The Lake

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The Lake Page 27

by Grant, AnnaLisa

“What happened in there?” I demand from Will as he approaches me.

  “What were we going to do? We’re not going to let him erase you, Layla. I’m going to do my best to get down there to you, but…”

  “Maybe I can go up there? I know I’d never make it into Princeton, but there’s got to be another college I can go to closer to you.” I’m desperate. I can’t believe we’re giving up after all we’ve done to stand up and not let him win.

  “You think he’s going to just let go after you move? He’s going to have both of us watched, our mail monitored, our phones bugged. We couldn’t even fake a bad break up. He’d never buy it. I told you, Layla, he never loses.”

  “So that’s it? We have until the end of the month? Then I have to walk away from you forever and pretend that we never existed? This isn’t fair, Will.” I start to cry and am torn between wanting the safety of Will’s arms and being too mad at him to let him touch me. I decide that I’m not that mad and take shelter in his embrace.

  “Layla, love…I need you to trust me. Look at me.” He takes me by my shoulders and stares into my eyes with more passion and intensity than I’ve ever seen in him. “You need to know that no matter what happens, and I mean no matter what happens, I love you and nothing is going to keep me from you. I promised to protect you and that’s what I’m going to do.”

  I stare at him blankly, trying to decipher some hidden message but come up empty.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes,” I say, believing that they must be pulling something together that’s going to blow him away. Give him a taste of his own medicine. All they have done is work to protect me. Making me think we’re going along with this asinine plan has to be a move for my best interest. They know me well enough to know I’d never sit still if I knew what they were doing, so until all is revealed, and I watch Gregory Meyer pay for his crimes against humanity, I choose to trust them. I stood my ground with him as much as I could and now there’s nothing more I can do.


  It takes all three of them to convince me that going to prom is still a good idea. Will’s father is chaperoning and I hate the thought of him watching us in our last moments together, relishing in his victory. I agree to go because Claire already got a dress for me, and I admittedly want nothing more than the opportunity to dance with the love of my life.

  I reach the bottom of the stairs and am met by Will holding a clear box with my corsage.

  “You look absolutely beautiful,” he says just before kissing me. My dress is a simple knee-length black satin strapless number with an empire waist. Claire bought it for me from a small boutique in Charlotte. While it wasn’t made special for me, there are only five of its kind and was tailored to fit me perfectly. I’m wearing actual high heels in black satin and I’ve pulled my hair up into my favorite Audrey style, which adds to the effect I was going for.

  “Thanks. You look pretty great yourself.” Will is wearing a classic black suit and is more handsome than I’ve ever seen him. I’ve daydreamed about marrying Will one day and wondered what he would look like as I walked down the aisle to meet him. I try to soak this moment in since, as of right now, this will be the first and last time I’ll ever see him like this.

  Luke and Claire take obligatory pictures of us, and when Chris, Tyler, Gwen, and Caroline arrive they’re included. Against my protest, Will got a limousine for the night. As we all pile in, Will holds me back to tell me that the others don’t know about what has transpired with his father. They don’t know that this will be the last time we’ll all be together like this. He didn’t want to upset them and I agree.

  We spend the evening avoiding any place in the venue where we know Will’s father is. Even though our friends don’t know I have just weeks left with them, steering clear of Gregory Meyer is always a part of any game plan. We dance and ignore those who continue to give Will and me dirty looks. Peppered in between the evil glances, some of our silent supporters make themselves known. They hug me and wish me well. It’s sweet, but awkward considering the circumstances.

  We leave the dance before it’s officially over, having successfully evaded Will’s father. It’s about one in the morning when the limo drops us off at my house. When we get out of the car Will stops me from walking to the porch.

  “I have a surprise for you,” he says, taking my hand and walking me around the side of the house. As we reach the corner there’s a small bag there. Will picks it up and pulls out a flashlight. I take my shoes off because I can barely walk on solid ground in them. The grass is a no-go for these heels!

  We pass through the gate and follow the flagstone path to the safest place in my world. As we approach the dock I see a glowing lantern sitting in the center of a huge red blanket. There are two plates covered with silver domes, and two bottles of soda.

  “Oh, Will.” I cover my mouth in amazement. He’s recreated our first date, every detail down to the cream soda. “This is so wonderful.” Will leads me onto the blanket and helps me sit. I sit and wait for him to join me. He lifts the cover from my plate and reveals a chicken salad sandwich with tarragon mayo. “You remembered,” I say, holding back my overwhelmed tears.

  “Luke and Claire helped. When I told them what I wanted to do for you tonight, they were totally on board. They really love you, you know,” he says.

  “I know. I love them, too. Thank you for this.” I drop my head to collect my thoughts. I’m overwhelmed with the finality of it all. I have only a few weeks left with the man I love more than anyone in the world. I have to choose to make these moments count or else when I look back on them, all I’ll remember is the heartache. It’s something I’ve thought a lot about with my parents. Had I known that they would be taken from me so quickly, I would have made every second with them matter more than the last.

  “Hey…it’s going to be ok.” Will moves closer and wraps his arms around me. “I love you, Layla, and I promise that it’s all going to work out.”

  “How is it going to be ok? What are you and Luke going to do to make everything ok?”

  “You’ve just got to trust me. Please. I don’t want to talk about my father, or you leaving, or anything that doesn’t have to do with how immense my love for you is…ok? Tonight is all about you and me and how much we love each other.” Will has a way of talking me down off my emotional ledge and making me feel better, even when I don’t understand everything that’s going on.

  “Ok, you’re right. You and me and nothing else.” I agree.

  “Good. Eat.” Will smiles and I’m instantly at peace.

  He’s recreated our first date, but added some enhancements. We have a lantern this time for added light since the moon isn’t nearly as full as that first night. Will also brought his iPhone and is playing the playlist he made of some of my favorite songs and new ones he thinks I need to become better acquainted with. He’s done an excellent job over the past year educating me on good music. I don’t doubt for one second that I will love every song he suggests tonight.

  “Dance with me,” Will says, standing and reaching his hand out to take mine.

  We danced all night at prom but there’s no way I can resist him now. I take his hand and stand to my feet. I’m much shorter than when we danced earlier since my five inch black satin heals are laying on the blanket. His arm is immediately around my waist and my hand in his being held close to his heart, where everything I am belongs.

  “What if we don’t leave?” I propose.


  “No, listen to me. He couldn’t erase us if we stay here. Everyone knows us,” I say.

  “People may know you, but without any proof of your identity, there’d be nothing anyone could do. You’d have no birth certificate, no social security number, and no school records. You wouldn’t be able to get a job or go to school. Going to Tallahassee is the best option. Luke told me you’re already registered for classes. I won’t let you give that up. You and I will be together, Layla. It might not happen in th
e way we hoped it would, but it will happen. I promise.”

  “It’s just not fair.”

  “I know, but his reign of terror on both my mother and me is about to end. Just ride this out with me and it’s going to be ok.”

  “Ok,” I say in a conscious choice to trust him. I’ve done all I can do. “But you’re not going to tell me what the plan is?”

  “I will tell you that everything I have planned tonight was cleared through both Luke and Claire… so let’s go.”

  “Where are we going? It’s after two in the morning!”

  “Don’t worry your pretty little head about any of that,” Will replies, packing up our picnic. He leaves it all there to be picked up by his cohorts and we start walking up the path to the house. I didn’t put my shoes back on and the flagstone is hard on my feet. All it takes is one “ouch” and Will sweeps me up in his arms and carries me the rest of the way to the back door. Will carries me over the threshold into the kitchen and my daydreams flash before me once again.

  I’m instructed to close my eyes as we enter the house. Will puts me down and says nothing else as he leads me quietly upstairs to the loft. When I’m expecting to stop at the top of the stairs, we don’t. Will keeps walking and I know we have just entered my bedroom. He’s never been in my room. I always tried to be respectful of Luke and Claire, and I never wanted them to think anything inappropriate was going on, especially since Will made sure there never was.

  “Will…I don’t think you should be in here,” I warn as I open my eyes.

  “It’s ok. I told you I cleared everything with Luke.” Will sits on the bed and looks a bit too comfortable there.

  “You cleared this with Luke?” I say, pointing to the bed.

  “Yes, but not in the way you’re thinking.” He pulls me to him and kisses me. “I asked Luke, since I don’t know when I’ll see you again, if it would be ok for me to spend one, non-sex-filled night with you. He agreed, as long as I didn’t take anything from you that wasn’t yet mine to have.” He kisses me again.

  “Wow.” I’m astonished at the level of trust Luke has for Will…and me.

  “What I didn’t tell him was that having you in my arms for one night will be the greatest gift anyone has ever given me,” Will says, caressing my cheek.

  I’m standing in front of Will as he sits on the side of my bed. For once I don’t have to stand on my toes to reach him. His arms wrap around me even more completely and I hold his beautiful face in my hands. I stare into his eyes and am lost in the swell of emotions. “I love you, Will. I will never stop loving you.”

  “You have no idea what it means to hear you say that.” He kisses me sweetly and pulls away. “Before things get wonderfully out of hand, I need you to do something for me.”

  “Anything,” I say, stroking his cheek.

  “I need you to change your clothes.”

  “What?” I’m jolted out of my gaze.

  “The other part of the deal was that I would make you put on something completely unsexy. And this dress does not fit that description. Don’t worry, no double standards. I brought a change of clothes, too.” That’s good because Will is looking unbelievable. He’s taken his tie off and has the top two buttons of his white dress shirt undone.

  He has his hand on the back of my thigh, which I think is completely unfair considering the request he’s making, but I agree to the terms and go into the bathroom and change.

  I returned in about as unsexy a state as I can: pajama pants and a t-shirt with my hair in a ponytail. He keeps his end of the deal as well and is dressed similarly.

  “Uh-oh,” he remarks as soon as he see me.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  “You’re still sexy,” he says with a smirk.

  “Oh, well! Guess you’ll just have to grin and bear it!” I say landing in his arms.

  Will takes my hand and leads me out of the bedroom. Where are we going now? As we enter the loft I am overwhelmed with emotion. The room is filled with twinkling lights around the perimeter of the ceiling, and the sound of Miles Davis swaying in the air. There are pillows and my grandfather’s blanket on the couch.

  “Everything as you requested?” Luke’s voice appears from behind us. He and Claire are standing at the top of the stairs.

  “Yes. Thank you so much,” Will answers with a grateful smile on his face.

  “It’s beautiful. I can’t believe…” I begin, but I don’t think I even have the words to express how I feel in this moment.

  “Considering the impending circumstances, we felt we could work with Will’s request. The loft was the compromise. We’re trusting you…and we’re sleeping with our door open.” Luke is soft in his tone but firm in his message.

  “Yes, sir. Of course. Thank you. You have nothing to worry about.” Will thanks Luke and Claire again, but I can tell he’s nervous. He would never do anything to break their trust of him. It’s a big deal that Luke would allow him to stay like this. I appreciate that they understand how difficult it will be when we move to Florida and Will is at Princeton. Come July first, we literally have no idea when we’ll talk or see each other again.

  Will and I settle in cozily on the couch with Will behind me and my head resting on his arm as he holds me close. The lights continue to twinkle and the music floats softly around the room.

  “Have you picked a major yet? I know you have time, but I wondered what you were thinking about.” Will is a master at making real conversation. He always asks questions he genuinely wants to know the answers to, and talking about school tops the list of anti-foreplay conversation.

  “Well, I thought I wanted to go into teaching, like my parents, but I’ve recently been thinking about law.”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  “Yes,” I chuckle. “There’s no way I could ever be a lawyer. I was actually thinking about psychology. I’ve been through so much, I’d really like to help people,” I say.

  “That sounds about right. I can’t imagine you doing anything else,” he says.

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

  “I mean it. For someone who has been through everything that you have, you see the world in a way most people don’t think is possible; you’re hopeful and optimistic. You’ve handled tragedy in the most remarkable way. I know that whatever is thrown your way you’re going to be able to handle it. You are an extraordinary woman, Layla. I could not be a luckier man to have you.”

  “You’re so sweet to me.” I reach up and rest my hand on his cheek. “What about you? What’s your plan?” I ask, hoping to gain some insight into whatever plan is about to unfold.

  “Well, I’m registered in the Civil and Environmental Engineering program. My classes have been picked out for five years, so… Technically, right now the plan is to go,” he says.

  “Will, why didn’t you tell me about your…genius status?”

  “It’s just weird. I’m really good at math, so what. It’s not what matters most in life. Every other girl who ever knew about it only saw dollar signs, assuming I’ll be the guy who discovers how to close the hole in the ozone layer or something, and I knew you didn’t care.”

  “I care because it’s part of who you are. I care about every detail of your life because it’s my life, too.” I turn and pull myself as close to him as I possibly can and press my lips to his. I hold his head at the nape of his neck and let myself enjoy the moment as long as I can. I know he’ll break the passion at any moment. He is nothing if not honorable.

  Lying there, all I can think about is how much I love this man whose arms hold me in the safety of his embrace. It isn’t right what’s happening. How can one person do so much damage to so many people? First Holly and her family, and now Luke and Claire are giving up their lives here to protect me. And Will’s mother! How many other people has Gregory Meyer destroyed for his selfish gain? Somehow, some way, he’ll pay for the life he’s lead and the lives he’s destroyed.

  Will brushes the hair fro
m my face and caresses my cheek with his hand. I don’t know how, but I know that everything will be ok. I turn back around and find my sweet spot, resting my head on Will’s strong arm again. He holds me close and I fall asleep that night in the arms of the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. And no matter what happens, I know my heart will never belong to anyone else.

  Chapter 27

  When we wake up at noon Claire is at the top of the stairs welcoming us to the new day.

  “Good afternoon you two. How was your night?” Claire asks.

  “It was really great. Thanks for everything,” I yawn.

  “Yes, Claire, thank you. I appreciate the time you allowed me to have with Layla. It means more to me than you’ll know.” Will has a way with words that lets you know he means every single one of them. One can never doubt his sincerity.

  “It was unconventional, but it was the least we could do, considering...” Claire isn’t emotional about the situation at all. She’s a rock, which I need. I have only a few short weeks before I have to say good-bye to Will for what could be forever. “We’ve got lunch ready. See you downstairs?”

  “Yeah, definitely, thanks.” I lay there and let Will hold me for a few minutes more before I make the first move. I sit up and rub my eyes. Will sits up next to me, keeping his arm around me.

  “I’ve never slept so soundly. Thank you. The whole evening was perfect,” I say to him.

  “You deserve so much more than what I was able to do, but I’m glad you liked it.” Will leans over and kisses my forehead and gets up. “I’ve got some stuff to do today and tomorrow before graduation. I’ll be out of pocket for a little while, so I don’t want you to worry.”

  “No problem. Between packing and getting ready for graduation I’m sure I’ll be plenty occupied. Have you finished your speech?” Will is, of course, valedictorian. They probably should have taken him out of the running, considering his huge brainpower.

  “Sort of. I’ve got an outline and I’ll wing it from there.” He’s so nonchalant about the whole thing. I’m impressed and very proud of him, but he couldn’t care less about the achievement.


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