Styx (The Four Book 1)

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Styx (The Four Book 1) Page 16

by Layla Frost

  He chuckled, and with our faces so close, I watched as his black eyes lit with amusement. “You forget, I’ve heard you grumble often about going to the store.”

  “True. But I don’t have a list made yet, so I’ll go.”

  And I need to get out of the house and clear my head.

  He nodded once. Straightening, he grabbed the ice packs off my table and walked into the kitchen before returning a moment later, pulling on a hoodie as he moved. “It’s raining. Are you sure you don’t want me to handle the shopping?”

  “I’m good.” Reaching into my purse, I grabbed a couple twenties and handed them to him.

  “I don’t need money.”

  I raised my brows. “Clearly it’s been a long time since you’ve been out. Everything costs money.”

  “I’m just walking.”

  “Yeah, well, they’ll probably find a way to start charging for that, too.” I shook the bills. “Take them just in case. You’ll probably have to eat since we never got around to having breakfast.”

  He shoved them in his pocket, looking puzzled as he put his hood up. It added shadows to his already etched face, and he looked almost menacing.


  At least until he smiled down at me, touching my cheek.

  “Good luck,” I whispered.

  “And to you.”

  I turned to my computer, but I didn’t start my work. Waiting until I was sure he was gone, I jumped out of my seat and hauled ass up the stairs. I threw my clothes off as I went and was already naked by the time I reached my room. Tilting my head back and forth, I eyed my drawer before deciding against any solo fun. Though I needed the release in a bad way, I was tight on time.

  With what was likely a dangerous amount of speed, I showered and shaved in a yoga-with-razor-blades kind of way. The fact I didn’t slip and gouge any of my bits was impressive.

  As I worked—contemplating whether I needed to go grab a weed whacker to help—my thoughts ping-ponged.

  I couldn’t believe I’d kissed Nate. His mouth had been there and it’d seemed like a good idea to introduce it to mine. I hadn’t expected it to turn into so much more.

  Kisses were… nice. They were sweet. They were the opening band, building anticipation for the headliner.

  With him, though, it was different. Other than some mild hydration and lockjaw concerns, I could’ve easily spent the entire day making out with him. The kiss had been hot, and my entire body had come alive at the way his mouth dominated mine.

  And if that was just the beginning, I couldn’t wait to see what happened next.

  As the shower began to cool and enough time passed, common sense returned in a big way, smacking me across the head.

  Feeling like a creepy idiot tended to do that.

  What the hell am I doing? My freaking life has turned into an episode of Ghostfacers, and I’m honestly contemplating adding sex into the mix?

  Not okay.

  In the hundreds of years he’d been stuck, Nate had only been able to interact with me. There was a forced companionship that came from that kind of time together. There was no way I could have sex with Nate, even if I was sure it would be mind-blowing. Sleeping with him would be taking advantage.

  I might not have been his captor, but it was still a little Stockholmy.

  I continued shaving because I was almost done, and frankly, it was long overdue.

  I’m just super horny. And a bit lonely. Nate will likely be moving on soon, and then I can dive back into the dating pool without interference.

  Even as I thought it, the idea held no merit. The thought of being with anyone else made my stomach turn, and Nate leaving made tears blur my vision.

  Finishing my shower, I dried off and returned to my room. I eyed the bedside table again, and decided an orgasm was necessary so I’d stop letting my hormones call the shots. Forcing my mind to stay blank, it was quick and efficient.

  But not very satisfying.

  I’d thought taking the edge off would allow me to make clear-headed decisions.

  Except when the afterglow faded, I was left to face the truth.

  What I felt for Nate had a lot more to do with the sweet and funny voice I’d gotten to know, and not as much to do with the new and studly package said voice belonged to.

  If all I wanted was to hook up with him, that wouldn’t be a problem.

  But I didn’t just want sex.

  I liked him.

  A lot.

  And that was where things could get messy. My feelings were involved. It was already going to hurt when he left. Much to my ex’s chagrin, I didn’t do clingy girlfriend, but even if I wanted to, it would be selfish to beg him to stay. And I wasn’t stupid enough to play the martyr and sleep with him, inviting more pain.

  I got dressed and returned to my desk. In the back of my mind, disappointment and sadness lurked, but I wasn’t going to mope. Instead, I threw myself into my work and completed three logo mockups in record time. I emailed them off before closing everything out.

  Leaving a note for Nate, I headed to the grocery store. Only when I got inside and grabbed my cart did I realize two things.

  First, like always, I’d forgotten my list next to my computer. I could remember a lot of the basics, but there’d also been an assortment of ingredients needed to make Polish food that I’d have to look up.

  Second, and slightly more important than my upcoming Polish dinner, I was being followed. The hairs on the back of my neck were standing up, and I could feel someone staring.

  I tilted my head subtly, trying to catch whoever was watching, but no one stood out. Pretending to be forgetful, I backtracked to grab some things from the first aisle before going to a much farther one and standing there as I compared frozen pizza labels.

  At both places, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the same man walking past the aisle.

  Tossing both pizzas in my cart, I made it to the one section most men didn’t venture.

  Feminine hygiene.

  My pace was slow as I strolled, stopping often to check out various products I didn’t need. I saw the man walk by twice on each side before finally turning his cart into the aisle, too. He stopped in front of the pads and tampons.

  I glanced at what he was buying, and it was enough to confirm he was only there to follow me. The package he added sealed it.

  Getting closer, I kept my eyes on him as I reached out and grabbed something random from the shelf. When he turned toward me, I asked, “Why are you following me?”

  “Excuse me?” He met my gaze quickly before looking to the side. “I’m just shopping. Sorry for giving you the wrong impression.”

  “I hate liars,” I muttered to myself before speaking to him. “You’ve been tailing me through the whole store, including this section. Why?”

  “Look, lady, I’m just here to get some… stuff for my wife. That’s all.”

  I raised a brow. “You’re buying protein powder, men’s body wash, organic veggies, and lean meat.”

  The man was on the shorter side, his overall look bland and easily forgettable. If not for the previous couple weeks, I probably wouldn’t have noticed him following me. And if I had, I’d have likely brushed it off as coincidental.

  People like me don’t get followed.

  But as he shifted nervously, I knew I was right to expect the unexpected.

  “So?” he asked defensively.

  “You’re buying super-sized pads. If your wife was bleeding a menstrual tidal wave like that, your cart would be filled with junk food and sweets.” I caught the sneer of disgust as he looked closer at the package. “Ha! See? Either you’re the worst husband in the world—being disgusted by nature and depriving your suffering wife of the healing properties of chocolate—or you’re following me. My money’s on the second one. Why?”

  “I’m not—”

  I shook the box I was holding and was pleasantly surprised at his genuine fear. “Spill it.”

  “Mr. Hale has a messag
e for you.”

  My stomach sank. “Why didn’t you just tell me? Or better yet, why didn’t he?”

  “Because he’s been busy. And I’m supposed to confirm you were alone.” He looked around. “Are you?”


  “He said he’s still willing to help and has been doing some research on how to do so. Your houseguest is a very dangerous and evil spirit.”

  I shook my head. “My houseguest is gone, and it has been for a while. And, no, I don’t know or care where it went.”

  The man studied me before giving a nod. He turned and started to walk away before I halted his progress.

  “Hey.” When he looked back at me, I held up the box of douches. “Tell Hale that if you or anyone else ever follows me again, I’ll beat you over the head with this.”

  Looking grossed out and a little panicky, the man gave a jerky nod and left his cart behind as he hightailed it toward the exit.

  I wanted to do the same, but forced myself to continue shopping so I didn’t run into him in the parking lot. Plus, my food supply was at a critical low.

  Just as my legs stopped shaking and my breathing returned to normal, I felt someone else close behind me. I gripped the box and whipped around, ready to confront them.

  Only this time my eyes landed on a broad chest covered by a tight white tee and an open hoodie. When I craned my neck to look up, I saw amused black eyes.

  “Are you trying to tell me I’m feeling not-so-fresh?” Nate asked.

  “No.” I tossed the box onto a shelf and started walking again. “I thought you were someone else.”

  “Is threatening people with those products a new way of greeting them?”

  “If they’re going to act like a douche, I’m going to beat them with a douche.”

  Nate’s hand wrapped around my upper arm, stopping me. “Who’s upset you?”

  I inhaled. “Remember Hale?”

  His entire vibe changed. Fury emanated off him, and his jaw clenched. “Was he here?”

  “No, he sent someone to tell me he was still willing to help. Do you know him?”

  Nate shook his head. “I feel like I do, but I don’t. He’s just… bad.”

  I nodded because he was right. There was something about Hale that made me nervous, bordering on petrified.

  “Why are you here?” I asked as we walked.

  “I got your note.”

  “I was just letting you know where I was. You could’ve waited.”

  From behind, his arms went to either side of me, his hands going next to mine on the cart’s handlebar. He lowered his head to whisper, “I also missed you.”

  “Oh,” I whispered back.

  He kissed my shoulder before moving away. “Yes. Oh.”

  Walking with me, he paused occasionally to inspect different products. The junk food and unusually flavored items caught his attention most. I was spending double my food budget, but when he was drawn to something, I added it to the heaping load.

  Throughout the trip, his touches were frequent and nonchalant. If I stopped to look at something, he wrapped his arms around my waist or pulled me close to kiss me. He rubbed my back, patted my ass, and gripped my hip more in that short time than anyone else had ever.

  Every time he massaged the back of my neck, my brain would go haywire, misfiring and making me wonder if I could ditch the cart and pull him into a supply closet or dark corner.

  When we reached the frozen food section, he added a few more pizzas to the cart. I was wondering if he was going to dump the entire shelf in, but he stopped suddenly.

  “I like this song.”

  I seldom noticed there was music playing, let alone the song. Hearing the typical non-offense and mellow love song, I nodded. “Yeah, it’s sweet.”

  “It’s not,” he said, startling me by pulling me close. Wrapping an arm around my waist, he held my hand and began to sway.

  “It isn’t?” I asked, leaning into him.

  “It’s about loss,” he murmured against my head. “Regret. Don’t you hear the remorse?”

  I closed my eyes and listened to the lyrics. There was a haunting tone to it I hadn’t noticed before, as beautiful as it was heartbreaking.

  For the rest of the song, we stood like that. Silently swaying in our own world as I felt the music.

  When it ended, I pulled away and forced a laugh. “I get road rage when someone leaves their cart in the way, and here I am doing it.” I began walking quickly. “I think we’ve got everything.”

  Getting in line, Nate made quick work of unloading the cart before adding nearly every type of candy onto the pile. The cashier’s eyes were nearly the size of saucers when he saw how much candy and junk food there was.

  “You’ve got a worse sweet tooth than I do,” I whispered to Nate.

  “The only difference,” he whispered back, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close, “is I’m not going to waste time with those disgusting green sludge drinks.” He leaned in, his eyes holding mine. “I’ve spent what seems like an eternity dreaming of finally getting a taste. I plan on indulging.”

  Clutching his hoodie, I fought the urge to pull him down so I could kiss him. With the way my mind seemed to disappear, kissing in public seemed too risky. I’d likely try to use the candy rack to catapult myself at him.

  “Do you have a shopper’s card?” the cashier asked hesitantly, drawing my attention to the nearly empty conveyor belt.

  I released my hold and grabbed my wallet, handing him the card. Once it and the rest of the groceries were scanned, I paid and headed to my car. Nate and I filled the entire trunk and part of the backseat with all the bags.

  Opening my door to get in, I stopped and turned to him. “Are you coming home, or do you have more to do?”

  He rounded the car and didn’t stop until he was pushed in close. His hands went to the roof at either side of me. “Do you realize you call it our home?”

  “I do?”

  “You do. Often.”

  “Oh. It’s just an auto—”

  “Don’t.” Kissing me quickly, he lifted his head, but didn’t step away. “I have one more stop to make, but we’ll likely arrive home at the same time.”

  “Okay. Do you want a ride wherever?”

  He shook his head. “Drive safely.”

  I nodded, getting into the car and starting it. Between the kisses, easy affection, and random dancing, it seemed as though the decisions I’d made earlier had flown out the window. I was kicking myself.

  Okay, when we get home… I mean, when we get to my home, we’ll talk. I’ll be firm.

  He’ll be firm, too…

  Focus, Denny!

  I’ll make it clear that all the touchy-feely has to stop, and then we can discuss what he plans on doing.

  Easy enough.

  I snorted to myself as I looked in my mirror to see him still standing behind my car. Even the limited view was enough to show he was a hard man to resist.

  I put the car in drive and started to pull into the empty spot ahead of me before glancing back again. Slamming on my brakes, I put the car in park and got out.

  He was gone.

  Not that he’d walked away. Or even ran.

  He’d simply disappeared.

  “Why am I even surprised?”

  Climbing back in, I put the car in drive and headed home.

  To a house I was sharing with an insanely appealing man who used to be a sexy voice haunting me.

  My life was weird.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Iron Maiden and Rage Against the Peens



  “See,” Nate whispered, eyeing our first group of trick or treaters with suspicion. “They make threats in exchange for candy.”

  I elbowed him, and he gave me an exaggerated grunt, though I knew he and his rock-hard abs likely felt nothing. At most, it was the equivalent of a feather touching him.

  “That’s not a good example
to set for the ruffians.” Grabbing a small handful of candy, he put some in each of the four children’s bags.

  Three of them jumped off the porch, running for the next house.

  The last, a little girl dressed as a medieval princess with a light on her chest, juggled her bucket and a helmet. “Thank you! Happeeee Halloweeeen!”

  “Hold on.” Nate took a larger handful of candy and added it to her bucket.

  She let out an adorable squeak. “Thank you even more!”

  “What’s the helmet for?” I asked.

  Flashing me a grin that showed off her missing front teeth, she put on an Iron Man helmet and mask. She pushed a button to flash the light on her chest. “I’m Iron Maiden!” she shouted, her words muffled.

  “Who?” Nate asked me, but I was too busy laughing to answer.

  I looked down to where her mother stood with a stroller on the sidewalk and called, “That’s amazing.”

  “Her dad is a big classic rock fan,” her mom called back.

  “Is it okay if I take a picture of her with the mask on?”


  Pulling out my phone, I snapped a quick pic before adding even more candy to her stash. “Go rock on, awesome girl.”

  “Thanks!” she yelled, carefully taking the stairs down before running to her mom. “This is my favorite house ever!”

  I stepped back as Nate closed the door and said, “I missed something.”

  “Iron Maiden is an old rock band. She was dressed as a maiden, but also had pieces from the superhero Iron Man. She was Iron Maiden.”


  “Very. Juno is going to get a kick out of it.”

  Bringing up my texts, I sent the picture with no explanation. My phone dinged a minute later.

  Juno: Tell me that kid is Iron Maiden.

  Me: Yup. And she was pumped about it.

  Juno: I’ve got a costume party later. I’m stealing her idea. That kid is my spirit animal. It almost, just almost, makes my ovaries twitch.

  Me: I thought you’d get a kick out of it.

  I slid my phone into my back pocket just as my bell rang. I headed for the door, but Nate beat me to it.

  “Trick or treat!” a group of small kids sing-songed.

  “Treat, indeed,” one of the mothers said, making the rest giggle.


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