More Than A Handful (Alpha and Omega series Book 12)

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More Than A Handful (Alpha and Omega series Book 12) Page 8

by Lisa Oliver

  “I will want you to live with me.” Karl’s deep persuasive tones were probably illegal in most states. “My house is a lot bigger; I have a weekly cleaning and laundry service…”

  “I’m quite capable of doing my own laundry.” Turning was a mistake. Karl was right there, in touching distance, his cocky smile and the slight tilt to his head letting Tanner know Karl thought he was being silly. “Did you forget that part of our conversation earlier when I said this was the first home I’ve ever bought – the only one I’ve had in fifty years to call my own?”

  “I didn’t forget.” Karl’s smile got wider. “But you have to remember, any money worries you might have had up until today are a thing of the past. Even if I do say so myself, your mate’s an extraordinarily rich man, with a huge, lovely house that will be perfect for both of us.”

  “I see.” Tanner folded his arms across his chest and leaned back against the counter where the coffee was merrily perking. “And maybe there’s something you should remember, too. Up until three hours ago, you weren’t even sure you wanted to claim me. Now you want me to sell my house?”

  “I do remember, but we got past that.” That damn smile never faltered. “You agreed to be mine, I agreed I was yours. We’re wolf shifters. We meet that special someone and bam, we move like greased lightning. One of the joys of being fated mates is we never have to second guess wanting to be with each other.”

  Tanner bit back the words on the tip of his tongue – the ones pointing out again how Karl had walked away from him when they’d seen each other the first time. His mate was right. He had agreed to move past it. Instead, he unfolded his arms, placing his hands on Karl’s shoulder.

  “Another one of the joys of being fated is that both partners are equal in the relationship.” He looked down, meeting Karl’s eyes squarely. “You are an alpha, I’m an omega, and while that means my wolf will never be as powerful as yours, that doesn’t mean you can dictate, or determine where I go, what I do, who I see, or where I live. I want to be with you, yes. I will probably want to live with you, yes. Your house probably is bigger, I am quite prepared to concede that too, but you don’t tell me when it’s time to sell the house I’ve worked ten years to pay for. How would you like it if I told you to give up your company and house, and move in with me?”

  “It’d be a tight fit, us both living in this place.” Karl’s hands were suddenly curled around Tanner’s waist. “I’ve got a fair bit of stuff. If I didn’t have my company then I suppose we could travel, see the world. Or curl up in bed together all day and eat bon-bons.”

  Despite his annoyance at Karl’s arrogance, Tanner chuckled. “I can see you doing that for all of five minutes. You’re not built for lazing around in bed all day and do you even know what a bon-bon is?”

  “Some kind of confectionary, so I’ve been told.” Karl shuffled closer, his hands hot as they moved around Tanner’s back. “I was only thinking about efficiency when I mentioned George could sell your house too. I won’t apologize because that’s just the way my mind works, but if you want to hang onto this house until you’re sure of me, or maybe you could rent it out…”

  “Karl.” Tanner was getting befuddled. His mate’s scent was so strong, and Tanner yearned in a way he never had before. “I haven’t even seen your house, let alone been in it. I’ve only been to your company building, remember?”

  “It’s so easy to forget,” Karl growled against his throat. “I feel as though I’ve known you forever and gods, I want you so bad my balls ache.”

  “One bout of sex and we’ll be bound together forever,” Tanner warned as he lifted his chin, giving Karl more access. His mate was stretched out against him, standing on tiptoes most likely to nip at his chin. “Your wolf will push for the claim, as will mine.”

  “He’s pushing now.” Karl sank back onto the balls of his feet. Sure enough, the wolf was flashing in his eyes. “But I’m going to do this right. No wham bam in the middle of the afternoon for your first time. We can go for a drive, or watch a movie, and spend time together. This evening I will take you out on a proper dinner date and then, we can go back to which ever house you feel you would be more comfortable in, and then I’m going to lay you out on the nearest flat surface and feast on you.”

  Tanner didn’t do a good job of muffling his groan. Unsure if he knew exactly what he was doing, he dipped his head, and pressed his lips against Karl’s. Karl froze for a split second and then the alpha in the man took over. Finger’s splayed against his head, Karl kissed him back, sucking and gnawing at Tanner’s lips, his harsh breath ghosting in pants across his cheek. Their bristles met and rubbed against each other, Karl’s so much closer to the skin and marginally shorter than Tanner’s, but the effect was electric. Karl’s hands were grasping at his waist now, tugging at his shirt, forcing their way under his clothes to touch the skin of his back. When he succeeded both men groaned.

  Tanner’s hands slid down. He knew, wolf lore always stated that an alpha male never let anyone near his ass, but Karl was grinding against him, and he was keen to give the man a helping hand. He couldn’t move his own hips, pinned as he was by a horny alpha and the kitchen counter, but Karl’s rock-solid stomach was providing more than enough friction for his length, caught as it was in his pants.

  His excitement mounting, Tanner could feel the edge of his orgasm riding him hard. Karl had given up the kissing, probably so he could breathe, but his nips and growls inflamed Tanner’s senses like nothing before. Karl’s alpha power was swallowing him like a cloud, demanding he submit to the more powerful shifter. A scrape of Karl’s teeth against his Adam’s apple, and Tanner climaxed, gripping his mate tightly against him as his body rode out the aftershocks. Karl growled, curling his lips up from his teeth as he froze, and the musky smell of his spunk hit the air.

  Karl slumped, his head finding that perfect spot on Tanner’s shoulder, both men panting hard. “I’m a sticky mess,” Karl grumbled. “I haven’t come in my pants since I was fourteen.”

  He made to straighten up, but Tanner held onto him – not tightly this time but enough to let Karl know his weight was welcome. “I’ll find you clean pants, and a belt,” he murmured quietly, unwilling for the moment to end just yet. “Just stay a moment.”

  The coffee percolating just behind him, and his mate resting on his chest, Tanner sent a plea to the Fates that things wouldn’t be awkward once Karl’s hands dropped from his skin. What they had just shared was far too special to be a one-time thing.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Feeling far more comfortable in his own fresh clean clothes, Karl stopped the car, getting out and going round to open Tanner’s door. When Tanner stepped out, casually buttoning his jacket, he looked for all the world like a fashion model, Karl felt a fissure of pride as he rested his hand on Tanner’s lower back, escorting him to the door of the restaurant he’d booked for the evening. The night air was mild, there was even a glimmer of stars visible over the street lights. After an afternoon spent in borrowed sweats, curled up on Tanner’s couch watching old movies, he was in the mood for the type of dinner date that had a happy ending.

  Karl was a lot more confident now. Dinner dates and the sex afterwards was his normal pattern of behavior with any of the women he shared time with and while the happy ever after he was hoping for this evening would be slightly different and have life changing ramifications, Karl was sure he could handle it. He smiled warmly at the hostess who greeted them but objected quietly and firmly when she went to take him to his usual table. “I asked for something quieter and more intimate this evening,” he reminded gently.

  The hostess wasn’t flustered, changing course and moving them to a small table set behind a privacy screen. “Juno will be your server this evening, and Clementine will be over to take your drink orders shortly,” she said with a smile before leaving them alone with their menus.

  “You’re a regular here, I take it.” Tanner looked around with interest. “Seems nice.”

“They have great service and wonderful food,” Karl agreed. “I have no objection being seen with you, but as this is our first date, I thought you’d appreciate not being gawked at all evening. When you sit at the more social tables, it’s like you’re sending an invitation for everyone and anyone to come up and talk to you.”

  “That was thoughtful, thank you.” Tanner did seem pleased. “I did wonder how this thing between us was going to work. You’re often mentioned in both the business and the social pages of the local media – is there going to be any fall out for you being paired with a man romantically? Assuming people find out about us of course.”

  “I’m not hiding you away.” Karl chuckled. “The days of men of my type hiding away our sweet things and never letting them leave their mansions are well over, thank goodness.”

  “Yep, good luck trying anything like that with me.” Tanner leaned back in his chair, and Karl was struck again by how self-assured his omega was. “I will have to make some decisions about my job, though. I had handed in my resignation, although my Captain just put it in a drawer and wouldn’t accept it. But ten years, for the likes of us…”

  Karl hadn’t even considered Tanner’s job. For some reason, in his head, Tanner would just be with him, sitting in his office, while Karl ran his company. “What department do you work for?”

  “I’m a detective in Vice.” Tanner grinned as Clementine came over, tablet in hand. “Karl and I will both have double whiskeys. No ice in either of them, thank you.”

  His eyes widening, Karl just nodded when Clementine looked to him for confirmation. He waited until the young man was out of earshot before leaning over and whispering, “How did you know what I drank?”

  Tanner tapped his nose. “I’m a detective, remember. Besides, I saw you ordering the drink at your launch party.”

  Leaning back in his seat, Karl shook his head. I was supposed to order for you. It’s what I always do. But it seemed being with Tanner meant he was going to have to shift his line of thinking beyond the bedroom. Looking to regain some control of the conversation, because that was who he was, Karl asked, “Isn’t that rather dangerous? Vice I mean.”

  “Any job in law enforcement is dangerous.”

  Clementine was back, with both glasses, serving Karl first and then Tanner. Karl waited until he was gone again, thinking how to phrase his next question. He couldn’t afford to show his protective side to strongly. “Is it something you want to keep doing?”

  Tanner shook his head. Then, leaning forward, resting his forearms on the table, he said quietly, “The job sucks. I work with great people, I get a lot of support, but seeing the underbelly of society day in and day out is frankly, soul destroying. I strongly doubt, that I could do my best in that line of work, and still come home to you at the end of the day. It would be great in one respect, because I’m sure you’d be supportive, but when you spend your days or nights dealing with filth… I wouldn’t want that tainting our home, or what we might have together.”

  He’s never going to stop surprising me. Reaching over the table, Karl rested his hand on Tanner’s. “Thank you, because I wasn’t sure how I was going to cope with you gone all hours, and not being able to be near you.” He avoided saying the ‘protection’ word. “I’m sure we’ll find you something else.”

  “Thank you.” Tanner chuckled. “I know your instincts weren’t quite so diplomatic.”

  “You know me so well already.” Karl winked and then looked up and smiled as a polite cough gained his attention. “Hello Juno, what specials does the chef have for us this evening?”


  Tanner was happy to sit back and let Karl order their meal. He’d made his point by ordering the drinks – he was a grown man capable of ordering for himself. In truth, he enjoyed Karl’s attentions, from opening his car door for him, and resting his hand on Tanner’s back. It did make him feel cherished, even though those attentions were probably Karl’s typical dating behaviors – it didn’t detract from the way those little things made Tanner feel.

  Two other things were also brutally apparent. The first was that Karl was going out of his way to change his mindset, and the way he responded to the things Tanner shared. It was obvious to Tanner that Karl was used to dating women, or more to the point, being the man in charge. As a less-dominant wolf shifter, Tanner got a sense of safety out of the way Karl behaved, and that was important to both of them.

  But the problem was, and Tanner knew this from observing relationships for more than fifty years, Karl needed to be true to himself. With Tanner, he was struggling to do that. If Tanner had been the sweet little omega Karl had always dreamed of meeting, then he would’ve lapped up the alpha’s attention, packed an overnight bag immediately and expect to live in Karl’s house, tending to his every need forever more, while being looked after and provided for as part of his due.

  Tanner wasn’t like that. His independence had been hard won, and he carried a lot of internal scars from the way he’d been treated by his home pack. It wasn’t easy to give that up just because his wolf felt it was what they should do. He’d always worked, he’d never had to consider anyone else when making life decisions before. Hell, I’m not even a good cook.

  “Tanner.” Tanner looked up to see Karl watching him closely and Juno gone, presumably making sure their food was cooking. “Talk to me. This thing between us isn’t going to work if you don’t.”

  “I was just thinking I wasn’t much of a cook,” Tanner admitted honestly.

  “I don’t recall asking you to cook.” Karl chuckled, and then said, “Come on. What is this about really?”

  Struggling to put the way he was feeling into words, Tanner said, “You’re working really hard to adapt to me, changing your instinctive responses. I feel bad because you shouldn’t have to. But there’s a part of me that knows I can’t be the dream person you wanted either and so I’m…”

  “Oh hon, I knew the first time I saw you, you weren’t anything like my dreams, but that’s a good thing,” Karl added quickly. Beckoning to Tanner to lean over the table, which he did, Karl leaned as well, whispering, “I have been giving things a lot of thought. That fluffy person I was dreaming of would’ve probably bored me shitless in a week. I honestly think I was channeling the dreams my cock was having, nothing else.”

  Startled, Tanner laughed, and then quickly slapped his hand over his mouth, remembering where they were.

  “You can laugh.” Karl sat upright again, a twinkle in his eyes. “Honestly, the more time I spend with you, the more I realize how dull my life would’ve been with anyone else. Besides, you mentioned you were an ice hockey fan, which means I have someone to go to Gulls’ games with.”

  “True.” Tanner nodded. “Not that I’ve had a chance to go to many games before, but Alfie was a fan and he got me hooked.”

  “To Alfie.” Karl lifted his glass in quiet salute, and Tanner did the same.

  Noticing Juno coming over with their first course, Tanner said quickly, “Please be you. Just leave a bit of room for me to be me as well.”

  “I won’t let you lose who you are, not even to me,” Karl promised, and Tanner felt his wolf settle with a sigh.


  The roast was succulent, Karl ordered them another round of whiskeys to go with the meal, seeing as neither man was keen on wine. He and Tanner talked about games they’d seen and movies they’d enjoyed, and Karl realized he was having a good time. Unlike other dates, when the women he was with were keen on the social side of dating – seeing and being seen – Tanner was happy with his food and just Karl for company, which was refreshing.

  Which was why, when his phone started buzzing in his pocket, Karl was keen to ignore it. But when the buzzing stopped, and then immediately started up again, he apologized to Tanner and pulled out his phone. Frowning at seeing his Head of Security’s name come up on the screen, he pressed to accept the call. “Sean, is there a problem?”

  “Mr. Jacobs, apologies for interrup
ting your evening, but I felt you should know we’ve had some disturbances.” Sean’s voice was gruff. “There’re security lights going on and off all over the place and have been for the past twenty minutes. I’ve sent Jack and Brody to check all five floors, and they’re not seeing anything. None of the entry points seemed to have been breached, but Brody heard a door slam shut on the second floor, that wasn’t Jack’s doing.”

  “Nothing on the cameras?” Karl looked over at Tanner who was listening intently.

  “That’s the thing, the cameras are showing the building as empty.” Sean moved from gruff to annoyed. “I know some of those young programmers think their shit doesn’t stink, and they play their pranks as part of their creativity buzz,” only Sean could make that sound like a slur. “I’m well aware the cameras don’t cover every inch of the place and if you know where they are you could avoid most of them. But all the staff are showing as clocked out, and I’d swear no one was in the building when I made my rounds an hour ago.”

  “Has anything been touched, disturbed or taken?”

  “I haven’t got a freaking clue. It’s not like anyone puts anything away around here.”

  “You did the right thing in calling me.” Karl winked at Tanner. “I’m not far away, I’ll come and take a quick look around. I happen to be dining with a detective so I’m sure he won’t mind accompanying me. In the meantime, activate the lockdown procedure. Who knows, we might find some big rats in a closet.”

  “If they’re the two-legged variety, I’ll skin them alive.” Sean disconnected the call, and Karl lifted a finger for the bill.

  “Do you mind coming with me back to the office?” He asked Tanner who was wiping his mouth with a napkin.

  Tanner shook his head, putting the napkin neatly on the table. “Does this sort of thing happen often? Getting false alarms like this?”


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