Weredragons Of Tivuso: The Complete Series

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Weredragons Of Tivuso: The Complete Series Page 23

by Maia Starr

  “I will always want you to. I am sorry about being angry. I didn't know the details of what you had been sacrificing just to be with me. Now I know, you could've died waiting for me. Why would you do such a stupid thing?” she said.

  I was surprised that she knew. How could she possibly know?

  “It was worth risking it. My heart made the decision for me, even if my body was against it,” I said to her. She got up on her tiptoes and tilted her mouth towards me. I wasn't going to reject the invitation. I pressed my lips against hers and kissed her deeply. It felt good to kiss her and know that she knew everything about me now. There were no more secrets between us. Not only did she save my life, but now she wanted me, and I wanted her.

  “You’re hurt!” she said noticing the blood oozing down my arm.

  “It’s just a scratch. A blaster grazed my arm,” I said.

  “So you had a battle? You came under fire? What happened? Are they close?” she said one question after another.

  “Yes, a small one, and no, they are not close, but there is another army that is near… it is a lot, and I will explain it all to you,” I said.

  “I need to clean that wound. I can at my home,” she said.

  “Let's get out of here then,” I said scooping her up into my arms. Before she could answer, I flew off of the gates, and toward her home.

  I set her down on her feet in the grass in front of her home.

  “Tell me about the scout,” she said walking toward the door and unlocking it. I shifted out of dragon form and then followed her inside.

  “It is bad news: very bad news,” I said. She went to the kitchen and poured water for the both of us. She handed me a glass and drank herself as she walked back to the kitchen to grab a small white box. “Tell me.”

  “There is a very large army over the mountain range three hundred miles from here. They are headed in this direction, but there is no way to tell if Providence is the target. They could shift direction at any time, especially with the mountain range in the way,” I said.

  “How large is the army?” she asked.

  “At least one hundred thousand strong, maybe more,” I said.

  The glass and white box fell out of her hand and crashed onto the floor.

  “Seriously? That big? It is unheard of. I have never known of a Clenok army to be that big, even in the major cities during the first attacks,” she said.

  “It is true. I saw it with my own eyes.”

  “Is that what happened here? You engaged in battle with this massive army? Are you so reckless?” she said as she sat down next to me and opened the white box. There were medical supplies in it. She poured water on my arm washing the blood away and dried it with a towel.

  “No, that is another story entirely. It is also not good news,” I said.

  She sighed. “Tell me I don’t know if it can get worse than an army of one hundred thousand Clenok cyborgs coming at us to annihilate us trying to make humans go extinct,” she said as she got out a white roll of bandage and ointment. “This isn’t bad. It’s not deep.”

  “I told you. It’s just a scratch. Our dragon skin is thick and protective.”

  “So what caused this graze?” she said as she gently applied the ointment on my arm and began to wrap the bandage around it.

  “It was one of those drones.”

  “What? Seriously? It was carrying cyborgs again? The cyborg shot at you?” she asked.

  “No, the drone did. They were armed drones. Lots of them. We were flying about thirty miles out from the massive army, and these drones started firing on us,” I said.



  “They were armed, and there were lots of them?” she asked with her eyes wide.

  “Yes, there were about fifty of them. We tried to shoot them down, but they weren’t that easy to kill. Then I got in fire range and shot my dragon fire at them, and it fried them. They fell right out of the sky,” I said.

  “What? Wait, you can shoot fire from your mouth?” she asked.

  “Yes, did I not tell you? You have not seen any Veruka do this since we arrived?” I asked.

  “No, I have not seen that. That is incredible. I don’t know what to say other than when can I see it?” she laughed.

  “Tomorrow, I promise,” I said.

  “Are you sure you got them all? What if they followed you here? How fast did they fly?” she asked as her army leader instincts kicked in. It was what I liked about her. One moment she was feminine and sexy, and the next she was a hard-core Sergeant with military cunning.

  “No, we made sure we took them all out and then flew in a way that they cannot. But one thing is for sure: the Clenok are evolving. They see these high walls around the human colonies, and they are finding a way around it,” I said.

  “So that's it. No matter what we do, even with your army, we are doomed. We will die,” she said.

  “No, I will think of something. I just need time,” I said.

  “Time is something we don't have. And since we don't have it, and may die anyway, I don't want to spend my last days in a panic. I want to spend them with you,” she said as she threw her leg over me, straddling me as I sat on the couch. She put her hands on either side of my face and kissed me. This was delicious.

  “Does this mean you want me to shift to dragon form?” I asked knowing her fetish.

  “No. I just want you as you are now,” she said running her hands through my hair. I sighed. This was more than lustful sex like we had the first time. This was real. We were going to die if this army reached us and she wanted me to make love to her. I was more than happy to oblige.

  I kissed her trembling pink lips. I put my hands around her small bottom and held her to me. She moaned and rubbed her body against my chest.

  “Let me take you to the bed, Sheila,” I whispered.

  “Yes,” she responded.

  I stood up, taking her with me as she wrapped her legs around my waist. I laid her down on her bed and looked her over. I wanted to remember every inch of her small human body. Her body was now part of my own body. I had claimed this human female for myself. She was mine.

  I kissed her again and slowly unbuttoned the shirt she wore. She watched me with her green eyes. There was desire and sadness in them. I wanted to take her fear of death away, even if just for tonight.

  “Kiss me again,” she asked.

  “Yes,” I said as I pressed my lips against hers. I felt that feeling radiate through me again; it was the euphoria waking up inside of me. It took over my senses like the dragon fire inside of me was burning stronger than ever.

  I pushed her shirt off and took off her bra. Her naked breasts were there for me to enjoy and so I clamped my mouth on one, fondling her hard nipple with my tongue, then the other. She sighed and pushed her fingers into my hair. I kissed and nibbled on her until my cock felt like it was going to explode out of my trousers.

  I unzipped her pants and pulled them off of her. She was now naked on the bed. I licked her thighs and ran my long tongue down her leg to her feet. Then I licked her all the way up once more, stopping at her wet center. She parted her thighs for me and licked and sucked on her until she exploded into orgasm, but I was only getting started.

  I stood up from the bed and disrobed. I wanted to be as naked as she was.

  “You are so beautiful, Azlo. I have never seen anything like you. You are sexy, and my protector,” she said.

  “I would give my life for you, Sheila,” I said.

  “I know. You have proven that over and over in more ways than one,” she said. Then she opened her arms to me, “Come to me. Make love to me like this is our last night together.”

  “Whatever you wish of me I will do it. I am yours, and you are mine, and we are bonded,” I said. I moved hovering over her, placing my body on top of hers. I pressed my skin against hers. She was so soft and smooth. Then I pushed my cock inside of her slowly, inch by inch. Her warmth enveloped me as she arched h
er back to meet mine. I watched her as her lips curled up into a smile as she received me. Damn, it felt good. The colors turned bright. My heart beat faster. The fire inside of me raged. I felt bliss wash over me like water had been poured on me. It was a fantastic feeling of white light hitting my very core. This was what being with a human female did to a Veruka weredragon. It brought complete euphoric joy to the point of insanity.

  I moved slowly as I kissed her body. She was petite and fragile underneath me as her thighs opened. I moved in and out with a gentle rhythm. She moaned and let her hands roam over my body with a caress that was tender and caring.

  “I’m going to cum…” she whispered, but before I could respond, she twisted underneath me. Her face grimaced as she released in orgasmic pleasure. I moaned as I watched her enjoy the sensation. I liked that I brought her happiness and satisfaction. It was all that I wanted to do for her.

  I, however, wanted to be inside of her longer and longer. I took my time enjoying the sensation that I felt being inside of her with slow, languid movements. She released again, and again. But then it was my time. I could not restrain myself any longer. I was on the verge of letting go again.

  I covered her mouth with mine and allowed myself to flow through her. The blinding white light of euphoria took over my body and overwhelmed all of my senses.

  Chapter 14

  Sergeant Sheila Adams

  I laid naked in my bed next to my weredragon lover. The thought of the massive Clenok cyborg army coming toward us was on my mind. We had two weeks, at the most, before they would arrive, and I could only hope the weather would delay them even longer. A good blizzard would stop them from moving for a couple of days. But we still needed to do something. They would get here eventually, no matter how long, if it took weeks or a year. There was no way to prepare for an army of that size. The only way we could win is if we weren't there in the village at all. That's it! I sat up in bed.

  “What is it?” Azlo asked.

  “I have a plan.”

  “I am listening,” he said as he sat up.

  “What if we let the Clenok take Providence?”

  “What? Are you insane? You would let the villagers die at the hands of the cyborgs?” he said looking at me confused.

  “No, what if we weren't here when the army arrived? Whenever they finally arrive. What if we evacuated? There are only five hundred people in this village. How many can your ships carry? What if we evacuate to this Haven Brook that you speak of? Does that village have room for five hundred more?” I asked.

  “That is a good plan. I never thought about moving the village; I don't see why we couldn't. My ships can carry that many, even if it takes more than one trip. My ships are fast, and we can fly into the atmosphere where the cyborgs won't detect us. Haven Brook had many abandoned houses, more than five hundred, and it was a bigger village than this. They had many resources and my king can you bring more. I think we can do this,” he said.

  “Great, so we can vacuum wait and then we can set up a trap here,” I said.

  “What? What trap?” he asked.

  “We have the keddle in the bank. We can turn it on again and bring them here. Maybe they will reconnect to it or take it to the repair facility. The panel will have the virus, and it spread to whatever the machines connected to. They recycle,” I said.

  “That is a brilliant idea. But we can't turn on the panel until after the evacuation, or it might alert smaller bands of Clenok in the area like the first ones that came.”

  “You are right. It can't be turned on until the town has been evacuated completely and all of your soldiers are gone. We have to make sure that all are safe before setting the trap. So I will stay behind to do it,” I said.

  “Like hell you will. It is too dangerous,” he said.

  “Someone has to do it. It is my plan. I won't ask another to sacrifice and put themselves in danger for a plan that I came up with. I have to be the one to do it,” I said getting angry at him.

  “Fine, if you were going to be that stubborn, then I will stay with you. We will do it together,” he said.

  “You will?” I asked.

  “Of course I will. You will need someone to fly you out of here, and since you do not have wings or a ship, you need me. Admit it; I want to hear it. Say you need me,” he said.

  “I need you, Azlo. I need you, and I need your help,” I said playfully.

  “I like the sound of that. Now let's get out of bed and put this plan of evacuation into action. I will go tell my soldiers at the base camp, and you can handle telling the villagers,” he said as he jumped out of bed.

  “I will call for an assembly,” I said.

  He pulled me into his arms and kissed me. I melted against him. His kisses always made me hot and warm inside.

  We went our separate ways. He went to the base, and I went to the village center. It was busy in the middle of the day. I spread the word: assembly in one hour. The word spread fast. An hour later, I was standing in front of the five hundred villagers, except for those that stayed on the fence always keeping watch.

  “People of Providence! I have bad news. There is a very large Clenok army three hundred miles from here. They are headed in the direction of our village, but there is no way to know if we are their final destination. But because of the size of the army, we need to take drastic measures. The army has been reported to be the size of one hundred thousand cyborgs,” I said.

  Commotion and panic gripped the crowd. Everyone began talking over each other. They knew that this was bad news and that we did not have a chance. Not even with the dragon army.

  “Please! Quiet down. There is more! I shouted.

  They became quiet and looked at me. Casper was at my side and already knew the information that I was about to say because I had told him first.

  “We and the Veruka weredragons know that we are no match for an army of that size. But it will be days before they reach us. So we plan to use that time wisely. The Veruka have agreed to help us evacuate Providence and take us to another human colony called Haven Brook. This colony has a better defense system in place, and they have room and resources to share with us. This is our only hope. Each of you are allowed to bring one bag with you in the evacuation. I urge you to bring clothing, shoes, and small sentimental items. We will all be packing light. You will not be bringing boxes with you. This is not moving day. This is an emergency evacuation. I don't know when the evacuations will start, but I would like you all to go home and to prepare. If you have questions, Casper will be your go-to person. I will be busy working with the Veruka to oversee this evacuation. I must also ask that when we arrive at Haven Brook, you all be on your best behavior. Bringing people together is never an easy thing, and at first, we will be their guests until we acclimate to their society. But this is a good thing. You will have more people to meet and to talk to you and share experiences with. There is a bigger Veruka army stationed there, as well as their king. Therefore it is a more secure than our village. The Veruka will be taking us on their airships to Haven Brook. Now go; prepare for evacuation,” I said.

  The crowd dispersed rapidly. There was chaos but also a tone of hope. They seemed to be anxious to get out of Providence and to see this new human colony. I did not blame them. Being around the same five hundred people over and over for the last few years had been hard for everyone. It would be good to create new friendships and be in a new environment.

  “Casper, go prepare your own evacuation bag and then make yourself available here in the village to those that might have questions. I will be at the Veruka basecamp should you need me,” I said.

  “Yes, Sergeant, and, Sergeant… thank you. This is a good plan,” he said.

  “I am glad that you think so. Thank you for your help as well,” I said.

  Chapter 15

  General Azlo Bron

  “The guards on the fence will be the last to evacuate. That way we have a lookout until the very end,” Sheila said to me as she stood in
my office.

  "That is a good plan,” I said. I was very impressed with my human female’s military background and intelligence. She was my match in every way. I could not get enough of her. She had come up with this brilliant plan to evacuate Providence. In truth, I did not even think of such a thing. I had been racking my mind thinking about how to protect Providence from this massive army, and she thought outside the box. She simply thought about not protecting it at all and allowing Providence to fall to the cyborg army and utilizing it. She came up with the evacuation and setting the trap of spreading the virus to this army of one hundred thousand Clenok. Damn, she was brilliant. Damn, she was sexy as hell.

  “The first ships are leaving in an hour. It will take two trips and then all Providence population will be in Haven Brook or on the way. I have a smaller ship for my own personal use that will remain behind for you and me after we set the trap,” I said.


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