much power?” There was something behind Alda’s words. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but it was there.

  “We can handle it,” Zarrick said, stepping forward.

  “That’s not for you to decide,” Alda said.

  “It’s my choice what I do with my power,” I finally said. “I’m not just someone that can be told what to do.” Everything went silent. “I don’t know much about this world yet, but I can make my own choices as to where I’m going to be.”

  “That’s not how this works. When a new member is inducted, it must be approved.” She slid her gaze to Zarrick. “You can think Zarrick for that.” She sighed and motioned for Zander to leave. Me along with him and Zarrick and Zane followed behind.

  Once we passed the barrier and made our way into Alda’s living room, Zander shook his head. “This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. They didn’t even listen to the part about the Demon.” He paced between the wall and me. I’d never seen this side of him. He was normally confident and knew what to do next, but this time he looked truly concerned.

  “They just saw the power in Cat and nothing else,” Zarrick said angrily.

  “You think you could just add her to your coven without anyone being in the way?” The familiar voice. I turned to see Caleb sitting on the couch shaking his head. “I told you I wanted my time as well. We both have Covens in this area and we both have a right to any power that comes through.”

  I was getting a little tired of being talked about like I was only my power. I was a person with a choice. “Look, I don’t know you very well, but this should be my choice.”

  “It’s not anymore. They took it out of my hands and Zanders. You should have committed to him or gave both a chance,” Caleb said with a hint of bitterness.

  “I thought I’d have more time,” I snapped. I wanted to give him a chance, but it looked more and more like everything that had happened was steering me in a direction I couldn’t control.

  “I didn’t realize the council would be so picky. Normally they stay out of this kind of thing,” Caleb said. He stood and glanced back at Zarrick and shook his head. “I could have given you a lot of power to fight this Demon, but now, you will have to face it with less power than you could ever know.”

  “She has us to help her,” Zander said taking a step forward.

  “That’s if the council doesn’t put her in a different coven.” Caleb looked back at me. “If I were you, I’d think about all the people you’ll be hurting by being in such a weak place. The council knows what it’s doing.”

  “You don’t know anything about the council, Caleb.” Zane took a step forward. “They didn’t force you to do anything.” I felt the air around us flicker with magick and realized it was Zane. I gently put my hand on his and felt the tingle of our magick connecting. I willed it to calm and to my surprise, it listened.

  Caleb shook his head. “Useless,” he muttered before walking out of the home and closing the door behind him.

  “Thank you,” Zane said quietly and pulled his hand away.

  “That’s how it works for you too, isn’t it?” I asked glancing from one man to another. “You just will the magick to do what you want.”

  “Sort of. It’s a little more than that,” Zander answered. He pulled me to him and looked into my eyes. “No matter what happens with the council, you still have a choice.”

  “What happens if I don’t do what they want?” I watched Zander’s eyes flash a bright blue before they settled.

  “If we defy the council, they will come after us,” he whispered.

  “They will disband the coven and send us to different ones,” Zarrick said. “This is my fault. If I’d just listened to Zander when I was binding, then we wouldn’t be in this situation.”

  “You had no idea they were going to use you as an example,” I snapped a little harsher than I wanted. I shook my head. “I’ll make up my own mind on this. I don’t want you three getting caught up in my mess.”

  “This is our mess too. We were once connected and that connection is still there,” Zander said.

  “Maybe we should complete the binding,” Zane said from behind me. “If it’s done before they make a ruling, they would have to break it.”

  “When they do that, it could kill all of us,” Zander said.

  “Not if they couldn’t get into our home,” Zarrick said.

  “We can’t. No matter how much I want to,” Zander said.

  I felt the energy shift before I saw Alda walk through the door. “We’ve come to a decision.”

  I glanced at the three men who had been there for me from the beginning of all this and who were willing to do anything to keep me safe. Now it was my turn. No matter how much it hurt me.


  “We understand the connection you share since saving Cat.” Alda smiled and glanced at Zander. “But that isn’t what matters. What matters is having the power to stop this Demon. If it gets to Cat, then it will have enough power to kill all of us.” She stopped and shook her head. “I can do only one of two things.”

  Zander put his hand in mine and waited for her to say it.

  “You can either join a coven of my choosing or you can have your powers stripped. Those are your choices.” Alda finished and put her hands together. “We can’t have your power floating around without proper training. As much as I like Zander, he can’t train you the way you need.”

  “How long do I have to make a choice?” I felt like everything had been taken from me. My dreams of a new life, the three men I was realizing I cared for more than I wanted to admit and my magick.

  “I can only give you till the dark moon,” Alda said.

  “That’s only three days from now,” Zander said. He never let go of my hand.

  “She can remain under your protection until then, but on that night, she must come here and make her choice.” Alda put her hand on my shoulder and walked back into the courtyard.

  “We can’t let this happen,” Zarrick said shaking his head.

  “This is what the council has ordered. That’s the way it is,” Zander said without looking at anyone.

  “I’ll just bind my powers. Then I can stay with you,” I said without hesitation.

  “It’s forbidden,” Zane said from behind me. “No humans, which is what you will be without powers, and Witches. They tend to get killed.”

  “We’ll figure it out,” Zarrick said putting his hands around me.

  “Let’s go home for now. It's been a long day." Zander opened the door and we all filed out. The ride home was quiet and grim. This was the end of my time with them. In a few short days, I would be someplace else. At least they would be safe. Nothing else mattered.


  I didn’t sleep at all and was the first one in the courtyard as the sun came up. This whole thing was a huge mess I couldn’t get out of. For the first time, I felt like I was a part of something bigger. I knew I was different when I was growing up. Nothing fit, but this was the last thing I thought it would be. Now that I had it, I didn’t want to let it go.

  I picked a rose from the bush and thought about how out of place it was, like me. Maybe this was better for everyone involved. Maybe I really just didn’t have a place here like I wanted.

  “What are you thinking about?” Zarrick surprised me.

  I smiled and turned towards him. “Nothing really.”

  “I’ve only known you for a short time, but I can tell when you’re lying,” he took a step towards me.

  “I feel like this is the right place for me. I don’t know why the council can’t see it.”

  “I told you, they’re old farts.” He laughed. “They only see the world in one way.”

  “You’ve never really told me why you left Caleb’s coven.”

  He sighed. “I know. I prefer to keep that story to myself.”

  “Well, I’m leaving tomorrow so I’d like to hear it.”

��I’ll tell you if you promise me something,” He pulled me to him. Our lips were inches apart.

  “Anything,” I whispered without thinking.

  “Spend the day with me.”

  I nodded and he ran his hand down my arm. The tingling was getting stronger and I felt as though I couldn’t stop myself from anything this man wanted from me. Not now. Not ever.

  “Caleb’s coven is all about power. They thrive on it. He only looks for the most powerful and when you join his coven, you’re guaranteed to have more power than when you started, but you don’t have a choice in it.” He sighed. “He controls were the power goes, even if you don’t agree with it.”

  “He’s not a good person,” I said.

  “Not in the slightest, but he’s powerful.” Zarrick ran his hand through my hair, pushing a strand from my face. “You’re too beautiful to be put through that. You have an innocence.”

  I laughed. Thinking of all the things I did in high school, no one would call me innocent.

  “You don’t see it, but I do. Your power isn’t about hurting people, not anymore. You want to help.”

  “I did. That was why I was going to the coast. I was going to be a doctor,” I said it without thinking. Why did I want to tell him everything and let him tell me why it was right?

  “You still could,” he said. “You still can have your new start.”

  “I could, but this is the only place I ever want to be.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that,” His lips brushed mine and I felt my breath catch. “I can love no one else, Cat.” He led me down the hallway and opened a door further down than my room. He didn’t say anything, he simply opened the door and pulled me through. I smiled in spite of myself. He closed the door behind us and pulled me to him. “I want you, Cat. I’ve wanted you since you came here.” His lips were so close I wanted to lean into him and show him how much I wanted him too, but he beat me to it.


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