Molly Moon's Hypnotic Time Travel Adventure

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Molly Moon's Hypnotic Time Travel Adventure Page 1

by Georgia Byng

  Georgia Byng



  Hypnotic Time Travel


  For Lucas—

  with your magic smile

  Something blue flickered in the periphery of Molly’s vision. She turned quickly, but there was nothing there. It must have been a bird, or the shadow of a bird. Or maybe it was that turbaned dognaper. Molly quickly twisted around. If he was loitering nearby, she’d catch him creeping up on her.

  Again a blue shadow flickered to her left. Molly didn’t turn this time. She tried to see what it was without moving. It hovered, then disappeared. Thirty seconds later it appeared to her right. Was it a ghost? A poltergeist was a ghost that was able to move things. Had a poltergeist moved Petula? Molly was determined to find out. Although she was filthy scared, she let the shadow flicker to the left, then again to the right. She stood stock-still. Once more it was there—closer, and then again on the right of her, closer still. Nearer and nearer it got. Right … left… right …There it was to the left… the right… the left. Left, right, left. Her eyes swung from side to side. Molly was so intent upon winkling out the truth that she didn’t feel herself falling. Falling into a hypnotic trap.

  With a huge thank you to my lovely,

  enthusiastic agent, Caradoc King,

  and Sarah Dudman, my excellent

  and very thoughtful editor

  Table of Contents







































  About the Author

  Also by Georgia Byng


  About the Publisher


  The old temple priest stooped and slowly filled the metal lily-pad dishes with milk. As he did, sacred rats came scurrying from the shadows to drink. They were, he believed, reborn people. He chuckled as they ran over his feet, and he dropped a handful of sweetmeats on the floor. He nodded to the statue of the many-armed god before him, touched the purple mark on his forehead, then crouched down on his crooked heels.

  He thought how pretty the big, flat dishes looked—each was a white moon with twenty dark gray rats around it, sipping at the milk. The rats looked like furry petals, their pink tails flitting about like fronds in the wind.

  He glanced through the temple’s pillars to the sunny street outside. Three pony dealers were quarreling over some money and, nearby, children were chattering noisily as they watched some piglets snuffling in the gutter. Women in saris stood gossiping as they drew water from a stone well, and nearby a camel groaned as it was loaded. A beggar sat cross-legged playing a flute through his nose. A holy cow whisked flies with its tail and surveyed the scene.

  Behind the cow was a rickety wooden paan stall. Here, a man with a pinched rat-like face, a big mustache, and a purple turban dismounted his horse.

  Straightening his silk coat, he stood impatiently, tapping the dusty road with a moccasined foot. The paan seller sprinkled some brown betel-nut powder onto a green betel leaf. He added grated coconut and aniseed, and squeezed some red sticky syrup on top. Then he rolled it all up and finally offered the breath freshener up to his customer. Without acknowledging him, the smart man took it and put it in his mouth. He dropped a few coins at the stallholder’s feet and, chewing, mounted his horse again.

  As the paan seller turned, an incredible thing happened. There was a BOOM, and the horse and its rider vanished into thin air.

  The man fell on his knees in fear.

  In the temple, the priest waggled his head from side to side. Then he bowed to the rats before him, put his hands together, and said a prayer.


  Molly Moon hooked her bony arms over the high back of a green velvet sofa and cupped her face in her hands. She looked out of the high window in front of her at the garden of Briersville Park. The striped lawn stretched away into the distance where pet llamas grazed and a herd of animal-shaped bushes sat in the morning fog. A kangaroo, a rhino, a bear, a horse, and scores of other topiary-hedge animals stood or reclined on the misty grass, menacingly, as if waiting for some magic to bring them to life.

  And moving among the beasts, as though searching for a key in the dew, was a woman in a gray cloak. From behind she looked hunched and sad, which made Molly sigh, because she knew the woman was indeed sad.

  Molly hadn’t known her mother for long. Until a month ago Molly had been an orphan, thinking that her parents were dead. Then she had discovered that she had a mother and father. You would think that a mother who’d found her lost child after eleven years would be ecstatically happy, and that is exactly what Molly expected her mother to be. But Molly’s mother was not happy. Instead of being pleased, all she could think about was the past and how much had been stolen from her.

  It was true that she had been robbed.

  For Lucy Logan had been hypnotized, put in a deep trance, and controlled for eleven years by her own twin brother, the very brilliant hypnotist Cornelius Logan. Cornelius had stolen Lucy Logan’s daughter, Molly, and put her in a nasty orphanage.

  It was Molly who saved Lucy’s life. Molly herself released her mother, Lucy, from all of Cornelius’s hypnotic commands, because Molly, although only eleven, was a master hypnotist.

  Yes, that is a very important point. Molly was a master hypnotist.

  Molly hadn’t always known that she was a hypnotist. In fact, her first inkling of it had been when she was ten. But she’d learned fast. So far she’d used her hypnotic skills for herself and against people with bad intentions. Now she wanted to use them for something different.

  She looked sideways at the wings of the giant building she was in. Briersville Park was massive. Molly wanted to turn part of it into a hypnotic hospital—a place where people with problems could come to be cured. Whether their problem was a fear of heights or spiders or an addiction to doughnuts, Molly’s hypnotic hospital would sort them out. Molly looked at Lucy. She found it hard to believe that this woman was a world-class hypnotist. She seemed so limp and useless. Maybe she would even have to be her first patient.

  Molly couldn’t understand Lucy. She would have thought she should be full of joy. Not only had she been reunited with Molly, she was also about to meet her long-lost husband again, for this was another thing Molly had brought about. Molly had discovered who Lucy’s husband (and Molly’s father) was. His name was Primo Cell. He had also been hypnotized and controlled by Cornelius Logan for eleven years.

  At this point you may be wondering how a girl, even a master hypnotist like Molly, could ever challenge such a brilliantly accomplished adult hypnotist as Cornelius Logan. Well, master hypnotists have the power to make the world stand still. Molly possessed this gift. And in a hypnotic world-stopping battle, she had been able to overcome Cornelius and convince him he was a

  All that had happened in the last chapter of Molly’s life—a chapter that Molly was still spinning from. Molly watched her mother stop beside two bushes in the shape of bush babies. Lucy stroked one and sadly put her hand on the other as if it were a gravestone of a person she had loved. Molly sighed. Her mother was so full of regret, it was taking over her life.

  Molly picked up a silver-framed photograph from the glass side table and lay down on the floor to look at it. The orphans she had grown up with waved happily from the picture. It had been taken at Christmas. Molly herself smiled out from the picture, too, her curly hair looking crazier than ever, blowing in the wind, her nose its potato self, her closely set green eyes laughing. They were enjoying themselves in warm Los Angeles in America, while Molly was here, far away from them, in cold Briersville, with her sad mother.

  Molly chewed the inside of her cheek. Lucy Logan slopping around the house, depressed, in her dressing gown, was beginning to get on her nerves. Her mother’s black mood hung in the air like an infectious flu, waiting to be caught. In fact, Molly was already going down with it. She, too, had begun to turn over and over again in her mind the idea that her own life could have been so much better if it hadn’t been for that revolting man Cornelius.

  There was something else, too. Molly shivered. She fingered the time-stopping crystal that hung like a huge diamond around her neck. She felt apprehensive, as if something weird was about to happen. Perhaps it was just this odd situation she was in with her mother that was making her uneasy.

  Molly put two fingers in her mouth and whistled. A second later she heard the scrape of claws on polished oak floorboards as Petula, her black pug, came skidding into the room. With a flying leap she landed on Molly’s stomach, dropped a stone that she’d been sucking, and began licking Molly’s neck. Petula always made Molly feel whole. She loved her so much that, provided Petula was there, Molly felt everything was all right.

  “Training for the circus now? Next time, how about a somersault?” Molly squeezed Petula and rubbed her side vigorously.

  “Oooh, you’re a good girl. Yes, you are!” Petula licked Molly’s nose. “Yes, you are.” Molly hugged Petula.

  Then, getting up, she carried her over to the window. Pointing at Lucy Logan, she confided, “Look at her, Petula. I’ve never seen anyone so miserable. Here we are, in this beautiful house, which is all hers now, with gardens and fields and horses and everything we need and we’ve got our whole lives in front of us to enjoy and she’s like that. Why can’t she get over the past? It’s starting to make me feel bad. What shall we do?” Petula barked. “Sometimes I feel like hypnotizing her to cheer her up, but I can’t hypnotize my own mother, Petula, can I?” Petula licked her lips. Molly clapped. “You’ve got it, Petula! Maybe she’s not eating properly.”

  Petula made a whining noise, as if to agree that this was exactly the problem, and so, deciding that a good breakfast was what her mother needed, Molly left the drawing room. Together they passed along the Bonsai Tree Passage where, in every alcove along the wall, four-hundred-year-old potted miniature Japanese trees stood on elegant tables. Side by side they descended the grand stone Time Staircase, where hundreds of clocks hung ticking cacophonously on the walls.

  The window of the staircase was extra tall and January light flooded in. Molly cupped her hand to her forehead as she squinted at the drive outside. A white wheelbarrow that read:

  along its side was standing on the gravel. One of the Greenfingers workers was there, in his unmistakable yellow company overall, unpacking a bag of shears and tools. The yellow men, as Molly thought of them, were always about, since at Briersville Park there were so many topiary animals to clip and shape, and so many lawns and flowerbeds to see to. Molly knew most of the gardeners by name but not this elderly man. He was new. She admired his purple turban, his large mustache, and his funny shoes.

  Petula barked.

  “All right, all right—I’m coming.” Molly straddled the banister and slid all the way down to the bottom of the stairs, testing the echo as she went.


  “Pe—tuuuu—la. Pe—tuuuu—la…” the echo swirled about her.

  Her ancestor, the original great hypnotist, Dr. Cornelius Logan, smiled down from his portrait. Molly picked up three pebbles that Petula had found in the rock garden, tried to juggle them, dropped them, and then made her way across the grand hall and down to the kitchen.

  Petula let Molly go on. She stopped in the hall and sniffed the air. There were strange scents about. Exotic smells. They were coming from the new garden man. She wasn’t sure that she trusted him. Under the pepper and spices, he smelled nervous. She’d already tried to communicate her worries to Molly, but with no success. Molly had interpreted her barks and lip-licking as a message that she ought to hurry up and do some cooking.

  Petula decided to sit in her basket under the stairs and guard the front door.

  She hopped into it, tossed her toy mouse out, and picked up her special stone to suck. Then, finding the cushion too lumpy, she circled five times to flatten it just the way that she liked it.

  Finally she sat down to have a good think.

  The man outside might be a threat to Molly, she thought. And if he was dangerous, who would protect Molly? The woman was no help. The woman reminded Petula of a Labrador she’d once seen who’d fallen into a river and half drowned.

  Petula sucked her stone. She’d found it in the big room upstairs, under the bed. It was one of those special stones, like the one that Molly wore around her neck. She knew that Molly could make time stand still when she was holding her special stone. She wondered whether she might be able to do that, too. She’d really be able to protect Molly if she could.

  Petula had already mastered rudimentary hypnotism. She’d hypnotized some pet mice in Los Angeles. She’d also watched and felt how Molly made time stand still and she didn’t think it seemed too difficult. Now, with the suspicious man outside, Petula deemed it her duty to test her skills.

  And so, sucking her crystal stone, she began to concentrate.

  She stared at her toy mouse as if she was trying to hypnotize it. At once, the warm fusion feeling, the feeling that always went with hypnotism, started to tingle in her paws. But Petula knew this wasn’t the right sensation. When Molly hypnotized the world to stand still, there was always a chilly feeling in the air. Petula stared at the mouse so hard that her big eyes began to water.

  Nothing happened. But Petula wasn’t put off. She was a very patient creature. She tried again.

  And then it began. The tip of her tail started to grow cold. Petula’s ears gave an involuntary twitch. The coldness was now creeping, very slowly, toward her back legs, as though her tail were turning into an icicle. At the same time, it felt as though someone were sprinkling icy water on her fur. Petula kept her eyes fixed on the toy mouse. Now the stone in her mouth was becoming cold. It was making her teeth ache. And yet the clocks in the hall were still ticking. Petula drove her gaze into the red mouse. Her mouth felt like the inside of a freezer—so cold, it was almost hot. But still, the clocks ticked on.

  Then the smell of frying sausages drifted up from downstairs, curling around Petula’s nose. She dropped the stone on her cushion and wiped her jaw with her front paw. Stopping time was obviously a little more difficult than she had thought.

  She aimed her front legs out of her basket and let them skid forward as she stretched and yawned. She’d go downstairs for some sausage, she decided, and continue with her time-stopping practice a little later.

  Cornelius Logan had lived in the house before Molly moved in. He had no interest in cooking; he always employed a chef and he was mean. The kitchen, as a result, had never had money spent on it. Its stove was a heavy, oily furnace with blackened iron plates to cook on and two rusty ovens to bake in. Its porcelain sink was chipped, and its humming, rattling fridge looked and sounded as if it belonged in a museum. Copper pots hung from the ceiling like a multitu
de of metal fruits, ripe, dust-bloomed, and ready to be plucked.

  It was certainly no spaceship kitchen, but it was always warm and cozy, and Molly loved it.

  She opened the garden door. After fifteen minutes of tomatoes in the oven and sausages in a pan, it was time to scramble the eggs. Molly laid the table and called her mother inside.

  “Muuuuuum,” she shouted outside, into the cold morning air. Mum… That word always sounded odd to Molly when it came out of her mouth.

  “Luuuuuucy. Breakfast,” she yelled.

  Petula appeared and trotted outside. The sausages, she realized, were far too hot to eat now. She’d come back when they’d cooled down.

  Five minutes later, with the room full of smoke because Molly had burned the toast, Lucy was sitting at the table. She was wearing a cloak and, underneath it, her nightie. On her sockless feet she wore a pair of dewy sneakers. A magnificent plate of steaming breakfast lay in front of her. And yet Lucy’s sky-blue eyes didn’t show any appreciation of it. A small fleeting smile flickered on her lips, but then her depressed expression returned.

  “Would you like some ketchup?” Molly asked as she bit into a ketchup sandwich—her favorite thing to eat. Lucy shook her head and put a tiny piece of toast up to her mouth. The tomato on it slipped off and landed in her lap, but Lucy didn’t seem to notice. She chewed a mouthful of toast for what seemed like twenty chews, her eyes following a crack on the ceiling.

  “You’re not feeling very well, are you?” Molly ventured. “Why don’t you have some of this?” Molly picked up her glass of concentrated orange juice. “It’s just liquid sugar, really, with a bit of a kick. It’ll really perk you up. It’s my number-one drink.” Lucy shook her head. “You know, if you eat some breakfast, it will make you stronger and things won’t seem so bad,” Molly coaxed. Lucy sniffed and wiped her nose and, as if this gesture was a trigger, Molly found a part of herself beginning to feel cross. Things won’t seem so bad? Lucy wasn’t the only person around here whose life had been tampered with. Molly wasn’t complaining. She was moving on. Grasping the world by the horns and moving on. Why couldn’t Lucy do the same? Wasn’t Molly enough to make her feel happy? Maybe her daughter didn’t mean that much to her. Sadness suddenly rained down and drenched Molly, too. This was terrible. Here she was with her mother—a person she should feel completely happy and comfortable with—and instead she felt as if she were with a weird stranger whose mood was like a storm on the horizon, just about to break. Molly wished Lucy would break and let all her sadness out of her.


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